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Staring at Duke’s stuffed, crimson briefs, Brandon couldn’t decide which was worse: the envy or the hunger.  The elastic clung to his friend’s tight, ebony waist, accentuating the other man’s impressive abs, while the thin, straining material showed off its girthy contents in intimate detail.  Brandon could clearly see the width, length and mushrooming head of his friend’s sizable cock as it was pressed forward by the heavy, potent balls below.  It was a sight he’d seen almost daily, they’d lived together for several years, but Brandon was still getting used to the dueling emotions.

At most, the sight of Duke’s bare, athletic frame should have sparked an objective, competitive inspection.  After all, the dark-skinned stud wasn’t the only one in the apartment to sport a set of broad shoulders, or powerful arms, or plump pecs.  He wasn’t the only one who had a tapering waist and a meaty bubble and sturdy thighs.  Nor was Brandon’s face, offset by a head of short, maple hair, a trimmed beard, and high cheekbones in any way deficient compared to Duke’s scruffy buzz cut, soft lips, and chiseled features.  They shared the same twenty seven years of age and even stood the same six-foot height.  Prior to a few weeks ago, the biggest difference between the athletic duo had been Duke’s smooth, dark skin compared to Brandon’s wiry dusting and pale complexion.

Now, while Brandon still sported his bearded, broad-shouldered build, the handsome hunk felt worlds away from his friend.  Instead of being entirely unremarkable, his stomach fluttered at the sight of Duke’s lean, exposed muscle standing at the counter.  His hands trembled with the desire to reach out and run his fingers down the other man’s wide, tapering back, to slip them into the stuffed briefs and palm the muscled globes that bubbled out in his direction.  He wanted to feel Duke go hard against his gym-calloused hands, to stroke the other man’s fat seven inches until it was aching and oozing and ready to pop.  He wanted to see the impressive organ jutting long and hard from between his friend’s legs in the hopes of at least vicariously experiencing what used to be a common occurrence.  Brandon had always been slightly smaller than Duke in that regard, but he’d never imagined a time when the other man would have him so entirely outmatched, let alone a time when he’d be longing for the sensation of simply getting hard.

After only a few weeks, it was already becoming difficult to recall.  Brandon knew it was likely due to the magic at play that made things so hazy so quickly, and he clung to the memories as best he could.  The weight of his low-hanging balls.  The way his dangling hose would brush against his thighs.  The way it would bob and sway when rigid.  The sensation of a soft mouth gliding along a hard shaft.  How good it felt to grind against, or, better yet, into someone.  They’d all been entirely mundane experiences before, but now the bearded brunette savored them for the pleasant memories they’d become.  Even wearing a pair of briefs like Duke’s would have been a pleasant change of pace.  Brandon had always been a boxers guy, and he’d routinely given his friend a hard time for his “panties,” never once picturing a time when the tables would turn so literally.

But the skimpy underwear was impossible to ignore, as was the flat, empty mound between Brandon’s muscled thighs.  The front floral-print panel was little more than a scrap of fabric attached to a pair of strings, with an equally small wedge providing zero coverage in the back.  There was a small triangle of pink flowers that rested at the top of Brandon’s muscled bubble before disappearing entirely between the perky cheeks, leaving the bearded brunette almost entirely on display.  It would have been an uncomfortable state even before the recent alterations, but Brandon would have gladly taken a fat cock spilling out of a flowery thong instead of his current, contrasting appearance.  If fully covered in his previous wardrobe, he was still the picture of envious masculinity.  The problem was that he was almost never fully covered now, and certainly not in anything close to his previous attire, making his obvious exception visible to anyone who looked.

Currently, that person was Duke.  “Mornin’ babe,” the sleepy stud yawned as he turned from the coffee maker.  He grinned when he saw the other man staring and slid a hand down to squeeze his hefty bulge.  “What’s up, sweety?  You want some sausage for breakfast?”

