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Hi everyone. I've decided to pause my Patreon for the month of November, to take time to recharge and write ahead, so nobody will be charged on November 1st. The charges will pick up again on December 1st, when I'll resume posting stories in December. There's no need to adjust anything about your pledges in November, as I can see it you should all simply not be charged for one month and everything picks back up in December.

This was a tough decision for me to make but honestly I need to take time to myself, and I didn't think it would be fair to charge anyone for a month I'm taking off. As you all know this year has been exhausting and challenging for me. After my dad passed back in March I wasn't able to write for two months, and I appreciate all the support you showed me. As soon as I was able to write I jumped right back into things, assuming like with other burnouts that my writing would pick back up as I went. 

But the truth is that between the stress and dealing with estate issues I'm still only writing at about half my normal capacity, or even less than that when things get rough like they did this month. I want to get back to writing for everyone again. It truly makes me happy to create fun, kinky stories for everyone to enjoy. But I have to accept that I need time to rest. To not stress about getting the stories out this month, and instead focus on writing so that I can build up a buffer of stories again.

Hopefully when December starts up I'll have a few stories to fall back on, which means more regular updates without delays, and I don't have the stress of trying to finish a story on time for all of you. That should improve things for me and for all of you, which is really what I want to focus on. I'm hoping not to see too many lost patrons during the month I'm taking off, as you still have access to all my past stories here on patreon too. Take this chance to check out my backlog for any stories you might have missed, and I'll do my best to take care of myself and try to write for fun again.

I'll also try to do regular posts to update everyone on how I'm doing. Or even just to talk with my fans, discuss past favorite series and such. Knowing how much my stories mean to all of you is really the biggest honor, and I want to be back to my usual writing self again. Hopefully this break from posting will help, and I hope you can all understand my reasons for it. I look forward to seeing the stories that I can bring you all in December.

Also a note for any new patrons looking to pledge this month: you'll still be charged like normal, since you gain access to my six year backlog of stories to check out. And then you'll be here in December when I resume posting new stories.

If you have any questions for me or even just anything to say feel free to comment below, and I'll reply as much as I can. I appreciate all the love and support that everyone has shown me during this difficult year. I really truly treasure all of you. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart, and I hope to hear from you soon.



Take care. Recharge. And then hopefully you can build back your writing momentum. We support you and your writing brings us much happiness, but state of mind is an important ingredient to a creative task like writing. I know I look forward to your return (maybe with some more flash fiction). But rest assured that those rare tastes of your long running series this year were sweet indeed.