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As a special treat to everyone riding out the quarantine and enjoying my work, I give you a sexy short about hot possessed girls and supernatural orgasms. Melissa is a determined young director, trying to corral her two hopeless actresses and create a truly exquisite indie horror film. In fact she's such a perfectionist that she even decided to use real occult runes she found off the internet as part of Irene's costume. Only, why's Irene suddenly floating in the air and talking about making them her slaves? That's definitely not in the script.


Hope you all enjoy this extra story to round out March, and know how much your support means to me, truly. I was sick for a week but I'm finally on the mend and working on stuff for April that I hope you'll all enjoy. Stay safe out there!

Also the great art of the possessed woman was a character adopt I bought from Amaranth that inspired the story. Make sure to check her awesome stuff out!




Ruyxi Sylpheyes

Should have added more eldritch style tentacles, otherwise great story. :P


I wrote another short with tentacles that'll be up soon, so I was all tentacled out lol