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Connor paused the game, certain he’d misheard his friend.  They’d been in the middle of mowing down an alien horde, their usual nightly ritual, so it had taken a moment for Ian’s odd statement to register.  “Wait…what did you just say,” he asked, adjusting the volume on his headset for extra clarity.

Though they were on opposite coasts, the other man’s voice came through as if they shared the same room.  “Dude, why’d you pause it,” Ian responded, asking his own question instead of answering Connor’s.

“Because you just said some weird shit,” the wiry, dark-haired man laughed.  Connor’s physique reflected his favorite hobby, lacking any significant muscle, but clinging to the remains of his lean, youthful definition.  At twenty six, that grip was slipping, though it still held on enough to keep the young man well within the “average” range, his looks enhanced by his naturally sharp, brooding features.  Connor’s mediterranean lineage was readily apparent in his raven hair, olive hue, and the light, silky dusting of matching fur that coated him from his stubble-covered cheeks down.  With a little bit of effort he could have been striking, but as it was he maintained an appearance best described as “handsome-ish.”  His standard uniform of pop-culture t-shirts and ill-fitting gym shorts certainly didn’t do him any favors, but considering that he spent most of his nights playing video games with Ian or browsing the internet by himself, it didn’t really matter.  “Say it again?”  Connor didn’t know why he was so fixated on his friend’s odd statement.  He’d only half heard it, but he couldn’t shake a rapidly growing feeling of anxiety.  His heart had started to race, and a creeping tension crawled up his spine.

Ian let out a short laugh of his own.  “Dude, what’s the big deal?  All I said was that I heard about your three jock-o roommates.  Why’re you getting so worked up?”

“My what?  Bro, I live…alone…” Connor said, his slender frame trembling.  It wasn’t just because the words felt so wrong when he spoke them, but because of the voices he suddenly heard filtering down the hall.  “Fuck…Ian…I think…I think there are people in my house,” he whispered, his eyes wide as he spun in his chair.

“How high are you, man?  We literally JUST covered this,” the other man said, his rolling eyes audible in his exasperated tone.

Connor ignored his friend and crept towards his bedroom door, his stubbled jaw dropping when he cautiously stuck his head into the hallway and saw the trio of strangers in his living room.  “Who the fuck…” he barked in surprise, immediately regretting it when they turned their attention in his direction.  The three men looked to be about his own age, but that was where any similarities ended.  While Connor was tight and wiry, the invaders were sculpted and strapping.  Even from his obscured vantage point down the hall, the nervous nerd could see their broad shoulders, wide jaws, and thickly muscled arms.  Just as Ian had confusingly stated, the three hunks epitomized the very essence of “jock,” their overall shape and proportions looking to have been cut from the same mold.  They were even wearing similar outfits of bare, chiseled chests and gym shorts, looking like they could start working out at any moment.  Only the fine details varied, with one of them sporting tanned skin and a wavy chocolate coif, while another was pasty with a short blonde crop, and the third was ebony-skinned and bald.  Like the rest of their uncomfortably attractive physiques their faces hovered between “statuesque” and “boy-next-door”, adding to Connor’s lustful confusion.  Under normal circumstances, a trio of shirtless studs in his apartment would have been a fantasy, but nothing about the current scenario felt normal.

“‘Sup, man? You okay,” the brunette asked, raising an eyebrow.

Connor stumbled out into the hall, bracing himself against the opposite wall for support as a wave of dizziness washed over him.  “No!  Who the fuck are you people,” he sputtered, trying to convince himself that he didn’t really know the brown-haired pretty boy’s name.  “How…how did you…how did you get in here,” he said, his stomach dropping when he met Billy’s concerned gaze.  Next to him, Blaine’s blonde-headed features shared a similar expression, while Bobby was already sauntering towards him.

“Whoa…take it easy, bud,” Bobby said, his deep voice gentle as he wrapped a massive hand around Connor’s comparatively spindly arm.  “What’s going on, big guy?  You look crazy right now.”

“Yeah, man.  We all live here,” Blaine said with an encouraging nod.

“But…but I don’t have any…I live alone…” Connor sputtered, wishing he sounded much more convincing.

On the headset, Ian’s forgotten voice buzzed through again.  “Dude, what the hell is with you tonight,” the other man asked, sounding more amused than concerned.  “I heard your roommates were the himbos, not you.  They starting to rub off?  Actually, they’re probably rubbing themselves off…I heard they can’t keep anything on.”

