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Mikus had been no help. Apparently, Tendo himself had requested his whereabouts be kept private and that was that. Alec had no choice but to go on with his strange half alien life and hope that perhaps his friend would reach out in the future. Or at the very least come and see his child when it was born. He did his best to forget, though the alien man was never far from his mind.

He was six months pregnant when it happened; Lowrei came running into his room at three in the morning shouting and talking so fast his sleep addled brain couldn’t keep up. Even after he’d dragged himself up his friend was bouncing on her toes, practically buzzing with nervous energy.

“You probably shouldn’t be moving around that fast when you’re pregnant.” Alec grumbled as he flicked on the lights, “How do you have so much energy?”

“Second trimester burst?” Lowrei guessed, “It’s doesn’t matter, haven’t you been listening to what I am saying?”

“No, I was sleeping.”

“They figured out a way to send messages in real time through the wormhole!”

Suddenly Alec was very awake.

“How? Have they sent messages yet? Does Earth know that’s we’re…this?”

“Yes.” Lowrei swallowed, “Mikus told me. They thought it would be a nice surprise for us in the morning but he couldn’t wait.”

The idea of all of Earth knowing he was a woman now, an alien woman, an alien pregnant woman. It stirred up all the humiliation he’d buried deep down inside. After coming to peace with his new body and even the pregnancy, Alec had taken solace in the fact that on Haraa at least, he was still a hero, his manhood was not in question because well, they had no real concept of it. But now, knowing that all of Earth was probably snickering behind their hands, or hell, laughing out loud. It made him flush deep green.

“The dilation has been wonkier than ever before. It’s been almost ten years on Earth.” Lowrei said with a shaky voice, “My family, all our friends, they’re all probably still alive and, Gods, if my father knew how happy I was like this…he’d disown me. He was so proud when I took on this mission, a man’s mission, he called it. Oh gods…”

“Hey, Lowrei, breathe.” Alec placed a soft hand on his friend’s shoulder, easing her down to sit on the bed where she wrapped herself around her steadily growing belly.

“Do you think they’ll send us messages?”

“Almost certainly.”

The two friends were silent for a moment but Alec could almost hear their minds racing; or perhaps it was just the blood rushing in his head. This planet and their new lives were so separate from their old ones, perhaps that is why he’d had such an easy time adjusting to this new body. Now, faced with the reality of Earth again, Alec felt sick. And poor Lowrei, she was shaking as tears formed in her wide eyes. She wasn’t just anxious like him, she was terrified. A new, almost motherly instinct filled him and Alec wrapped his arms around Lowrei’s trembling shoulders.

“No matter what they say, you are doing the right thing. For Haraa and yourself.” He whispered, “You’re exactly who you’re supposed to be Lowrei.”

Her eyes shone and a small smile tugged at her lips.

“Thank you.”


The inevitable messages arrived a few days later; from family, friends, colleges, detailing everything that had happened in the last ten years. Alec could scarcely believe a decade had passed for them when not even a year had passed here. Usually, it was Haraa that moved forward faster. Apparently, the messages took a few hours to come through the wormhole, not instant, and there was no telling how much time could pass before you formulated your reply. But for the first time, conversations could happen fairly quickly between their people. Mikus informed them that already more ships were being prepared to send women to Haraa to aid in the breeding efforts, though how long it would take until they were ready was unknown.

Alec’s was just reading about his sisters’ children, who had been born after he left when Lowrei walked in holding a letter. It was addressed to ‘Charlie’ because of course it was. Her face was a mix of emotions; all of them bad.

“Is that from your father?” Alec asked quietly, Lowrei shook her head.

“My mother.” She whispered, “My father…he had a heart attack. Three years ago. He’ll never know who I really was.”

Yikes. Alec was very much no equipped to deal with this. He wished Tendo were here, he’d know what to say. Actually, no; Tendo would start babbling until one of them told him to stop, and then they’d all laugh. A pang passed through him and the baby kicked. Then, Alec shook his head free of such thoughts, he couldn’t be focusing on Tendo now, Lowrei needed him.

The pregnant woman flopped down next to him on the couch, hand resting atop her stomach. A soft smile tugged at both their lips watching the skin shift ever so slightly as the baby rolled inside.

“I had this whole plan.” Lowrei whispered, “I was going to throw back all his bigotry in his face. I was going to talk about how beautiful this baby is and how beautiful I am as a mother and…now I never get the chance.”

She took a deep breath.

“I should be happy; I don’t have to deal with the heartache but now I’m never going to get closure.”

Alec mused for a moment, rubbing circles on his belly to sooth the baby who was currently turning somersaults.

“Maybe, your life can be closure.” He said finally, “Live it to the fullest, have a hundred babies, just to spite him. Hell, name one of the babies after him, Haraavan’s don’t know Harvey is a boy’s name.”

“I’d never curse one of my children like that.” Lowrei chuckled, at least he’d gotten her to smile. “Do you have any names planned?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been reading through all the names on the Haraavan database and well…Tendo is still my favourite. I’ll probably call them that.”

“Do you think they’ll stop you?”

“I’d like to see them try.”


Alec groaned; the baby was kicking, again. Haraavan’s carried their babies for ten months and human nine so nobody quite knew when he was going to go into labour. In his final trimester Alec felt ready to burst; his stomach was huge, combined with the swelling to his breasts and ass he felt as though he physically couldn’t get any curvier. The baby constantly kicked and turned, stretching out his skin and making him wheeze.

With a sigh he rolled over, trying in vain to get comfortable. His hand ran across the smooth sheets and not for the first time, he wished he had somebody to share it with. Alec had never been the type to settle down; but he missed having somebody to warm his bed. Another painful kick; the damn kid was going to be a gymnast he swore. He tossed and turned, finally settling back down into a light slumber when another kick had his entire body spasming. No wait, that wasn’t a kick. There was a sudden gush of fluid and Alec found himself staring down between his legs.

