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Sup everyone. I'm still hard at work on the last story for the month and it's occurred to me that I really haven't written a lot of one shots in a while. I think with the writers block and scrambling to catch up I focused mostly on the series because I knew that's what most of you are here for, but I do need to get back into writing shorter works that can be creative and do things that multi-chapter series can't. So I thought it would be fun to make this post here for everyone to suggest things that you'd like to see in a short story from me. It can either be a full idea you have in mind or just an idea for a character, setting or type of mind control or other fetish. Any ideas that catch my interest I'll write a little on, and if it catches fire I can turn it into a whole story. If it doesn't work out I'll still have the idea to come back to another time. I want to give about half an hour a day to just pick an idea and work on it, so hopefully if I do that through the next month I should be able to come out with at least a handful of completed stories that I can use towards the buffer. So go ahead and write down whatever you want to see! You can suggest more than one thing, I just really want to be able to get a better range of things that people want to see from me. I look forward to reading all of your ideas!


Stephen Williams

There's a big fetish out there for Kaa eyes (like Kaa from The Jungle Book). Maybe you could incorporate that into a story. I know it's more of a visual fetish, but I've seen it in written form before, and it worked well.


Wishes gone wrong.


Ass worship? A slow or even sudden lesbian infatuation with another girl's ass.


Oh, you want some inspiration? *cracks knuckles* here goes! I've had a few ideas that I don't have the time to write of late. For example, a scientist developing a reverse bimbofication procedure that makes its victims equally horny and intelligent. Or perhaps an invasion of erotic maids who "help" people into submission. Or a genre savvy military base, upon which a succubus has just arrived and it's hellbent on ensnaring the wills and whims on everyone on the base. I have more if you want them, just send me a message.


Spy Interrogation, Carnival Funhouse Clown Girl, Private Jet Stewardess, Evil Genie, Hot Alien Invasion, Seductive Assassin, Sex Zombies, Sex Wizards, Post-Apocalypse Tribal Warrior, Supervillain Enthrallment, Sex Robots...


lesbian hypno dual, victor gets to enslave the other. hypno humiliation (public) hypnosis gone wrong (AKA the one getting mind controlled start hypnotising the other


For as long as I can remember I have had a fetish about somone who's mind controlled to have a visual change. Like the old cheesey 90's shows like Power Rangers where when somebody is turned evil escpiaclly a female she then has dark makeup and long black nails. Maybe you could a story where a makeover is part of an hypnotic induction or once mind controlled the girls can get heavy makeup fake red finger nails red toes and where skimpy cloths as a "uniform" of sorts.

Reed James

I had a lot of fun writing a story about a lesbian who gains telekinetic powers. It gave some creative avenues for story. I imagine you could do something fun with that premise.


I'm a huge fan of that stuff as well! How have I not done more of that already lol


I think the reason I like writing superhero stuff is to come up with sexy uses for all the different powers


A lot of my stuff is usually more realistic but I'm a big fan of colorful eyes as well. Might be room for something like that in a more fantasy or scifi story


See this is something I've always wanted to write, except I usually always end up thinking of a multi-chapter deal that I never have time for. Definitely something good to keep in mind towards short erotica


I actually have two shorts with that, but they're both commissions that involved futa as well, funnily enough. I definitely am down to write some hypnotic butts


Been toying around with an idea for a story in my head, but I'm not really a writer so.. basic premise was just someone seeking revenge on someone else by turning that other person's lover against them in some way. Generally expected everyone to be female, of course.


Someone slowly seducing/controlling an office.


Lactation is always fun! Superhero corruption, Vampires...although I think that's a little close to succubi...Transforming costumes (ala Buffy) I heard there's this cool thing with choker necklaces and weird hair dryers that cause busty transformations. ;)


How about something with Fantasy? Like, Kistune or another Beastkin - FLUFFY TAILS, that are also sensitive.

Dorian Alton

I really like the interplay between Connie and Michelle lately in "It Runs in the Family". I also really liked a while back in chapter 16 where they were shopping and ran into the store employee Barb, who thought the two were dating, and approved as she was a cougar herself. I'm pretty fond of older/younger lesbian pairings in MC, as my comments on that story might suggest. :D Your request got me thinking. How about a social group of older women who've all recently seduced much younger women for various reasons (bored, divorce, sudden inexplicable bisexuality, etc). The MC element being that the younger girlfriends have actually been passing around the MC mcguffin use on the older ladies who 'seduced' them, none of whom would be incined to this kind of relationship normally. Maybe seduction tales told from the victims' viewpoint where the only common element is the mcguffin (amulet, bracelet, whatever). Admittedly, this does lend itself to a multi-chapter format, but could be written as short stories, each focusing on quick, different seductions. So no need for a long, over-arching narrative. Always happy to see any new Sammynona works though.

Zelkova Tatl

I've always had one fetish that isn't really particularly explored that often by most authors or if they do its usually just done as a one shot and never done again. That's a forced hucow scenario. If you don't know what a hucow is, its a human cow. The type though I'm talking about is the lactation kind and not one meant for breeding (i.e. not for guys), this is almost never done since most hucow stories involve male on female and rarely female/female things. Its also never done as a scenario in which a girl is forced into it or hypnotized against her will or anything. I'd love to see your take on this if possible.

