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“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly natural to be nervous.”

Ben swallowed hard and nodded, his smooth, bare skin breaking out in goosebumps.  Standing naked in the narrow cylinder with his body about to undergo a dramatic change, “nervous” wasn’t the word he would have used.  He was excited and eager, but also awkward and embarrassed as he stood fully exposed in front of the stranger in a lab coat.  Having been a swimmer for years, Ben was used to having his tapering body on display, though he wasn’t used to being inspected like a lab specimen.  The process of having his measurements taken was more than he was expecting, especially when his impressively long hose started twitching as the man wrapped a measuring tape around it and his low, heavy balls.  The technician had been professional, saying that he understood how a twenty year old jock’s body worked and joking that he was both flattered and a little nostalgic for those days himself.

As awkward as the set up was, Ben was still blown away that Trev had actually taken up a collection from his wrestling buddies to fund all this.  After so many months of listening to the lean blonde complain about his inability to bulk up, his roommate had apparently decided to take matters into his own hands.

Ben didn’t want to think about how much this all cost.  He knew Trev came from money, but the rest of the wrestling team were all a bunch of poor college students like himself, and the price to undergo a Procedure was almost as incredible as the technology that made it all possible.  This was no mere plastic surgery.  The Procedure actually altered a person on a genetic level.  Ben didn’t think of himself as dumb, but the specifics of how it all worked were more than he could wrap his head around.  All he knew is that his stocky friend had completely taken him by surprise when he gave him the gift card.  Ben had protested but Trev was insistent, saying that it would be worth it for everyone in the end.

“Are we ready to begin?”  The man in the lab coat gave Ben a sympathetic smile as he looked over the tablet in his hands.  “Remember...all you have to do is stand there.  This doesn’t hurt at all.  The most you should feel is maybe some minor aches or some residual itching.  Dizziness and confusion are all to be expected as your memories adjust to the new timeline, though you’ll be surprised at how quickly all that passes.”

Ben started to think about the implications, that his entire past was going to be altered to bring about a new body, but stopped when he quickly became overwhelmed.  He focused instead on trying to calm his frantic heartbeat as he spoke.  “Uh...yeah.  Ready when you are, I guess.  So do I just tell you what I want?  Or is there a…”

The man in the lab coat shook his head.  “Oh, no, all that’s already been programmed into the card you gave me,” he said, tapping out a sequence on the screen in his hand.

Ben froze.  Trev told him it was a gift card, not some kind of pre-selected package.  He cursed himself for not paying more attention to the papers he’d signed, the heart he’d been trying to slow suddenly beating out of his toned chest.  “It was?  Wait...that’s not what I…”

He broke off in a gasp when the room spun around him, his head filling with hazy memories.  Ben felt like he was dreaming as he watched the images focus, growing vividly detailed until he was left looking at a man he only recognized from old family pictures.  But just as he was able to place the stranger as his great grandfather, the man began to change.

“We had to go a bit farther back than usual for this one,” he heard the technician say, the man’s voice punching through the haze at a distance.  “Couldn’t just do one generation to get these results...your friend really went all out.”

Ben was horrified as the image of his great grandfather warped and shifted.  All the men on both sides of his family were built the way he was.  They grew long and lean, with naturally smooth bodies that were genetically destined to stay on the slender side of things.  It was a struggle that Ben had always lamented as he worked harder than the other guys on the swim team to build and keep what meager gains he could while they bulked up with ease.  Now, that natural inclination towards height was no more as his great grandfather dropped several inches in height while gaining several inches in width, going from tall and strapping to short and broad.  Before he could process what he was seeing, the same transformation draped itself over his grandfather, then his father, and uncles, before finally reaching down to his two older brothers.  Though he knew he wasn’t responsible, Ben felt a stab of guilt as he watched the men in his family go from being several inches taller than most people in the room, to several inches shorter.

Worse still was how the changes went beyond height and muscle.  It was already hard enough for Ben to accept that the short, stocky man in his mind’s eye really was his father without the added detail of his hair.  The men in Ben’s family had always stayed naturally smooth from the chin down, all their hair seeming to remain firmly on their scalps.  They all should have had thick, full heads of wavy hair well into their elderly years, but now Ben remembered all of them being bald.  Even John, his twenty five year old brother, had taken to shaving what little remained of his hair, while Noah, who was only slightly older than himself at twenty three, was well into the throes of male pattern baldness.  And while the hair seemed eager to leave their heads, it was firmly rooted everywhere else.  Ben could clearly remember the sight of his dad’s and brothers’ furry chests and hairy backs, and how the curly fur spilled out from shirt sleeves and collars and the bottoms of shorts.

“Guh!”  Ben grunted when the memories faded and he found himself staring at the technician.  His body ached the way it did after a strenuous workout, but he was afraid to look down and see why.

“Not so bad, right?  No pain?  Take a peek and see how we’re doing.”

