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Adam’s heart raced as he looked at the bright little box from FitWear.  Each cardboard panel was a different pastel shade, bearing the same color scheme as most of the luxury athleisure brand’s products.  Consisting mainly of simple workout gear and underwear, most people saw the trendy brand as nothing but a ripoff, but Adam had been trying for years to snag one of their coveted “ambassador” positions.  In addition to the clout that such a post would bring him, it also came with a modest monthly stipend and a revolving door of free products.  Considering that the athletic young hunk spent most of his time outside the office at the gym, and most of his disposable money on FitWear gear, it would be a significant boost to both his income and his ego.

Not that the latter needed any help.  At twenty-six, Adam saw himself as a golden-haired god.  He was lean, sculpted and vascular, with a perfectly proportioned, gym-built body that, so far, showed no signs of deterioration the way his friends were starting to.  If anything, time only improved his appearance, the years wearing away any youthful softness that remained and replacing it with a firm, masculine edge.  The handsome stud was neither too short nor too tall, and though he spent countless hours at the gym, he worked hard to maintain his definition without becoming bulky or unwieldy the way so many of his peers did.  Adam knew he had nothing to prove by simply piling on mass for the sake of getting bigger, and with a face that was every bit as chiseled and symmetrical as the rest of him, along with an impressively thick, lengthy cock, there were no perceived deficiencies for which he needed to compensate.

FitWear had certainly made sure of that.  In addition to submitting headshots and a portfolio of a few modeling gigs he’d taken over the years, Adam had gone through a rigorous and slightly embarrassing inspection during the application process.  After making it through the initial review, he’d been contacted for a series of much more revealing photos.  Adam had included several shirtless pictures in his initial submission, but now they wanted to see him in nothing but their bright little briefs.  He’d happily and quickly complied, he already owned several pairs, and having gone through fraternity hazing before he recognized what they were really after.  They weren’t just looking at his body; they wanted to see how comfortable he was with putting himself on display.  It made sense, that was going to be his job after all, and Adam was all too happy to give them a show.  The final interview was a bit awkward, even for him, as he was asked to fully strip down on the videoconference and remain naked while fully in frame for the duration.  It was a final inspection of his physique as well as a test of his ability to remain calm and charming while exposed under the spotlight, something they said was a necessity since underwear and other more private items were a part of what he’d be required to exhibit.

Adam had smiled his way through, biting down on any embarrassment and pouring on the charm to apparent success.  He’d been waiting for a response, and he’d feared that the package was merely a consolation prize until he read and re-read the brief congratulatory note attached to the outside.  It simply said “Welcome to the team!” and had the name and phone number of a man named Dylan, his “sponsor” in the Ambassador program who he could call with any questions.

All that remained was to finally open the package.  The handsome stud had been staring at it, savoring the victory, and Adam’s hands shook as he gingerly sliced through the tape to pull the top open.  Nestled inside was a bright teal crop-top, along with a pair of small, hot-pink shorts, and a postcard with product info and talking points sitting on top.

“Huh,” Adam grunted to himself, cocking his head to the side as he pulled out the garish items.  Though he owned many FitWear products already, he’d always gone for the more muted tones and conservative styles.  He knew the bright colors and busy designs were the big sellers, just as he knew that, as a straight man, he wasn’t necessarily the target audience.  But, despite a reflexive rush of embarrassment, Adam began peeling out of his straining button down and fitted chinos right there in the condo’s kitchen as he read the card aloud.  “Chest-Chassis Crop and BB Bottoms…what’s the point of all those chest days if you don’t show them off?  The Chest-Chassis will let those beauties breathe while allowing total range of motion, or at least as much as you have.”  Adam raised an eyebrow as he looked down at his now-bare torso.  His prominent pecs were large and sculpted, but not to the degree the card implied.  The same went for the skimpy running shorts.  The double-B stood for “bulge and booty”, both of which were supposed to be enhanced and accentuated by the sewn-in brief lining and thin outer material.  They were made for guys who had “plenty of both”, and while Adam sported a full rear and stuffed pouch, “plenty” wasn’t the first word he would have picked.  “Well…here we go,” he grinned as he shucked his pants and boxer-briefs before slipping the crop over his broad shoulders and stepping into the shorts.  He felt an exhibitionist thrill as he looked at himself in the revealing outfit, the tiny top providing almost no coverage while his lower half was equally on display.  The running-short style bottoms were actually smaller than the boxer-briefs he’d been wearing, and he blushed slightly at the sensation of the open air flowing in through the split sides to waft against his plump balls in the mesh lining.  They were carefully tailored so that his package wasn’t actually visible, though it might as well have been considering how intimately it was outlined against the thin fabric, just as his perky cheeks were behind.  “This is going to take some getting…used…to…”

