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It's been one year of the current Summer Lovin' arc, and we're about 2/3rds of the way through what I have planned. But when you see the fun set up in this chapter I think you'll all agree that Connie is in for a very exciting night. Hope you all enjoy "Summer Lovin': Part 14!"




Hey Sammy, looks like I'm the first to comment. don't want to give anything away. Great chapter again.. Coop is becoming an even stronger character.. You definitely need an excuse to keep her around. maybe she has family living in Michele's neighborhood? Anyway, I am LOVING this arc. I would LOVE to see Connie' face when Jane AND Aubrey tell her their plans..... also, what happened to Michele after the party? She must be in great shape by now??!! LOL!!

Connor Shearn

I was about to go to bed but decided I'd check Patreon. Now I need to re-read 4-5 chapters back just so I don't miss anything and I'll probably lose at least half an hour of sleep. Damn you and your captivating writing Sammynona! (Please keep writing I love it all) Edit: 40 minutes later holy fuck was that one hot. I think 45 was my favourite of the newest arc but this was also fantastic. I'm going to college on the 22nd and hopefully, the next month will fly by. I really wish that I hadn't read like 20 chapters in one night when I bought the Patreon but in a much more real sense I don't regret it at all.)


“Crushing on my _ for years” - there’s a word missing...


Some good progression with Jane. Aubrey being the friend that Jane needs. Coop Is a fun “sex zombie player”. Burger Joint has not one but two problem girls. Oh boy. Lol. The big one is Tara and Naomi cameo. Some day we will get back to them. And it sounds like after this weekend , a threesome is going to be par for the course. Talk about a life changing vacation. I get the feeling beauty rest is not something that Connie will get much of on this trip. One unexpected benefit of Coop is that she makes Connie more confident. I’m liking it.

Connor Shearn

Yeah, I absolutely loved that when Connie was feeling nervous Coop stepped in to remind her what she was capable of. The smut in this story is a solid ten but the love turns it up to eleven.

Connor Shearn

Jus re-read the entire series since 47 should be coming out within the next few days. I can't freaking wait!