“Fuck off,” Brandon grunted, his whole body going crimson at Duke’s condescending tone even as he kept staring.  He knew his friend was joking, at least in part, but also that the other man was experiencing the same new impulses pulling the following words from his mouth.  “You know I do.”

“Lucky for both of us, then,” Duke purred, stepping forward to wrap his arms around the other man.  His large hands latched onto Brandon’s bare bubble as he pulled his friend against him and leaned in for a kiss, stopping just above the bearded mouth when he felt his roommate tense up.  “Really,” he asked with a short laugh, raising an eyebrow as he pulled his head back.

“Sorry!  I can’t help it,” Brandon sputtered defensively, blushing a deeper shade of red.  “I’m still not used to kissing a dude first thing in the morning.”

Duke tutted and shook his head.  “After all this time…years of friendship…I’m just ‘a dude’?  Damn, baby…I thought we were tighter than that,” the dark-skinned stud pouted.

“Oh come on, you know what I mean,” Brandon said, his stomach fluttering despite his involuntary reaction.  He was acutely aware that he hadn’t referred to Duke as “another” dude, and that his friend had already referred to him as variations of “babe” and “sweety” multiple times, but it was all part of the new status quo.  Despite his overall appearance, the handsome hunk now experienced an entirely different social standing.  “This is all just…new.  I don’t know what I’m doing yet.”

“That why you’re tryin’ to make biscuits outta my ass,” Duke asked, grinning.  Brandon had immediately slipped his hands into the tight briefs, kneading the muscled mounds inside, and he hadn’t stopped.  “Way you’re grindin’ that pussy kinda feels intentional, too.”  Brandon gasped when he realized what he was doing.  He’d been as oblivious to his wandering hands as he was to his swiveling hips, his eager new orifice pressed against Duke’s twitching pouch.  His eyes went wide, and he opened his mouth to speak, but he was cut off when the other man leaned in for a kiss again.  This time a hand landed on the back of his head, holding him in place even though he tensed again, and keeping him there until he finally relaxed into the oral embrace.  What started as an awkward fumbling became eager reciprocation, with Brandon’s tongue meeting Duke’s in the middle and holding its own.  “See?  You know EXACTLY what you’re doing,” the brief-clad beauty said, stroking a hand through his friend’s messy bed-head.  “You just gotta relax, baby.”

“That’s easy for you to say!  You still look like this,” Brandon cried, running a hand down Duke’s tapering torso, “with one of these,” he finished, pushing the front of the other man’s briefs down and wrapping a hand around the log that sprang free.  “But I’m…I’m…”

“Adorable when you’re all flustered,” Duke cooed, reaching up to tweak the brunette’s solid little nipples.  He laughed at his friend’s sharp gasp, and at the whimpers that followed as Brandon writhed in place, his bearded jaw slack.  Though the appearance of his friend’s sculpted pecs hadn’t changed, the way they were perceived had, as well as the way they responded to stimulation.  “Walkin’ around with your tits hangin’ out like that…what’d you think was gonna happen?”

Brandon moaned, a warm pulse throbbing between his thighs.  A part of him was mortified at hearing Duke refer to his chiseled shelf as mere “tits,” but he knew his friend was right.  While walking around shirtless had been second nature a few weeks ago, now it left Brandon feeling exposed, the way he would have felt walking around with no pants on before.  “Did…did you just pull a ‘shouldn’t have been dressed that way’?”

“You’d have to actually BE dressed for that,” Duke countered, batting his exposed cock against his friend’s leg.  “And you’re the one who pulled my dick out first.”

“Fair point,” Brandon sighed, hating the sensation when Duke reluctantly pulled his hands away. His worked-over pecs heaved, his whole body on fire in a way he’d never felt before all this, and that still took him by surprise.  He’d always been virile and ready to hop into a woman’s bed on a moment’s notice, but he’d never been so constantly horny, or intensely aroused.

