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Nick yawned and stretched, absently scratching at the trail of hair snaking up from under the front of his stuffed, black briefs.  “Dude…you’re just going out to water the plants,” he shrugged.  “What’s the big deal?”

Andrew opened his mouth to respond, but could only blink up at his friend in stunned silence.  It was all still too new, too overwhelming, to fully process.  The presence of his underwear-clad friend in his kitchen wasn’t unusual by itself.  They’d lived together during college, and they still frequently crashed at each other’s house in the few years since graduating, though the specific events of the previous evening had been entirely new.  So it wasn’t the sight of Nick’s messy, raven bed-head, or sleepy, stubble-covered grin that caught Andrew off guard, but his reaction to them.  The chestnut-haired man knew his stomach shouldn’t have fluttered in response to his friend’s bare, lean pecs and exposed abs.  He shouldn’t have tingled at the memory of Nick’s deceptively strong arms wrapping around him, and his mouth shouldn’t have watered at the lingering taste of what lurked in the other man’s underwear.  Andrew had seen his friend naked more times than he could remember over the years, but things should have ended with that visual, not with intimate, first hand experience of what Nick’s athletic frame could do in bed.  Nor should he have had to look up at his friend in the first place.  Andrew should have stood the same six-foot height as the other man, not a solid twelve inches less.  “What’s the big…” he finally sputtered, his face going red.  “How can you even ask me that right now?!”

“I’m just sayin’...how much time have you spent wearing nothing but a little speedo in front of people?  It’s not that different if you think about it,” Nick offered, trying his best to keep his smile from growing.

“Are you serious?  It’s entirely different!  Am I at a fucking swim meet right now?”  Andrew spread his strong, shortened arms for emphasis.  Despite the loss of a foot in height, the proportions of his impressive wingspan hadn’t changed.  He had the same broad shoulders and wide back, the same chiseled arms and sculpted pecs, and his smooth torso still tapered impressively at his firm abs.  “Does this look like a goddamn speedo?” he cried, his stomping foot drawing attention to the part of his body that now stood wildly out of proportion.  Andrew winced at the way his massive backside rippled and bounced in response, and the way his widened thighs rubbed together.  It wasn’t so much that he’d “lost” a foot in height as much as the mass had simply been reallocated elsewhere, throwing his carefully crafted frame out of alignment.  From the knees down he had the same rocky calves and large feet, and from the waist up he had the same lean definition.  It was the area in between that now stood out.  Andrew’s sharp features flushed a deeper red as he looked down at the similarly hued bikini briefs, his petite package looking smaller than ever against his inflated thighs while his colossal new cakes hung almost entirely exposed behind.  “I can’t believe this is happening,” he groaned, burying his face in his hands.

“Aw, come on, man.  I know it’s a lot, but you’ll…we’ll…get through it, okay? I’m not gonna leave you hangin’, bro,'' Nick said as he reached out and gave Andrew’s shoulders a squeeze.  He lost the battle with his mouth, his soft, full lips curling into a grin as he looked down at his friend.  “This IS fuckin’ weird, though.  Right?  Can’t believe I’m lookin’ down at you…OR how cute you are right now.”

Andrew wanted to object to being called cute, but the obvious twitching in his bikinis betrayed him.  “This is so humiliating,” he said, helpless to stop the eager organ from rapidly reaching full mast.  In Andrew’s case, “full” topped out at just under five inches, and the fact that he was still stuck with the unimpressive package that had started all of this was only more salt in the wound.  “Oh…oh god…I just realized…everyone’s going to see me like this!  If I’m…if this is really all I can…that means everyone’s going to see me poppin’ off all the time,” Andrew moaned, his stomach dropping.

