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Hello everyone! I'm sorry it's taken a bit to get this post out and give everyone an update. Basically I believed that I was suffering from a sprained wrist the last four months, but after consulting with a new doctor it looks like I have tendonitis in my right wrist and elbow. It comes from me not having the best work setup over the last few years, and finally overworking my tendons brought on this strain at the end of August.

The good news is that it's not severe enough to need surgery. All it needs is rest and time to recover, though its hard to say how many weeks it'll need depending on the sprain. I'm also investing in ergonomic equipment so that when I do work again it'll be far more comfortable for my body and less likely to overstress it. I've been treating this like a sprain, where I wasn't writing but still doing all of my everyday stuff, which has been preventing it from healing properly. So now I'm treating my injury properly, wearing a brace and a sling so my arm can really rest. I've been spending the last week resting and it's already helped quite a bit.

I'm trying to put off writing for another few weeks, to give myself as much time as possible to heal. The other good news is that I've got a few things completed that I can post to cover January, and as long as I can comfortably write a bit I'll have some stuff finished for next month too. After that I should hopefully be back on track, but my main goal is to not push myself this time. As long as the tendonitis heals properly and I adopt a better position for writing it shouldn't be a problem in the future, so here's to trying to do things right.

I'll be editing in short bursts over this week so you should get the first story out soon. I hope you all enjoy these shorts and look forward to when I'm capable of getting back on track properly.


Devi Lacroix

Rest is ABSOLUTELY what you need to do right now! Please don't push yourself back to writing too quickly; it can delay your healing and keep you out of writing longer than taking the right amount of time in the first place. I'm here to support you monthly, not get writing monthly.


Take your time and hope your recovery goes well.