Adam broke off in a gasp when the exhibitionist thrill was joined by a sudden tingling, his body undergoing a dramatic transformation.  Without warning his broad shoulders pushed farther apart, his upper arms growing larger while his pecs ballooned.  It had the effect of making his shredded waist seem even smaller, an appearance that was further magnified when his lower half followed suit.  As with his chest, Adam’s thighs expanded, pulling the slides of the shorts open as his inflating cheeks filled out the back and an enlarged package weighed down the front.

“Fuck!  What…what the fuck just happened,” Adam cried, his eyes wide as he swayed on his feet.  Even the slight shifting of his weight made him notice the way his thighs rubbed together in unfamiliar ways, and how his impossibly expanded cheeks flexed and bounced with the motion.  The same went for his arms and chest, and he shivered as his enlarged biceps brushed against the exposed sides of his new slab.  The top did even less to cover him than before, acting as little more than a colorful scrap that drew attention to his exposed nipples and the overly deep valley between his tanned, smooth muscle tits.  “This…this can’t be…real…this shit doesn’t just happen, right?  What would even…” Adam broke off in a gasp, his unaltered jaw dropping.  “The fucking clothes!  Fuck!”  He frantically peeled out of the skimpy items, his stomach dropping when his warped frame stayed as it was.  His perfect proportions had been thrown drastically out of sync, leaving him simultaneously lean and thick, chiseled yet curvy.  He had the arms and pecs of a bodybuilder, the waist of a swimmer, the ass and thighs of a rugby player, and the dick of a donkey.  Adam wasn’t sure if he should be excited or horrified at the way the girthy package filled his hands, his formerly seven-inch cock having grown by several inches.  “Shit!  I hoped that would solve the…gah…” he shuddered, hating the way his body moved.  He felt heavy and cumbersome and everything either bounced or flopped or rubbed whenever he so much as took a step.  “Wait…that guy on the card!  Maybe he can explain what this is,” Adam stammered, his mind reeling.  He knew he was in a state of shock, but already his horrified anxiety was starting to thaw as he grabbed his phone and dialed the number with now-steady fingers.  A strange fluttering erupted in his stomach at the deep, smooth voice on the other end, his fattened cock twitching when Dylan answered.  “Uh, hey, my name is Adam and I got your number from…”

“Oh, hey!  So you’re the new guy?  They said you’d be calling.  Welcome to the team, man!”  Dylan’s friendly tone further took the wind from Adam’s stunned sails.  The blonde hunk immediately felt like he was talking to a friend he’d known for years, not someone he spoke to for the first time.  “Let me guess…you put on your first outfit and things got weird?”

“YES!  Oh my god, yes,” Adam practically shouted, a wave of relief washing over him.  He’d thought he was going to have to explain himself and that the other man would think he was crazy, but that clearly wasn’t the case.  “I put on this crop top and these shorts and my body…wait…how’d you know?”

Dylan laughed, his tone sympathetic.  “Let’s switch over to video so we can properly introduce ourselves, yeah?”  He didn’t wait for an answer before hanging up and calling Adam back, this time over video.  The exasperated blonde answered before the first ring had finished, his stomach fluttering even harder at the sight of the gorgeous face smiling back at him.  Dylan’s razor cheekbones and strong jaw were softened by a set of plump lips and bright, friendly eyes, all of which were accentuated by the dark-skinned stud’s buzzed scalp.  Adam couldn’t help but let his eyes drop to take in the strong neck and well-muscled shoulders, his fat cock twitching again when his new friend let out a low whistle.  “Damn, dude!  I can see why they picked you.”

