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Hey everyone, hope you're all doing well. First I'm happy to say I'm feeling a bit better and even starting to get a bit of writing done, and hopefully I can keep that up to have some stories done ahead of time. That said, god am I glad I took this month off because the start of November kicked my ass. Estate stuff that I thought was settled turned out not to be settled, and I took a lot of mental damage from paying off my dad's debts and medical bills. Thankfully that stuff is off my back now and I'm hoping the rest of the stuff I have to handle won't be as bad. 

So suffice it to say the last two weeks haven't been a vacation, but I definitely needed the time off work to take care of it all. Now I'm gonna try to take care of myself and working on some fun stories. Feel free to let me know how all of you are doing down below, it's always fun to talk with my readers :)

Hope to have happier updates soon!


John Doe

Feel better and enjoy your time off you deserve it


Yes, I guess how nervous those 2 weeks were for you ... But the main thing is that everything is settled and you can now focus on other important matters.


Still glad to hear more or less good news from you. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself!


I'm glad you took the time that you needed. Hope things get easier for you from here on out. As for me I shouldn't complain but sometimes I still do.