Nick didn’t know what to say.  His smile went sympathetic as he pulled his friend in for a hug, giving Andrew a quick peck on the top of his cropped, sandy head.  “I mean, maybe you’ll get used to it?  If what we saw on our phones is real, then technically you’ve…”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” Andrew interrupted, both loving and hating how it felt to nestle his head against the wiry hair on Nick’s chest.  A part of him relished the size difference, of being so easily swallowed in his friend’s arms and towered over, but the part of him that lingered from his previous existence still couldn’t let go.

Nick stroked the shorter man’s broad back in silence, careful not to let his hands drop to the meaty melons he so desperately wanted to grab.  He knew that Andrew wouldn’t have objected, but that was the very reason he kept his hands above the waist.  Until they had a better understanding of just how badly things had gone wrong he didn’t want to risk taking advantage of his friend’s situation.  The frenzy from the night before had been wild and out of both of their hands, the lust surging like a hurricane, but in the level-headed morning light things were different.  “I don’t want to pile on, man.  I really don’t.  But I did technically tell you this was all a terrible idea.”

“That took longer than I thought it would,” Andrew chuckled, unable to keep his own hands from Nick’s granite, proportional cheeks.  “Looks like you were right.”

“I just don’t understand what made you want to mess with something like magic in the first place.  You’ve always been a stud, bro.  Since when has the size of your dick actually mattered?  From what I heard all over campus back in the day you never had a problem leaving ‘em satisfied.  Why fix something that’s not broken,” Nick asked.

“That’s easy for you to say!  You’re walking around with this,” Andrew said, slipping a hand around front to grip the dark-haired man’s stuffed bulge.  Hard, the olive-hued hunk was nearly twice the smaller man’s size, a fact that appeared eager to prove itself as Nick’s thick log started to twitch.  “You played baseball…you didn’t have to stand in front of a crowd with your shit on display like I did.”

“You didn’t ‘have’ to either, dude.  And I can’t help but notice that it never stopped you.  How many years did you swim for?  How many fuckin’ medals did you take home?  You killed it out there AND you got laid constantly.  I just don’t…”

“I don’t know how to explain it,” Andrew interrupted.  “You’re not wrong.  I know that.  But this isn’t about logic.  It’s about how it felt to get made fun of…even from friends…every time we hit the showers.  How even now I can’t help but look around a locker room and see guys who are all bigger than me.  I’m not trying to be arrogant, but I know I’m a solid 7 out of 10.  I know I’m a handsome dude.  But that just makes it worse when I see a dude who’s a 3 swinging a club around while I’m stuck with this little poker.  I thought this would be an easy way to fix that.”

“If it makes you feel better, I’d say you’re at least an 8 now,” Nick purred, finally reaching down to give Andrew’s mountainous rear a squeeze.  A part of him regretted his choice when the bottom-heavy hunk instinctively moaned and ground his tented bulge into him, but his friend legitimately seemed to enjoy the experience.

“Too bad the only thing dick-related that got bigger is how much they turn me on,” Andrew sighed, his hand sliding into the front of Nick’s briefs.

“I don’t know that I’d call it bad,” the taller man chuckled as his friend absently stroked him.

Andrew blushed when he realized what he’d started doing and pulled his hand away.  “Fuck!  Sorry, man…I didn’t even…it’s like I can’t help myself.”

Nick lifted his friend’s chin so their eyes could meet.  “Dude, I’m going to say this now so we can get it out of the way: you NEVER have to apologize to me.  Not for this.”  He took Andrew’s hand and guided it back into his briefs, a bashful blushing spreading across his own brooding features.  “Fuck it, dude.  It’s weird for me too when I think about it, but come on…it’s me and you!  What’s mine is yours.”

Andrew couldn’t hold back a whimper, his whole, warped body feeling like it was melting at his friend’s words.  “Never saw this in our future,” he said with a short laugh, his hand still wrapped around Nick’s thick log.

“You’ve never been good at planning ahead, bud,” the taller man said before giving Andrew’s hair a rough tousle.  “Which probably explains why you thought a ritual that required hyper precision with timing and stars aligning and shit was a good idea.  You’ve never been good at math, either, remember?”

