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“Wow.  What was her problem,” Spence grumbled, turning away from the dark-haired woman sauntering in the opposite direction along the beach.  He reached down and adjusted his thick package, consoling the twitching organ with a reassuring squeeze through his trunks.  He’d made what he thought was an expert pass at the raven-haired beauty, but she clearly hadn’t viewed his eager hands that way.  Still, despite his wounded ego, the tanned blonde lingered on the memory of the bikini-clad ass they’d just passed.

Landon shrugged.  “Whatever.  So she doesn’t want to party?  Fuck her then,” the lean brunette spat.

“I really, really want to…that’s the problem,” Spence pouted.  The well-muscled young man let his head fall back on his broad shoulders, giving a loud sigh as he stared up at the bright, cloudless sky.  “I can’t wait to get out of this town.  Yeah, no crowds, and a beach.  Great.  Whatever.  But we’ve been here a week and not a single one of us has gotten laid.  I don’t care how cheap it was…this is the last time Raph gets to pick where we go.”

Landon gave his friend’s ripped abs a backhanded swat, his sharp features split by a broad grin.  “I don’t know, dude.  I’ve seen more guys hit on you this week than ever before.  Maybe you should sample some of the local delicacies?”

Spence shook his strapping frame like a wet dog, laughing awkwardly as a crimson veneer crept up his lantern-jawed face.  “Don’t fucking remind me, man.  What’s with the guys in this town?  Never seen anything like ‘em.  No wonder that chick didn’t want anything to do with us…probably thought we were as queer as the rest.”

“I mean, trying to grab her ass probably didn’t help either…”

“It was a compliment!” Spence said, cutting off his thinner friend.

“Did you see that look she gave us?  Don’t think she took it that way.  What was that crazy language she was speaking before she stormed off?”

“Who cares.  If she’s as weird as everyone else in this creepy ass town we probably dodged a bullet.”  The sculpted blonde paused, letting the waves splash up his calves as he looked around the relatively empty beach.  For a seaside town with such picturesque settings, Spence was still surprised by how few people actually took advantage of them.  He was used to going to Florida or South Carolina, and having to fight his way through a crowded beach and bustling boardwalks.  But so far, during the week they’d spent in Kingsbury Harbor, he’d never seen more than a handful of what looked like other out-of-towners enjoying the pristine ocean.  He’d chalked it up to the fact that most of the locals worked on the water and were probably sick of it, but there was something generally unsettling about the historic little town.  Landon hadn’t been exaggerating when he’d said more guys had hit on Spence, and all of them, than he’d ever experienced before.  After several days of being ogled and having passes made at him, the handsome jock was starting to feel like a piece of meat, to the point where he’d even second guessed walking bare-chested along the shore in a vain search for interested women.  He expected the occasional pass at the bar or at the gym, but never in his young life had he borne the brunt of such overt interest, nor had he ever seen so many men openly expressing their affection for each other.  Seeing guys, of all shapes, sizes and attire, walking down the street holding hands or in each others’ arms was as commonplace as the guys and girls they saw pawing at each other on campus.  They all thought of themselves as open-minded, but their week in Kingsbury was pushing the limit.  “I’m just annoyed that we’re never going to hear the end of it for striking out.”

“You could always take one for the team,” Landon said, stepping next to Spence and slipping a hand down the back of his friend’s board shorts.  He gave the muscled hunk’s meaty cheeks a squeeze, bracing himself for what he knew was coming.  “What’d you just tell that chick?  It’s a guaranteed good time?”

Spence responded by grabbing his laughing friend and hurling him into the waves.  They were roughly the same height, and covered in an equal amount of definition, but the chiseled blonde had considerably more muscle to work with.  His ample bulk barely strained as he tossed the lean brunette into the water and then leapt gracefully over the breaking surf to tackle Landon back under the surface before his friend finished stumbling upright.  “No one’s taking anything without a fight,” he grinned, his steely pistons wrapped around Landon’s wiry frame, pinning his friend’s toned arms to his sides.  “We could always offer you up instead.”

“I don’t know, man.  Not going to lie…this is kind of turning me on,” Landon cooed, wiggling his hips to grind his perky bubble against the front of Spence’s trunks.

“Dude, don’t be gross,” the burly jock said, giving his friend a rough shove.  He wiped the water from his hair and started trudging back to shore, his eyes going wide as soon as the other man’s waist broke the surface.  “Uh…dude?  What happened to your trunks?”

