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I've certainly made progress after my injury in August, but I didn't do anywhere near what I wanted to accomplish last month for all of you. In the end my total word count was 24,000 words, which is roughly half of what I usually manage every month. My biggest problem was just how long it took me to be able to write something decent again. That work was split over about 9 stories that I tried to write or finish from earlier drafts, but so many of them I kept having to start over because the writing was supbar. I keep thinking if I'd been more focused or pushed myself harder I could have managed more...

Anyway, enough wallowing in defeat. The positive is that I've gotten out of my funk and can write at a more professional level again. Hopefully this will mean less time focused on rewrites and more time spent completing stories for all of you. I'm hoping that I can manage the usual workload fine, although my biggest goal is to work on the main series. I know everyone has been missing them and waiting patiently, and I'm sorry for the delay but I thought it better to wait until I could get the story done right rather than putting out terrible chapters for the sake of a deadline and throwing off the whole series.

This month I want to try and get a chapter done for the more popular series: Slaves to the Snake Goddess, Enslave all Cheerleaders, and It Runs in the Family. I'll also try to work on other series like Managing the Office, but I'm mostly concerned with those main three since it's been much too long since the last updates for them. Feel free to comment below on anything else that you'd like to see me work on, or just sharing your thoughts on how the major stories are going and what you'd like to see in the future. I'm going to get writing as soon as this is posted, and I'll do my best to keep everyone informed either on here or on tumblr.

I want to thank everyone again for sticking by me, the fact that I was able to pay rent at all this month was thanks to all of you, and I hope to spend the month working hard to win back everyone who had to cancel their support.


Rory Hatchel

Way to go! That's awesome progress. Don't let other people crush your spirits or bring you down. Slumps happen to us all. You still have tons of people here supporting you because they love you and love your work. You are more than a story machine to most of us, otherwise, we wouldn't be putting our dollar where our faith is. Keep strong, Patreon was invented exactly for when artists struggled to be workhorses to create stability. We got you.

Devi Lacroix

I haven't started "Slaves to the Snake Goddess" or "Enslave All Cheerleaders"; I guess I'm saving both for a rainy day (and because "Falling For Her Tits" met my quota of cheerleader goodness for a few days, at least). I'm not that into "Runs In The Family", but I absolutely love "Managing The Office" and "Doomed To Fail." Hope to see more of the latter two!


Thanks Sammi! Would also love more Sibling Rivalry in the mix too!