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“Dude…I will do whatever you want me to, whenever you want me to,” Scott panted, his sculpted pecs heaving.  Like Andy, he was having a hard time processing the confusing emotions ripping through him.  The whole scenario had started as a joke.  He’d thought the idea of his friend as a fat-assed, flaming power-bottom would have been funny.  But now, greeted with the reality of the pectorally privileged pretty-boy eagerly devouring his cock, Scott couldn’t believe how turned on he was.

“I’m going to remember you said that,” Andy winked as he climbed to his feet.  He leaned in for another quick kiss to give Scott a taste of himself before pulling his friend away and switching positions against the couch.  The now-curvy blonde took a deep breath and turned around, slowly bending and wagging his plump bubble in the other man’s direction.  “Well?  Get in there, sport.”

Scott didn’t need any further encouragement.  The brawny brunette stepped forward and slowly worked his spit-slick pole inside, his quiet gasps drowned out by Andy’s howling whimpers.  He had a momentary flash of awareness, an out-of-body experience where he could clearly see himself buried to the hilt in his friend, but the sensation passed as soon as they fell into a steady rhythm.  Both young men liked to brag to each other about their skills in the bedroom, and now that they had a chance to prove it, both were determined to outdo the other.  Scott’s piston hips were driven by a mix of guilt, genuine arousal, and the novelty of a new experience, all of which combined into a kind of focus he rarely felt while fucking.  This wasn’t a stranger during some random hookup.  This was Andy.  This was his fault.  If his fit frame and fat cock could bring his friend the relief he needed, then he’d use both to the best of his ability.  Scott varied his tempo and the force of his thrusts, blown away by the unexpected ecstasy of Andy’s rippling rear.  The experienced stud had never felt anything like it, and he was already struggling to think of a more pleasurable romp.  With Andy, he didn’t have to hold back.  He didn’t need to worry about the strength of his powerful arms or with being too unintentionally rough.  He could let himself go and fully give it to his friend.

It appeared to be working.  Andy tried not to think about it as he heard himself begging to be fucked harder and faster, his voice cracking from his incessant howls, choosing to lose himself instead to the blissful relief he could feel building.  A part of him was still mortified at the way his pecs and ass bounced in equal measure, but as Scott latched onto the juicy muscle tits and really started hammering into the rippling bumper below, nothing else mattered.  Even through his haze Andy was dimly aware that they’d recreated the very picture that had started it all.  He just wasn’t sure how to feel about that revelation.  He’d been understandably horrified at first, but already he couldn’t imagine missing out on such ecstasy in the future, making him wonder whether or not he’d ever be the same again, even if Scott could somehow undo things.  He was a little embarrassed at his altered demeanor, but Andy wasn’t overly concerned by the thought of being attracted solely to men going forward, especially if they could make him feel the way Scott did.  And while his new shape would certainly take some getting used to, its very uniqueness held an undeniable appeal.  Andy had always been handsome, but he’d also always been a dime a dozen when it came to lantern-jawed jocks.  Now, he was something special.  He felt fantastic, if exceptionally horny, but when it came to the latter, Andy knew there was no one else better built for his new hobby.  Scott may not have done this to him on purpose, but now that he had, was it really something that needed fixed?

That question rattling around in his overloaded brain, Andy erupted like a wailing geyser.  He melted into the solid wall of muscle behind him, letting Scott support his weight as the other man gave a few final thrusts before following suit, pumping load after massive load into the blonde’s virgin guts.  They collapsed onto the floor in a sweaty heap a few moments later, laughing as they landed in the large puddle left by Andy’s explosive release.

“Omigod…I never even took my panties off,” the spent blonde whined, blushing as he looked at the pointless crimson thong still clinging to his heavy lower-half.

“It’s not too late,” Scott said, shifting his weight just enough to slide the skimpy underwear down to Andy’s ankles.  “Better?”

“My hero,” Andy cooed, settling against his friend’s chest.  He absently stroked at the wiry patch of chocolate fur in the center, realizing for the first time that his own light dusting had vanished entirely.  He’d never been overly hairy, but it was finally dawning on him that, other than a trimmed bush at the base of his cock, he was smooth from the neck down.