“Uh…thanks,” the altered blonde croaked, unable to take his eyes off the other man.  “But…but what the hell is going on?!  What did this stuff just do to my body?”

“What’d they send?  Set me down and take a step back so I can get a look at you,” Dylan said.

Adam did as he was told without thinking, not realizing that he was about to show off his warped, naked frame to a total stranger until it was too late.  He blushed as he turned in a slow circle, feeling more and more like the whole thing was a dream.  “The chest-chassis and BB shorts.”

“Bruh.  Is that all,” Dylan snorted.  “I thought they went rogue and started you off with something real out there like…” he trailed off and shook his head.  “Let me guess…you were a total pretty-boy type to start, right?  You strike me as a Type-A personality when it comes to that body.”

Adam nodded, spreading his beefy arms wide and looking down at his plumped pecs.  “I wasn’t this…curvy.  How did this…what is even happening?!”

Dylan smiled again.  “You ready for the real mind fuck?  Where are the clothes you had on before?”

“What do you mean?  They’re right…” Adam trailed off when he looked down, his discarded business casual gear nowhere to be seen.  He frantically circled the island in his kitchen thinking that he’d simply kicked them out of the way, but they’d vanished.  “Where…where’d they go?”

“Let’s go take a look at your wardrobe,” Dylan suggested.

Adam grabbed the phone, not liking how the other man’s tone had suddenly gone from amused to empathetic, but he was more focused on the way his ass and pecs bounced as he darted into his room.  “No!  No, no, no, no, no!  Am I just…I’m going crazy, right?  I’ve snapped,” he muttered, his eyes wide as he looked at a dresser and closet filled with nothing but variations of the items he’d received.  No underwear, no pants, no work clothes; just crop tops and skimpy shorts, along with a few pairs of socks for his sneakers.

“You didn’t read the fine print either, did you?  It’s cool…no one ever does,” Dylan shrugged.  “Let me break it down for you.  There’s good news and bad news, but don’t worry, the bad doesn’t stay bad for long.  You’ll just have to trust me on that for now.  The good news is that this isn’t permanent, okay?  Those titties and that ass won’t stay that luscious for long.  The bad news is that they’ll keep changing depending on what FitWear sends.  That’s how this works.  We don’t just model the products…we live and breathe them, day in, day out.”

“But…but what about my job?  I can’t just…”

“Actually, you can,” Dylan interrupted.  “You think all your clothes changing is weird?  Just wait’ll you show up to…the office?  Yeah, you looked the type,” he laughed when Adam nodded.  “Just wait’ll you show up to the office in that shit tomorrow and no one bats an eye.  At least not in a bad way.  It’s wild, bro.”

Adam didn’t know what to say.  He could feel his face going red at the thought of strutting around the office with his new proportions so provocatively displayed.  He liked showing off his athletic physique in a tight shirt and tight pants, but his current wardrobe options took things much, much farther.

“And I know what you’re thinking.  You’re thinking ‘I’ll just stay home and not go anywhere,’ but it doesn’t work like that.  You signed the papers, so whether you like it or not, that fat ass is going to be bouncing around town.  I tried it too, so trust me when I say they won’t let you hide.  It’s a weird feeling to have your body start moving around on its own, so it’s better to not even go there.”  Dylan sighed and shook his head again, his expression softening.  “Look, I’m not trying to overwhelm you.  I remember how weird those first days were.  I’m just trying to save you some grief, you know?  I’m guessing you’re not too shy about your body to begin with, and that’s going to come in real handy.  See, we don’t just show HOW their clothes cover, we show WHAT their clothes cover.  So you’ve got shorts meant to make a fat ass look good?  You’ve also got to let people see that ass so they know it’s real.  Doesn’t mean you’re going to be dropping your shorts in the Boardroom, but, uh, things might get a little more interesting than you’re used to.”

“Oh…oh god…” Adam moaned, his flushed face going pale.  Public nudity in a locker room was one thing, and he had no hesitation about stripping down in a private setting when other people were around, but the thought that he’d be exposing himself in other situations had never even crossed his mind.