“It’s not like this isn’t weird for me either,” Duke said before leaning in to give several long, slow lips around a lightning rod nipple.  He worked his tongue over to the other and repeated the procedure, eliciting a sharp, cracking whimper in the process.  “Not exactly used to licking hairy titties, or making out with someone who has a beard,” he chuckled, immediately regretting his choices when he saw the self-conscious expression wash across Brandon’s face.  “Oh, nah, baby…it’s not like that,” he added, quickly swallowing his friend in a muscled embrace again.  He wedged his thick girder between them and gave his hips a few pumps for emphasis.  “You’re so pretty.  Like, ‘smokin’ hot gets me goin’ harder than anyone else’ pretty.  It’s just…different.  Not bad, though!  Just…like you said.  It’s new.”

Brandon both loved the way Duke immediately tried to spare his feelings and hated that it was necessary in the first place.  He also couldn’t believe how much he still tingled at the other man calling him “pretty.”  “Hard to believe it’s only been a few weeks,” he said, resting his head on Duke’s shoulder.  “Everything before this feels like a lifetime ago.”

“I told you not to fuck with that girl,” Duke said, giving Brandon’s ass a squeeze.

“How was I supposed to know that shit like magic is actually real,” the brunette asked, a hand drifting up to toy with his friend’s naturally-sensitive chest.

Duke fished the string from between Brandon’s cheeks and started pushing the panties down as he spoke.  “Magic aside, you didn’t have to go all slut-shamy on her when you found out she was hookin’ up with other dudes.  It’s not like you two were exclusive.  How many ladies did you have in and outta here at the same time?”

“I’d hardly call this an appropriate response,” Brandon sighed as his throbbing slit was exposed.  “I mean…giving me a pussy is one thing, but all the other stuff?  The way I dress and act?  The way dudes treat me now?  Feels a bit excessive.”

“You’re the one who said all those things,” Duke shrugged.  “It’s not like they came outta nowhere.”

Brandon’s eyes narrowed even as his heart raced at the sensation of Duke’s fingers brushing against his exposed entry.  “Exactly who’s side are you on here?”

“Yours, baby,” the other man said, giving his friend a quick peck on the nose.  “Always yours.  I’m just trying to make a point here.  You’re not some random victim.  Yeah, this is a lot.  It’s absolutely overkill.  But you fucked around and found out…now we need to find a way for you to start living with this.  You’re too cute to spend the rest of your life being all insecure and anxious about shit.”

Brandon didn’t know what to say.  Just about every other guy he came across treated him like a piece of meat now, like he was nothing more than a willing hole on display to be cat-called and pawed at and talked down to.  But while Duke may have slipped in more condescending tones than usual, and had taken up the habit of swapping out “dude” and “bro” for more feminine pet names, his friend had been nothing but sweet.  He’d always known that Duke was by far the more gentlemanly one between them, and now, as with so many other things, he was caught off guard by how much he appreciated that.  “You are so sweet,” he purred, the vulnerable words coming of their own volition.

“And strong, and handsome, and hung,” Duke continued with a grin.  “I’m just sayin’...so what?  So you strut around in some skimpy-ass clothes?  So you’ve got a pussy that you like to get pounded?  Big deal.  Can’t slut shame a slut who doesn’t feel shame, you know?”

Brandon felt like he was melting in the other man’s powerful arms.  “You are far too good to me,” he said, feeling like he was about to cry, cum, or both.

Duke’s smile grew.  “I really am, aren’t I?  Okay…how about this?  I’ve been building a list in my head for a while now, and I think it’s time to lay out some new ground rules around here.  Number one: no more of this embarrassed bullshit.  You want my dick?  It’s yours, whenever, wherever.  End of discussion.  Number two: no more of this tense, awkward stuff.  You’re clearly into me, and I’m fuckin’ you ‘cause I want to, not ‘cause I have to, alright?  Just relax and go with it.  And, number three: stop feeling bad for feeling good.  I know you weren’t into dudes before, but you clearly are now, so get over it.  No more of just laying there in my bed while I do all the work and then you slink off to your room.  I’m a cuddler, and you still very much know what you’re doing with this body.  So, next time, I want you to fuck me to sleep and still be there when I wake up.  Finally…fuckin’ flaunt it, baby.  If I’m lucky enough to live with a pretty little thing like you who just happens to have the sexiest wardrobe in town, I want to see you work it.  You don’t have to scamper around with your head down, sweety.  Let me see you strut every now and then,” Duke said, punctuating his list with a few rough slaps of Brandon’s ass.