Zelkova Tatl

Also meant to say that hucows aren't like half cows but just girls with big tits meant for milking.


Type: F/F, Lesbian, with potential for more F+ Personally I was thinking of a story about 2 dildos. One that has M on it, the other that has S on it. The M one makes the person who uses it more dominant whilst the one with the S on it makes the person more subservient/submissive. The S one also gently changes the person using it to be more bimbo in proportions - breast expansion essentially. The M one could also enhance the user for more pleasure and also larger breasts as well? The idea is a character walks into an adult store, looking for a new toy. Spots a 2 for one deal, not knowing what the 'real deal' is. Takes both items home and later on one of her friends is snooping around and has a little play with the S dildo - by taking it home. Both characters meet up one night, noticing some changes in each others attitudes and one thing leads to another. Also side note, both dildos can be locked together to create a double dildo (for more pleasure). Clothing issues could also be a fetish that can be written into this one too, as bras don't fit and clothing styles change from conservative to more racy/exposing types.

Abby Gail

I appreciate the opportunity to suggest.... I've always been a fan of slow transformation from straight to lesbian first with resistance overcome by lust..then full conversion to proponent. Your Snake Goddess is great that way. It's my favorite of all your story lines by far. Another is You Can't Deny It. <a href="http://mcstories.com/YouCantDenyIt/index.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mcstories.com/YouCantDenyIt/index.html</a> Also would love your take on the SciFi story line of an invading alien/parasite/power taking over the mind and body of women ala: The Sinful Parasite <a href="http://mcstories.com/SinfulParasite/index.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mcstories.com/SinfulParasite/index.html</a> I love story lines about a hypnotherapist being corrupted by the patient or patient slowly being corrupted by the hypnotherapist against their desive or will... like in Moment of Weakness. <a href="http://mcstories.com/MomentOfWeakness/index.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mcstories.com/MomentOfWeakness/index.html</a> or Bridesmaid <a href="http://mcstories.com/Bridesmaid/index.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://mcstories.com/Bridesmaid/index.html</a> And last but not least, I used to have this fantasy when I was a young girl... about being dosed with a spray and being overcome with lust... and then at first being relieved when the dose began to wear off.... only to be dosed again... then beginning to discover that I began to need to be dosed and was relieved when I was... Thanks for letting me share.


I am partial to super heroines being enslaved and owned long term or even permanently? growing up reading comics, I got sssoooo tired of the VERY few times when the heroine was captured and enslaved they got free almost immediately.... or maybe new transfer student enslaves high school teacher. girl transfers in after Christmas break, the teacher is strong, confident, VERY independent woman and well established herself, has built reputation at school for being very tough but fair, everyone's favorite teacher perhaps Masters' degree in psychology, accepts hypnosis as valid but sees only limited uses for therapy. maybe school offers psych class? girl alone with teacher in her office, by time she realizes what is happening already too late? or maybe version of runs in family -- single mom one daughter she meets girl at school gets to know her invites her home to study one weekend, girl meets mom some reason when mom looks into girl's eyes image instantly flashes thru her mind mom naked on knees wanting no NEEDING to serve this girl. MUST be her slave!!! girl is powerful hypnotist but doesn't even need it for mom? Mom knows this is crazy but just CAN"T help herself! girls are upstairs, girl comes down for cokes, mom throws herself at girl's feet, BEGS to be her slave!!? story ideas......easy, writing stories.....hard. reading stories you wanted.........PRICELESS!!!!!!


have you read Sammy's Managing the office?


I love both of these previous suggestions, the slow conversion from straight to lesbian and the super heroine, but I have another aspect I’d love to see, inspired by the slow but intensely satisfying progress of “It runs in the Family”.


Lesbian Incest mind control and lesbian conversion, but this time the daughter somehow being corrupted first, be it by a friend or something else similar to an insidious computer program or music that has slowly corrupted her early in the piece. This starts her on a relentless path of seduction and enslavenment of the rest of her family, with the role reversal (from the usual lesbian MC fare out there) of her enslaving and converting her mother first and foremost on my list of fantasies. I also like to think of her being a little on the ‘Pathic’ side as her corruption continues, revelling in having her own family as the first of her inevitable Harem of Lesbian Sex Slaves.

Ian Graham

Do you have anything against writing about real people, such as celebrities? I like the idea of stories where something in real life is incorporated into a story about that celebrity and adding hypnosis/mind control. For instance, i tried to write, and got half way through, a story about Ariana Grande shortly after her song Problem came out. In the story she gets hypnotized and brainwashed by a new agent who encourages her to start dressing more provocatively. The brainwashing was intense sexual pleasure, (vibrators, sybian machines, nipple stimulation, etc), mixed with having to watch and listen to subliminals, including heavy doses of spirals. IRL after the video came out she did start dressing much sexier and the music video ended up having a lot of spiral imagery, which would have been incorporated into the story as a residual effect of the brainwashing. Stuff like that.

