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*** We'd typically be due for a vignette this week, but things have been a bit more hectic than usual so I'm taking a brief Spring Break for the next few days.  Instead, I used the randomizer to pick a story from the archives.  This one's from 2019, so hopefully it's new to some of you, or at least has been a while.***  

Austin loved the stunned, wide-eyed expression on his friend’s face.  When he’d opened the door for Cody wearing nothing but his straining boxer briefs he thought the other man was going to pass out at the sight of his vastly altered frame.  For the first time in their twenty year friendship he looked Cody in the eyes, his head tilted slightly down, instead of craning his neck to look up at the 6’2” stud.

“See?  I told you it would work.”  He flexed a beefy bicep, running his other hand through the hair coating the iron muscle underneath.  Less than twenty four hours ago, and for the preceding twenty six years, Austin had been lean and wiry.  Having topped out at 5’9” since puberty, he could understand Cody’s shocked staring at the towering wall of muscle he’d become.  He wasn’t just a few inches taller than the other man, he now had a body that was at least as well built, if not better, than Cody’s tapering, athletic frame.  He still had a hard time wrapping his head around it himself.

“But...I mean...what the fuck, dude?!” Cody said with a shocked laugh, reaching out with a tentative hand and prodding the furry shelf of muscle that had sprouted on Austin’s chest.  His formerly shorter friend had always been toned, but overnight the smaller man had somehow packed on an impossible amount of solid flesh.  If it weren’t for the Austin’s familiar facial features he would have thought he was looking at a stranger.  “Did that stuff really do this?”

“How the fuck else do you think it happened?”  Austin went through a series of poses, flexing his broadened shoulders and hairy abs before his meaty new quads nearly tore out of his boxer briefs as they inflated.  He felt a swell of pride at the way Cody’s jealous eyes lingered on his stuffed bulge, but he needed to egg his friend on a bit more if he was going to be sure.  “Dude, pop your top off and let’s compare.  I wanna see if I’m bigger.”

Cody blushed and ran a hand through his wavy brown hair, hesitating before stripping out of his loose tank-top to reveal his own smooth, shredded torso.  “Gonna be hard to tell with all that hair, bigfoot,” he laughed, flexing his pecs and washboard abs defensively and feeling an unaccustomed stab of jealousy next to his enlarged friend.  He’d always taken his superior, jock build for granted around Austin, pushing the smaller man around and treating him like a sidekick.  Now that he was the smaller one, he didn’t know how to process things.  He could insult Austin’s explosion of fur all he wanted, but that didn’t change the fact that the other man actually did have more muscle than him, and as much as he hated to admit it, his friend’s formerly short, thin rod now had him beat.  Cody knew his athletic, strapping body was still a work of art; it just wasn’t the best in the room if Austin was around.  His formerly scrappy friend now oozed masculinity, even more so than himself with the stubble-covered lantern Austin called a jaw and the dense, curly forest coating him from the neck down.  Cody had always kept his own moderate carpet at bay by regularly shaving his chest and stomach, but now, standing next to Austin, his smooth pecs and bare abs just made him feel like a little boy.

“I dunno man, I think I got you beat,” Austin laughed, thumping Cody’s bulging pecs with a backhanded slap.  “Wanna compare these, too?”  He reached down and flicked the front of his friend’s gym shorts with a widened finger, laughing when Cody winced and danced away.  “Just fuckin’ with ya...I know I win.”

“Yeah, ‘cause you fuckin’ cheated, asshole,” Cody barked defensively, massaging his stinging bulge.

The now-bigger man shrugged his bowling ball shoulders.  “Hey man, I said I was willing to share.  I got enough of this stuff for both of us...you’re always bitching about getting bigger, but you’re the one who said you didn’t believe it would work.”  Austin turned in a slow circle, giving Cody a lingering look at his broad, rippling upper back and meaty, solid rear.  “Still think it’s bullshit?”

“I don’t know what I think,” Cody sighed, folding his piston arms across his stomach and shaking his head.  “You’re sure it’s safe?”

Austin nodded.  “I feel great,” he said, flashing a wry grin as he reached down to heft his inflated girth.  “Everything still works, too, not like those ‘roid dudes you hang out with.”