The option not to look was taken from him when Ben suddenly found himself staring at a stranger on a monitor across the room.  His long, lean body was gone, replaced by a short, stocky build that just looked small as it had yet to pack on much in the way of excess muscle.  He was mortified as he looked at arms and legs that felt stubby, and at the way his trim waist had widened, his perky rear seeming to plump up to match.  He was especially horrified at the way his long cock had receded, packing on extra girth to replace what it lost in length while his balls inflated.  His handsome, pretty-boy face was more or less unchanged.  He still had his lantern jaw, soft, full lips and prominent nose, but it seemed slightly wider and fuller overall, matching his stocky new proportions.

“We hit that right on the money,” the technician continued.  “Five-foot-seven on the nose, exactly where we should be.  This is where the real fun starts.  Get ready to get buff,” he winked.  Ben was still processing how he’d just been looking up at the tech, having gone from one of the tallest guys in the room to one of the shortest, when the lab faded away again.

This time the memories were his own.  Instead of his relatives and brothers, he saw himself as he was now.  No longer a tall, lanky kid but a short, stocky one, Ben’s memories of track and swimming began to fade, with football and wrestling taking their place.  He watched with a mix of horror and wonder as his body changed over the years, now packing on muscle with ease, and the unfamiliar sense of awkwardness that came from having a body that grew wider but not taller.  Ben’s feelings of inadequacy didn’t vanish as he’d hoped but merely shifted, now focusing on the way the other kids shot up around him while he struggled to catch up.  As he excelled in athletics he was clearly the strongest, but that didn’t stop the taunts and insults about his lack of height.

That sense of awkward embarrassment only grew as the memories continued and Ben watched himself follow in the rest of his family’s new footsteps.  Puberty hit him hard and early, erasing his memories of a smooth body.  Even from a young age he’d known what was coming.  Not only did he have his hairy dad and brothers as examples, his body was also sending plenty of signals as to what was coming.  His dense layer of childish peach fuzz exploded as soon as he hit his teen years, growing dark and brown in the center of his chest before spreading like an infection over the rest of him.  Ben could only watch as the memories unfolded and his newly acquired muscle was gradually covered by a dense, obscuring layer.  In what felt like moments, but was in reality memories that stretched over months and years, Ben saw the hair slither down his abs in a straight line while it crept up over his broad shoulders, spilling down his back and quickly growing arms before flowing over his widened rear to join back up with the forest on his thickening thighs.  It was as if his increasing muscle mass was daring the hair to keep up.  The curly, chestnut forest was relentless as he watched his body grow thick, strong and hairy, making him look like a middle-aged man by the time he had his driver’s license.

Ben’s now-hairy stomach dropped as the details became clear.  While he remembered the sense of pride at his new athletic accomplishments, the success was tempered by the shame he felt every time he set foot in a locker room.  He remembered how embarrassed he was at having to shave at such a young age, and how desperate he was to keep the stubble from his cheeks.  He remembered the countless hours he spent over the years trying in vain to keep his shortened body shaved smooth, and how envious he was of his less-furry peers.  He remembered the dread he felt as he’d watched the hair darken and spread, feeling like his body had been taken over by an invading force.  And he remembered how it felt trying to hide his shame at the way his furry chest and hairy back spilled out of his singlet at every match, and how his teammates just loved to point it out.

“Fuh...fuck...oh god…” Ben stammered as the lab came back into focus and he saw a body that was at once familiar and entirely foreign.  He still had his shortened stature, but now his stocky frame was covered in thick, bulging muscle.  His pecs had ballooned into a meaty shelf between his round, cannonball shoulders, and the arms on either side were large, beefy pistons framing in his ripped muscle gut.  He shifted his weight as he stared, the sensation of his tree-trunk thighs rubbing together feeling perfectly natural as he gawked at the plump, muscled globes that had swallowed his perky bubble.  Covering it all was the hairy carpet from his memories, an uncomfortably familiar wave of embarrassment hitting him as he realized his thick, furry body was on full display in front of the technician.  Ben shivered as he reached up and laced his fingers through the silky forest on his chest while his other hand scratched at the rough, seemingly permanent layer of stubble on his cheeks.  He could see the buzzed, receding hairline that had taken the place of his formerly thick, sandy mop, but he had to tell himself that it was all wrong as he could now remember how the hair had begun to thin and fall out in recent months, just as it had for his older brothers when they were his age.

“Almost done,” the technician said, seemingly oblivious to Ben’s horror.  “Few more tweaks and we’ll have you on your way.”  The stunned, newly hirsute blonde couldn’t imagine what was possibly left to change.  He’d gone from tall, lean and smooth to a short, hairy brute.  While his body had bulked up, it wasn’t at all in the way Ben had wanted, and the shrunken jock dreaded the thought that there was more in store for him.

