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“I don’t know, man.  I’m not trying to end up super hairy,” Tom said, eyeing the ghostly trail of fur that snaked up from beneath the waist of his boxer briefs, stopping just short of his navel.  The wispy line was nowhere near as dark as the chestnut bush at the base of his thick cock, and it wouldn’t have stood out at all to his friend had the young jock not mentioned it.  Save for matching patches under his arms, and a light dusting on his legs, Tom’s lean body was almost entirely smooth.  At twenty one, he barely even had to shave, never growing more than a hint of stubble across his high cheekbones.

“Yeah, you’re a regular sasquatch,” Jake laughed, watching Tom inspect himself in the mirror.  He ran a hand across the dense coating of hair on his chest, flexing the chiseled muscle underneath.  “You want to borrow my clippers?

Tom turned from the mirror and shook his head.  “I’m serious, man!  You’ve been shaving since you were, what?  Fifteen?  You might be used to it, but I’m happy the way I am.”  He looked his brunette friend up and down, his eyes following the curly hair as it flowed south from Jake’s chest and obscured the solid abs underneath before disappearing under the other man’s low-riding towel.  The two young jocks were the same age and shared similarly athletic builds, but Jake’s ample fur and stubble-covered cheeks gave him an air of rugged masculinity that Tom lacked.

“Since I was fourteen, actually,” the hairy jock grinned, abruptly dropping his towel as Tom stared.  He wagged his hips, shaking his stout cock and heavy balls as he gave his friend an unobstructed view.  “And in all that time I’ve never had any complaints, bro,” Jake said, motioning down to his hairy, tapering torso.

Before Tom could respond, a towering wall of blonde muscle rounded the corner, stopping short when he caught Jake wagging his cock for the other man.  “Uh...what the fuck are you two doing over here?” Liam asked with an awkward laugh.

The naked furball was entirely unbothered as he crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged.  “Tom’s freaking out ‘cause he’s finally hitting puberty...if you can call it that,” he said, nodding at the patch of fuzz just above the blushing man’s stuffed bulge.

Liam leaned in close and gave an impressed nod as he clapped Tom on the shoulder.  “Congratulations,” he said before peeling out of his damp muscle-shirt to reveal the glistening, sweat-soaked dusting that covered his own prominent chest.  Unlike Jake the hair was contained to his pecs, leaving only a thin trail dropping down the center of his tank-tread abs.  “It just means you’re becoming a man, big guy.  You might start to feel strange urges around…”

“Fuck you both,” Tom interrupted, rolling his eyes.  “I get it.  You’re total studs.”

“Seriously man, why are you so worried about this,” Jake asked.  “It’s just some hair.  Some dudes get it early...some dudes get it later.  What’s the problem?  You’re the one who started taking that weird supplement.  It probably just boosted your testosterone or something.”

“I just wanted some help bulking up, not growing hair on my ass,” he said, giving Jake’s furry cheeks a swat when the other man turned and opened his locker.  “It’s just weird...none of the guys in my family are hairy.  Like, at all.  Supplement or not I feel like genetics are more important.”

“Then consider yourself lucky,” Liam said, running a hand through the golden carpet on his chest.  “Girls go crazy for this shit,” the tall jock's lantern jaw stretched into a smug grin as he dropped his shorts, revealing a matching coating on his sturdy thighs.  Like Jake, he watched Tom’s eyes travel up and down, inspecting his brief-clad frame.  “Ohhh...is that the problem?  You’re more worried about what guys’ll think?  Dude, I’ve had plenty of guys hit on me too.  Bears are a thing.”

Tom blushed and looked away, painfully aware that he’d just been caught staring at his two friends.  He told himself he was just curious about the hair, but his eyes had been glued to Liam’s plump bulge, not his chest.  He’d also seen his friend’s naked plenty of times and didn’t need a fresh look to know where they sported hair.  “No, it’s not that, I just…” he trailed off in a sigh and rubbed his face.  “Can we not make this any weirder?  How did it start for you two?  The hair, I mean.”