“You sure you haven’t been hanging out with ‘em?  You fuckin’ sound like it,” Cody laughed, taken aback as much by his normally reserved friend’s boisterous attitude as by the changs to the other man’s body.

“What can I say?  I’m excited, dude!  Look at me!  I’m fuckin’ jacked.  You always told me I needed to get bigger...turns out you were right, little guy,” he grinned as he reached over and tousled Cody’s hair.

“I can still kick your ass,” Cody laughed, batting Austin’s hand away.  It felt like he was slapping an iron rod when his hand met the other man’s thick forearm.  “Especially after I take a dose.  If it did that to your scrawny ass I can’t wait to see what it does for me.”

“Same here, dude.”  Austin said, hoping his smile came across more as excited than triumphant.  It was true; he absolutely couldn’t wait to see what the other man was going to look like when the serum had run its course.  He’d always had a crush on his handsome friend, putting up with Cody’s arrogant, demeaning antics over the years just so he could be near the sculpted jock.  But if everything went according to plan, their relationship would be very different going forward.   He prepped the herbs and handed Cody the pungent mixture, his heart racing and his cock throbbing at the thought of what was to come.  “Down the hatch,” he said.

Cody’s boy-next-door face twisted as he sniffed the foul-smelling potion, but the shirtless stud took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and downed the glass in a single gulp.  His shook his muscled frame like a wet dog, shuddering at the bitter taste.  “Fuckin’ shit, dude!  You could’a warned me,” he gasped.

“I could’ve,” Austin nodded, “but this was more fun.”

Cody gave his friend the finger and looked down at his smooth, tapering torso.  “So now what?  How long does this take?”

“Now you wait,” Austin said, clapping Cody on his back.  “It works a little different for everyone.  Since you’re bigger than I was it might take longer to kick in, but just give it time.”  The furry man slid his hand down and gave his friend’s solid, perky bubble a squeeze, wanting to feel it in its original state one last time.  “You’re on your way, stud!”

Cody had no idea as he laughed and brushed Austin’s hand away, looking up at his hairy friend.  “Couple hours and everything should be right with the world again,” he said, his voice dripping with arrogance as he turned away and pulled his shirt back on.

“You have no idea,” Austin muttered under his breath.


Cody racked the weights and scratched self-consciously at the patches of hair tufting out from the neck of his tank-top.  For what felt like the hundredth time he paused in front of the wall of mirrors, liking what he saw reflected back at him less and less.  He’d already started to change in just the few hours since he’d taken the strange mixture, but he wasn’t convinced the alterations were headed in the right direction.

The hair growth had been almost immediate.  Within the first hour, the torso that he’d always kept clean shaven had started to sprout prickly, wiry hairs.  The scattered carpet quickly grew and thickened into an even coating as the short dusting elongated to a silky covering that spread up from his pecs, cascading over his shoulders to spread down his back.  On the parts of him that had already been hairy, his steely arms and trunk-like thighs, the growth thickened, and within a few hours the smooth, shredded jock looked like a rugged bear.  The hair had come in thicker than his natural fur ever had, covering parts of his body that had always been naturally smooth, but the embarrassed jock told himself it was nothing a little extra time with a razor couldn’t solve.  If he bulked up like Austin, it would all be worth it.

As the afternoon wore on, however, Cody was becoming less convinced that he was growing the way his friend had.  He was edgy and restless, and his skin crawled with a tingling sensation that was a constant distraction.  Austin warned him that he might feel strange during the process, but the enlarged man had been light on the specifics, stating that he was told it would be different for everyone so he couldn’t say for sure exactly what Cody would experience.

Which left the newly hirsute man without any answers as he stared at a reflection that seemed bulkier than it should.  At first Cody thought it was just the new hair throwing his perception off, but as he peeled out of his sweat-damp tank-top and prodded at his midsection there was no denying that he was less defined than he had been that morning.  His ripped abs looked less impressive beneath the freshly sprouted carpet and his sculpted arms just looked thick, not chiseled.

“Damn, bro!  You starting a bulk?”

