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“Oh fuck…oh fuck…” Kent stammered, running a hand across the damp mounds of his prominent chest.  His palms scratched against the hair already pushing up through the tanned skin, his heart racing at the impossible sensation.  He’d just finished shaving for the second time that day, and already the unrelenting growth fought back.  The blonde pretty boy was naturally hirsute, having sprouted on a branch of the family tree that bore hairy fruit, but he kept his lean, fit frame almost entirely smooth.  Other than a small, carefully maintained bush at the base of his hefty cock, and a bit of growth on his calves and forearms, Kent’s well-crafted physique was spotless.  He said he did it because it showed off his ripped definition better, that he didn’t want anything obscuring his tight six-pack, or the deep valley that separated his bulging pecs.

Or so he claimed.  Blaming his vanity was easier than explaining how he’d always dreaded the thought of turning into one of the hairy bruisers that lurked in his genes.  Kent didn’t like to go into detail about what it felt like when he was younger, when his puberty-stricken body began to betray him with taunting, peach-fuzz hints at his inevitable future.  He’d kept himself clean shaven ever since, all through high school and now well into college.  Even his two roommates barely knew his secret shame, not that they’d care.  Brad’s stocky frame already sported a wiry coating of its own, and Drew didn’t seem bothered in the least by the smattering of auburn hair that clung to his toned pecs and firm stomach.

But it wasn’t the same.  His friends weren’t at war with their bodies the way he was with his.  They’d struck an accord with their silky symbiotes, agreeing to leave them alone as long as they stayed a certain length or within certain boundaries.  Kent wasn’t so lucky.  His hair used guerrilla tactics, sprouting in random patches where it never had before, steadily gaining ground with a strategy that relied on attrition.  Sooner or later, it knew, he would tire of fighting back and eventually give in.  All it had to do was wait.  Kent was determined to prove it wrong, but global events had just further stacked the deck against him.

No one knew what the giant worm-things were, or where they’d come.  Everyone hoped for answers now that the foul-smelling clouds they’d belched out had dissipated, but all they got were more questions.  Somehow, people were changing into the very thing he dreaded.  It all should have been impossible, but he’d seen it happen to people he actually knew firsthand.  This wasn’t some internet conspiracy, or some “friend of a friend’s cousin’s coworker” story.  These were guys from campus he’d spent years with, guys who should have been lean, fit and smooth but who’d become bulky, naked nightmares.

It only added to his dread.  Becoming thick and hairy was one thing; being forced to parade it around was another.  And that didn’t even take into account the change that most guys found truly horrifying.  Hair and muscle weren’t nearly as bad as the universal shrinkage that seemed to strike all of the afflicted men.  Kent had shared countless locker room showers with his friend Jake, and he was very familiar with the dark-skinned stud’s ten-inch beast, but the last picture he’d seen of the inflating hulk only showed a tiny nub poking against the pouch of a normally-stuffed jockstrap.

The fact that the picture made his own cock swell did nothing to ease his frayed nerves.  He’d even jerked off to it, just as he’d jerked off to the previously mundane memories of his naked peers in those same locker rooms.  He’d tried to think about girls and watch his usual porn, but it did less than nothing for him now.  He knew they were all in the same boat.  He, Drew and Brad had been getting hard at the sight of each other for days.  It was only a matter of time.  Already, instead of trying to hide their arousal, his two friends were starting to wear less and less.  He’d been prepared to do the same, until now.

Kent reached down and gave his stuffed boxer-briefs a reassuring squeeze.  He told himself they still didn’t know what was happening.  It was possible that not everyone would follow the same trajectory or have the same outcome.  And it’s not like he was in any danger.  They’d told everyone to stay away from the hospitals unless it was an actual medical emergency, that there was nothing they could do for you if you started to change.  The best thing to do was ride it out at home, they’d said.  They’d determined that it was the gas, not something contagious, so Kent reminded himself that he wasn’t putting Brad or Drew at risk by not telling them.  If they were also infected it was already too late.