“What do you…oh!  Uh…” Landon’s face went bright red when he looked down and saw that, instead of traveling almost to his knees, his green board shorts now left the majority of his toned thighs on display.  His immediate thought was that they’d ripped during the scuffle with Spence, but as he blinked down at the tight, accentuating new pouch and clinging fabric he slowly realized the situation was nowhere near that simple.  Instead of the loose trunks he should have had on, the stunned young man now found himself wearing a green speedo that showed off his tight waist and plump bulge.

“Cute.  How long have you been wearing that under your trunks,” Spence laughed, shaking his head.

“What?  No, dude, listen…I…I don’t know where this came from,” the wiry man stammered, his red face going pale.  “I mean it.  I’ve never seen these before!”

“Ha. Ha.” The brawny blonde looked around for his friend’s discarded trunks and shrugged.  “Well, you’re committed now. I don’t see your trunks…any…where…” Spence trailed off as he lumbered forward and felt a rush of warm air hit his equally exposed lower half when it broke the surface.  Just like Landon, instead of wearing a loose pair of board shorts with a tropical print, the stunned adonis found himself clad in a revealing speedo of bright flowers and palm trees.  Spence’s stomach dropped when he looked down and saw his thick, muscled thighs bare and glistening beneath a stuffed bulge, his eyes darting around the beach to see how many people might witness their exposed state.  “What the hell?  Where did this come from?!”

“Not so funny, is it,” Landon spat, looking back and forth between them.  “How is this even poss…ible…” the toned stud froze as he tried to adjust the unwanted new swimwear but found it locked in place.  With his long cock prominently outlined he’d tried to pull on the elastic waist and more modestly reposition himself, but no amount of tugging or digging would allow his fingers to slip beneath the tight material.  The same went for the leg openings when he tried to gain entry from the bottom and found himself likewise denied.  “Dude!  I can’t…I can’t get it to budge!”

Spence had been trying not to stare at his friend’s thick cock and plump balls while he’d watched the other man frantically paw at himself.  They were both hung, Landon slightly more so, and the embarrassed jock didn’t want to think about how anyone who looked in their direction would see everything they had to offer.  He knew he had nothing to be ashamed of as far as his body went, neither of them did, but Spence liked a bit more control over the circumstances when he decided to expose himself.  “Fuck…I can’t either,” he cried, his modesty quickly becoming an afterthought as he sought to rid himself of the unwanted swimwear.  “How is this evennnnnnngggnnn…” he broke off in a grunt, a rippling spasm coursing through him.  He watched Landon shudder in a similar fashion, both of their bare chests heaving when it passed.

“What the fuck was that?!” Landon panted, shaking his head in a daze.

“I don’t know!  This is too weird, dude,” Spence said, his whole body still tingling slightly.  It wasn’t painful, just a dull pins-and-needle sensation that seemed to be centered on his waist.  “We need to…to…” the blonde hunk gasped when he looked at his friend and finally noticed the change.  It was subtle, but Landon’s speedo was noticeably smaller.  The bright green fabric rode lower on his hips, exposing more of his washboard abs and athletic thighs, but instead of packing the smaller pouch to capacity, his friend’s hefty package looked to have ample room.  And it wasn’t a static change.  As Spence stared in horror, he watched the speedo continue to shrink, apparently taking the other man’s equipment with it.

“Dude!  Your…your dick is shrinking!”  Landon cried, as if reading the shocked blonde’s mind.

Spence had been so focused on his friend that he hadn’t thought about himself.  He groaned as he looked down and saw the increasingly exposed base of his stomach, feeling nauseous as he cupped the dwindling pouch and found a much smaller package inside.  “Fuck!  No!  So is yours!”

Landon let out a wordless cry of terror when he looked down and saw his deflating equipment, already half the size it had been just moments before.  He and Spence both should have sported impressively thick hoses that hung like fat bananas, even when soft.  Hard, the lean man topped out at just under eight inches while his friend hit a solid seven, but looking at themselves now, the duo would be lucky if they were close to average.  Even their churning, eager balls were pulling upwards, losing mass instead of spilling out of the steadily diminishing swimwear.  “What do we do?!  What do we do?!”

