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Overcast, ch. 12: Action Words

  • Option 1 13
  • Option 2 24
  • Option 3 19
  • Option 4 18
  • 2024-02-23
  • —2024-02-28
  • 74 votes
{'title': 'Overcast, ch. 12: Action Words', 'choices': [{'text': 'Option 1', 'votes': 13}, {'text': 'Option 2', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Option 3', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'Option 4', 'votes': 18}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 28, 17, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 23, 23, 23, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 74}


Hunter couldn’t believe how quickly his dream had turned into a nightmare.  Or at least that’s what the newborn pretty-boy told himself, because the alternative was that he simply should have known better.  Turning to an unlicensed caster was the very definition of “Big Risk, Big Reward,” and, unfortunately for him, things appeared to have fallen under that first R.

They’d started off so promising.  From what research he’d been able to do beforehand, the discount agency he’d tracked down online seemed as close to legitimate as any of them came.  His email exchanges with them had felt thorough, with the “caster” on the other end asking several clarifying questions and making sure that they had a clear picture of exactly what Hunter wanted.  It all had the appearance of a professional exchange, and even the price lent credence to that authoritative aspect.  The service was nowhere near the astronomical rates that came from Casters Inc., but neither did it send up an immediate red flag as too good to be true.  They were up front about the risks and the limitations, and they’d explained that this wouldn’t be one of those scenarios where no one knew he’d undergone a change.  Given that they were trying to fly under the BMR’s radar, along with the lower price, the working couldn’t alter reality on a wider scale.

Hunter had been fine with all of it.  He wasn’t seeking a dramatic makeover, only a few cosmetic enhancements that people who only ever saw him fully clothed likely wouldn’t even notice.  He was just tired of being so thin and scrawny.  He was tired of his pasty complexion and subpar endowment, of how harsh his sharp features looked and how, at only twenty six, his umber hair had already started to thin.  Unlike Max, Connor and Sean, his puny physique refused to respond regardless of how much time he spent in the gym.  So while his three roommates easily maintained the athletic physiques they’d built during their youth, Hunter was left as the odd man out.  It was a role he’d always filled, the nerdy sidekick following in the hunky jocks’ wake.  He’d never had their broad shoulders or impressive pecs or sturdy arms, and it was becoming increasingly clear that, without magical aid, he never would.

So he’d rolled the dice.  His friends had tried to talk him out of it; they'd all offered, again, to help him with his lifting, but Hunter had made up his mind.  He’d made the arrangements with the caster and had stripped down in front of his mirror at the scheduled time, his heart racing when his wiry, shapeless frame had started to expand.  His bony shoulders had thickened and pushed apart, riding the waves of muscle cresting on his upper back and chest.  In a matter of seconds he’d acquired a pair of plump pecs, the spindly arms on either side puffing and swelling into a matched, sculpted set as a sparse dusting of chocolate hair sprouted to accentuate the newly formed muscle.  His flat stomach had blossomed with abs, pinching inward while his ass and thighs pushed in the opposite direction, a tanned hue overtaking his pale complexion in the process.  As amazing as his now-athletic body appeared, Hunter hadn’t been able to decide whether he’d been more thrilled to watch his short, thin cock grow fat and long above a set of now-hefty balls, or to watch his jaw widen, his lips fill out, and his hair thicken into a deep brown coif.  He’d become gorgeous, morphing from an awkward, frail nerd to a stunning, sculpted stud.  He was buff, beautiful and hung; it was everything he’d ever wanted, a kind of cosmic victory he’d never experienced before.

The rush had been short lived.  Staring at his impeccable new body in the mirror, flexing and feeling his abundant, magical muscle, Hunter had been incredibly turned on.  He felt a throbbing, pulsing ache at his core, along with familiar bolts of pleasure as he tugged on his dangling banana and hefted his girthy balls, but the above-average hose stayed soft.  At first he’d thought things maybe just needed a moment to catch up, though as the minutes passed, as his stroking grew frantic while the internal pressure steadily increased, it was becoming clear that something had gone wrong.

