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When Alec woke, he was back in his bed. For a moment he wondered if Tendo had carried him but swiftly shook such ideas out of his mind. The scientist probably got an assistant to wheel him up in the bio bed and deposit him here so he’d be more comfortable. Still, he couldn’t help but blush at the mental image of the green skinned alien carrying him to bed bridal style. His body had continued its changes as he slept, looking down he could now see a pale green tinge to his skin and feel his antennae brushing against the nape of his neck. He raised a hand and stroked down them, instantly making his entire body shiver at the touch; he didn’t realise the appendages were so…sensitive. They were slimmer than the other Haraavan’s, by a lot actually. Their growths almost an inch wide at their thickest whereas his seemed only be about as wide as his thumb, ropey yet smooth.

He experimented, finding he could move them as easily as any other limb, though their shortness made those movements somewhat limited. Tendo and the other aliens he had met all had varying length antenna, from shoulder length to half way down their backs; idly he wondered how long his would get. He spent the flicking through the various entertainment channels on his tv, finally learning a bit more about the culture of the planet; he even found a list of the top rated films of all time and vowed to make his way through them.

After lunch there was a ping from the elevator and Charlie stepped out. His body was all curves, his skin an even darker pigment than his own and his antenna brushed his shoulders. If Alec didn’t know any better, he never would have guessed that just a few days ago Charlie had been a man. The looked was exemplified by a flowing tunic style dress in the Haraavan style he gave a demure smile when their eyes met.

“How do I look?”

Alec bit his lip.

“…Great.” He said honestly after a moment, his anger from yesterday was yet to fully return.

“I wanted to say sorry, about what happened.” Charlie said, “I got too caught up in how I was feeling I didn’t really think about how hard this must be for you.”

He sat down on the couch and reached, as if to take Alec’s hand before thinking better of it and resting it in his lap.

“I was being an ass too.” Alec sighed, “I just…how are you so okay with this? Being turned into a woman, an alien woman at that.”

Charlie shifted uncomfortably in his seat before taking a deep breath.

“Because I’ve always been a woman.”

Alec blinked.

“I tried not to think about it.” Charlie spoke, words coming faster and faster, “I told myself it was a phase, that if I joined some manly profession, it’d get knocked out of me and I’d stop wanting to wear dresses and have tits but it never did. So, when this mission came up, I thought it would be perfect, what’s more manly than fathering children? I thought maybe, this would finally make me feel like a real man.”

“And then the mix up.”

“And then the mix up. Suddenly, not only did I have the chance to really become a woman and carry a baby, I could use the excuse that it was out of my control. I had to do it, for the good of an entire species.”

“So…you’re trans.”

“I think so.”

Alec couldn’t help it. He laughed. Charlie looked stricken; tears began to well in his eyes before Alec pulled himself together.

“No, no I’m not laughing at you I just…what are the odds? They picked the perfect person for this mission with you!”

“You don’t care? That I like being this?”

Alec snorted.

“Look, I know I can be a bit of a dick and I won’t lie, I’m probably going to mess up and call you a ‘he’ or something at points but I am not a total asshole, Charlie. If your happy being a woman, I’m happy for you.”

Charlie’s tears spilled over and were quickly wiped away.

“Thanks man.”

Alec tried not to flinch at the use of the word ‘man’, a stab of emasculation passed through him like a bolt of lightning. That words didn’t suit him, not anymore.

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m going to start going by Lowrei.”


“It’s a Haraavan name, it means flower.” Char-Lowrie blushed, “I thought it was pretty and you know, a new life, flower, it sort of works.”

“Well…it’s nice to meet you Lowrie.” Alec teased, “Sorry in advance for when I call you Charlie out of habit.”

“Apology accepted in advance.”

Charlie glanced between them, their changing bodies and began to giggle. Alec followed suit; how had their lives gotten so bloody weird in just a few days? How did becoming the first humans to visit an alien world become the least strange thing to happen this week? Soon even Alec was brushing tears of laughter from his eyes and for a moment, he found some peace from the storm raging inside.


As the days passed, both Alec and Lowrei continued to change. Their butts and busts grew, their legs lengthened along with their antennae and all the hair fell off leaving their bodies smooth and silky. One morning, two weeks after the first injection, Alec woke to find his eyes had taken on a metallic sheen; not quite as strong as pureblood Haraavan’s but certainly noticeable. His body wasn’t the only thing changing either; Tendo’s behaviour had also started to shift. While he was always professional, it seemed the scientist was finally becoming at ease around them, laughing, joking and chatting amicably each time they visited his lab. He always took great care to ensure their treatments were as painless as possible, often waiting by their bedsides while they rested just in case they needed anything.

