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After being turned into a werewolf against her will a sheltered noble woman is forced to submit to the pack Alpha in order to survive.


Elowen leaned against the side of the carriage, staring out into the forest as it slowly passed her  by. She had never travelled through the Fellwood before but she felt the name was apt, it was a dark and dreary place. The shadows between the trees seemed to move in a way that unsettled  her.

A gentle touch on her hand.  

“Don’t worry.” 

She turned to face her companion, soon to be husband. Lord Simon Astor was a catch,  according to her father, a handsome man who was known to be kind and most importantly  wealthy. Elowen had to admit, he’d made a good first impression when he had arrived at her  family’s estate three days ago; he’d been charming, warm and surprisingly easy to talk to. She  didn’t believe in love at first sight but she certainly could see herself loving this man soon  enough.

“Another few hours and we’ll be at the inn, then tomorrow home.” He continued with a warm  smile.

Elowen returned the smile and nodded. She didn’t mind the long journey, creepy forest  notwithstanding. She liked Simon, she really did but they were to be married the day after they  arrived in Vularen, his home city. That would mean performing certain wifely duties. She was no  child; her mother had explained what would be expected of her on her wedding night many  times since she was old enough to know of such things. But the most intimate thing she had ever  done was allow Simon to kiss her, chastely, as they set off together this morning. She knew  nothing about how to please a man.

Suddenly, the carriage jolted as the horses came to a sudden stop. Elowen would have been flung  to the floor had Simon not caught her. The carriage was still now but she could hear the horses  snorting and stamping their feet as the coachman tried to get them moving again.

“Stay here.” Simon whispered, stepping outside and asking what the holdup was.

She stuck her head out to listen but a glint in the forest line caught her eye. A shiver of fear  worked down her spine, a weapon? Were there bandits in the Fellwood? Instantly she became  hyper aware of the finery she was wearing, if she gave them all her jewellery would they leave  her and her finance alone? The coachman yelled out and her eyes whipped forward in time to see  a huge beast stalking out in front of the carriage.

Dark grey fur, sharp white teeth and yellow eyes stared into her.  

A wolf. 

A massive wolf.

The creature stood almost as tall as the horses, its hackles raised and a deep growl was echoing  from its throat. That growl was then joined by others at its side, brown, white and grey, more  giant wolves were encircling their carriage. Elowen’s trembling worsened, were there any  weapons in the carriage? She’d never used a sword before but she couldn’t just stand here and let  these things tear her apart!

“Werewolves! Elowen, get back inside!” Simon yelled, unsheathing the rapier at his side.

Ice filled her veins. She’d heard that Werewolves existed in the Fellwood once but heroes had  wiped them out years ago, or so everybody thought. The grey wolf, the largest among them  snapped its jaws and made for them and Elowen shrieked. The coachman attempted to flee only  for the brown wolf to dive for him, great jaws closing around his neck. There was a spray of  blood and a horrid snapping sound before the beast dropped a limp body from its jaws.

He was dead and it had only taken seconds.

Simon had placed himself between the grey wolf and the carriage in an attempt to shield her but  he couldn’t possibly fight all three. She didn’t want this man to die for her. The White wolf,  smaller and sleeker than the others darted forward, Simon’s rapier slicing across it’s face as he  turned to try and stop it. It did nothing to stop the monster as it dove for her and lacking any  better idea Elowen raised her arms to try and protect herself.

Agony exploded as the creatures’ teeth sunk into her, its great jaws encircling her entire forearm.  Desperately she kicked and struggled but that only seemed to dig the fangs closer to bone.  Suddenly, there was a pained yelp and the pressure released.

“Run, Elowen!”

Simon’s blade was buried in the white wolf’s side but its packmates were fast approaching.  Hugging her injured arm to her chest she shakily got to her feet and began to stumble into the  tree line. The sound of growls and pained cries echoed after her and she felt tears burning in her  eyes. This wasn’t how her life was supposed to end.

Elowen could feel her dress getting caught on brambles and sticks as she fled but she didn’t stop.  Her shoes came lose in the wet earth and soon she was running barefoot, doing her best to ignore  the pain as rocks and sticks cut into her feet. The wolves were behind her, she could tell. With  tears burning in her eyes, she realised she was being toyed with, there was no way a sheltered  noble lady could be faster than those powerful beasts but even that thought didn’t stop her. She  had to find a way to live, something clever…

Bursting through the trees she had just enough time to skid to a stop before she went tumbling  into the water of a raging river. The white water crashed against sharp rocks; she hadn’t heard it  coming over the blood rushing in her ears. Lungs burning with exertion she turned to see the  grey wolf looking at her, she could have sworn she could see glee in its eyes.