“No, no, no…” Hunter whimpered, his stomach fluttering as he watched the striking stranger flex and jerk himself off in the mirror.  It still didn’t feel like him, and as he pawed at the lifeless monster between his muscled thighs, he wasn’t sure he wanted it to be.  “Come on…don’t do this now…not when we’re so close…” he muttered.

“Bro!  Did it work?  You alive in there?”  Hunter’s desperate tugging was interrupted by Sean’s booming voice and a pounding on his bedroom door.  “Get out here and let us see!”

“Yeah, man.  We’re starting to get worried.  If you don’t open up we’re coming in,” Connor added.

“Just…just a second,” Hunter called, feeling that same conflicted rush of victory at the sound of his deepened voice.  The last thing he wanted to do was step out in front of his friends, but in his addled state he was already on the move, pulling on a pair of his now-too small briefs and heading for the door.  The green underwear was stretched tight around his ample, muscled globes, and the elastic waist actually pulled away from his washboard by the overstuffed pouch.

“Whoa!  Sounds like someone hit puberty,” Max laughed from the other room, his smug chuckle drying up when Hunter’s door opened.  “Holy shit!  Looks like it, too!”

“Fuck, bro!  Look at you,” Sean cheered, reaching out to give the inflated hunk’s arms a squeeze.  “Damn…it actually feels real.  I kinda thought it might just be an illusion or something,” he said, his hands sliding over to squeeze Hunter’s heavy new pecs.

“Dude, let him out of his room at least,” Connor said, pulling the surprised blonde aside to let their altered friend saunter into the living room.  “Well?  Give us a turn and let us see,” he ordered, throwing an arm around Sean’s shoulder as they both gawked.

Hunter’s head spun far faster than his slow rotation.  As he turned in a slow circle and flexed, he couldn’t get over how different his friends suddenly looked.  Sean’s smooth, bare-chested blonde muscle was objectively the same, as was Connor’s raven-haired, hirsute frame, and while Max was every bit the stocky, dark-skinned stud he’d always been, Hunter felt like he was looking at strangers.  The sight of his friends lounging around in nothing but tiny shorts, flaunting their athletic physiques, wasn’t at all uncommon, but as he tried to tell himself that he was now one of them, Hunter couldn’t quite bring himself to believe it.  Despite suddenly sharing some similarities with their well-built shapes, he felt anything but commanding and confident as he squirmed under their eager eyes.

“So?  How’s it feel,” Max asked, folding his arms over his slab of a chest as he stared at Hunter.  He was the shortest of the group and, previously, the most hung, his thick, fat cock clearly visible as it bounced unrestrained beneath his mesh shorts.  “Kinda rude to come for me like that, just sayin’,” he whistled, nodding at Hunter’s stuffed bulge.  “Bad enough ya’ll are taller…you couldn’t even let a dude have that?”

“Yeah, man, that’s…something,” Sean laughed, coming up from behind and reaching down to squeeze the expanded organ.  “I mean, I don’t need to be jealous, but still.”

Hunter could feel himself turning red in the blonde’s embrace.  Unlike his friends, such casual exposure was largely foreign to him, so it was awkward enough to be ogled and stared at in nothing but the skimpy underwear.  Throw in being fondled on top of his already confusing, and growing, attraction, and it was quickly becoming more than he could process.  Hunter was acutely aware of Sean’s own plump bulge pressing into his barely-covered rear, and he was fighting the urge to press back into it.

“Dude, you’re making him blush,” Connor said, flashing a sympathetic smile as he watched the brunette’s stunned expression.  The hairy hunk looked down at his own set of exposed, fur-peppered pecs and spread his arms wide, giving Hunter a full view of his tapering torso as it disappeared into his tantalizingly tiny shorts.  “Max’s cock, Sean’s muscle, and my hair…you really went for it, huh?”

Hunter nodded, knowing what he was about to say but finding himself unable to stop the words.  “It, uh…I don’t think it went fully according to plan,” he said, going a deeper shade of red.

“What do you mean,” Max asked, giving the other two a concerned look.  “Look like a smokeshow to me.”

“My, uh…it…it doesn’t, um…work,” Hunter stammered, nodding down at his heaping pouch.

“Wait, what?!”  Sean let go and took an abrupt step back as if the other man was suddenly contagious.  “How do you know?”