When Alec had mentioned his intention to watch all of Haraa’s greatest films Tendo had lit up. Reading over the list he’d found and scoffing, writing up a far better one himself.

“You want real classics, not the mass market stuff.” He’d argued, “Come, I shall show you.”

And so, movie night had been born. When Tendo and his team came to check on him each night, they did Alec second so Tendo could stay behind and introduce him to yet another film. Which is where they were now; sat on opposites sides of the couch watching some Haraavan actor finally defeat his arch enemy and kiss their partner passionately under the moonlight.

“It’s amazing how so many lightyears away, some things are still the same.” Alec mused, leaning back against the couch, “Pretty sure you could change the scenery a little, make them humans and you wouldn’t be able to tell it was made by Haraavans.”

“How interesting, perhaps all biological species share an unconscious fondness for similar stories.”



“Has anybody ever told you, you’re a nerd?”


The deadpan response made Alec snort and giggle. He turned to ask if they wanted to watch another but found Tendo staring, Alec followed his gaze and blushed deeply. Since their bodies were changing so rapidly, Alec and Charlie had taken to wearing loose robes that could be adjusted with ease. It seemed he didn’t tie his properly this time and it had fallen open; cheeks burning he quickly tugged at the fabric and demurred.


“No, it is fine. I should not have stared it is just, Haraavan’s do not naturally have such organs unless we are with child.”

“You only get boobs if you’re pregnant?”

“Or currently feeding. One of the side effects of being a single sex, our bodies are all capable of milk production but they shrink when that function is not needed.”

Alec’s eyes slide to Tendo’s chest, curiosity peaked.

“Could I…see?”

Tendo nodded and began to unbutton his shirt. The room suddenly felt very hot, why was that? He just wanted to look at Tendo’s chest for scientific reasons, idle curiosity, nothing more. So why were his palms sweating? As expected, Tendo’s chest was green and smooth though surprisingly muscles, his pecs were a size or so larger than a muscular human and after a moment of observation Alec could imagine what they’d look like swollen up. A strange desire stirred in his stomach and he realised he was now sitting mere inches from the alien. Those copper eyes staring right into his soul. They both swallowed.

“Excuse me.” Tendo shuffled back; his voice was strained.

A sudden thought occurred.

“Oh shit, is showing off your chest…meaningful in your culture? Did I just cross some line? Fuck, I should have read up like Charlie, I’m so-“

“No, nothing like that.” Tendo gave him a strained smile, “I am afraid I am the one at fault. Seeing your breasts is…most Haraavan’s find the sight very attractive. When one of us impregnate another, seeing their breasts swell and fill is, how did you put it…a turn on?”

Alec’s heart began to thump inside his chest.

“It has been a very long time since I have seen somebody with breasts and…I think I should go.”

Some primal part of Alec’s brain seemed to switch on; perhaps it was all the hormones swirling in his system but the idea that Tendo found him attractive was…not unpleasant. Ever since his pussy formed, Alec had been afraid to touch himself, ignoring all the pent-up lust that was steadily building. Maybe it was that, maybe it was the fact that over the past few weeks Tendo had become a close friend; Alec really couldn’t say but whatever the reason, he didn’t want him to go.

He reached out, grabbing Tendo’s sleeve by the cuff and holding him in place. For a second they just stared at one another, then to his great Surprise Alec said;


Alec pulled the alien man back down onto the couch, pressing his body up against Tendo experimentally and sighing as they made skin contact. God he’d missed sex; the feel of another body against his own.

“You are not yourself.” Tendo swallowed, “The hormones are likely effecting your libido and-“



“Shut up.”

Alec pressed their lips together and he felt every muscle in Tendo’s body tense; he could practically hear the gears turning in the alien’s mind; weight up each course of action, trying to figure out what was right and whether to respond.

“Stop thinking.”

Alec mumbled against his lips, pressing his tongue against Tendo’s mouth and groaning with satisfaction when the man finally yielded. He’d spent months dreaming of this, having sex with an alien and granted, this isn’t exactly what he’d had in mind but it made him hot as fuck regardless. Weeks of repression finally gave way and Alec found himself not caring what his body looked like, only what he could feel. And right now, he could feel something warm and hard pressing against the bottom of his robe. He ground down on it, climbing into Tendo’s lap and shuddering. Never in his life, even after being selected for this mission, had he been so grateful Haraavan and Human’s were physically compatible.