“We have to get help!  We have to get these things off!”  Spence watched Landon turn and start running before he’d even finished speaking.  His heart raced when he looked at his friend’s increasingly exposed bubble and noticed the lack of tan lines anywhere on the other man’s tight frame.  Like himself, the athletic brunette sported a deep tan that should have been clearly defined from his pale lower half, but all Spence could see was an uninterrupted layer of golden skin that crept further upwards as Landon’s shrinking speedo left more and more of his solid little cheeks on display.  He knew the same thing was happening to himself.  Spence could feel a growing breeze on his meaty globes, and he could see a set of entirely bronzed thighs without a pale patch of skin in sight.

But as they stumbled down the beach in their desperate flight, his attention was fixed solely on his shrinking equipment.  By the time they’d reached the shore and were bounding down the sand, his once-proud cock had continued to regress.  What had once been a fat log snaking off to the side had shrunk to a nestled finger, and now there wasn’t even enough left of that to wedge in either direction, leaving the stubby little organ pushing straight ahead above his emptied marbles.  Spence tried not to think about how odd it felt to be sprinting down the sand and not feel his hefty equipment bouncing with the motion.  The absence was jarring, as were the disorienting darts of pleasure that started ripping through him.  With each bounding step, and each rippling shake of his exposed rear, intense throbs began coursing up his spine, and watching how Landon occasionally stumbled, he assumed his friend was feeling the same thing.  The confusingly arousing sensations only furthered his dread when he looked down and saw the petite lump instead of a long, throbbing pole.  He felt like he should have been rock hard, and it was a punch to the gut when he realized that he very well might have been, but his cock had become so small he couldn’t really tell.

By this point, the speedo had become little more than a strip of fabric wrapping around his midsection, the bright material accentuating his pathetic endowment as if someone had taken a highlighter and singled it out.  The pointless scrap of material did nothing to cover his ample rear, and the pouch in front, if the small pocket could even be called that, was so tiny that it left even the base of his little nub on display.  Like the encroaching tan, their sparse body hair had changed to match, with their trimmed bushes vanishing as the speedos shrank until both men’s lower abdomens were entirely smooth.  The lack of hair only served to further emphasize their pitiful new size, and as they rounded the corner to the secluded stretch of beach where Raph and Isaac waited, both of the former stud’s looked at each other with growing terror.  Instead of the meaty, virile equipment they’d had just moments before, now they each sported what looked like the top half of a thumb.  The diminished remains looked even smaller on Spence, whose muscled thighs threatened to swallow the vestigial nub altogether.

“Guys!  Fuck!  Guys, we…we…” Landon’s outburst dried up in his throat as soon as he saw his two friends.  The sight of Isaac’s towering, ebony frame and Raph’s short, stocky bulk reclining on the sand stopped him in his tracks, the sudden throb from his exposed bubble nearly bringing him to his knees.

The same went for Spence, whose lantern jaw hung open as he gawked at the unaltered duo.  He knew he should be mortified at the pair seeing him in the pointless swimwear showing off his nearly non-existent cock, but all he felt was a confusing hunger as he looked at the plump bulges lurking in his friends’ trunks.  There was a growing schism in his brain, a crack that had started to split as soon as he saw them, making him question if he’d ever actually been endowed like the trunk-clad pair.  More confusingly, he started to question if he’d ever even wanted to.

“Took you two long enough,” Isaac said, sitting up and looking at the pair over the rim of his sunglasses.  Instead of being horrified, a grin stretched across his statuesque face as he looked at the scantily clad pair.  “Did you find some boys to show off for?”

Before either could answer, Raph sat up and shook his head.  The beefy little jock was the shortest of the group, but he was nearly as wide as he was tall, with a fat, wide cock, the memory of which was making Spence and Landon’s stomachs flutter.  “You know, if we weren’t so secure in what you two were coming back to, it’d be easy for us to get jealous,” he said, nodding over at Isaac as he climbed to his feet.  He wiped the sand from his hairy muscle gut and walked over to Landon, his flat, square face looking up at the lean man with a smug expression.  “Like you’re going to find someone who can treat you better than we can,” he purred, slipping a hand around to grip his friend’s tight bubble.