Hunter was mortified as he heard himself.  “Right after…when I was in my room…I was tugging on it, but no response.  None.”

Connor raised an eyebrow and cocked his head as he stared at the brunette’s package.  “Is it, like, numb?  What do you mean?”

“No, I can still feel it like I should, it just doesn’t…”

“Let us see,” Max interrupted.

Sean quickly nodded along.  “Yeah, maybe you’re just cutting off circulation with those things.  Gonna have to get you some big boy undies now,” he grunted.

The last thing Hunter wanted to do was pull his briefs down and stand fully naked, but his hands were already slipping into the waist and pushing the clinging underwear free.  He was slightly grateful for the swaying serpents slumbering state as he felt it swing when he fumbled out of the underwear and righted himself, knowing full well that he would have been rock hard in front of his friends otherwise.  Hunter couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so embarrassed, or turned on.

“This is going to sound weird, but that is a pretty dick, dude,” Connor said with an awkward laugh.  There was a moment of silence as the three jocks eyed their friend’s long, luscious equipment, with the imposing hose looming larger soft than most of theirs while fully hard.

“Thing’s fuckin’ huge,” Sean whistled, nodding at the discarded briefs.  “I’m surprised you even managed to stuff it in those little things.”

“Does it feel any different now,” Max asked, his eyes lingering.  “Give it a tug.”

Hunter’s response made it abundantly clear that something much bigger than he previously realized had gone wrong.  Instead of going back into the privacy of his bedroom to try, the addled Adonis reached down and started pulling on the lifeless log in full view of his friends.  “St…still nothing,” he sputtered after a few moments.

“What about when someone else does it?”  Before Hunter could respond, Connor stepped forward and grabbed the dangling cock, giving a series of slow, gentle strokes.

“Oh…oh fuuuuuuuck,” Hunter groaned before he could stop himself, the aching at his core making him feel like he could explode at any moment.

“Looks like it still feels good,” Max chuckled as Hunter’s jaw dropped.

The blushing brunette licked his fuller lips and nodded.  “That still feels the way it should, it just doesn’t…get hard,” he said, mustering all of his willpower to keep his hands at his sides and not let them drift into Connor’s shorts.

“Maybe you just need to wake it up,” Sean offered.  “Give it a good shaking around.”

Hunter didn’t think the grinning blonde was serious, but his hips started moving as soon as Connor let go and stepped away.  He wanted to crawl under a rock and hide as he watched his friends watching his uselessly large equipment flop and wag and slap against his thighs, yet at the same time, a part of him loved every second.  It wasn’t just his exposure that he was starting to relish, but the act of doing whatever his friends told him to.  A disturbing pattern was starting to form from the time he’d left his room, but Hunter didn’t have a chance to think about it for long.

“Fuck, man!  Are YOU hard right now?”  Sean’s shocked laugh interrupted Hunter’s gyrating, turning the group’s attention to Max and his obviously tented shorts.

The shorter stud’s dark complexion took on a rosy hue as he sputtered out a defense.  “What do you want me to say?  I don’t get it either, but this shit’s hot,” he huffed.  “Why are you looking at my dick, anyway?  Connor was the one up there jerking him off a minute…”

“Bro, chill,” Sean sighed, a hand absently drifting down to his own twitching shorts.  “I was just surprised, not judging.  I’m in the same boat over here.  Looks like we all are,” he said, tilting his head towards Connor’s growing tent.  “Well, most of us.”

“Yeah, this is…” Connor trailed off, his eyes going wide.  “Wait a second!  Did you do this?!  You told us you were hiring the caster to change yourself, but now here we all are boning out over you?  That’s a hell of a coincidence.”

“What?!  No!  Guys, I’d…I’d never,” Hunter stammered, quivering under the trio of glares.  “I swear, all I did was tell them to change me!  I don’t know what’s going on…I mean, I’m so fucking hot for the three of you right now I can’t stand it.  Just being around you is like…” Hunter trailed off when he realized what he’d just said, not at all relieved as the glares turned to grins.

“What did you just say,” Sean asked, watching his friend’s hungry eyes as he purposely flexed.  “Oh, shit!  You really are thirsty for us right now, aren’t you?”