Alec spread his hands across the smoothness of Tendo’s chest before rising them up his shoulders to those antennae; were they as sensitive as his? He got his answer seconds later when he grabbed hold of them and stroked, Tendo’s head fell backwards and a deep groan escaped his lips; the sound went straight to Alec’s loins. He wanted to hear it again. In response, Tendo’s rough hands found his breasts and began to stroke, calloused thumbs brushing across the nipples causing Alec to shudder involuntarily. His skin felt like it was on fire and the ache between his legs deepened.

Then something brushed against his underwear; a finger, Tendo’s hands traced down the curve of his body till one was resting inside his robe, pressing against a damp spot that was steadily growing.

“I’ve been wanting to touch this since I first saw it.” He breathed, pulling aside the fabric.

It must have been strange for Tendo, being unisex, to have a partner of only one. Right now, though, all Alec cared about was the fact that those deft hands were finally parting his folds. He never realised how sensitive pussies were, so much more than his cock and for the first time, he didn’t miss the appendage. Even just a single finger slowly stroking back and forth felt like pure ecstasy. His hips began to buck, pressing against the finger in an effort to get more friction. Tendo’s free hand wrapped around his waist and pressed against the small of Alec’s back, holding him in place while his fingers teased mercilessly.

“I love the sounds you make.”

Alec wished he could respond with something witty or clever but he couldn’t think straight with his clit being slowly circled, the only sounds able to escape his mouth were breathy moans. He couldn’t take this much longer; his hands dove for the hem of Tendo’s trousers, yanking them down as the man lifted his hips to help slip them off entirely. Despite his desperation, Alec couldn’t help but pause for a moment to admire the Haraavan’s naked form for the first time. Tendo was in fact, of both genders physically at least, though what caught Alec’s eye at this moment was his cock. Green like the rest of him and big, at least an inch bigger than most humans. Just looking at it made his body shudder in anticipation.

Tendo’s hands found his hips, lifting Alec firmly, yet gently up and over his member before lowering him down. Alec’s head flew back and his eyes rolled backwards in his head as his inner walls parted. There was a stretch, a burn inside him that gave him a kind of gratification he’d never felt, eagerly he sunk down further until finally he was fully impaled. He forced his eyes open and gazed right into those warm copper eyes. Neither of them said anything and then, Alec began rising slightly and sinking back down. After a few movements Tendo began to rock his hips in tandem, the tip of his cock hitting that deepest part of Alec and making his body quiver. It felt incredible, he felt as though every neuron in his brain was firing off dopamine. He needed more, more friction, more power, more Tendo. This was not lovemaking or two partners taking it slow their first time; both of them were desperate and hungry. Within seconds Tendo was slamming up into him, hard and fast and Alec was riding even more so. He braced his hands on those broad shoulders and ground down hard, feeling his pussy tighten around the length as the tip brushed his new G-spot.

With a curse under his breath, Alec came. Pleasure washed over him and his whole body tightened in response, squeezing his partner for all he was worth. The alien let out a deep moan in that wonderful baritone and Alec could feel something being pumped into him. Warm wetness soaked him, inside and out as they collapsed back into the couch in a sweaty tangle of limbs.

“I’m not sure what the rules are around scientists and their subjects but, I think we just broke it.” Alec mumbled after a moment, gently raising his hips, and shivering as Tendo withdrew. Already his body ached to be filled again, he almost felt incomplete on his own.

“Most certainly.” Tendo nodded, though his grip on Alec’s shoulders didn’t lessen.

“We should probably make sure this is a onetime thing.”


“Still friends?”

“Still friends.”

And so, Alec pulled on his dressing gown and Tendo redressed, bidding him goodnight with an awkward cough. Leaving Alec to return to his bed; finding it far too cold and empty to sleep soundly. His pussy still pulsed with residual pleasure and he sighed; that had been fun but he knew it couldn’t happen again.


But it did.

Many times.

As days began to pass Alec found himself with less and less control when it came to his body. The first few days he masturbated, trying to think of hot human women or the green amazons of his teenhood fantasies; but they always morphed into a certain Haraavan in the end. Each day in the lab he could feel the electricity between them, every time Tendo’s hands touched his bare skin, he had to hold back a moan. Then, when they’d been taking the elevator back up to his room to watch a film they’d snapped. It was impossible to say who’d acted first but Alec had ended up pushed against the wall with Tendo buried deep inside him, moaning his name.

