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So my back is still giving me some trouble, might be a week or two before it's healed up, and on top of that I've also gotten a cold. Considering everything, I decided I'm going to do as everyone suggested in the comments of the last post and take the time to let myself heal. I'll try to stay active here on patreon as much as I can, and I'm going to start posting discussions for different story ideas that I'm thinking of writing, but I'm going to save any writing I do manage to make towards next month. Hopefully I'll have enough for a decent buffer, and this way I can start my new method of allowing all of you to vote on stories that are already finished, instead of voting on stories that I want to work on but haven't been started yet. This should make for more regular updates and pressure off of me as well. 

In the mean time I wanted to thank everyone for their well wishes, and I hope I'll be up and running by the start of September.



*leaves hugs and a get-well soon card* Seriously though, I don't think there's anyone here who is gonna blame you for this. You're seriously awesome, and your stories are well worth waiting for.


Suggestions: 1. Standup desk. Can go cheep and just stack some boxes on your desk and put the monitor, keyboard, mouse on them. If you can afford it, and adjustable desk is nice as you can easily go from standing to sitting. If you're really doing well, get a walking desk. I've found being able to stand has really helped with my back issues, though let it heal before you start working again. 2. Consider voice to text software. You could lay on your back/side and dictate to your computer. I've heard good things about dragon naturally speaking, but it's a bit spendy. 3. If you're still worried about upsetting your patrons, go back and read the comments. All I've seen are comments along the lines of we love your stories so take it easy and get better so you can give us more. With all the hate in the world lately it's actually refreshing seeing all the support you're getting.


PS. Patrons comment formatting sucks! Line beaks all went poof...


Thank you :) It's a privelege to write for everyone and I hate that I have to wait before I can get back to doing what I love


Thank you for the great suggestions. It's only some minor bruising in the muscles so once it's healed up I should be all good, but I appreciate the advice on comfortable setups. I've also considered voice to text but I'm not alone in the house and transcribing lesbian fetish erotica out loud isn't the smartest idea XD It's also been great seeing all the reassuring comments. I know some people are leaving for the month and I don't blame them, but I hope to get myself set up well for the next month to reward everyone for sticking through and supporting me


Sorry to hear. Get well soon!


Hope you feel better soon! I'm not going anywhere and I'll use this time to catch up on some of your older stories since I'm a new follower. Sending lots of alien hugs!