Holding her injured arm against her she stood. Trapped. She could feel the warm blood seeping  into her dress and still the wolf watched, it took her a second for her to realise it was waiting.  Waiting for her to choose her death; by its jaws or the river?

Steeling herself Elowen stood tall. She was nobility, this werewolf may take her life but it would  never take her dignity.

She stepped backwards.

The water was like ice, it took only seconds for her body to become numb, even the burning ache  of the bite on her arm dissipated as she found herself tossed end over end in the water. A rock  slammed into her back, forcing the air from her lungs and making her see stars. She floundered,  trying to find the surface in the wild waters, breaking the surface long enough get a gasp of air  before being forced back down. Black spots danced across her blurry vision and she could feel  her consciousness fading.

She didn’t want to die like this! 

She didn’t want to die at all.  

She opened her mouth to scream and the water flowed in.


With a painful cough Elowen came to. She was soaked to the bone, shivering violently in the  cold mud of the riverbank. She blinked, the cloudy night sky coming into focus above her, she  was alive. Trembling she tried to get up only to cry out in pain as she tried to put pressure on her  arm. The wound was bleeding sluggishly, still raw and open to the elements.

How had she not bled to death yet?  

She quickly slapped the hand on her good arm across her mouth and listened for any sign she’d  been heard. Who knew how close she was to that pack of beasts, she couldn’t get caught now.

Light broke through the clouds above her and Elowen felt a jolt run through her. Looking up she  saw the moon emerge as the sky cleared and her heart began to race. Thundering in her chest she  began to gasp for air, a panic attack? No, no this was worse. A burning pain began to spread  through her and she cried out, writhing on the ground unable to stand. It felt like her limbs were  stretching, it felt like a thousand tiny needles were pushing up through her skin; with horror she  watched as her nails began to grow, her fingers shorten and fur burst forth along her limbs.

What remained of her clothes were tearing as her body grew and changed, leaving nothing but  shredded fabric. Her cry began to change, becoming something deep, animalic, bestial. There was  a pressure on the small of her back as her spine elongated to form a tail her ears burned as they  moved from the side of her head to the top.

After what felt like an age the pain receded and Elowen blinked her vision clear. Her arm no  longer hurt but when she looked down at it to check it was a leg that greeted her, coated in black  fur, with a paw at the end. Trembling for an entirely new reason she stumbled, falling twice in an  effort to get back to the river. Heart pounding in her ears she looked down at her reflection and a  wolf stared back.

She screamed, or at least she tried to, what came out of her was a yelp.  The sound bounced off the trees and echoed out into the forest, Elowen wanted to weep but she  couldn’t. Wolf eyes couldn’t cry, so lacking anything else she curled up on the ground, placing  her paws over her muzzle and whimpering.

This couldn’t be happening.  

Her ears perked up at the sound of twigs snapping underfoot and a smell reached her now  powerful nose. Another wolf. Another werewolf was coming toward her, no doubt it had her  scent. What would it do when it arrived, try to kill her, fight her? A strange anger seemed to fill  her; if this wolf wanted to hurt her it would have to catch her first. Feeling her conscious mind  slip away Elowen raised her head to the sky and howled, a sound full of defiance and rage. Then,  following her new instincts she dove into the forest. Trees flying past so quickly they were blurs  as she moved, the wolf took over, the noble lady falling to the back as she ran. She could hear  footfalls behind her, the grey wolf appearing at her side, instinct took over and she snapped her  jaws at them before darting lower, sinking her teeth into their leg.

Eye for an eye.  

Then they were rolling, wrestling, rending flash and they fought and with speed that surprised  even her, she kicked her hunter off her. Slamming them down a ditch, giving her the time to  escape. Now injured, the grey wolf had no chance of catching her.

Things became fuzzy. She was moving through the forest, daring her hunters to find her.  Elowen’s memory seemed to fracture, she remembered the feeling on her paws on the ground,  teeth sinking down into some poor rabbit that crossed her path, howling to the moon. She wasn’t  sure how much time was passing. Then, slowly, she came back to herself.

Pink tinged the sky and she felt her strength beginning to fade. Exhausted, she collapsed on the  ground. There was blood in her teeth. The last few hours were s swirl of fear but also  exhilaration. That same burn passed through her, less painful this time but no less unsettling as  her limbs shrunk and her body returned to that of a woman. She shivered, her clothing was miles  away in shreds and without her fur she was exposed to the elements, exhausted and alone.