Jake and Liam exchanged a quick look before the hairy jock shrugged.  “Probably not what you want to hear, but exactly like that,” he said, giving the soft patch of hair on Tom’s stomach a pat.  “But everywhere.  I was like a goddamn peach with that shit.  Arms, chest, stomach, ass...it started off like that and thickened out over time.”

Liam nodded.  “Same here.  One day it’s a little fuzz in the middle of my chest, and then before you know it I’ve got this luscious carpet,” he said, laughing at the dejected look on the smooth jock’s face.  “I mean, it wasn’t overnight.  By the time it grew in I was already used to the idea.  What?  You’re worried it’s going to happen fast?”

“The fuzz happened fast,” Tom said, a strange throb hitting his cock as he pictured his two friends with a smooth body like his own.

“You’re the one who thought it’d be a good idea to sign up for that dude’s experiment,” Jake added.  “What was even in that shit you took?”

“He’s not just ‘some dude’.  Adam’s a grad student in Sports Medicine,” Tom said defensively.  “And from what he said it was a mix of bee pollen and a protein blend.  Nothing that should be making me sprout hair.”

“Then go talk to him,” Liam said.  “He should be able to explain it, right?”

Tom certainly hoped so.  He didn’t know if it was just his anxiety causing a phantom sensation, but his body was starting to itch and ache.  The itching had started at the new patch of wispy fur before slowly spreading up the rest of his torso and all over his arms and legs, and what he thought was just post-workout fatigue was gradually turning into a body that felt like lead.  By the time he reached Adam’s small lab off campus he felt like he had weights strapped to his body.  His clothes were increasingly tight and uncomfortable, the fabric feeling like sandpaper against his skin.  He tried to stay calm, and he kept telling himself it was all in his head, but his expression must have been obvious as he stood outside the lab.

“Whoa!  What’s got you so upset,” Adam laughed, ushering Tom inside.  The grad student was a furry beast of a man, standing the same six-foot height as Tom, but taking up twice as much space.  His body was broad and thick, his bulky, undefined muscle straining against his thin t-shirt and tight jeans.  When they’d first met Tom was uncomfortable by the obvious, nubby nipples poking against the older man’s shirt, and the thick tufts of hair spilling out from underneath, but now it strangely made his stomach flutter.  He hadn’t paid attention to the brawny hulk’s noticeably stuffed bulge the first time, a mistake he was quickly rectifying as his eyes honed in on the wide, outlined monster in Adam’s pants.  The other man was only a few years older than himself, but with his rugged build, stubble-covered cheeks, and male-pattern baldness Adam seemed at least a decade older.

“Uh, this is going to sound crazy, but I think that supplement you gave me is doing something weird,” Tom stammered, his face going red when he was caught staring at another man’s crotch for the third time that day.

Adam crossed his beefy arms and cocked his head, looking Tom up and down.  “Weird how?”

“Is it...supposed to make me hairy?”

“Hairy?”  Before Tom could respond, Adam shook his head and gestured to an open area next to the lab table.  “Actually, why don’t you just strip down and let me get a look?”

Tom hesitated, but he didn’t know how else to get answers.  His hands shook as he peeled out of his t-shirt, his heart starting to pound when he saw an unfamiliar dusting of silky hair across his toned pecs.  Lower on his torso he now sported a very obvious, chestnut treasure-trail, but more concerning was the lack of definition he saw beneath it.  His whole torso looked less cut than it should, sending a stab of fear through him as he frantically dropped his jeans.  He blushed when Adam nodded for him to drop his boxer-briefs as well, the crimson spreading down over the rest of his body when his cock rocketed to life as soon as it was free.

“Uh...so...sorry about that,” Tom stuttered, his hand hovering just above his recently acquired trail.  “This is what I’m talking about.  This wasn’t here before.  Neither was this,” he said, shivering when his fingers brushed against the silky sprouts on his pecs.  His body was still rock solid, but if he didn’t know it was impossible he would have sworn he was bigger already.