“God yes,” Hunter groaned, the thought of trying to lie or deflect not even occurring to him.

“That sounded sincere,” Max laughed, absently rubbing at his plump pecs.  “So what do we do now?”

Connor shrugged.  “Maybe I was a bit hasty.  No offense, guys…you and your dicks are great, but I still don’t really want anything to do with ‘em.  Just Hunter’s, here.  And I don’t think he would’ve wished himself into a useless showpiece like this, you know?  It seems like something definitely went haywire, but I believe him when he says it wasn’t on purpose.”

Max sighed and nodded.  “Yeah, yeah…you’re right.  But still…what do we actually do about it?”

“On purpose or not, I think Hunter needs to make this right,” Sean said, his arms accentuating the heft of his pecs as they folded beneath the muscled mounds.

“But…but how?!  I don’t even know what happened!  I can try to get in touch with the people who cast…the…spell…” he trailed off when the blonde’s implication finally pierced his frantic thoughts, his stomach fluttering at the suggestion.  “Oh.”

Sean grinned and squeezed his outlined cock through his shorts.  “Dude, first answer that comes to mind…do you want my dick right now?  Yes or no.”  His smile grew when Hunter nodded immediately.  “Do you want Max’s?  What about Connor’s,” he asked, eliciting a similar pair of responses.  “See?  I don’t know what you fucked up, bro, but we’re all friends here, and we’re all horny as shit.  No reason we can’t find a silver lining.”

Max stepped up and wrapped his brawny arms around Hunter from behind, resting his chin on the taller man’s shoulder while his rigid club pressed into the back of the brunette’s thigh.  “We said we’d help you out with your old body…I guess we can help you out with this one, too.”

That was the final straw for Hunter’s self-control.  Without another word, the now-handsome hunk spun and dropped to his knees, taking Max’s shorts with him.  The stocky stud’s fat cock was hitting the back of his throat before he even realized he’d swallowed it, with his hands immediately reaching out to tug on Sean and Connor as the now-naked pair took up a spot on either side.

“Yeah…I’d call this a silver lining,” Max sighed when he tagged Sean to take his place in Hunter’s mouth.  The brunette swallowed the blonde without missing a beat, his hand now gliding along the dark-skinned man’s slick cock.  “Holy fuck this is hot…” Max moaned, his eyes wide as he stared at his naked friends and rubbed at his muscle gut.  “Never been blown BY a dude, WITH a bunch of other dudes at the same time.  We’re just not gonna tell anyone else about this, ri..ruuugghhnnn…!”  Max was cut off by his explosive release, the copious eruption blasting into Hunter’s thickened chocolate coif.  He flashed a flushed, bashful grin when he’d finished spraying, his heavy pecs heaving as he caught his breath.  “That’s just ‘cause he’s got me all worked up!  It’s not usually that quick!  He just…”

“Whatever you say, bud,” Sean laughed, batting his own smaller, spit-slick cock against Hunter’s pretty new features as he let Connor take a turn.  “Whooaaa!  Oh…okay…yeah…that’s a little more intense once he’s slobbered on it,” the blonde sputtered, his abs flexing as he squirmed.

“Excuses, excuses,” Connor sighed, his eyes drooping and his head falling back on his shoulders.  “Let me show you how it’s doooOOHH!  Hey!  Knock it off,” he yelped when Sean’s hand reached out and started groping a hairy pec.  The blonde’s fingers eventually landed on one of his nipples, tweaking the tiny nub while Hunter’s head bobbed.

“Show us how what’s done?  Dude doesn’t even know what you like yet!  And it’s not like he can reach these titties when he’s all the way down there,” Sean said with a smug grin, taking full advantage of Connor’s previous, drunken admission about what turned him on.

“That’s fucked up, bro.  I told you that in…in confidence…” the hairy hunk moaned, his jaw dropping when Max joined in on the other side.  With the stocky wall of muscle working him to his left and the chiseled blonde doing the same to his right, Connor lost control entirely and blasted down Hunter’s throat.