“No, no, don’t get me wrong,” Dylan said quickly.  “It’s not a bad thing!  Dude, it’s great.  That thing I said earlier about the bad news?  You’re going to be wigged out at first over your body changing, but once you get used to that and realize how much you turn the fellas on, there’s nothing to complain about.”

“Wait…what about the fellas,” Adam asked, his hands shaking.

“I mean, are you surprised,” Dylan laughed.  “Bro, this brand caters to the two Gs - Girls and Gays.  Whether you were a part of either of those groups before is a moot point now.  But seriously man, you’re about to have the best, and the most, sex of your life.  The fact that it’s with a guy won’t mean shit.  Trust me.  Hell, you’re probably hard as a rock right now, aren’t you?  Let me see.”

Adam was tilting the phone towards his rigid new log of a cock without thinking.  As soon as Dylan asked to see it, he complied.  “But…but that doesn’t mean I’m…”

The dark-skinned stud whistled again.  “Lookin’ good, bud.  And it doesn’t matter.  You’re hung up on labels right now, I get it.  Everyone is at first.  But you want to see some deep-end shit about what’s coming your way?  Take a look at this.”

Adam’s cock throbbed even harder as Dylan panned the phone down over his bare, rippling torso, his jaw dropping when the other man’s lower half came into view.  Dylan was clad in a pair of skin-tight shorts not much larger than the ones he’d been sent, only these were very clearly meant for a woman based on the way they hugged the flat mound where the other man’s package should have been.  “Is…do you have a…”

The stammering stud’s question was answered when the other man pushed the shorts down, revealing the feminine opening.  “A pussy?  Sure do,” Dylan said proudly.  “At least for the last week or so.  Did you think they’d just be sending you men’s stuff to wear?  Sorry, big guy.  Doesn’t work like that.  Those tits of yours are going to be the real thing at some point when they send you a sports bra, just like that cock is going to vanish.  Hell, sometimes both at the same time,” Dylan chuckled.  He stopped laughing when he saw Adam’s stricken expression and raised the phone back to his face.  “But, and this is the point I’m trying to make, it doesn’t matter!  Seriously.  All that shit you’re feeling right now?  It’s all in here,” he said, patting himself on his own chiseled pecs.  “No matter what you look like, everyone else is going to react the same way - jealous and thirsty.  And for you it’ll all feel great!  Rule number one is don’t knock it til you’ve tried it.  Fuck, bro, the first time you ride a dick like this you’ll never look back.”

“I…I doubt that,” Adam stammered, a confusing throb ripping through him as he thought about Dylan’s fit frame impaled on his inflated cock.

The other man gave a knowing nod.  “Everyone does, but that’s what I’m trying to tell you.  This contract lasts for, what?  A year?  And there’s no guarantee you’ll get another offer at the end.  So, worst-case scenario, you have a really interesting year and then everything goes back to normal.  Big deal.  But, again, trust me here…you’re not going to want it to.  And you’re going to regret the hell out of it if you waste two months being all stuffy and freaked out.  This is my third year as an ambassador and believe me when I say I never want it to end.”

Adam didn’t know what to say.  Dylan was certainly convincing in his charm, and he could actually feel himself relaxing the longer he listened to the other man’s deep, smooth voice, but the thought of walking around with a pussy or actual breasts was too much to wrap his head around at the moment.  “Am I…I mean…this is really what I have to do for a whole year?”

“Not ‘have to’,” Dylan said cheerfully.  “You ‘GET to’.  The sooner you recognize that difference the happier you’ll be.  So crank one outta that new monster, get yourself dressed, and get out there.”

Adam blushed when he realized he’d already started pumping away on his enlarged cock while still on the phone with the other man.  He felt like he should stop, but he couldn’t actually bring himself to.  “What…why am I…”

“Eh, you’ll get used to that.  Makes it easier to flaunt the goods if your instinct is to do what people say.  They call it ‘customer service’ but honestly you stop thinking about it at all after a while.  Like I said, just have fun with it.  I’ve gotta run, but I’ll check back in later, okay?”

