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In a world where women are a rarity it falls to specially selected men to be transformed into women in order to keep humanity alive. 

This is my first multi part story and will be Patreon exclusive.


It had been forty-five years since the outbreak of the Virophage and since then barely any women had  been born on Earth. There were many theories as to where the genetic disease had come from and  how it managed to make conceiving a female child impossible; but in the end the origin didn’t matter,  the outcome did. Governments scrambled, offering increasingly large financial incentives to women  who could successfully bare a girl. All that did was ensure that more babies were born as women tried  desperately to win thousands, then hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Eventually it was Dr.Tellerman and her new company, Femdale, that came to the rescue. With their  new technology they were able to transform men with the correct genetic markers into women with  childbearing capabilities. At first it was volunteers but it soon became apparent there were not  enough and so, the lottery was created.

All men, upon turning 21, had to submit a DNA sample and of those who possessed the correct gene  markers a random selection were picked for the procedure. 

And now they'd picked Kyle.

A stone had formed in his stomach the first time he looked down at the letter in his hands. He knew  what it had to be as soon as he saw the bright pink logo of the Femdale Institute printed proudly in  the top corner but it had really hit home when he read the first line:

'This letter is to inform you that you KYLE HARRIER have been selected for female transformation.’

It was an honour obviously; these new women were celebrated for saving the human species. But  that didn't stop his stomach from roiling. His family and friends had congratulated him, it was  considered one of the most noble sacrifices a man could make in this day and age and yet he felt  nothing but cool dread. For the past week he’d been a bundle of nerves, everybody had told him they  would pass but they hadn’t. He looked out the car window and looked at his reflection in the rear  vision, in just a few days he wouldn’t have this face anymore.

"Hey, it's not so bad," said Mike, keeping on hand on the steering wheel and the other on Kyle’s  shoulder. "Kyle isn't that different from Kylie. At least you won't have to change your name much! Or  you can just stay Kyle, gendered names are so last century anyway!"

Kyle tried to smile; he knew Mike meant well but it was easier to say that sort of thing when you  weren't about to turned into a breeding machine.

"And don't forget!" He added, "You can always change back once you’ve had two kids! Plus, you can  just get them to inseminate you so you don’t have to sleep with any man you don’t want to!”

That was a comfort at least. They didn’t force anybody to stay a woman longer than they wanted yet,  so many seemed to prefer it that way. Deep down, Kyle knew he wouldn’t be one of those women. He  just had to grit his teeth and get through this, in a few years’ time he’d be himself again, a celebrated  humanitarian who gave children to loving families. He could do this. They were almost there now,  only a few minutes and he'd be at the main headquarters ready to start his new life.

Mike continued to chat in that relentlessly cheery voice of his until they pulled into the parking lot.  Heart thundering in his chest, Kyle took a deep breath. 

"Here I go. I guess."  

Mike smiled at him with a small amount of pity. 

"You'll do fine. And I'll be here to pick you up in a week!"  

That helped his nerves, at least a little bit. At least he would always have Mike as his best friend, no  matter what.


Inside the building was clean and clinical, almost like a hospital with pale blue walls and beige  furniture. A few men and women mingled in the lobby but there was no line at the desk. Feeling  somewhat self-conscious, Kyle approached the red haired woman at the desk and presented his ID  and letter.

“Kyle Harrier, um, reporting for duty?” 

God that was lame.

The red-haired woman, whose name tag read ‘Karen’ gave him a soft comforting smile. 

"Don't worry honey, I felt nervous too." 

He blushed, was he that obvious? 

"You were-"

"A man?" Karen finished for him, "Ten years ago, yes. It really does seem like a lifetime ago. I've had  three kids since then, and let me tell you, the look of joy on those father's faces when I brought those  little babies into the world would have made it worth it."

She then gave him a wink. "Though the multiple orgasms went a long way as well. You’re right on time, you can go straight through to see Dr. Cone. He’ll explain everything to you." 

With one hand she indicated to a partly open door just down the hallway, the other handed him a pile  of papers. A quick glance over showed a map of the facility with a red circle around room #19, his home for the next week.


Slowly and clearly Dr. Cone went through the details of the procedure. 

"We don't even need to do any surgery with the advanced genetic and hormone pills. Just swallow  them down with each meal and your body will take care of the rest!" 

"Will it...hurt?"

Dr. Cone waved his hand.  

"Not at all! In fact, most people find it very pleasurable."  

Kyle blushed.

"There is no judgment here. You're about to get flooded with more hormones than your body knows  what to do with. You take care of yourself, enjoy the experience. There is a toy room just down the  hall with plenty of items that can assist you as you change."

His face was beet red now and not just from embarrassment. He was thankful his hands were in his  lap to cover the small bulge that threatened to form.

Not like that will be a problem for much longer, he thought.

Dr.Cone either didn't notice or pretended not to as he reached into his desk and pulled out a pill box;  seven rectangles separated into three squares each. He popped open the first section and handed it  to Kyle. In an effort to get out of the office and back to his room as quickly as possible, he swallowed  them dry.


Kyle woke in the middle of the night with a sheen of sweat across his skin. He had been roused by a pleasant tingle spreading across his chest. Sleepily he went to roll onto his back, his bare chest rubbing  against the sheets below him. The skin was so sensitive he couldn’t stop a small moan escaping. He  swore he could feel the skin there stretching, a slight burn that was not unpleasant.

The doctors had advised sleeping naked to 'avoid unnecessary chaffing'. He'd expected to be cold but  if anything, the room felt uncomfortably warm. After a few deep breaths he took a shaking hand and  moved it to his chest. The heat intensifies as his fingers brushed across the softening skin on his  developing breasts. They were just round mounds of skin so far, but his nipples had already widened  changing from useless nubs to something far more enticing. Gently he rubbed at the sensitive skin the  same way he would when he got as muscle cramp. The moment soothed the slight soreness and sent  shivers down his spine.

After a few moments he became emboldened, taking both his breasts each in a hand and massaging  them, thumbs pushing down on his now oh so sensitive nipples. He experimented; teasing and circling  them and gasping as bolts of pleasure flowed through him.

Could women come just from playing with their nipples? It sure felt like he could. His mind wandered  as the pleasure built; as he grew would the pleasure grow? How would it feel when they were fully  formed? How would it feel to have a mouth or tongue in place of his hands right now?

That last thought is what tipped him over the edge. Back arching off the bed as pleasure reached its zenith and he gave a ragged moan. It took several deep breaths before Kyle came back to himself, still  sweating and breathing heavily. The only thought in his mind that he had another six days until his  change was complete. 


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