The bearded brunette didn’t even attempt to respond with words.  Instead, he dropped to his knees and put his mouth to use in a way he knew his friend would appreciate more, giving himself over to the swelling arousal.  Instead of slow, hesitant licks he bobbed his head with a passion, using his hands in conjunction with his tongue to work the wide, slick shaft and knead the other man’s churning balls.  Instead of judging himself for savoring the musky aroma he simply savored it, along with the salty taste lighting up his tongue.

“I’ll take this as us being on the same page,” Duke chuckled.  He raised an eyebrow when Brandon pulled away and stood a few moments later, letting the other man lead him by the cock to his bedroom.

“THIS is us being on the same page,” Brandon purred, dropping onto the bed on all fours and wagging his bubble.  Duke had been asking about anal for a while, but the buff brunette hadn’t been ready to cross that line.  Until now.

His friend didn’t need any encouragement.  In a flash, Duke was draped across his back, pulling him upright as his thick log slipped inside. Brandon forced himself not to hold back, to not bite down on the gasping cries and desperate whimpers that started spilling out of his mouth.  When Duke started rolling his hips, as one large hand found its way to his sensitive chest while the other probed into his aching opening, Brandon forced himself to let go.  He could see himself writing and thrashing in the mirror, but instead of focusing on what he’d lost he focused on the sight of Duke’s plunging rod, and on the other man’s determined expression.  While he was a howling pile of melting muscle his friend was a stoic piledriver, letting out deep, quiet grunts as he built up steam.

Eventually Brandon lost himself altogether, his vision blurring in a sea of stars as his blissful horizons expanded.  Now, when he saw himself at the gym in nothing but a spandex crop top and tiny, pointless shorts, or lounging on the beach in tie-on bikini bottoms, he didn’t dread the notion.  He heard Duke’s voice in his head telling him how pretty he was, and how he should feel good about it, and that’s exactly what he’d do.  Now he wouldn’t slink, he’d saunter across town with his ass spilling out of his cut-off shorts, and if people wanted to look he’d let them.  And if one of their friends wanted him to suck their dick, or to pound out some tension, he’d look forward to it.  He’d relish the sensation of their cum dripping down his beard or streaming down his thighs as the mark of a job well done, not something to be ashamed of.

Brandon came back to his senses just as Duke was finishing.  He’d already exploded himself, and he sighed as he felt his friend’s copious load splash against his insides.  He’d always considered his ass off-limits before, but Brandon could tell he’d be spending plenty of time with Duke’s thick rod splitting his muscled bubble.  “That was incredible…” he panted, not feeling the slightest shred of regret when Duke fell back onto the bed and he was left looking at his unobscured reflection in full.  He gave his dripping new hole a final look before flopping down into the other man’s arms, their lips meeting in a lingering kiss.

“Better already, isn’t it,” Duke sighed, folding his free arm behind his head.

Brandon nodded, dancing his fingers down the center of his friend’s sculpted torso.  “One thing, though.  If I’m ALSO lucky enough to live with a pretty little thing like you, I want to see you flaunt it, too,” he said, giving Duke’s softening hose a squeeze.  “I plan on taking you up on your offer A LOT, so I’m going to need easy access.”

This time it was Duke’s turn to blush as he grinned and nodded.  “Deal.”



Great story - always love a good p2v tale!

Lloyd Irving

You've been really hitting it out of the park lately! This was excellent!


Thanks! It’s been a super hectic summer with not as much writing time as I’d like, so I’m glad to hear that.