Adam walked in a slow circle around the blushing, naked jock, nodding appreciatively.  “You’re right.  That hair is definitely on its way in.  You’re going to be a furry one, that’s for sure,” he laughed, stopping in front of the stunned young man.  “I should probably level with you since things are about to get interesting.  It’s not a supplement,” he said, as if it should have been obvious.  “It’s a self-replicating virus that’s currently overwriting your genetic code with a strand more similar to my own.”  The furry wall of muscle smiled and shook his head at Tom’s growing look of horror.  “No, that doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to become my twin.  Just that we’ll share similar characteristics.  Think of it as jumping to the branch of a different family tree.  When we did your intake for the project you said all the men in your family are smooth and lean?  Not in mine, clearly.”  He peeled out of his t-shirt, flexing his furry slab of a chest as he ran a hand over his hairy muscle gut.  “That’s an encouraging sign,” he said, nodding as he watched Tom’s rigid cock twitch and pulse at the sight.

“It...it is?  Why?” Tom stammered, blushing.

“Because on top of being such a fine specimen of masculinity,” Adam laughed, flexing, “I’m as gay as they come.  So if you’re ready to pop at the sight of me, it means the process has reached full saturation.”

“What?!” Tom cried, suddenly understanding why he’d been staring at his friends in the locker room.  Now, just thinking about their sweaty, sculpted frames made his cock ache to the point where Tom had to actively focus on not grabbing himself and pumping away.  But I didn’t want...all I wanted was to bulk up a little!  Not any of this!  You tricked me!”

Adam sighed and shook his head.  “Nope.  It was all in the fine print of the packet you signed.”

“That thing was fifteen pages!  I...I just skipped to the end and signed.”

The burly man shrugged his hairy shoulders.  “I guess this is a lesson, then.”

“Please!  You have to stop this.  Find someone else to…”

“Oh, there’s no stopping it.  Once the sequence starts it has to run its course,” Adam interrupted.  “If it’s any consolation it shouldn’t take too much longer from this point.  Once it gets going it picks up steam.  Just look at this,” Adam said, stepping close behind Tom.  He ran a meaty hand through the dense, dark trail of hair that flowed up from the changing man’s cock before it spread out across his widening stomach on its journey to his chest.

Tom gasped, both from the shock of the thickening hair and the sensation of Adam’s hand on his stomach.  The other man’s presence was suddenly overwhelming as he loomed behind him like a hairy tower, the copious fur sending shivers down Tom’s spine as it brushed against his bare back.  “Oh...oh god…” Tom sputtered, his eyes going wide as he realized the stomach underneath the hair looked vastly different.  Instead of tapering and shredded it was broad and curved, losing most of the definition he’d worked so hard to maintain.  Having seen Adam’s beefy, barrel torso he knew where he was headed, and though the thought should have filled him with dread, at the moment all it did was make him groan with hunger.

“I’m glad you came back when you did,” Adam said softly as he stroked Tom’s expanding gut.  “I didn’t think I’d get to see your actual transition.”  He laughed at the younger man’s conflicted expression, his hands lingering just above the inflating jock’s aching cock.  “You know what would probably make this easier?  How about I give you a full look at what you’re getting?  Maybe that’ll lessen the anxiety.”

Tom knew it wouldn’t do anything of the kind.  He was confusingly desperate to see Adam in all his glory, and it wasn’t just so he could know the full horror of what lay ahead.  His body was on fire, brimming with a barely contained frenzy that he’d never felt before.  As he felt the pressure of his body slowly expanding, and the itching, crawling sensation of his freshly sprouting carpet, beneath the terror was a growing sense of strength and power.  The strange new outlook had already crept in far enough to leave him wondering which fate he dreaded more; ending up as a thick, furry bear, or staying as a thin, smooth little boy.  Instead of longing for his old body Tom was starting to feel embarrassed by it, leaving him torn as he watched Adam step in front of him and slowly open his jeans.