Connor gasped, his vision blurring.  He shook his head and blinked, trying to tell himself the world hadn’t really just changed around him.  He was certain that the trio had just been wearing shorts, but now they were all clad in considerably less.  Billy’s buff, brunette frame sported only a pair of skimpy, crimson bikini briefs, while Blaine’s blonde bulk spilled out of a baby blue jockstrap, and Bobby’s heaping bulge strained against a purple thong mere inches away.  Their previous shorts had already given the stunned smaller man a solid view of their equally solid frames, but now Connor couldn’t take his eyes off them.  The revealing underwear left nothing to the imagination, and his stomach fluttered as he stared at the tapering washboards that led to the stuffed pouches, and the ample, muscled globes and meaty thighs that stood out below.  When he finally did manage to look at their faces again, Connor still saw a trio of matching expressions, only they’d gone from concerned to amused.  Each of the strapping studs sported bright eyes and a dull grin, cocking their heads like confused dogs as they eyed the lean little man.  “What…what just happened to you guys…” he stammered, feeling like he was dreaming as he watched the stuffed pouches steadily begin to twitch.

“Uh…like, what do you think, bud,” Billy said, his smooth, deep voice taking on a slightly ditzy edge.

“Yeah…you can’t just, like, walk in here and not expect it to happen,” Blaine laughed, his matching tone making it sound like it should have been obvious.

Connor looked to Bobby for clarification, but before the dark-skinned stud could say anything, Ian buzzed in his ear again.  “Yeah, man, I heard they’re all crazy about you.  I heard they even take all that OnlyFriends money and pamper the fuck outta you.”

“Hey!”  Connor yelped when Bobby suddenly scooped him up, his arms instinctively wrapping around the other man as he was cradled.  Though they stood the same height, he felt positively tiny as the bald bodybuilder carried him as if he were weightless.  More alarming, though, was how natural it all felt.  Connor still knew on some level that the three men hadn’t been in his house, let alone his life, just moments before, but even as he tried to hold onto that thought, strange new memories began to fill his addled mind.  Image after image of the hunky trio flashed before his eyes, with the studly strangers engaged in all manner of intimate acts, both with each other and with him, on camera and off.  The wiry nerd’s cock surged as his body began to tingle from the memory of what the three did to it on a routine basis, and how they treated him like actual royalty.  They took turns with the household duties, with one or all of them handling the cooking and the cleaning, and Connor blushed when he started to remember just how far the trio took things.  They dressed and undressed him.  They bathed him.  They offered to feed him.  They even routinely walked in on him in the bathroom, with the wiry man’s privacy being the price he paid for the trio’s pampering.  True, they also bought him anything and everything he wanted, like the upgraded furniture and gaming rig that now loomed large in the living room instead of his bedroom, but they also bought what they wanted FOR him.

Connor felt the change even before Ian spoke again.  “I heard they can’t get enough of manhandling you, either.  Not that you want ‘em to keep their hands to themselves, right?”

It was all happening too fast for the overloaded Connor to respond.  He was still in Bobby’s arms, but Billy had come up from behind to tug his t-shirt free, while Blaine was busy pawing at his shorts.

“Why are you, like, wearing any of this,” the brunette pouted, running a hand up the furry trail on Connor’s stomach as he pulled the shirt away.

“So rude, right,” Blaine chided, exposing the alteration that the skinny man felt when the baggy shorts were stripped free.

“Much, much better,” Bobby nodded, giving Connor’s bare, furry cheeks a squeeze.  Instead of the boxers he should have been wearing, the olive-skinned nerd was now clad only in a pink thong, the pouch of which was already painfully tented.  Connor’s average cock was nowhere near the girthy logs his new friends sported, just as his exposed, average physique was nothing like their sculpted frames, but he was helpless to do anything other than linger in Bobby’s arms while Billy and Blaine pawed at him.

A part of the wiry man was mortified by the bright little underwear.  He’d never worn anything like it, especially in front of other people, and that part grew when Bobby turned towards the TV and Connor saw Ian’s grinning face waiting for him.  In the flurry of being stripped bare he hadn’t noticed his headset vanishing, and now instead of being relegated to his ear, his friend’s full, bearded face occupied a corner of the TV’s massive screen.  “I wondered how long this would take,” Ian chuckled.  “I’m surprised we got in as much of a game as we did.”

