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I was hoping to have at least two stories done by today, try to get back to my usual release schedule, but my schedule didn't quite turn out that way since my car broke down and I had to shell out $500 to repair it. I've got the stories nearly done but I don't want to rush them out. I am happy to report that there will be a new It runs in the family later this month, hopefully two if I can manage to keep going after this chapters done, as well as a new chapter of Snake Goddess (which has been a real bitch getting to work, I've rewritten it like five times at this point but I'm almost happy with it. As a friend of mine said, the Snake Goddess demands perfection haha)

As always though I'm working faster than I was last month, and no one would be happier to be back on schedule than me. Hang in there everyone, I'll have the smut out to you soon



Glad to hear you're getting back on schedule. Looking forward to EAC! 😊


I'm halfway done with the next Snake Goddess and It Runs in the Family chapters, and EAC is next up after that!


Ug, I hate cars but they're a necessary evil unless you want to be a hermit.


Wish I knew what that felt like. Minneapolis/St.Paul falls shot on the public transit thing despite the 2 rail lines we do have being very heavily used. Even just getting those was a massive fight...

Neil Black

An upcoming IRITF will keep me plugged in. I hope that you continue to heal, and that your car behaves itself.


Funny you should say that, because chapter 16 is done now. Just doing some last revision, since I saw that I accidentally mix up some names haha. Hopefully you'll see the big series chapters coming out faster, as I'm happy to report that my pace is always increasing