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Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to get another update out. I'm still trying to rest and recover from the tendonitis, and honestly its taking longer than I thought. I was hoping after three weeks I'd be good enough to start editing, but trying not to use my wrist and elbow has really been dragging me down. As much as I wanted to I don't think I'll be able to get a story out this month. Hopefully another week or two will be enough where I can edit some of the stuff I have to post. I'm trying to follow all of your feedback and not push myself. Better to let my arm heal than try to push out content and only make my arm worse. Sorry I wasn't able to get anything out this month, and I appreciate all of your support. Not being able to write for so long is really weighing on me, as I love putting out stories for all of you to enjoy. All I can do is keep resting and hope my arm improves soon. Hope all of you are having a good month!



You’ve been using a Wrist Brace, right? If it’s taken this long, you might want to see a wrist doctor…


Maybe a way to deal with still wanting to write despite having to rest your wrist is to use an alternative method to write? Like speech-to-text to do the writing, and then just making the finer edits with your actual hands? I don't know how feasible that is, but I'm just throwing out suggestions. It does definitely seem like you tend to underestimate how long things take to handle!/recover from, so maybe it'd also be healthy to learn to give yourself larger margins from the start for these kinds of things.