“Oh fuck.”

The next few minutes, or was it hours, were a blur. There were phone calls and suddenly he was in the lab downstairs in a sterile room with a dozen different specialists. He’d often seen women gush about their birth experience, how they did it with no pain relief and how it was magical. Alec on the other hand huffed about as much gas as he could and just wanted it over. When that final push came and he flopped back on the bed in relief he could scarcely catch his breath.

Through the haze of exhaustion and scientists he could see them; a tiny green body tipped with small antenna and shiny brown eyes, not quite the metallics of a pure-blooded Haraavan. For some reason that made Alec smile, the kid had something to show for their human parentage. He was shocked when all of sudden, the little bundle was against his chest, little eyes squinting up at him blearily.

“He’s Haraavan, in all the ways that count,” Mikus told him, “We’ve taken samples and it’s too early to be sure, but we think this little one may just have the cure for our condition.”

“If not, there is always Lowrei’s child.” Alec mumbled; he was still looking down at the baby. “Who’s going to look after him?”

Alec wasn’t a family man; he’d signed up for this mission thinking he was going to be a glorified sperm donor, the same went for this child. It was hard to really connect the dots between this little life and the one that had been growing inside him. He loved the child but in the same way you love a cousin or sibling; a sense of family but not paternity. Mikus looked uncomfortable for a moment before answering.

“The original plan was for them to be adopted by some of the staff but since we know exactly who this child’s parent is…”


Mikus nodded.

“He’s…in the other room.”


The baby cried out at the sudden sound and they had to spend several minutes shushing him.

“He’s here and nobody told me?” Alec hissed, “He’s the father of my…I should have been told.”

“He thought you had enough on your mind.”

“Tendo thinks too much.” Alec grit his teeth, “Take the baby and send him in here. Now.”

Logically speaking, Alec knew Tendo was both taller and broader than he had ever been as a human, yet as he walked into the surgery room, he couldn’t help but notice how small the scientist looked. His eyes were full of concern but he said nothing.

“Well?” Alec asked, “You’d better have a damn good excuse for disappearing the entire pregnancy.”

“I thought it was best we didn’t see each other again. I overstepped, majorly, I hurt you I-“

“Hurt me? For fucks sake Tendo, despite how I look I’m not some blushing maiden!”

Tendo just blinked at him as Alec continued to shout.

“We’re mates! Friends! Friends who were having a good time and had a good thing going until you just up and disappeared, did it maybe occur to you to, I don’t know, come talk to me?”

“I know. I’m sorry.” Tendo’s shoulders slumped, “Could we talk, now? Where’s…?”

“Mikus took the baby to rest and feed. He’s Haraavan.”

A sense of pride flickered across Tendo’s face and Alec felt himself soften ever so slightly. He waved the alien over and finally, for the first time in months they talked. Tendo talked about his feeling of failure, his firing from the institute and he’d been punishing himself for his actions and mistakes for months.

“When Mikus told me you were in labour I had to come. To make sure you were both okay.” He sighed, “I’m currently working as an assistant in a small research centre, nothing so cutting edge as this. But they were the only people who would take me after a dishonourable discharge.”

“If I give my two cents, do you think they’ll let you adopt the baby?” Alec asked, “Is it even adopting if you’re their genetic parent?”

To his great surprise, Tendo’s eyes welled up and he whispered.

“You’d let me do that?”

“Of course.” Alec shrugged, “I think they’re more your child than mine. Hell, I was going to name him Tendo before you showed up.”

A strange high-pitched noise came from the back of Tendo’s throat and Alec couldn’t help but give him a teasing grin.

“Don’t cry, Tendo.”

“I-I’m not.”

“Oh, get out there and meet your son you big softie.”


“How do I look?”

Lowrei posed, silver dress clinging to her curves and stretched over her pregnant belly flatteringly.

“Great.” Alec replied, “I still can’t believe you’re having a third child; you know since TJ’s DNA solved the genetic degeneration issue they don’t need us to have more kids.”

She stuck out her tongue.

“I happen to like it. You should see their faces Alec, when a couple comes in and collects the child knowing they have an ‘original’ human hybrid child. They treat you like an absolute star.”

She wasn’t lying. At three years old TJ was probably the most famous toddler in the world. Tendo did his best to keep him out of the spotlight but it was hard. People flocked to see Haraa’s Angel and his ‘mother’ when he came to visit. Alec, for his part had been happy simply having one child. TJ was a good kid and one day they would explain to him how he was more than just a fun uncle who came to visit every few days but for now, it was easier that way. Tendo and he managed to repair their friendship and, of course, fell into bed together often. It wasn’t exactly the life he’d expected to have here but it was a good one; filled with friends and a very strange sort of family. A family that was about to get its first human members in years.

It felt odd, being on this side of the spaceship. Especially appearing as he did; with green tinged skin, antenna and curves. If they’d gotten word, even a year ago, that other humans were on their way Alec likely would have hidden. But Tendo, his people and his son had instilled a sort of confidence in Alec; he may not be biologically male anymore but nobody forced him to go by ‘she’. He may look a little strange, inhuman, but he was still himself and he’d done this planet and the universe as a whole a service. Nowadays, he couldn’t bring himself to regret it.

The doors to the ship opened with a hiss, the ramp descending into the yellow grass as several figures in cryosuits descended. Mostly women but, to his surprise, several men. He watched as their eyes adjusted to the light, scanning the crowd and eventually settling their gaze on him and Lowrei. He gave them a hard smile, almost daring them to say something while Lowrei stepped forward.

“I am Lowrei.” She smiled, arms open, “Welcome to our planet.”


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