Andrew stuck out his lip in an exaggerated pout.  “I thought you WEREN’T going to pile on.”

“Sorry…can’t help it.  It’s just frustrating to see you put yourself in this position and not be able to do anything about it, you know?  Also,” he said, giving the shorter man’s plump cheeks another squeeze, “I’m feeling weirdly protective of you now that I’m bigger.”

“My hero,” Andrew cooed, pushing Nick’s briefs down to mid-thigh.  “And there’s not “nothing” you can do about it,” he said before he could stop himself.

“Oh my god I love you like this,” the dark-haired jock laughed.  “I mean it!  I’m not making fun of you…I literally can’t believe how hot you are right now,” he added quickly when Andrew’s expression faltered.

The shorter man flashed a bashful grin.  “We’re going to have to get used to talking to each other like that, aren’t we?”

“One thing at a time,” Nick said, returning his friend’s smile.  “But whenever you feel like telling me what a babe I am, have at it.”

“It’s just so weird that everyone else is going to think this is perfectly normal now,” Andrew sighed as he looked down at the hand wrapped around Nick’s cock.  “If you hadn’t been here when I tried the ritual, even you wouldn’t remember that I was ever any other way.”

The taller man nodded.  “It’s wild, dude.  Like, I can still remember the old you and how you used to look, but at the same time I can just as clearly recall this version.  I see you how you used to dress, but I also see you how you are now, running around in your underwear all the time.”

“In retrospect, trying to add in that bit about other guys noticing my dick probably wasn’t the best idea,” Andrew groaned, shaking his head.  Now, as a result of his error, his lower half was never clad in anything but revealing underwear.  Thongs, bikinis, tiny briefs, jockstraps; no matter where he was, his hulking cheeks and petite package were always proudly on display.  He still had shirts, but even though his reduced stature should have left them draping, they’d all been carefully tailored to stop at his navel, when he bothered to wear them at all.  A frantic scanning of the photos on their phones and social media the previous evening revealed a version of Andrew whose casual state was largely topless, while his work clothes had been reduced to cropped polos.  The thicc swimmer had been particularly horrified by the photos of himself at a recent work event, where the straining white polo that showed off his broad shoulders and chiseled pecs now stood in stark contrast to the tented navy jockstrap below.  Andrew had noted the irony of his socks and loafers, but he’d been more horrified by the way his peers and workplace competitors suddenly towered over him, and clearly turned him on, his now-constant arousal no longer having the luxury of hiding behind cumbersome pants.

“It was a bold choice, but I’m not complaining,” the dark-haired man said, tugging the front of Andrew’s briefs down.  He ran a thumb around his friend’s oozing head and gave the churning balls a gentle squeeze, his own head still spinning as it tried to wrap itself around the new reality.  When Andrew had called him the previous night and asked him to come over and babysit a magic ritual, he’d thought his friend was either drunk or having a mental breakdown.  But then he’d watched the other man’s tapering frame shrink, his ass exploding outward to an improbable degree while the world changed around them.  They’d both been so blindsided by the new reality, by the sudden rush of frequent, yet simultaneously unrequited, lust that slammed into them that they’d gone at each other without thinking.  Nick had already cum twice, his fat log buried to the hilt in Andrew’s altered ass, before he’d even realized they were fucking.  But even then, they didn’t stop.  Knowing how odd the behavior was did nothing to lessen their aching need, and they’d spent the night catching up on the bliss their previous reality had prevented.  Nick blushed when he thought about what they’d done, how he’d sucked his friend dry, ate his eager hole like a hungry pussy, and fucked the shorter man senseless, with Andrew begging, howling and moaning like a siren the entire time.  As Nick had warned, the sandy-haired hunk had clearly been in over his head, and instead of turning into a hung top he’d screwed up the ritual and turned himself into a desperate, dick-hungry power bottom, his ample new proportions leaving him well-suited to the task.  And because of the previously mentioned attempt at garnering attention, it left the men around Andrew equally interested in meeting the shortened swimmer’s needs.  “I gotta admit…the little guy is really cute with that ass to go with him,” Nick purred, giving Andrew another tug.  “And what do they say about thick thighs?”