He shuddered at the “also” as he slipped into a pair of loose track pants and a long sleeve t-shirt.  The level of coverage would raise questions, but he needed to play for time until he had a better idea of what was happening.  It all felt so ridiculous, having to justify actually wearing clothes.  Kent was still surprised by how quickly they’d all fallen into a new routine.  The world had officially changed forever.  A massive hole had been punched in everything everyone thought they knew, and yet life kept going.  People continued to adapt, doing whatever it took to feel normal and hoping that someone would just tell them what to do to make it all go away.

The urge for normalcy was a powerful impulse, so potent that when Kent walked out of his room to find his friends jerking off on the couch, he didn’t even stop to think about how odd it should have been.  He enjoyed the view instead, ignoring the two girls going at each other on the TV screen just the way his friends seemed to be doing.  His eyes lingered on Brad’s short, raven hair, and he found himself admiring the way the buzzcut showed off the shorter man’s sharp cheekbones and wide jaw.  He’d always been impressed by the brawny wrestler’s powerful physique, with his broad shoulders, beefy arms, and squat, meaty lower half.  And he’d always known, on an objective level, that Brad’s bulging pecs and comically wide cock were potential sources of envy, but he’d never stopped to put the pieces together as a complete, handsome whole before.  The same went for Drew, whose tight, bottom-heavy build seemed more like a work of art with each passing day.  Kent couldn’t believe that he’d never once noticed how the auburn-haired boy-next-door had a face that was smolderingly innocent.  With his bright eyes, button nose, and scrubby stubble the other man was disarmingly handsome, but the more Kent looked, the more he noticed the wry curl to his friend’s soft lips, and the way those blue eyes flashed with hunger.  Throw in a torso as shredded as his own, as well as a pair of thick, soccer-player thighs, and it was all Kent could do not to grab his friend’s ample rear whenever it was in reach.

Kent could feel himself kneading his rigid log while he stared, but he didn’t stop.  He knew his friends could turn around and catch him at any moment.  A part of him wanted them to.  He could see them gazing at each other out of the corner of their eyes, the porn on screen nothing but an excuse as their heads ever so slowly turned to face the other.  If it wasn’t for his recent discovery he’d be in the middle with them, but as it was he fought to keep his distance.

“Hey!” Brad called, using the excuse of looking over his shoulder in Kent’s direction to linger on  the leaking pole sticking out of Drew’s briefs.  “Look who finally…” he trailed off, scowling when he saw Kent’s outfit.  “What the fuck, man?  I thought we had an agreement.”

Drew paused his stroking, his eyes following the same path over Brad’s body when he turned to look.  He raised an eyebrow, his gaze fixed squarely on the tent in Kent’s pants.  “Yeah dude, I thought we weren’t going to make it weird.”

The blonde jock forced a laugh and shook his head.  “You suddenly have a time machine?”

“Weirder,” Brad corrected, emphasizing the last two letters.  “What?  Cinderella too good for her stepsisters now?”

“No, it’s not that,” Kent sighed, regretting his status as the group’s Looker.  He’d always felt a smug satisfaction at being the first pick whenever the three of them went out, but now that was only going to increase the velocity of his downfall.  “I just didn’t feel like walking around with my dick out, alright?”

“Your loss, bro,” Drew shrugged, wagging his thick pole.  “Gotta find a silver lining somewhere, right?”

Brad wasn’t so easily convinced.  He watched Kent walk into the kitchen, slowly looking the strapping stud up and down.  “Did you see something on the news, or what?”

Kent rolled his eyes.  “Do you hear yourselves?  You’re giving me shit for wearing pants.  If you want to see my dick the least you could do is stop pretending and just ask.”

“Okay, let’s see it then,” Brad said with a grin.

Kent turned his back towards the fridge and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.  “I never said I’d…” he bit back a gasp, his heart racing when he saw a shower of golden strands fall free in front of his face.  “…I’d agree,” he continued, hoping the others didn’t see.  As much as he wanted to inspect himself he pulled his hand away, afraid that he’d unintentionally lose more.  “Speaking of news…is there any,” he asked, wanting to change the subject.

Drew reached for his phone and shook his head.  “Nothing new.  Just more guys posting about what they’re going through.  You see it hit Billy?”