At first, Ben didn’t notice any difference.  As the memories replayed he saw himself as he currently was, going through the same altered upbringing he’d just experienced.  It wasn’t until he approached adolescence that the changes became clear, bringing a fresh wave of horror with them.  Instead of his early, awkward fumblings with girls, Ben now remembered the confusion he felt as his eyes lingered on the other boys, and the absolute thrill he’d felt the first time he and one of the guys in his neighborhood had messed around.  His knees sagged as the shame and embarrassment he’d felt over his body was suddenly compounded by an altered sexuality, his short stature and furry body making him feel like even more of a freak as he longed for his lean, smooth peers.

It was too much.  Ben felt like his mind was going to give under the hideous strain of his embarrassment and strange new longings.  Instead of spending his teen years as a smug, prettyboy ladies man, he remembered an adolescence filled with confusion and shame and fear.  It would have been difficult to process as it happened, and having it fill his mind and soul all at once was torture.

Just as it seemed like he couldn’t take any more, Ben felt a gradual shift as his memories began to catch up with him.  Almost overnight, the fear and shame he’d felt in his younger days turned into a growing excitement as he reached college.  It was like someone had flipped a switch, and all the attributes he’d hated and tried to hide suddenly became his best selling points.  Ben groaned, feeling a surge of pride instead of humiliation at the thought of a pair of strong hands tugging on his chest hair.  He didn’t feel like a freak anymore, he felt like a man.  Now, when he strutted around with his furry body spilling out of his singlet and his girthy package bulging prominently between his meaty thighs, all he felt was a smug sense of satisfaction.  He didn’t look at the other guys on the wrestling team with envy anymore; they looked at him that way.

Especially Trev.  Ben’s furry stomach fluttered up off the floor at the thought of his roommate, his cock throbbing at the new memories of the stocky man’s body on top of his.  It was a sensation with which he was blissfully familiar, and not just from the wrestling mats.  Ben whimpered and squirmed as he thought back to the first time Trev had slipped his long, wide cock inside him, and how much he loved watching his dark-haired friend try and swallow his stout, fat pole.

Ben clenched his fists, his palms tingling at the memory of Trev’s buzzed head against them while the other man’s face was buried between his hairy thighs.  The moaning blonde didn’t know whether he should be horrified or thrilled when the memories continued and he saw himself on his knees, only this time with his teammates Noah and Liam standing in front of him.  Ben’s mouth watered at the thought of their oozing poles on his tongue, and he decided on thrilled over embarrassed when he remembered the rest of his teammates joining in.

There was no disgust, only pure, unfiltered ecstasy as Ben remembered the way his furry torso matted and glistened when he was covered in his teammates’ copious releases.  The old Ben would have been horrified, but the new Ben only felt a contented satisfaction at knowing he was the best on the team in more ways than one.  Instead of being embarrassed, the stocky blonde remembered how excited he was when they’d given him his custom singlet for their special practice sessions.  The skimpy, pink spandex had “Daddy” written in blue letters across the stomach and left nearly all of his furry bulk on display, especially his plump, hairy cheeks that spilled out through the opening where the ass should have been.

It was his absolute favorite.  The new Ben felt nothing but pity for his former self, and the thought of the boring, mindless way he’d fucked random girl after random girl.  Now, his fattened cock was almost an afterthought, his previous bedroom romps paling in comparison to the way it felt to work up a sweat writhing against another man’s body in a competition for dominance, and for that competition to culminate with one of his teammates inside him.  When he won, as he usually did, Ben would bounce on his friend’s laps, their bodies straddled between his powerful, furry thighs.  On the rare occasions where he was pinned, Ben was just as happy to have his face pressed against the musky, sweat-soaked mat while his aching, beefy muscles shook from the pounding he received.

And through it all there was Trev.  Just thinking about the stocky, olive-skinned stud was enough to make Ben want to shatter the cylinder and hurry home.  He was still aware that his lover had made the changes without telling him, but instead of viewing them as something that happened TO him, Ben viewed his powerful, furry new body as something that Trev had done FOR him.

“And that’s that!”  The technician’s voice pulled Ben out of his lustful memories.  The beefy blonde blushed a bashful shade of red as he looked down and saw his widened cock poking out beneath his furry muscle gut.  “Perfectly natural reaction, especially considering some of these changes you requested.  How do you feel?”

Ben blinked in a daze as he thought about it.  There was a small voice in his head that still told him everything was wrong, but already the memories of his life as tall, lean, smooth, and straight were fading.  His bulky, hairy new body no longer felt heavy or awkward, and all he really wanted to do was get back to the dorm so Trev could help him out with his aching cock.  He scratched absently at his hairy shelf of a chest with one hand and ran the other over his buzzed, receding scalp, loving how both felt.  He cleared his throat, noticing the deeper register to his voice for the first time, and grinned.  “I feel great!”



I'd forgotten about this one... So hot!