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Finished up just before I go on a roadtrip! I should hopefully have this whole arc finished up by next month, but I can assure all of you that there will be some fun in these next few chapters. And yes, I promise that Tara will become an important part of the story again soon, I haven't forgotten her lol


As always feel free to comment and discuss below. I'm sure there will be some fun speculation after this one haha



SSWWEEEEEEETTTT!!!!!!! THAT is what I have been waiting for! I know this is just a sample of the future, (it is, right?) but I am loving this. I can't wait until this is a reality for Connie..... BUT, really,??? Another cliffhanger??? first, Gloria,then Jane, and NOW you bring in Tara??? How will Connie handle this one?? Sammy, you know I love you darlin, but you can be almost evil, can't you?? LOL! Please, Think about all of your fans ---- now trapped in limbo, nerves racked, breathe caught in suspense, tortured by another masterfully inserted cliffhanger while you blissfully leave all of us to spend time on a road trip seeing the sights on your way to be with family... Yes, we love you too!!!!