“What?  No,” Kent said, trying not to sound eager as he looked at his friend’s outstretched phone.  Instead of the thin, long-haired brunette he expected to see, he found himself looking at a thick, bald bear.  Billy’s flowing, chocolate brown mane was gone entirely, just like his smooth, runner’s build.  Now he was broad and round, so heavy with furry muscle that it was hard to imagine him running at all.  Unlike a lot of the pictures the altered men posted, Billy was fully naked, letting everyone see the small nub and grape-sized balls that had once been his swaying banana.  Kent fought back a whimper, both of dread and desire.  The sight of his inflated friend drove him wild, but he was mortified at the thought of sharing such a fate.  “Why are they all…I mean…why’s everyone posting this shit?  Why isn’t it getting taken down?”

Brad blushed when the other two looked over and caught him absently stroking himself as he stared at Drew’s phone.  “Billy said he wanted people to see what it was like, and that they’ll be okay if it happens to them, I guess.  He said it’s small, but he’s happy to report that it still works.”

“That’s a relief,” Kent said before he could stop himself, much to his friends’ surprise.  Stuck between two bad options, he took the more embarrassing one and admitted his attraction.  “What?  Like you weren’t just practically drooling over it,” he spat at Brad.  “It’s a relief for him, I mean.  For all of ‘em.”

“Mmmmhhhmmm,” Brad laughed.  “Guess we know what pretty-boy’s into.”

“At least he’s not going to have to find someone who can unhinge their jaw to blow him,” Kent shot back.  “Or someone who can fit a loveseat up their pussyyyyyyyy…” Distracted as he was, Kent didn’t see Brad coming.  Nor did his forward-leaning pose give him any leverage when the dark-haired jock suddenly shot up and grabbed him, pulling him over the back of the couch.  He landed in a heap, his face planted firmly in his stocky friend’s lap with the other man’s warm, rigid pole rubbing against his cheek.  He squirmed, but Drew grabbed his legs before he could right himself, and with Brad’s powerful arms pressing down on his chest all he succeeded in doing was causing his shirt to ride up.

It was too much for Kent.  With his surging hormones already in overdrive the sensation of Brad’s stout cock against his face was like a beacon.  Nothing else mattered.  The blonde jock's growing dread, embarrassment and hesitation all fled in the moment that it took for him to turn his head.  He was running his lips along Brad’s rod before he even realized he was doing it, his tongue flitting out against the throbbing organ.

“Ohhh…oh fuck, dude,” Brad gasped, easing the pressure that held Kent in place.  He let his friend roll over to fully swallow his eager member, the mocking tone gone from his voice.  “I know we’re all…super horny…but you’re…a natural at this, man,” he grunted, running his fingers through Kent’s hair.  The slurping stud heard Brad’s voice from a distance, barely able to focus on anything other than getting as much of the leaking cock into his mouth as he could.    There was a small alarm bell ringing in his brain at the feeling of his friend’s stubby fingers running through his hair but he ignored it, his body on autopilot.  He’d never experienced such intense desire, and in that moment he needed Brad more than he needed to hide whatever was happening.  He didn’t give a second thought to the fact that his feet were in Drew’s lap, or that he could feel the other man jerking off while he watched; he just needed to keep going.

Even when he felt the rush of air, he kept slurping.  An odd shiver ran down his spine, quickly followed by an unaccustomed breeze on his broad shoulders.  Positioned as he was on his stomach, it was like someone undid a zipper on the back of a dress, his clothes disintegrating in a line from top to bottom, following the same trajectory of the tingle that shot down his spine.  Kent knew what it meant, but he had to keep going.  He could feel Brad nearing the edge and he needed to see this through.

It all happened so fast that the other two could only stare in shocked silence at the suddenly-naked pretty-boy for several moments.  “Ke…Kent!  Dude!  You…you’re…one of them…” Drew finally stammered, unable to keep his hands from running up his friend’s now-bare thighs.  At the same time, Brad finally noticed the growing pile of golden hair collecting on the front of his boxer briefs.

