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Hey everyone, I've got three new stories today, which should let you know that I'm shaking things up from my usual publishing schedule this month. Next week I'm going out on a roadtrip to see family across the country, which should give me some great scenery to enjoy but not leave me a lot of time to write. That's why I'm pushing to try and get all 25,000 words of stories posted before I go on the trip, since I'm not sure if I'll have great access to the internet way out west. I've only got two stories left and they're planned out, so I just have to keep my ass in the chair and keep writing. No matter what I'll have my promised amount done by the 30th, I'm just trying to get them out earlier to push myself and prove I can do it.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking of ways that I can keep writing on the road. I won't have much time to get my laptop out and work, but I can keep a notebook with me to just sketch out some shorter ideas. And I just so happen to have that huge post I made earlier where all of you made some awesome suggestions on what you want to see show up in stories. So while I'm on the trip I'll be trying to write some 1,000 word shorts, to practice exploring new ideas and themes that all of you suggested. I may open it up as a special way to commission me on Kofi, like every $3 donation towards food on the trip will be 300 words based on any idea you give me, but I don't know how much interest there will be in that. So feel free to comment below if you'd be interested in something like that, since I'll be stuck on the road for about 10 or 12 days with nothing else to do and would welcome some short commission ideas. Either way I'll try writing, but anyone who helps me out can suggest what they want to see and I'll make writing that a priority, as long as it's not wildly outside my own tastes, but I think most of you know me pretty well by now.

So let me know what you think of the idea, and I'll get back to writing so I can get more stories out to you soon!


Reed James

Have fun! Enjoy your vacation! :D

Dorian Alton

Have a great time! The Kofi thing does sound appealing.

Zelkova Tatl

I hope you have fun on vacation. I will gladly pay you 50 bucks btw to do a custom story for me ;P


great chance to get away. clear your head. come back to it later. have fun...


Hannah, it is totally worth it. I commissioned the first few chapters of It Runs in the Family, and the story is turning out even better than I'd hoped.


Sammy I would also happily pay you for a custom story commission of my own.


Sammy, I went back and read the part of story about the movie with Jane and Connie when Connie first hypnotized Jane, after Connie put Jane on her knees, didn't she "program" Jane to want to obey anything she tells her and to do everything she commands?? So, shouldn't Jane be MUCH more obedient and under her control?? Just seems like Jane is able to argue more than she should? shouldn't she be a lot more agreeable to Connie??? Am I missing something? Also, when does Tara become more of the story? Can't wait to read about Connie having her under her control!!! As I have already said, I cant wait till this story is finished, but that means it is finished... i will miss these women a lot!!! have fun and get some family time.....