“You wore a medium t-shirt, right?  You can kiss those goodbye.  You’re an XL, or an XXL if you want some room,” Adam said, cocking his head to look at Tom’s discarded jeans as he pulled his own down his furry tree-trunk thighs.  “Thirty-twos?  You’re a thirty-eight now, and that’s only if you want your pants tight,” he laughed, snapping the elastic of his red jockstrap as he kicked his pants free.  “And you can forget about boxer briefs.  With thighs like you’re growing they’re a pain in the ass.  Hell, with an ass like you’re growing they’re a pain in the ass.  Same with boxers.  That’s why I go with jocks most of the time.  Plus, they drive the boys wild,” he winked, tugging down the straining pouch and letting his fat, twitching hose spring free.  He spread his massive arms and turned in a slow circle, shaking his plump, hairy globes as he spun.  “So?  What do you think?  Not bad, right?”

Tom was too overwhelmed to speak.  His wide, frantic eyes kept darting back and forth between the thick, bulging pecs that had ballooned off his chest and Adam’s mountainous physique.  The hair had fully encompassed them, the wispy fuzz becoming thick and coarse as it rocketed across the muscled mounds, thick enough to grab and lace your fingers through.  It stopped just at the apex of his bowling-ball shoulders, leaving the skin between his broad upper back and his rapidly expanding bottom as the one smooth oasis remaining on his altered frame.

“You make an impressive me,” Adam grinned as he reached out and tousled Tom’s hair.  The expanding jock gasped when he felt a chestnut waterfall shower down his face, his stomach dropping when the flow stopped and the older man’s rough palm made contact with his bare scalp.  “Okay, THAT part sucked a little, even for me,” Adam sighed.  “But I think you more than made up for it with all this,” he purred, tugging on the silky forest surrounding Tom’s increasingly nubby nipples.

The now-balding jock couldn’t help himself.  His hands were on autopilot as he reached out and did the same, feeling like he was grabbing live wires when his fingers disappeared in Adam’s dark carpet.  He gradually began to realize that the other man wasn’t towering over him the way he initially had, and the implication made his stomach flutter.  Tom could feel his widened thighs rubbing together in unfamiliar ways, and his whole body was heavy and cumbersome.  Between his protruding pecs and prominent muscle gut he’d already lost sight of a good chunk of his thickened cock, but he didn’t need to see the oozing pole to know what it wanted.

“Looks like someone’s feeling better about things,” Adam said, a triumphant smile on his face as Tom’s hands slid down his wide hips and began tugging on his fat cock.  The young man blinked and shook his head, his horrified expression gradually softening.  For whatever reason, he was starting to think Adam was right.

As if someone had flipped a switch, Tom no longer felt any of the dread or humiliation he had just minutes before.  Now, in its place was the kind of eager excitement he felt whenever he was naked in a girl’s dorm.  “You...you’re right,” he said with a shocked laugh.  Looking down at his thick, forested body, all Tom could do was smile.  “Why am I not…” the inflated jock trailed off and nodded slowly.  “Oh...right.  The virus replicated parts of your personality as well, didn’t it?  Since this is all normal for you, now it’s all normal for me?”

Adam gave Tom’s bald scalp a rough rub.  “Looks like school just got easier, too.”

Tom’s eyes went wide as he reached up and rubbed his chin, feeling the scratchy stubble for the first time.  A fog seemed to lift from his thoughts, a sharpening of focus that he wasn’t used to.  “Oh...wow.  That’s...whoa…” he said with a drunken laugh.  His thoughts were coming at light speed, making connections before Tom even realized he was piecing anything together.

He was already making plans for how he was going to explain his new body to everyone.  There was still a rush of embarrassment when he thought about walking around with his beefy body straining against whatever he had on, with thick tufts of hair poking out through his neck and sleeves.  He knew his experience in the locker room would never be the same as now he’d likely be one of the largest, and definitely the hairiest guy, in there.