Another snap of twig and she turned, growling as the scent of wolf seeped through the forest  floor toward her. And despite all the horror and fear, Elowen felt herself calm slightly, something  about the wolf now seemed to unnaturally draw her in.

“Easy darling.” 

A voice in her head. The grey wolf stepped out from the undergrowth; she wasn’t sure how but  she could smell a sense of victory wafting of him. And she was sure it was a him now, though  she wasn’t sure how she knew. It was as if she could feel an invisible connection between them,  like a threat pulling her to him.  

“I’m here to bring you home."

Elowen knew she should be afraid. Deep down she was afraid but it felt as though the emotion was buried under a blanket of unnatural calm. This creature, this monster, had been trying to kill her only hours ago and yet she felt strangely safe. The grey wolf still sported a wound on his leg where she’d bitten him, an act that now filled her with a strange amount of guilt as she looked at it. The fact that she’d hurt him felt…wrong.

The wolf before her shifted, fur shrinking back under skin as the beast became a man once more. He was older than her by at least a few years, with sharp cheekbones that made his pale eyes stand out all the more. Wild, blonde hair that was slightly shaggy framed his face and even as a man he towered over her.

She felt herself flush a moment later when she realised, he was naked. As was she.

Her noble breeding broke through the strange haze and she quickly curled in on herself. No man, not even her future husband had ever seen her so compromised! And she certainly had never seen a man unclothed, the sheer impropriety of the situation turned her skin red with shame.

“Now, now. No need to be shy.” The man cooed, walking over to her lazily and lowering himself to the ground to look at her.

Elowen stared at the ground, terror was beginning to creep back into her now and that mixed with the shame of the situation was too much. The man reached forward and grabbed her chin between his fingers but didn’t force it, yet.

“Look at me.”

Elowen felt a shiver go through her. There was authority in his voice but also something other. Resisting the command felt almost impossible, like trying to fight against gravity after you’d already started to fall. Almost against her own will, she raised her head and was greeted with ice blue eyes that seemed to see right through her. He smiled at her but there was no warmth there, if anything she still felt like frightened prey that was about to be eaten at any moment.

“You’re pretty enough. I think we can make this work.”

His hand moved from her him down her neck and continued to trail down her body. Whatever trance she’d fallen into broke and scrambled back. It was one thing to be seen in this state but to have another man touch her was quite another.

What would Simon think?

“Tsk tsk tsk.” The werewolf waved his finger back and forth, moving forward with speed and strength to pin her against the tree.

“Now stay still. Let me look at you.”

Again, the pull to obey was overwhelming. Elowen felt as though she were at war in her own mind; on the one hand this situation was completely horrific, a strange man running his hands over her like a piece of meat and yet, the idea of disobeying him filled her with such guilt it was unbearable. Unable to fight or flee she stayed put, trembling as this stranger examined her. Her hands were pinned to the tree above her head leaving her totally exposed, she felt tears of shame burn behind her eyes but she refused to let them fall.

“W-what did you do to me?” She whispered finally.

“Bit you, obviously.” The man rolled his eyes, “I’d intended for you to bleed out but wouldn’t you know it, you had a little fire in you. You survived the change.”

“I’m a werewolf forever?”

The man just grinned at her, he seemed to be enjoying her fear; Elowen felt a pit opening up inside her that filled with dread. She couldn’t be a werewolf forever, there had to be a cure or an escape…something! What did he mean to do with her? His eyes roamed over her with curiosity and hunger as he pulled her to her feet.

“My name is Raul,” He said finally, “I think I’ll keep you.”


Raul hadn’t elaborated on what he meant after that, he’d simply shoved her forwards and told her to start walking. Again, she felt that compulsion and soon they were making their way through the thick forest in the early morning light. She shivered in the mist, though Raul didn’t seem bothered by the cold and their lack of clothing. She hugged her arms around her chest in a desperate attempt to have some dignity though she knew that was impossible by this point. The forest floor was freezing cold against her bare feet and the sticks and stones were cutting them to ribbons.

Why was she following this man? The smart thing to do would be to try and fall behind until she could slip away and yet each time, she started she felt his eye on her and she sped up. Disobeying him felt so wrong. She would just have to wait until he left her alone so she could get her bearing and flee she decided.

I just need to survive until then.

Finally, they arrived at a small clearing by the mountainside, a deep cave disappearing into darkness with two wolves standing either side on guard. Upon seeing Raul, they shifted back into human form, shock on their faces as their eyes reached her. One man, one woman, both very naked. Lacking any better cover, she stepped behind Raul in an effort to hide.