“Shit!  Kent!  You’re fuckin’ hair, man…it’s falling out!”  Brad’s eyes went wide at the patches of scalp that were starting to show through Kent’s once-full head of hair, but his friend pushed him over the edge before he could pull away.  The stocky jock gave a spasming hiss as he came, unleashing such a potent spray that it squirted out the corners of the other man’s sputtering mouth.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck that’s good…” Kent whimpered as he let Brad’s softening hose fall from his lips.  He buried his nose into the other man’s lap for a moment, savoring the musky aroma instead of facing the reality of his situation.  He knew that as soon as he sat up everything would be different forever.  It already was, but since he hadn’t seen it for himself yet he could still pretend.  He took a final huff and righted himself, cum running down his chin to dribble through the growing hair on his permanently-exposed pecs.  The curly patch spreading out from the center and spilling down his abs wasn’t the forest he’d seen on some of the other affected men.  It was still small and manageable, though the tendrils pushing their way towards his shoulders and creeping up his forearms confirmed what they already knew.  It was only a matter of time.

Pt. 2

“Kent...fuck, man, why didn’t you say something?”  Brad squirmed out of the way as Kent threw himself back down on the couch, shooting Drew a stunned look.

The auburn-haired jock still had his rigid cock in hand while he gawked back and forth between Kent’s bare frame and Brad’s stocky bulk.  Even with the recent revelation, or perhaps because of it, the lean hunk wanted to keep pumping away, but he reluctantly let go.  “So this is why you were acting weird,” Drew said, running a hand along the back of Kent’s increasingly hairy thigh.  His cock throbbed when he felt the blonde stud shiver, and he let the hand linger.  “When did it start?”

Kent took a deep breath, his eyes still glued to the spot on the couch formerly occupied by Brad’s wide pole.  “This morning.  At least that’s when I noticed it.  I guess it probably started last night?  I thought I needed a shave when I woke up, but it started growing back almost immediately.  I tried to tell myself I just did a bad job, so I did it again, and the same thing happened.  That’s when I knew,” Kent sighed.  “Just now…before...before the clothes...my clothes…” he stammered, taking another deep breath.  “I noticed my hair falling out...oh god…” he broke off in a groan, burying his face against the sofa.  He tried to focus on Brad’s warm, solid thigh next to his head, and the way Drew’s stroking fingers sent little darts up his spine.  His friends’ presence was both reassuring and an extra layer of humiliation.  As much as he didn’t want to go through what he knew was coming alone, he also didn’t relish the idea of doing it in front of others.  “How bad is it?  How bald am I?” Kent finally mumbled into the sofa.  The following pause told him all he needed to know.

“It’s...noticeable,” Brad said, running a finger over the growing bare patch spreading out from the back of his friend’s head.  “But it’s not a big deal!  Lots of dudes are bald.  It looks weird now, but once it, uh, settles, it’ll look fine.”

“You mean once it all falls out,” Kent sighed.  He rolled over and lurched upright, his whole body crimson as he lifted a tentative hand and felt the growing bald patch for himself.  While his scalp was losing its hold on what remained of his golden locks, the rest of his body had a much easier time.  The silky patch at the center of his chest continued its inexorable spread, inching its way up towards his shoulders.  The wispy fuzz that acted as a precursor had hardened into a light, wiry dusting up along the ridge of his collarbone and down between the channels of definition that would soon be vanishing from his firm abs.  It was too much to process.  Looking down at his still-tapering frame, Kent couldn’t believe that in a matter of hours it would inflate beyond recognition, and that he’d never cover the beefy, micro-dicked bulk again.  That last thought caught his attention, and he dropped the probing fingers from his scalp to wrap them around his throbbing cock.  “Oh god…” he gasped, his stomach dropping.  Instead of sticking well out of his closed fist the pulsing organ now barely made it past his palm, looking closer to an average six inches than its former eight.  “Oh fuck...oh fuck…it’s actually happening...” Kent panted, his now-furry pecs heaving as he looked with wild eyes at his two friends.  “What...what do I do?”