Watching his friend’s wide-eyed spasming, along with the novel knowledge that he’d just been partially responsible for getting another man off, pushed Sean over the edge right after.  The blonde sprayed with a low, guttural grunt, soaking Hunter’s hair on the other side to match Max’s sticky handiwork.

For his part, the kneeling hunk was starting to piece together what might have gone wrong.  As he’d choked on his friends’ cocks in a desperate frenzy, he’d started to remember some of the research he’d conducted.  One of the things that made utilizing a caster of any variety so risky was the fickle nature of magic.  One wrong intention or even intonation could cause everything to go off the rails.  “Action” words could be particularly problematic, and as he felt his friends erupting into his wavy mane, Hunter suspected that’s where things took a turn.  He’d wanted to look like his friends, to have a ripped, beautiful body that he could flaunt and take for granted the way they did, and he suspected those words held the key.  “Wanting.”  “Looking.”  “Flaunting.”  “Taking.”  Throw in the ideas of his friends and beautiful, male bodies in general, and Hunter could start to understand why he was so turned on by being exposed in their presence, why he wanted to be exposed at all times, and why they wanted to take him as badly as he wanted to be taken.  As much as he tried to resist his new identity, the outcome was inevitable.  Already he wanted nothing more than to do whatever his friends told him, no matter how embarrassing, and he knew without a doubt that he’d be spending the majority of his time in a state of significant undress.  The source of his earlier resentments about being treated like a nerdy sidekick had largely been internal since his friends had never actually treated him in such a condescending way, but Hunter knew that would be changing.  Thanks to his own magical influence of their behavior, now he wasn’t a nerdy sidekick, he was a uselessly hung, hunky one, whose beautiful new body would be used by them, against him.

And he loved it.  Hunter groaned when he finished swallowing Connor’s eruption, savoring the sensation of Max and Sean’s copious loads matting his hair and running down his statuesque cheeks.  His limp cock was leaking like a faucet, oozing a small puddle onto the floor as he gazed with desperate longing at the men towering over him.  “Guys…oh fuck that was good…” he whimpered, unable to keep from groping himself as he squirmed on his knees.  “I’m so fucking horny right now…please…I…I need you to finish me off,” he begged, dropping onto all fours and wagging his ample new bubble towards the trio.  Being tag-teamed by his friends wasn’t at all how he saw things going, but now he wouldn’t have it any other way.

There was a lingering silence as the three jocks exchanged smug, knowing grins.   “I’m sure we can work something out,” Sean said, his pecs bouncing as he shrugged.  “But we’re going to need a minute to recharge, and I think we should establish the ground rules for exactly how you’re going to make this up to us, right?”

“I’ve got, like, a boat load of laundry that needs done, too,” Connor nodded.

“Kitchen hasn’t had a good scrubbing in a while either,” Max added.  “Maybe we can revisit this once all that’s taken care of?”

Hunter expected to be angry, but all he felt was thrilled at the prospect of fulfilling his new role as their ironically-hung, hunky houseboy.  He knew his friends wouldn’t make it easy for him, nor did he want them to.  Sean already had his phone out, but that still didn’t stop the kneeling pretty-boy from giving his cheeks another shake, emphasizing the weight of the long, limp hose dangling beneath him.  “Where should I start,” he asked, batting his eyes for the camera.


Voting Options


Option 1: A man who’s convinced that magic can all be boiled down to math and angles has his own personal geometry reconfigured when he stumbles onto the wrong formula. (shrinking, muscle growth)

Option 2: A caster taking unapproved gigs on the side gets caught by the Council of Caster Affairs, who strip him of his clothes and magical abilities when they turn him into a harmless, hunky houseboy as punishment.  (muscle growth, himbo)

Option 3: An enterprising young man creates a machine to siphon and gather the residual magical energies leftover from spell casting in the hopes of using it for himself, only to get caught in an arcane explosion when the machine overloads. (cock growth, butt growth, stripped)

Option 4: An arrogant grad student working on a thesis about magic and casters is given a firsthand demonstration after irritating his subjects, leaving him with a demandingly distracting set of oversized, overly-sensitive pecs that refused to be contained.  (pecs, muscle growth)



Oooh. Very torn between 3 and 4.