“This is our newest pack member,” Raul smiled, “go get the others.”

The woman surged forward, seizing Elowen’s wrist and dragging her out into the light with an indignant squeak.

“Tiny little thing, isn’t she?” The woman cackled, “Pretty though, can see why you picked her, Raul.”

“Don’t you touch me!” Elowen snapped, tugging her wrist free, “I am a lady of nobility and I will not be treated like some play thing!”

The rage cooled as quickly as it had come and Elowen suddenly realised how very stupid that had been. These werewolves could shred her to ribbons if they wanted, she wasn’t even sure how to change if she wanted to. But on the other hand, she had to find some dignity in this humiliating situation, there had to be something she could control, even if it was only for a moment. At least this strange compulsion to submit only came from Raul and not the others, at least so far.

The woman gave a bark of laughter that was so sharp it hurt her ears.

“Oh, she’s got some fire in her!”

“Yes,” Raul purred, “She bit me when she changed, actually managed to run for most of the night.”

“No way!” the woman gaped before giving Elowen a friendly, though still painful, punch on the shoulder.

“Good on you girl! Raul will have his hands full with you.”

“Don’t worry, Grace.” Raul replied, “I’ll keep her in check.”

As he said those last words, he laid a hand heavily on Elowen’s shoulder. Squeezing just that little bit too hard. She felt a shiver go down her spine; caused by fear yes but also…desire? The hand moved up and stroked down her hair a few times, the movement sent pleasant, warm sensation cascading down her. It felt good to listen to Raul, to make him happy. The fact that it did so made her disgusted with herself, wanting to please this man who’d taken everything from her.

She was so lost in her thoughts she was shocked to see several more faces staring at her as she looked up. Both human and wolf alike, a dozen or so, the pack. Raul looked irritated as he gazed over the group before asking;

“Where are Juliet, Dante and Jasper?”

“Juliet’s in heat, they’ve been gone all night.” A sandy haired man responded with a shrug; Raul snorted.

Heat? Werewolves went into heat? Elowen could feel her cheeks reddening; would that happen to her too? The panic must have shown on her face because a dark-haired male gave her a pitying smile. She could have been wrong but it almost seemed as though he were trying to comfort her.

“This is Elowen, our newest member.” Raul introduced, “She’ll be staying in my den for the foreseeable future. Until she’s broken in.”

“Broken in?” She whispered with horror, what did that even mean?

“Till you learn your place.” Raul elaborated, “Or I put you in it.”

Again, she felt that draw, that desire for this man whom she knew she shouldn’t. Those words were a threat, they should have elicited nothing but cold dread and fear in her and yet that desire mixed with the two in a way that should have been impossible. Raul spoke with several members of his pack before they dispersed, he’d told her to wait for him. So, she did. She didn’t run. She didn’t speak. All because for some sick reason she wanted to please him and she hated herself for it. Finally, Raul was in front of her again.


She tried to resist; she really did. She focused all her energy on staying right there instead of following him to the cave. A pit formed in her stomach; her muscles trembled. She refused to be controlled, she-

“I said, follow.”

She took a step forward and was immediately rewarded with warm pleasure. Full of loathing and that ever present desire, she followed.

The cave was large with several branching paths; after a few moments Raul led her to what must have been his ‘room’.

The smaller cave wasn’t much, a few crates for storage and a large ‘bed’ that was little more than a pile of thick furs took up most of the space. Despite its crude nature, it looked warm and soft and Elowen was suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion. She’s been running all night and the exertion was finally catching up to her.

Raul shoved her forwards.


She sank to the ground without hesitation, that pleasant warmth immediately flowing through her in reward for her obedience.

“How do you do that?” She whispered, eyes to the floor, shame burning through her.

Raul smirked.

“I’m an Alpha. Your Alpha. Control is what I do.” He bent down and forced her to look at him, “And what you do is submit, understand?”

She nodded, that strange desire pooling in her stomach. So that was it? She was stuck wanting this man, this werewolf, for the rest of her life? A slave to her new base instincts? She wanted to be angry, she wanted to yell at this monster to let her go and run out of this cave forever but she couldn’t muster the energy. Whether it was simply the exhaustion or this Alpha bond she didn’t know but she was just…too tired to fight.

So she didn’t.

She fell forwards against Raul’s chest and slumped against him, letting her eyes fall closed. He was warm and despite all evidence to the contrary, she felt safe. He lifted a hand to her hair and stroked it, his voice practically predatory.

“Don’t worry, you’ll learn to like it.”

That is what she was afraid of…


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