“For real, though…did that help,” Scott asked, a note of concern in his voice.  “How’re you feeling?”

Andy shrugged.  “Good?  I mean, fuckin’ great, honestly.  But also confused, and embarrassed…and gorgeous,” he said, grinning bashfully at the end.  “I just, like, had a dick…YOUR dick…inside me.  Twice, technically,” he winked, licking his lips.  “And I can’t even, like, imagine anything else.  If I try to think of pussy, the only thing I see in my head is my own hole.”

“I’ll fix this.  I mean it!  I’ll find some way to put it all right again,” Scott said, giving his friend a kiss on the top of the head.

Andy pushed away and sat up so they could lock eyes.  “That’s just it!  I don’t even know if, like, there’s anything TO fix anymore!  I’m not kidding…I literally can’t even picture anything else!  I’m trying to think about how things were this morning and it just, like, feels wrong.  When you talk about putting things back, it feels the way it would have if you’d told me about this ahead of time.  Like you’re taking something away.”

“Oh.  OH!  whoa…” Scott said, his expression falling when Andy’s words sunk in.  He’d just assumed that his friend would automatically want to go back to “normal.”  It never once occurred to him that this new set up would actually become that very thing.  “Goddamnit,” he growled, rolling away and hopping to his feet.  “Fuck!  If we hadn’t…if I’d been more focused and tried to fix this right away, maybe it wouldn’t have…I don’t know…settled,” he sputtered, pacing back and forth in frustration.  “I should have been fixing you, not fucking you!”

“Same difference,” Andy sighed, letting the other man help him up.  His eyes went wide when he stood and he felt his cheeks ripple and sway, as well as the steady stream drying down the insides of his thighs, but the reaction was more from surprise than any real distress.  “How about we start by getting cleaned up and go from there?”  Andy pulled his friend into the shower, focusing on how good it felt to be near the other man under the warm stream instead of his conflicting emotions.  They’d horsed around in showers for years, but they’d never held each other in one, a decision that Andy now thoroughly regretted.  Even the presumably-straight Scott seemed to be enjoying the experience, quickly leaning into their new dynamic despite his growing guilt.  Though technically unaltered himself, he flirted back just as readily, falling into his own new role with the same ease as Andy.  Scott wasn’t ready to admit it yet, his guilt wouldn’t let him, but he also wouldn’t necessarily mind if things were stuck this way.

That tentative acceptance on the brunette’s part hit a setback when they discovered the full extent of the changes waiting in Andy’s bedroom.  The thong that had replaced the altered man’s clothes wasn’t a one-off, but part of a collection.  As they pulled open drawers and closets, both men were greeted by Andy’s bright, skimpy new wardrobe.  Thongs, jockstraps, tiny shorts, cropped t-shirts and tanks; everything appeared carefully selected and tailored to show off the blonde’s impossible new proportions.  What’s more, Andy had to consciously force himself to think about putting any of it on.  Being at home with just Scott, slipping into anything more than a thong or a jock felt ridiculous, a far cry from the boxer-briefs and baggy gym shorts he normally wore.

It was the brunette who noticed the largest omission first.  “Dude…where’s all your work stuff,” Scott asked, pointing out the distinct lack of Business Casual attire.  Andy worked in the IT department at a firm downtown and should have had chinos and polos mixed in with drab gym gear and jeans, but only the bright new items remained.

“Oh!  Fuck!  Good point.  I didn’t even…” Andy paused, his face going red, then pale, then red again when a sudden impulse told him to look over at his nearby laptop.  The screen was on, the browser window open to an OnlyFriends page.  His OnlyFriends page, specifically.

“Fuck!  No!  Absolutely not,” Scott raged, his face going equally red as he gawked at the revealing thumbnails for the many, many videos.  “We’re fixing this right now.  I’m not letting you use this…on that…” he blustered, gesturing back and forth between Andy and the laptop.

“Calm down, grandma,” the blonde laughed, taking his friend by the hand.  “I love how protective you’re being right now, but since when do you get judgy about OnlyFriends?”