Ian Graham

I also really like serial recruitment, so maybe a story where a student enters an all girls college and starts taking it over from the ground up, starting with student leaders, then counselors, professors, up to dean. Or a similar story, only instead of a school its someone infiltrating a company, (as a member of a rival company trying to steal some plans or specs or data on a new device), and uses various forms of hypnosis/brainwashing to work their way up the foodchain to the board, and when they get there it turns out that the infiltrator actually worked for this company all along and they used the device, (which obviously hypnotizes people), to make her think she was trying to break in, in order to test their security and staff.


One shots always seem HARDER to me, as even a simple, throw it out there story has to stand entirely on its own, being self contained. Frequently suggesting a larger story anyway, if there are interesting threads to the story. Plus, it is important to care about the characters. Even if the 'caring' about them is getting a whammy put on them. That always requires some build up of at least some skillfully worded paragraphs to establish some personality. And, I've always liked the idea of different sort of characters brought down. The Heathers, the Queen Bees and Wannabes, the Cheerleaders, the nerds and geeks, Goth girls, tall athletic girls, little athletic girls, Poli-Sci girls, Activists, bullies and bruisers, gangsta girls. Well the potential list is endless even in a typical setting. Getting into Urban girls, Farm girls and Foreign Nationals, would widen the scope. And so does moving things into the science fiction or fantastic settings. Anyway, once sort of girl getting dominated by another, droned, or twisted into another personality, another category of girl is hot, Particularly if the twist was clever based on the girl's previous personality or behavior, or the twist was into a related--but somehow different--category. Nerd girl into an anime geek, Rebel Girl into Disciple, Brazen Bully into humbled Bodyguard. Playing with twisted family relationships might make for some hot scenes as you've done a fair amount of. A short story with an 'evil stepmother' comes to mind. The struggle of becoming an unwilling stepchild and then facing domination is a classic theme, and a golden one. Some Cuckqueen stories might be interesting and intense to write? Maybe some experiments into manipulation of gender identity? One girl becoming a 'boy', her sibling becoming a 'girly girl'?


In general, I like serial recruitment stories a lot too, loving it when a hypnotic victim turns around and seeks new prey themselves. Maybe to fit a short story you could open with an induction with an eavesdropper overhearing and later the victim from the beginning is the one to tidy up the loose end? More specifically I'd also like to see more stories with vampires and turning (either with the above idea or just in the future generally).

Chris Wiley

I like almost anything where the female is an arrogant bitch and can control others and the people being control is fully aware what is happening but can't resist obeying her.


See I prefer not to write about real people since that can get you into some trouble if you try to publish it. I'm fine doing obvious parodies of people since that's protected but I prefer not to use real people's name's explicitly. That said that is a nice idea of someone brainwashing celebrities and pop stars for their own use and the residual effect leads to hypnotic imagery flooding movies and music XD


I do need to write more stories involving lactation and also superheroes. And I would shamelessly write Beyond Ruby fanfiction haha. I still have to read your new series too


Usually, if I have an idea, I just write it myself - but there's one story that has been giving me a lot of trouble, and maybe you'd be better suited to writing it. It's the story of an adventurer (sickly as a child, basically beat it through sheet force of will and determined to prove herself) who goes on a quest to find a magical item. She takes with her an assistant (strong, muscular girl who's always meek and careful of her strength). They end up running into the treasures guardian, who doesn't like the first girls bossy and domineering attitude - and decides to switch up their personalities a little with some magic. For fun sexy times.

Alec H

Nerdy girl gets bullied by the cheerleader/popular girls clique from school, that is until she changes what the definition of ‘bullying’ means to those girls.


I've had the germ of a story for a long time where an alien, who can manipulate reality at will, comes to Earth and is totally disgusted with how things have developed naturally. Why just two sexes? Why a double helix instead of a triple helix? Why drink the milk of other animals when human women can produce milk? So the alien goes about changing reality which results in: A third sex needed to procreate (a small percentage of them exist and they are highly regarded); All women produce milk and compete to produce the most for their community; Semen helps women BOOST milk production, so women get it wherever and whenever they can; Sex is just sex, recreational, since you can't accidentally get pregnant and triple helix DNA makes diseases almost non existent; Clothes show off the sex organs, instead of hide them; Incest is normal. The alien tweaks reality as the story develops, for his own amusement, and enjoys seeing what happens. We're all just an amusing (but not cruel) entertainment for the alien. He takes a particular interest in one family about which to make these changes. The alien tends to think rather highly of himself. A bit too much.

V01D (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-14 12:35:55 Perhaps something with Fantasy, other than a Succubus. Perhaps something with Kitsune &amp; Illusions/Transformations (of the self)? The author GIggling Goblin has a LOT of creatures to gain inspiration from...
2018-05-19 01:38:17 Perhaps something with Fantasy, other than a Succubus. Perhaps something with Kitsune & Illusions/Transformations (of the self)? The author GIggling Goblin has a LOT of creatures to gain inspiration from...

Perhaps something with Fantasy, other than a Succubus. Perhaps something with Kitsune & Illusions/Transformations (of the self)? The author GIggling Goblin has a LOT of creatures to gain inspiration from...