Brad shot Drew a helpless look before his eyes dropped back to Kent’s smaller cock.  He’d seen the other man’s equipment often enough, especially lately, that even this subtle change was jarring.  The full magnitude of what was coming started to sink in, and he had no idea what to say.  “Don’t...don’t panic, right?  You saw what Billy said.  Everything still works.”

“So what?  Did you see Billy,” Kent cried.  “What the fuck am I gonna do with a dick smaller than my thumb?!”

“Do you...want to take it for a final spin?  While it’s still close to its original size, I mean.”  Drew blushed, a bashful look on his face when the other two turned in his direction, their jaws hanging open.  “What?  I’m just trying to help a dude out.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” Brad laughed.  “As if this day wasn’t already weird enough...are you telling me you’ve... “ he trailed off, an eyebrow arched as he eyed his friend.

“No!  Not with a guy,” Drew said, squirming awkwardly under his friends’ piercing eyes.  “Remember Tiff?  She was always trying to get me to ‘experiment.’  Turns out that shit feels real good.”  He gave an embarrassed laugh and shrugged.  “I never said anything to you assholes before ‘cause I knew you’d never let me live it down.  Seems kind of irrelevant now.”

Brad made a tutting sound and shook his head.  “You think you know someone…” he said, slapping the equally-shocked Kent on a furry thigh. The creeping hair had slipped up over his knees and was starting to circle the blonde’s muscled legs like a pair of stockings.  “Fuck it, man.  Hit that shit while the hitting’s good, I guess.”

Kent didn’t know what to say.  A growing part of him desperately wanted to take a crack at Drew’s plump, ample rear, and he was eager for anything that would distract him from his own plight, but at the same time it felt a bit like walking to the gallows.  “I...you’re serious?”

“Absolutely,” Drew grinned and nodded, slipping his underwear free before positioning himself on all fours on the couch.  He wagged his muscled globes in Kent’s direction, his face going a deeper shade of red.  “Honestly?  The way you brag about your skills in bed I, uh, was always a little curious.”

“Hello?  I’m sitting right here,” Brad spat, folding his arms across his chest.  “Should I be offended?”

“We can worry about you later,” Drew said, rolling his eyes as he met Kent’s hungry stare.  “So what’s the word?  Are we doing this?”

Kent swallowed hard, finally noticing the copious fluid leaking out of his aching cock.  He also saw how the oozing member had receded further, the tip now just barely visible at all sticking out of his closed fist.  He didn’t waste any more time.  The balding stud shifted over and draped himself against Drew’s back, a spasm running through him.  He’d never once thought about fucking another guy, but now the sensation of his friend’s sizeable rear pressing against him nearly pushed him over the edge.  Kent did his best not to think about why they were doing this as he forced his slick rod inside, eliciting a loud hiss from the other man.  It was a tight fit as there wasn’t time to loosen anyone up, but after a few slow thrusts his tense friend started to relax.  Kent wasn’t sure if things felt different because of his reduced size or the unfamiliar terrain, though the waves of lust that washed over him were no less intense.  If anything they hit harder than ever, his own ecstatic moans mixing in with Drew’s helpless whimpers.

It was a surreal experience.  With each thrust, Kent was increasingly aware of how his now-hairy chest and stomach felt rubbing against Drew’s smooth back.  The added layer only heightened his ecstasy, and though he’d already cum at least twice he kept pumping, his shrinking cock staying as hard as ever.  A steady stream poured out from between Drew’s battered hole but the balding blonde kept going, wanting to savor every last second.  He’d lost track of how much time had passed, but he could feel himself getting smaller almost by the minute.  To his credit, even after Drew had howled and exploded the lean jock let Kent continue to slam away until the shrinking cock barely felt like it was entering him at all.

