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We made it through the year everybody! It's certainly been a challenging one, and December has been a lot more stressful than I expected. But I'm excited for next year and the chance to keep writing quality erotica for all of you to enjoy. So to ring in the New Year here are two erotic flash fiction pieces, one of which comes with this amazing art by my wonderful friend Cass. Or rather she drew this insanely hot art and I just had to write a short piece to go along with it.

Demon Strap: It had started as a joke. Ramona never thought her timid girlfriend Petra would wear the demonic-looking strap, but the sex toy seems to have awakened something in her. A cruel dominant side that was driving Ramona wild. Only why was Petra’s skin turning red, and since when did she have horns?


And our second flash fic is Riley Didn't Say a Word: At a big glamourous party we find a stunning supermodel being oddly silent, refusing to speak to anyone. Or perhaps her teasing ex, who just happens to be a hypnotist, has something to do with her newfound silence.


I'm planning to keep working on flash fiction pieces next year, to explore fun new topics and situations as I flex my creative muscles. I hope you all enjoyed the pieces and are looking forward to the new year bringing new opportunities and good things for all of us (Hopefully anyway.)

And be sure to check out my friend Cass and her artwork if you haven't already. She runs a fantastic horror webcomic and occasionally puts out some incredible smut, so support her if you can!





So 🔥🔥🔥! Love dominant women