Landon’s eyes went wide, his body on autopilot as he pressed back and felt his friend’s stubby fingers slip easily inside.  The invading digits should have been painfully foreign, but the wave of contented bliss that washed over the stunned jock was like nothing he’d ever felt before.  Landon heard himself give a quiet sigh, his lips pursing as he rocked his hips and worked the fingers in deeper.  Even when Raph reached over and slipped the front of his speedo down, grinning at the exposed little poker, he experienced none of the horror he knew he should.  Landon was relieved that the swimwear was no longer seemingly glued in place, and even though the sight of the diminished organ in its full glory should have sent him into a blind panic, all that mattered were the growing waves of ecstasy shooting up from his penetrated bottom.  “Oh…oh fuck…” he whined, giving Spence a wide-eyed look of confusion as he whimpered and squirmed instead of begging his friends for help, or at least asking why they were treating the situation as normal.  That confusion quickly became an afterthought, his growing lust taking over as his clenching hands reached out and began kneading the stocky bulldog through his trunks.  Landon knew that he shouldn’t be so eagerly working another man’s cock, but his only priority was getting the squat, wide organ to harden.

“See?  They’re away from it for too long and they get desperate,” Raph laughed, grinning down at Isaac.  “We oughta get ‘em a pacifier for back there or something.”

The reclining hunk smiled and shook his head as he looked up at Spence.  “Nah…better if they stay hungry for it,” he said, patting his lap like he was calling a dog.

The handsome blonde tried to stop himself, but in a flash he was on his knees, straddling Isaac’s tapering midsection.  There was enough of his old self left to feel a stab of humiliation at the way his friends were talking about them, and at how he started swiveling his hips, working his muscled globes against the front of his friend’s twitching trunks.  The hardening cock already felt like a monster in comparison to his little acorn, but the jealousy was fleeting, replaced by an aching hunger.  His hands slid up and down his friend’s chiseled torso, his stomach fluttering as he began to see the other man in a new light.  He’d always known on a logical level that Isaac was the most attractive of the group.  The dark-skinned stud had the best face, the best build, and the biggest cock amongst them.  But where he’d always thought about it from a competitive standpoint, now all Spence could think about was how lucky he was as Isaac smiled up at him.  He didn’t even care about his shrunken cock.  He had Isaac’s thick pole to bring him joy, so why did he need one of his own?

With the kind of ease that could only come from countless hours of practice, Spence raised himself up to let Isaac tug his trunks down, then lowered himself on the waiting cock like a hand slipping into a glove.  The pointless speedo slipped easily aside, exposing both his eager hole and the equally pointless little cock as he struggled to remember why the sight of the tiny organ made him pause.  The former ladies man could hear himself gasping and could feel the exaggerated faces he was making, but he was helpless to stop either.  Nor could he prevent his hands from sliding all over his muscled torso as he started rocking and bouncing, his chiseled pecs slamming up and down from his vigorous writhing.  When Isaac folded his muscled arms behind his head and looked up at him with a smug grin, he wasn’t embarrassed, he was elated.  They had a gorgeous stretch of beach all to themselves, and he had the most gorgeous dick in town lighting him up from the inside.  Though there was a voice in his head telling him otherwise, he didn’t know what he could possibly have to be embarrassed about.

Next to him, Landon seemed just content.  There was a dull thud, and Spence looked over to see his friend flat on his back, his toned legs on Raph’s broad shoulders as the stocky stud slammed into him.  The look on his friend’s face was pure ecstasy while Landon clutched at the sand, his lustful moans swallowed by the pounding surf.

“You…seem like you’re in a…better mood,” Isaac grunted, trying to control himself as Spence’s gyroscopic hips pushed him ever closer to the edge.  “Didn’t know if…you were having a…good time this week…”

The penetrated blonde felt the words he wanted to say slip away, taking the remains of his former self with them.  That determined voice in his head went quiet, and the straight, hung stud that had first come to town was gone for good.  In his place was an eager bottom who was much more interested in other men’s cocks than his own.  Now, the thought of spending his time on the receiving end of the equipment he and Landon used to possess left him feeling giddy and excited, not sick with horror.  He didn’t want to hide his little cock; he wanted to show it off.  He wanted guys to see that he was smaller than them, and that he was theirs for the taking if they wanted.

He blinked down at Isaac, no longer giving his little nub a second thought.  “What?  Of course I’m having a good time,” he laughed, eliciting a loud gasp from his friend when he rolled his hips.  He flexed his arms behind his head, giving the other man an unobstructed view as he used his tight hole like a third hand.  “I’m so glad Raph found this place…we have to come back here on our next break!”


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