“Guess...that’s that…” Kent panted, finally pulling free.  He reached up and felt his mostly-smooth scalp at the same time he looked down, simultaneously discovering both his baldness and tiny new endowment.  He’d done it on purpose, wanting to rip the bandaid off as quickly as he could.  Above, his once-thick, golden hair was now little more than a sparse ring around the edge of his skull, while below, his once-thick cock had been reduced to a stout, three-inch poker.  Kent knew he should be embarrassed, but between the shock and the body buzz from his romp with Drew, all he could do was give a stunned laugh as he tweaked his diminutive new balls and looked over at the caked layer spilling down Drew’s thighs.  “Billy wasn’t kidding.  Little guys dump a hell of a load,” he said, the other hand tracing a finger through the spreading hair coating his abs.  The line was dense and thick in the middle, but already a growing carpet was sprouting on his midsection.  The channels that had filled in between his washboard had spilled over, letting the flooding fur run rampant.  The same went for his chest, which now sported a curly pad that would have tufted out of the necks and sleeves of his shirts, had he still been able to wear them.  “Do I look as weird as I think?”

“It’s like going through puberty again,” Brad shrugged, his eyes blazing with hunger as he stared at Kent.  The thick log he’d been pumping while watching his friend’s go at it looked colossal next to the bald jock’s tiny new nub, but he still licked his lips, fighting the urge to swallow the petite geyser.  “You’re just in that awkward middle phase.”

“Fuckin’ horny enough to be puberty again, that’s for sure,” Kent sighed.  “I hope this mellows out once it all...settles...whoa…” The former blonde wobbled when he forced himself up from the couch, his balance thrown off by the extra weight at his legs.  At some point during his fun with Drew the growth had started, apparently deciding to begin with his lower half.  The jock’s solid thighs had inflated noticeably, pressing together in an unfamiliar way and causing his perky rear to plump considerably.  With the excessive hair that had sprouted on the meaty trunks the formerly chiseled young man looked photoshopped, his tapering torso sitting on a thick, beefy lower body.  “What the fuck?!”  Kent gave another shocked laugh, blushing as he felt his chunky legs and ass shake with each fumbling step.

“Damn bro...that ass is putting mine to shame,” Drew laughed, giving Kent’s furry globes a loud slap.  The hair that coated his thighs had begun to pepper the fleshy cakes, reaching the middle just as the flaxen shoots crested the shoulders above and began waterfalling down the inflating hunk’s back.  “Are you...okay?  Like, does it hurt,” Drew asked, pulling his hand away when it occurred to him that his friend might be in pain.

Kent shook his head, his eyes going wide when he reached down and palmed his new bulk.  “No, not at all.  This is so weird...I can barely feel anything happening,” he said, his tone flat as he looked at his missing definition.  “Real glad I spent all that time in the gym.”

“Nah, dude, you’re going to be a fuckin’ beast,” Brad said, hopping up and giving both cheeks a squeeze.  “The muscle’s still there.”

Kent gasped, proving Brad’s point when he reflexively tensed against the other man’s hand.  He was hit with a strange urge to throw the meaty pillows back but he stopped himself.  He didn’t think he’d be able to do so a second time.  With all the changes happening his body was on overdrive, but even accounting for that, Brad’s cock was a beacon he’d only be able to ignore for so long, and Kent wasn’t sure if he should be relieved or further horrified when it occurred to him that he was no longer thinking about how he’d use his tiny cock at all.  “Wonder what’ll go next,” the bottom-heavy jock stammered as his stocky friend circled around to face him.

“Can’t wait to find out,” Brad purred, his rugged palms reaching up to slip through the amber forest on Kent’s chest.  “I mean it, dude.  I’m not just saying it to make you feel better...you’re going to be so, so hot when this is all over.”  It was the dark-haired man’s turn to blush when the other two gave him a surprised look.  Up until now they’d tried to maintain the illusion that their odd behavior over the preceding days was nothing but a physical compulsion, not something they truly enjoyed.  But even more so than Drew offering up his muscled bubble, Brad had just shattered that illusion.