Adam just stared at the blank phone in one hand while still pumping away on himself with the other.  Not only was he trying to process the foreign sensation of the fat organ filling his hand more than it should, he was trying to understand why it all felt so good.  He should have been horrified, but all he felt was happy and horny.  Whether that was because he’d been told to have fun, or because of something else in the impossible process, all he could do was grin at his warped reflection in the mirror until he finally blasted.  His new additions all jiggled and shook and rubbed when he spasmed, which, confusingly, only added to the ecstasy he felt.

“Oh…oh fuck…” he moaned as he caught his breath, his ballooning pecs heaving.  “I can’t really be stuck like this for a year, can I?  I’m not really going to have a…a…” he trailed off, surprised that all he felt was uncertain when he pictured his massive cock replaced by an eager orifice like Dylan’s.

But he didn’t have time to dwell on possible future changes when there were more immediate ones to worry about.  Adam didn’t know where he was headed as he slipped into one of the neon purple crops that had magically appeared in his dresser, following it up with a pair of bright orange shorts.  His warped proportions were every bit as accentuated by the alternate colors, and he kept expecting himself to stop as he pulled his sneakers on and gathered his things.  He kept telling himself he couldn’t actually be leaving the house in such a state, but even as he repeated the denial like a mantra he was stepping outside.

There was no immediate destination in mind as he started jogging.  Internally, Adam wanted to crawl into a hole and hide at the way his colossal cheeks and jutting pecs slammed and shook with each bounding step.  The lining of the shorts at least kept his hulking package from flopping around, but there was nothing that could be done for the bouncing balloons at his backside.

And people noticed.  As he trotted down the street and headed for the nearby park, Adam caught nearly every head turning, and lingering, in his direction.  He couldn’t blame them.  If he’d seen a handsome, curvy muscle hunk jogging down the street while practically falling out of his clothes he’d have stared too.  But he wouldn’t have leered the way he caught men doing now, and he never would have imagined himself enjoying it so much.  Try as he might, Adam couldn’t muster any of the mortified dread he’d expected to feel.  He was a little embarrassed, but it was more of a thrill than anything, a lingering reflex from his old way of thinking that told him he shouldn’t really enjoy the sensation of his bulky muscle being so exposed, regardless of how much everyone around him clearly enjoyed it.

After a surprisingly short interval, Adam caught himself returning the stares with a charming smile.  He’d slow down to let a man get a good, long look before adding an extra bounce to his stride as he passed.  He’d flex his arms as he wiped the sweat from his face, letting a hand drift slowly down through his exaggerated pec cleavage afterwards, making an erotic display of the otherwise simple motion.  No one had to say anything for Adam to know it was what they wanted to see, and it was his job to give it to them, just like Dylan said.

Instead of being bothered by the realization, the increasingly-eager hunk wanted to put the rest of what he’d been told to the test.  Strangers were one thing, but he needed to see how someone who knew him would react.  The park was near his friend Matt’s house, so Adam left his growing audience behind and headed over, hoping the other man would be back from the gym by now.  His friend was every bit as dedicated to his appearance as himself, with the only major difference between them being Matt’s raven scalp, olive hued skin, and the dusting of wiry body hair that coated his chiseled muscle.  They’d always had a friendly rivalry to see who could stay in better shape, it was part of the reason the blonde jock wanted the ambassador position, so he could rub it in his friend’s face.  But as he thought about the other man now, competition was the last thing on Adam’s mind.  He held his breath as he knocked, telling himself that the nerves were related to how his friend would react and not about his own response.

There was a brief pause when the door opened and a shirtless, short-clad Matt gawked at Adam.  His jaw dropped as he looked his friend up and down, but instead of commenting on what should have been the most obvious, all he did was throw his hands up in victory.  “Dude!  Look at you!  You got the ambassador slot?!  Fuck yeah,” he cheered, giving Adam a loud high-five as he ushered his friend inside.  Though he didn’t comment on it, Matt reached down and gave his friend’s inflated rear a rough slap, his hand lingering for a squeeze afterward.

“Just got word today.  This is my first, uh, gig,” Adam said, a throb running through him at the sensation of Matt’s hand on his rear.  He’d seen his friend shirtless almost as often as himself over the years, but never before had the sight made him want to run his hands down the trail of hair bisecting Matt’s abs and slip them into the other man’s gym shorts.