Since then, they could barely keep their hands off each other, every second they were alone they stole touches, kisses and more often more. Alec’s new body craved sex and he loved how intimately Tendo studied him each and every time; running his deft fingers along the increasing curve of his hips or along his lengthening antenna. They reach halfway down his back now and were so sensitive Tendo could get him to cum just by stroking them.

Lowrei had also undergone more changes, her skin taking on a much darker green hue that, if the reactions around them were anything to go by, was highly desirable. Unlike Alec though, she’d remained chaste, eagerly awaiting their final day of treatments.

Together they sat, while the team of scientists examined them, testing everything from basal temperatures to blood pressure. Today was the most important day in their history; the day their human hybrid ‘women’ were to conceive. As Tendo had described, a mixed batch of Haraavan seed had been donated, ready for insemination once their physicals were complete. Alexc looked at his green, bodacious body reflected back in the metal of the machinery and marvelled; he couldn’t believe that was really him. What’s more, he actually liked what he saw. Tendo worshipped his body each night and ever since their dalliance had begun, Alec had been feeling more at home in this new form. He didn’t feel female, but since Haraavan’s lacked gender, nobody thought twice when he kept his male pronouns. The idea of being pregnant soon didn’t actually fill him with dread; he turned to give Charlie a smile but found his eyes drawn to the scientists. They were all huddled together, hushed. Tendo looked stricken and the two former humans shared worried looks.

Something was wrong.

An argument broke out, harsh whispers Alec couldn’t quite make out before Tendo walked out of the room. He swallowed, if something was wrong, he wanted Tendo here with him, why was he leaving?

Another scientist stepped forward and cleared their throat.

“Lowrei, you are ready for insemination, if you’d like to lay down but Alec, if we may have a word over here?”

Lowrei shot him an alarmed look but did as she was told, Alec followed the Haraavan to the back of the room, with each step his heartbeat seemed to get louder.

“We cannot inseminate you.” The scient said harshly.

“What why not Am I sick or something?”

“No.” He cleared his throat, “We cannot inseminate you because you’re already pregnant.”


The pregnancy itself was a blessing but the fact that Tendo had crossed such a huge line while already on thin ice; that was certainly not. The entire laboratory, hell, the entire planet, was in turmoil. Tendo’s face was all over the media; some called him a horrible abusive scientist, others claimed the two of them had fallen in love; neither were true but still, Alec was drowning in guilt. He’d not seen Tendo since he left the lab and nobody would tell him where he was. Lowrei comforted him as best she could but nothing quieted his mind.

Lacking any other option, he flung himself into ‘motherhood’. He followed the doctors’ notes to the letters, ate and drank all the recommended Haraa foods, avoided the tv and radio stations like the plague, exercised. If he never saw Tendo again at least he could take comfort in knowing he gave his child the best possible start to life. And as time began to pass and his belly began swelling, he found himself feeling close to the child growing inside him. When he’d agreed to this Alec had only hoped the child’s mixed DNA could provide the cure but now, all he wanted was for his and Tendo’s baby to live a long and happy life.

“This magazine is claiming Tendo spiked your drugs with aphrodisiacs.” Lowrei sneered, “That he has a god complex and wanted to be the first to have a natural born child in a decade.”


“Did he though?” Lowrei’s question wasn’t pointed, her silvery eyes shone with sincerity.

“No, we just…I don’t know.” Alec sat down gingerly, “I’m not in love with whim or anything. But he was my friend and we were having fun. You know how, when you’re a teenager and you first discover what it’s like to get off, so you do it all the time? It was sort of like that. He made me feel good and…yeah.”

“And it seriously didn’t occur to you to be more careful?”

“The Haraavan’s don’t have protection, they need all the babies they can get! Why would that even cross his mind and well…I guess I was distracted.”

He sighed.

“And now that’s cost Tendo everything.”

Lowrei put a hand on his shoulder.

“I’ve lost my species, my gender and now the only Haraavan friend I’ve made.” Tears burned at the back of his eyes, “It’s all my fault.”

He was sobbing and he didn’t even care. He was overflowing with guilt and hormones; nobody could blame him. Lowrei held his shoulders, letting him cry with no judgement and Alec felt another stab of guilt. The way he’d treated her, he didn’t deserve such tenderness.

“Tell you what, I am pretty good friend with one of Tendo’s old colleagues, Mikus. I’ll ask him what’s happened to Tendo and if we can see him again.”

“I’ve asked everybody.”

“Yeah, but I am way more charming than you.”

Alec snorted.

It was worth a shot.


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