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Here it is folks! After all this time I'm happy to present the finale to Enslave all Cheerleaders. It's been a fun ride with this erotic horror movie knockoff, with lots of thrills, spills and hypnotic tits draining wills! There were some delays and rough patches along the way but it's been an absolute blast being able to bring this series to life. And I want to thank the original commissioner of the story (Not sure if they want their username up, so I'll edit here later if they want a shoutout). 

 I gotta say it feels amazing being able to actually finish a long series like this, and writing this finale especially feels like an accomplishment. So I hope you all enjoy, and feel free to comment with some of your favorite moments from the series if you'd like.


PS: The amazing art was done by this artist, can't believe I forgot to include a link to their stuff





I am overjoyed this series went over so well and developed beyond my initial commission. If this had gone the way I planned it would have been half as long and ended with Amber still evil and extending her influence across the entire campus. This was a much better, more positive and happy ending. Better character development, more variety in the events and new powers for Amber. Sammy took off running with the story and I'm happy everyone else loved it as much as I did.


Incidentally, I have workshopped potential sequels. My favorite concept so far is a sorority war between different houses at university, where Amber meets other girls with powers and they compete. But given how long this story has gone on, I think Sammy's happy to try other projects for the time being. 😁

Szőke Tamás

Amazing endig for a great story. Thank you Sammy for this adventure. Personally Jade is my fav character in EAC, loved when she became a "terminator". :D


My favorite was predatory Amber, in the early half of the story, before she started developing as a character and growing a heart. 😊


This was a great ending. I liked the horror movie vibe at the beginning


Great end to a great story. This is my second favorite story of yours, Sammy!!! I love Connie!!!!! I may have said that once or twice, maybe? Anyway, this story NEEDS a sequel!!! I have an idea!! What if shy quiet little bookworm Maria had the power?!! Make her the powerful enslaving "outsider" with the glorious enslaving tits and Amber is just one of the cheerleaders?? Maybe the cheer clique torments little bookworm Mara until she finally snaps and turns them all into her slaves? Maybe she is alone with one of them in the bathroom and the girl sees her tits and instantly becomes her mindless slave? Maria quickly figures it out and as she looks into the mirror while her new slave falls to her knees and eats her out she smiles as the plan forms in her mind? "YES! I will sj I think that would be hot!!! definitely could be a funny adventure!! Yes??


wrong button again. "I will show them!! I will make them ALL my slaves.


Great ending! I'm not too fond of repeating the weekend over and over; unless it's a 'canned hunt' Amber might end up dead or missing teeth yet! If Jade was an issue, and a frightened Rebecca and Maria made unexpected difficulties, imagine what a frightened AND love-torn Ashley might have done? Well, we got some answers to these questions. The girls ARE pre-programmed so as not to try and escape outside or summon outside help. Presumably to also keep their hands away from kitchen knives--and golf clubs, panes of glass or smacking Amber. But, while these continuing weekends allow a more potent Amber to use her new powers as we've seen, we can also see that Maria with her posse nearly ended the game right at the beginning. Another point is that, like a series of seemingly never ending horror movies, these weekends could go on for awhile. I liked the strong focus on Ashley, as she's been much improved through all of this. Indeed, SHE actually ended the game for a time just by apologizing to Amber. Good that Amber has gotten so much positive reinforcement towards being positive herself. The call out towards Ashley's 'hound' period either this chapter or the last was welcome. It implies that Amber might have called her a 'Bitch' or some such and Ashley's mind took that and ran wild with it. Perhaps out of long simmering guilt given an outlet through the mind control? In any event, Amber must have been worried about it enough to pull Ashley out of it--or she just needed a functioning Ashley in the Panic Room overseeing things than a woofing hound on the radio. Emma getting to be the new cheer captain was interesting. She's got the size for attracting attention, I suppose! And the experience to do the job. Amber, the freshman with the special uniform might do better as the ruler from behind the throne. Indeed, MARIA might look like the 'evil mind-controller' should anyone take such a look at the squad. I liked Maria's new poise and station among the girls even if no one currently remembered that she's their major-domo. Yet, she DID break and run in the weekend rerun sequence. Amber having to call 'cut' as it were, and restart was rather funny! I sort of have to wonder how the encounter with Amber and Ashley went in the first place? I mean, sure, Ashley probably just answered the front door; but such a mansion might well have had remote locks and security cameras and intercoms that might have easily frustrated and checked Amber from ever ensnaring Ashley in the first place? One thing for sure, with her new power, which seems effective even in a tactical way, Amber has more options available to her than just walking up to some lone girl and probably ruining another blouse in quickly exposing her breasts. She could now incapacitate without them, or even ensnare a target among others, possibly getting the target to follow her without alerting anyone. Quite a bonus!


I want to thank larqven for consistently having amazing follow up commentary on this series. Your posts were always a joy to read and discuss.


Who did the amazing Amber art for this post?


https://twitter.com/3ad35630 Can't believe I forgot to include a link to their twitter. They really nailed her look