Kent responded the only way he could.  Without saying anything he leaned in and pressed his lips against Brad’s, giving himself fully over to whatever changes happened next.  At the moment, he didn’t care.  All that mattered was the stocky ball of muscle writhing in his arms.  When Drew joined them a few moments later, kissing his way down Kent’s neck and along a hairy shoulder, everything started to feel right.  As they spent the rest of the day locked in each others’ arms, the former blonde didn’t feel like a freak who’d been cursed; he felt like he was being reborn.  He was shedding his former self while a new, better version grew in its place.  Instead of dreading the fact that he was going through these changes in front of his friends he loved that they could explore them together.  There were no cries of horror when his ripped washboard vanished and his tight midsection ballooned outward into a beachball muscle gut, only lustful moans as Brad and Drew worked their mouths across it.  The same went for his chest when the sculpted pecs inflated into a set of plump, furry muscle tits.  All Kent could do was howl in ecstasy while his friends clutched handfuls of his furry back and sucked on his enlarged nipples like nursing infants.  When his chiseled arms gave way and thickened into a set of beefy logs, Kent felt a surge of power at the sight of his comparatively small friends nestled in their grip.  And when the sharp features of his face began to soften slightly and fill out to match the rest of him, he only thought that it made sense.  His old face belonged to someone else.  It could never twist and light up with bliss the way his new one did when Brad finally entered him for the first time.  His old mouth could never work Drew the way his new one did, and all his hair would have done was make a mess when his friends came, a problem that his slick, bald scalp didn’t have.

Which isn’t to say that Kent had fully accepted his new position in life.  By the following morning he was already growing to appreciate the unique sensations his altered body brought him, as well as the joy of waking up in a tangle between his two friends.  But the fine details still needed to be processed.  Though the experience of becoming the very thing he’d always dreaded hadn’t been nearly as bad as he’d expected, there was still the matter of his permanent exposure.  Being naked around Brad and Drew was one thing, but Kent knew that at some point he’d have to leave their apartment.  After forcing themselves out of bed and into the shower, the inflated wall of muscle had learned the hard way that his body still had its strange new effect on anything that tried to cover it.  He’d wrapped a towel around his expanded waist out of habit, only to have the damp cotton dissolve moments later.  They’d gone to his room afterwards to experiment, watching with a mixture of shock and delight as Kent dissolved one ill-fitting article of clothing after another.

“I guess this is just how things are for now,” the burly hulk finally said, watching yet another of his straining t-shirts vanish into dust.  He looked down at his expansive new bulk, surprised by how normal the sight of his rigid little cock already seemed.

“Lucky us,” Brad grinned, stepping forward to plant another kiss as he reached down and palmed Kent’s tiny package.  It was as if the former blonde’s transformation had flipped a switch in the stocky jock’s brain, unleashing an eager, uninhibited streak.  The same could be said for Drew, though he was still at least trying to act casual.

The lean man rolled his eyes when Brad threw himself at Kent and looked at what remained of his friend’s wardrobe.  “I’ll take some of this stuff, man.  It should fit me pretty well.  At least it won’t go to waste.”

Brad broke off the kiss and shot his friend a dirty look.  “What happened to solidarity?”

“You just want me naked,” Drew laughed.

“Well, yeah,” Brad said, giving his best sultry expression while flexing his prominent pecs.  “Don’t you?”  He grinned when Drew’s long hose twitched and hardened in his direction, loving the crimson sheen that flowed up the other man’s bashful face.  “Come on….say it.”

“Fine.  Yes,” Drew sighed.  “You’re both fuckin’ hot.”  He shook his head and ran a hand through  his auburn hair with an exasperated expression.  “And I thought what happened to Kent would be the weirdest thing…”

“Was that someone else I watched getting fucked senseless yesterday,” Brad asked, twirling a finger through Kent’s ample chest hair while he spoke.  The bigger man shivered, his tiny cock starting to ooze already.  “Face it, dude.  We’re living in a whole new world.”

Drew looked back and forth between his friends, still trying to fight the urge to scamper over and join them.  “I know, it’s just...what do we do now?”

Kent was surprised to find himself with the answer.  Less than twenty four hours ago he’d been mortified, filled with terror over what the future held.  Now, other than a little embarrassment that was more of an exhibitionist thrill than anything, the furry hulk looked forward to it.  “Long term?  Fuck if I know,” Kent said, stepping over and throwing a meaty arm around Drew.  He reached down and squeezed his friend’s thick, solid bubble, digging his tiny cock into the other man’s side.  “Right now, though?  I’ve got some ideas.”  He leaned in for another kiss, motioning for Brad to join them.


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