Matt stepped back and whistled as Adam turned in a slow circle, his arms folded under his chest.  “At least you’ve got the curves to pull off a look like that,” he laughed, pursing his soft, full lips.  “Those FitWear people really know what they’re doing if that ass is even turning ME on.”

Adam was both relieved and confused by Matt’s reaction.  His friend should have been very much aware of his warped proportions, but just like Dylan said, the dark-haired hunk was acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  “What can I say,” Adam grinned, a bit of his usual confidence returning, “I make them look good.”

“Dude, I think that’s a mutual thing,” Matt said, his eyes slowly traveling up and down Adam’s curvy muscle.  “

Adam’s smug grin turned into an offended pout.  “What?  You’re saying my ass wouldn’t look as good without the shorts?  Is that a challenge?”

Matt seemed unaware of the twitching in his own shorts as he absently licked his lips.  “That’s entirely up to you, bud.  Love to find out, though.”

Without saying another word, Adam turned his back, kicked out of his sneakers, and slowly tugged the shorts down.  His heart raced as he stepped free of them and his cock surged to life, but there was no anxiety or fear when he began bouncing and swaying his enlarged rear, only a growing excitement.  He shuffled back a few steps and guided Matt’s hands to each cheek, flexing and writhing against his friend’s rigid tent.  “Feels like I’m still getting the job done without ‘em,” he grinned.

Matt grunted and let his head fall back on his shoulders, his hips instinctively falling into rhythm with Adam’s grinding.  “Didn’t say it was one or the other…I said it was mutual,” he sighed, clapping the meaty melons together.

“Don’t try to backpedal just ‘cause you lost your argument,” Adam smiled over a shoulder, his arms folded behind his head.  A part of him that was still aware of what he was doing, that he was standing in Matt’s apartment in nothing but a slinky crop top, grinding his fattened ass against his friend while his fattened club ached, but that part no longer saw the behavior as wrong.

“Kinda rigged against me when you’ve got a body like this,” Matt said, his hands slipping around and up to begin squeezing Adam’s juicy new shelf.  “But I guess that’s what got you the slot, huh?  Have to show that even a big titted, donkey-dicked thicc boy can look good enough to get laid in their gear.”

Adam bit back a gasp when Matt started toying with his nipples, his stomach fluttering at the way his friend described him.  It was exactly what he’d become, exactly who he was at the moment; a branded piece of meat meant to be seen and enjoyed by as many people as possible.  He now knew without a doubt that Dylan had been entirely correct, that he’d be walking around in public with as much or as little on as FitWear decided, but now he also knew he really would love every second of it.  “Haven’t really proven that last part have weeeEEEEE…!”  He broke off in a surprised yelp when Matt’s stout cock slipped inside.  It all happened so fast that Adam was grunting and throwing himself back against his friend before it occurred to him that it should have hurt.  He’d never been fucked before, and there wasn’t even any lube involved, yet his expansive rear was taking the other man with vigorous ease.  It was enough of a shock to cause the old Adam to surface, but as with everything else Dylan promised, as soon as he recognized how wonderful it felt that old version of himself was happy to let go.  He wondered what Matt was thinking, whether his straight friend was caught off guard to be fucking another man, let alone one of his friends.  If he was, it didn’t show in his technique as the fit stud rolled his hips like a machine, his hands glued to the blonde’s heaping pecs until Adam groaned and came moments before his own stout cock erupted.

“Did that prove the point,” Matt asked with a breathless laugh as he pulled free.  Adam grinned and nodded, loving the soft caress of the hair on the other man’s torso prickling against his back as he leaned against him.  “Man…how do you always get so lucky?  I could rock that FitWear just as well as you can.”

Adam turned in Matt’s grip, batting his softening hose against his friend’s much more average endowment.  He reached up and squeezed the other man’s proportionally-sculpted pecs, his mouth watering at the thought of the dark-haired stud sharing his current shape.  Or Dylan’s.  Or whatever configurations were to come.  “Dude, they’re always taking applications.  I could try and put in a good word for you.”



Also - this was apparently the 1,000th post to the page. That's a wild number.