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Finishing out the main stories for this month is a one shot that I had a ton of fun writing. A comedic sexy story about a college girl running late to class, only to discover that the teacher and all of her classmates have been turned into brainwashed drones in tight gray suits. Just what exactly did she miss? Check out the fun and enjoy yourselves in these tough times. We could all use some laughs and sexy bits to enjoy.




Too good to be a one shot! You left so much context out that I'm dying to know what's actually going on, but maybe that's not important. I also thought it was hilarious that Rachel could somehow innately resist brainwashing, perhaps by virtue of rarely using it? Nicely done!


this was hilarious and absolutely awesome :E

MC Gamer

And then, some unknown hero shuts down the drone control device before Drone 47 can reach orgasm, disappointuing her to no end.