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Hi everyone, just giving a quick update on how things are going on my end. December has definitely been rough, as I've been doing tons of editing and no writing which always fries my brain. The good news is that I should be ending the month with a few stories prepared ahead, which would give me a buffer to fall back on if and when something comes up. I haven't had a buffer since before the pandemic started, so this should hopefully lead to some more stability.

The other thing I wanted to do was wish everyone some happy holidays, for whatever you celebrate. Things have been rough for everybody, and anyone who's been around the last few years knows how tough it has been on me. Between the pandemic and my dad passing last year I suffered serious burnout, and while I still don't feel 100% yet I do actually feel like me again, which its a tough thing to realize you haven't been feeling like you. I'm actually excited about writing again and wanting to work on fun ideas.

Because of the strong fan response I'll be continuing Donna's Trance Trigger, trying to work in more characters and intrigue while attempting to maintain the more personal, fun tone that people have really seemed to enjoy. It definitely feels like it'll be similar to Slaves to the Snake Goddess in regards to the tone, so hopefully you all can be excited for that. I'll also be keeping up on It Runs in the Family, desperately trying to get through the conclusion of the current arc this year but that depends on how life stuff goes with me. I'd also love to continue How to Train your Stepmom, which is on a hiatus while I figure out ideas, and I have a lot of series left unfinished that need proper endings. I'm making outlines and sorting it all out, but as long as there's no more big shakeups in my life next year I can hopefully make a ton of progress.

So hopefully next year will bring in a lot of great stories and chapters for all of you to enjoy. I'll be working on publishing more of my backlog as ebooks on amazon for some added income, and I'm hoping to keep growing my patreon back to where it was before the pandemic when I could survive on it alone. Hope all of you continue to enjoy my stuff and know how deeply grateful I am to all of you for supporting me and keeping me following my dream.

Last thing, and I always feel guilty posting it, but I do usually put up my amazon gift list around the holidays and my birthday. Obviously I'm not expecting anything and the support on here is enough, but some amazing fans have been generous enough to send me gifts over the years and it always means a lot. So if you feel like picking me up a gift it will make my year, as always. But if you want to give me a gift for free then I'd love to hear what your favorite stories of mine have been in the comments below, especially any characters you love and why. Those always mean the world to read.


Thanks again for everything folks and happy holidays!


William T.

I lost my dad a few years back. I know how hard it can be. I would like to know if you have any plans on some more EAC or stories like that. Thanks.


I have an idea for an EAC sequel, though it's still being plotted out so it might take a while. I hopefully have another series starting up soon that should hit similar vibes so that might scratch the itch. I'm sorry to hear about your dad's passing too, thank you for your message