“But…but…no!  What are you…what is even happening?!” Connor whimpered, fighting against the part of himself that wasn’t mortified.  The impossible sensation of familiarity had only continued to grow, including the act of sitting in nothing but a tented thong on Bobby’s broad lap while his friend watched.  And the smaller man knew he was losing the battle.

“I know what’s ABOUT to happen,” Ian said, shaking his head.  “I heard those guys love passing you around…heard they don’t stop until all three have had their way with you.”

Before Connor could respond, Bobby’s hand had wrapped itself around his aching cock.  The pouch of the thong was pushed aside, and the handsome, hairy little nerd was helpless to do anything other than gasp and gawk as the bald, brawny stud stroked away.  Despite his shock and the haze of confusion, there was a part of Connor that was legitimately thrilled by this turn of events.  Being a bookish, nerdy gamer didn’t lend itself to an active sex life, so to suddenly have a trio of devoted demigods was close to a dream come true, regardless of the somewhat humiliating circumstances.  “Oh…oh fuuuuuck…” he moaned, his slender fingers biting into Bobby’s meaty thigh as he squirmed on the other man’s lap.

“Don’t, like, forget about us,” Billy chirped as he hurried over with Blaine in tow.  They’d both already stripped naked, but Connor only had a moment to appreciate the view before his vision was obscured by the brunette’s handsome face closing in on his own.  The smaller man’s groan of pleasure was muffled by Billy’s mouth when Blaine dropped to his knees and swallowed him, with Bobby’s soft lips finding their way to his neck.

Connor could feel himself slipping.  He still saw Ian watching on the screen, but compared to the ecstasy rocketing through his tight, toned frame, a little embarrassing exhibitionism was nothing.  He was in the eye of a smooth, muscled hurricane, so overwhelmed that he didn’t feel what was coming until it was too late.

“HOOOOoooOOOHHHhhhh!”  Connor tore his face away from Billy’s and howled when Bobby’s fat log slipped inside.  The dark-skinned stud had his arms wrapped around him, keeping him impaled in place as the smaller man instinctively started squirming and bucking.  “Oh fuck…oh fuck…oh fuck…” Connor grunted, his eyes wide.  He’d only ever been fucked twice, and neither encounter had been with an organ as large as the girder currently splitting him open, and the sensation was more than he could handle.  Fear, embarrassment, shock; it all faded under the bright, blissful torture that was Bobby’s relentless rod.

“That’s right, baby,” the bigger man purred, locking his hands on Connor’s tight waist as he started ramming his hips like a piston.  “Just sit tight and let Bobby give it to you.”

Connor wanted to point out that the bucking bodybuilder was far from alone in his actions.  Blaine’s soft, full lips were still wrapped around his cock, and Billy’s massive hands were busying themselves with his sensitive little nipples.  But Connor couldn’t bring himself to mention it.  He couldn’t even speak.  As it was, he was so overloaded that he was practically drooling, his sharp jaw slack as a long, low moan joined with Bobby’s determined grunts.  He was still dimly aware that this was what his life had become, that he would be on the receiving end of the trio’s affectionate attention at all times, whether he wanted to be or not.  Fortunately for Connor, he already couldn’t imagine ever denying himself such ecstasy.  If that meant other people got to watch, that was just lucky for them.

The overworked little man erupted in Blaine’s mouth long before Bobby came, but he was content to let the other man take his time.  When the dark-skinned stud finally did cross the threshold, he exploded with enough force to make Connor’s eyes go wide as the excessive eruption shot back out around the invading organ.  “Fuck yeah, bro,” Bobby panted with a dazed, dull grin.  “Alright Billy, you’re up.  Got him good and ready.”

“Hand him over, bud!” the brunette cheered, effortlessly scooping Connor off his friend’s lap.

“HHHNNnngggGGHHh…!”  It all happened so fast that the lean little nerd had the brawny brunette inside before he’d even gotten his bearings.  He looked back over a bony shoulder in wide eyed wonder at Billy, who just pursed his lips and rolled his hips.  Once again, the bigger man’s iron grip was latched on Connor’s waist, leaving him locked in place for the duration.  Next to him, Blaine had decided to warm up with Bobby, whose face was pressed into the couch while his muscled bubble bounced from the force of the blonde’s thrusting.

On the ignored TV, Ian finally decided to call it a night.   “Alright, man.  I’ll leave you to it.  Want to try again tomorrow?  Nevermind…I know you can’t answer right now.  I’ll just text you.  Don’t worry, it won’t be in the morning.  I heard you’re going to have another late night with these guys.”


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