“When it’s you!  When I did it to you,” Scott groaned, falling down onto Andy’s bed.  He buried his face in his hands and took a deep breath, forcing himself to look at the other man.  “Bro.  Be honest…would you have done that before all this?”

Andy sat next to his prone, naked friend and stroked Scott’s thigh as he mulled it over.  “Honestly?  I don’t really remember anymore.  I’m pretty sure I’d at least thought about it.  It’s all getting kind of fuzzy.  I remember that I sure hated that stupid fuckin’...job…though…” he said, trailing off and shaking his head.  “Oh…wild.  I I remember that I had it, and that I didn’ like it, but I can’t…really remember it anymore.”

“See?!  That’s what I’m saying,” Scott barked, springing upright and taking Andy by the shoulders.  “What else are you going to forget?!  I don’t give a shit about your body or even about you sucking dick on the internet…I just don’t want to lose my best friend!”

Andy reached out and stroked a hand through Scott’s damp hair.  “Awww, swee…dude,” he said, pausing and forcing the word to sound as much like his old self as possible.  “The one thing that’s not at all fuzzy is me and you, okay?  I might look different, and act different, but I’m still me in here.  I still remember us.  I still remember my family.  I still remember the guys.  I…” he paused again and blushed, his eyes going wide at a sudden rush of new memories.  “...I apparently do new things with some of those guys now, but it’s all good.  WE’RE good.  That’s not going to change.”

Scott leaned in for a kiss before he knew what he was doing.  His own memories were still unaltered, the old Andy more vivid in his mind than the new one, but whether it was his friend or not, the kiss felt like the right course of action.  “How are YOU the one comforting ME right now?”

Andy laughed at Scott’s yelp when he shoved his friend back down onto the bed.  “I can be a bitch about it if that’s easier for you.”

“Might be,” the brunette said, his arms flexing as he propped himself up on his elbows.  He watched the busty blonde’s ass shake as his friend went back to the dresser, surprising himself by how excited he was to get to know this new person.  Andy and everyone else may have remembered all the new facets of their altered existence, but, likely since he’d been at the eye of the storm, all Scott knew was how things had been.  So while It was clear the bottom-heavy hunk was still his friend, they had some reacquainting to do.

“Remember when you said you’d do whatever I wanted?  Here.”  Andy tossed a few wads of fabric at the bed, his arms crossed expectantly.  “At least while we figure out what we’re doing.”

“Not wasting any time, are you,” Scott said, blushing as he held up the magenta thong and the cropped, canary yellow tank-top.  His whole body went crimson as he obediently slid them on, reluctantly admitting to himself despite the embarrassment that they did expertly accentuate his athletic frame.  “That’s a new look,” he whistled when he saw the draping muscle shirt that Andy slipped into.  The purposely oversized garment hung low enough to just barely cover the blonde’s cock, though the dramatically scooping neck and open sides still left him entirely exposed, especially considering how the back bunched on his pillowy new cheeks and his heaping pecs pushed out the sides.

“Girl, I think you did make my dick smaller,” Andy said, lifting the bottom of the shirt and looking at himself in the mirror.  Hard, the average organ looked more or less the same, but, when soft, the compact cock lacked the jock’s former hang.

“Dude, I didn’t say anything about your dick. That was all the program,” Scott said, holding up his hands in surrender.

“I didn’t say I cared,” Andy grinned, turning away from the mirror.  “Don’t get all worked up.  THIS is where I want my size,” he purred, reaching down to squeeze Scott’s stuffed pouch.

The brunette ground his hefty package into his friend’s palm, the unfamiliar sensation reminding him of his priorities.  “I…I need to at least reach out to them, right?  Not to necessarily undo anything, but maybe if we call these HB&L people they can tell us what our options are?”

“If it’ll make you feel better,” the blonde shrugged, kneading Scott’s twitching cock until the hefty organ hung hard and exposed from the thong the way his own had earlier.  “But, and I mean this…we’re not fixing a damn thing ‘til you cum on these titties,” Andy said again, feeling none of the embarrassment he had the first time.