But that knowledge also came with a rush of pride.  He flexed instinctively as he thought back to Liam’s tall, chiseled frame, well aware that he could most likely bench press the handsome blonde.  The same went for Jake, whose furry body Tom could now shotput with ease if he so chose.  People could stare all they wanted; they’d never be on his level.

“I told you it wasn’t all bad,” Adam said, running his hands along Tom’s plump pecs.  “And you haven’t even used it yet,” he whispered, his lips brushing against the younger man’s ear.

Tom responded by wrapping his beefy arms around Adam and leaning in for a rough kiss.  The furry slabs of their bodies writhed together, their fat cocks grinding against each other as their hands roamed over every inch of the other’s body.

“Is the virus responding to the original host, or are you really just this hot,” Tom whimpered, his mostly-bald head falling back on his thick shoulders as Adam tugged away on his oozing monster.

“Can’t it be both?” the older man laughed.  He tweaked one of Tom’s enlarged nipples with his free hand, raising an eyebrow as he gazed at the altered hunk.  “Tell me what you want right now.”

“What do you...oh.  Oh!”  Tom’s expression faltered at the realization, a bit of his old self rising to the surface when he realized the source of his aching need.  Altered personality or not, it wasn’t easy for the recently-straight jock to admit that he suddenly wanted a dick inside him.  He felt himself blush at Adam’s grin even as his cock throbbed painfully.  “That’s...new.”

“You’ve never done that before, right?  I’m curious to see how your body responds.  Will it be like the first time?  Or will you benefit from my many, many hours of experience,” Adam winked, giving Tom’s inflated cheeks a squeeze.

The younger man hoped for the latter as he was spun around and pushed against a table for support.  His heart was a jackhammer in his heaving, hairy chest, and he knew he should, but the last thing he wanted was to pull away.  Instead he took a deep breath, letting it out in a low, deep bellow when Adam slowly pushed inside.  “FFFUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” Tom moaned, his back arching and his stubby fingers digging into the table.  He thought his instinct would be to go up on his toes or try and pull away, but instead he found himself pushing back even harder against Adam, his plump globes easily swallowing the other man to his base.  There was no pain, only an encompassing bliss and a smooth, natural rhythm to his movements as he started to move in time with Adam’s thrusting.  There was just enough of the old Tom to be embarrassed at the way his inflated body shook with the pounding, and the way Adam grabbed handfuls of his thick chest hair, but his humiliation paled in comparison to the joy he was experiencing.

“Guess you...got...the experience…” Adam grunted.  The older man laughed and gave Tom’s ass a rough swat.  “Fuck...I knew I...was good...but not...this good…”

“Maybe...I’m just a...natural…” Tom hissed over a shoulder, unable to hold back any longer.  He slammed his shaking cheeks back against Adam’s firm gut, his wide new body spasming as he came all over the table.  He felt the throbbing cock inside him erupt a few moments later, the foreign sensation feeling strangely familiar as the warm fluid ran down his meaty thighs.  “O...okay...this...this isn’t so bad,” he panted, surprising himself that he didn’t flinch when he ran both hands over his mostly-bald head.  The feeling of his rough palm on the bald patch felt perfectly natural, as did Adam’s thick arms wrapped around his prominent new gut.  “But there’s no way you’re actually turning this research in, right?  Whatever you’re going to sell it for, I want a cut.”

Adam laughed and nodded, an impressed look on his face.  “Selling it’s only the start.  Now that we know it works...isn’t there anyone you’d like to test it on yourself?”

Tom sighed and leaned back against the other man, already formulating his plan for how he could get Jake and Liam to take it.  “We’ll need two more doses.”



I think the mental changes are really great.


You know, I'd love a follow up. Just imagining this horde of thick dicked husky hornballs... 🤤🤤🤤


I'll have to go back and refresh myself on this one. There's a second chapter, but it's been so long that the details are hazy.