“Oh fuck I need you inside me,” the smaller man groaned.  He shook his head when Nick started to turn back towards the door, latching onto his friend’s trim hips and dropping to his knees. “Uh-uh.  Right here,” he grunted before using his mouth to leave the taller man’s imposing rod a slick, slobbered mess.

Nick didn’t even get a chance to say anything.  Andrew’s motions were so practiced and efficient that within moments the bottom-heavy blonde was impaled and writhing, his clapping cheeks and swiveling hips sending wave after wave of ecstasy through his friend’s stunned frame.  “Gotta give a dude a second to get ready,” Nick finally laughed, draping himself against Andrew’s back when he came to his senses.  He clutched his friend’s chest with one hand while the other swallowed the shorter man’s package, his own able hips falling into rhythm with Andrew’s writhing.  “You’re not the only one who’s a pro here.”

“Is this a…competition…” the impaled jock grunted.

“We’ll see who finishes first,” Nick purred, both hands finding their way to Andrew’s perky nipples as he began slowly kissing along the shortened man’s neck and nibbling on his ear.

It was a photo finish in the end.  Despite the shock of it all and the lingering embarrassment, Andrew had never felt safer or more content than he did with Nick’s arms around him.  None of the jarring new changes mattered as he squirmed and squealed in the now-taller man’s grip, not his new size, or widened hips, or constant exposure.  Even watching the below-average endowment that started it all didn’t bother Andrew nearly as much as he thought it should.  Watching it wag and bob and ooze, he realized his friend had been right, that it did look cute nestled between his meatier new thighs.  And since it had become an afterthought to the heaping, clapping cakes currently making Nick’s jaw drop, what did he care?  Sure, everyone would see it, but they’d see everything else he had to offer as well, just as many of them would take him up on those offerings.

But with Nick it was different.  Though his head had been filled to the brim with new memories of new experiences with new men, it was the dark-haired hunk that truly made his stomach flutter and his knees go weak.  Whether it was their history that caused it or the other man’s proximity during the ritual, Andrew knew without a doubt that their relationship had significantly shifted.

“Do we…do we call that a tie,” Nick panted when he’d finished spraying.  His softening rod was still inside the other man, and a part of him hated the way it felt when it fell free.  That sensation only lasted until he spun Andrew in his arms and inserted his tongue in the other man’s mouth, fulfilling his need to be connected to his friend.

“If it means we need to have a tie-breaker, then yes,” the blonde grinned when Nick finally broke off the kiss.

“First things first,” the taller man said, grabbing a paper towel.  Andrew gasped and blushed when his friend began wiping the trailing cum from his thighs, the intimacy of being wiped clean by the bigger man almost matching the act that made it necessary in the first place.  He took the discarded briefs from his friend and slipped them back on, raising an eyebrow.  “You’ve got plants to water,” Nick said, shaking his head before Andrew could protest.  “First day of the rest of your life, bud.  You’re going to go out there like that, in full view of the neighbors and everyone, and water your plants.  Then you’re going to come back in here, I’m going to fuck another load out of you, and then we’re going out to breakfast like a civilized couple.”

A part of Andrew wanted to argue, but a bigger part was more focused on his friend’s last word.  He still didn’t relish the idea of sitting in a cafe wearing nothing but a tiny t-shirt, his bouncing ass exposed and his thong inevitably tented from the surrounding men who would inevitably tower over him, but he and Nick were technically the only ones who remembered him ever having done anything else, so what did he have to worry about?

“Not if I pull one out of you first,” he said over his shoulder, his fattened rear rippling as he headed for the door.  “Loser buys pancakes?”


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