Cody blushed and started when Scott’s hand landed on his hairy shoulder, so focused on his own reflection that he didn’t see the ripped adonis approach.  His stomach dropped at the sight of the handsome blonde, the other man’s bodybuilder physique making the changes to his own frame all the more apparent.  The startled brunette had always been able to hold his own next to the striated hunk, but now he didn’t look even remotely close to the walking perfection that was Scott as the gorgeous hunk bulged out of his small mesh shorts.

“Uh, yeah...trying for some extra gains,” Cody stammered.  His heart was racing, both from a rush of fear and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on.  He was embarrassed at his appearance, but something about Scott was suddenly intimidating in a way he wasn’t used to.  The other man was as nice as they came, much more so than himself, even, but it was all Cody could do to keep from shaking.

“Been there,” Scott nodded.  “Such a pain in the ass when it comes time to cut, but hey, enjoy it while you can,” he grinned, running a hand through the hair on Cody’s chest.  “Goin’ for that rugged look while you do it?”

Cody tried to suppress a shiver at the sensation of Scott’s hand on his pecs.  “See...seemed appropriate,” he said, clearing his throat to hide the nervous catch in his voice.  “Just thought I’d try...something….new…” he trailed off, his eyes going wide as he gazed at Scott’s square-jawed features.  He cleared his throat again and tried to cover when he saw the other man’s confused look.  “Oh, uh, shit, man, I just saw the time. I gotta jet.  I’ll see you around,” he stuttered, grabbing his things and practically running from the gym.

He stumbled out to his car, his bare, fuzzy chest heaving as he clutched the wheel.  “Oh fuck..oh fuck...oh fuck…” he panted, his head spinning.  Cody stared at himself in the rearview mirror, trying desperately to convince himself it had all been a trick of the light.  He’d been so rattled by his strange reaction to Scott that it had taken him a moment to realize things weren’t as they should have been.  Instead of being a few inches taller, Cody found himself standing just below the ripped stud’s eye level.  The changing man blushed as he wondered if Scott had noticed, or if the other man just wrote it off as part of his bulky new look.  The thought made him prod his stomach again, and Cody paled when he looked down and saw the way his midsection squished as he sat in the driver’s seat.  Something was clearly very wrong, and he needed to get to Austin to try and sort it out.

He sped across town, unable to shake the image of Scott from his mind.  He’d seen the blonde meathead in nothing but his small, tight shorts, and less in the locker room, almost daily.  And while he frequently checked the other man out from a competitive standpoint, the memory of Scott’s granite, precision build had never lingered quite like this.  Cody’s cock throbbed, his furry skin breaking out in goosebumps as he thought back to the other man’s fingers dancing through the newly acquired hair, and how warm and strong the hand had felt on his shoulder.  He thought back to the height difference, picturing it from the outside and trying to imagine what his shorter, hairier bulk looked like next to the statuesque man.

Cody let out a confused whimper as he pulled up Austin’s driveway, stumbling when he hopped out of his SUV.  His feet didn’t land the way they should, and he winced as his newly acquired bulk shook with the impact.

“Yo!  Austin!  Let me in!”  He yelled, frantically pounding on the front door until he heard his friend’s heavy footfalls approach from the other side.  “Dude!  Fuck, man, something’s wro...oh...oh god…” Cody’s desperate rambling stopped cold when the door swung open and he looked Austin squarely in the chin instead of the eye.

“Oh shit!” the bigger man gasped as he ushered his now-smaller friend inside.  “That’s...uh...wow…”

“It’s not funny, man!” Cody shrieked when he saw his friend smiling down at him.  His eyes traveled hungrily over the hairy wall of muscle before locking on the other man’s stuffed underwear, still the only thing Austin had on.  “Did you...did you get taller?”  He swallowed hard when the taller man shook his head.  “Then I’m fuckin’ shrinking!  And I think I’m getting fat!”  He grabbed his firm stomach for emphasis, his ripped abs having been replaced by a growing muscle gut.

“Okay, okay...just calm down, bud.  Freaking out isn’t going to help.”  Austin stepped forward and ran his hands down Cody’s furry sides, his fingers biting into the excess flesh.  He laughed when his friend shivered and he nodded to the obvious tent in the other man’s increasingly oversized shorts.  “Must not be that freaked out,” he winked.

Cody blushed and shook his head.  “I don’t...I don’t know what that is.  I can’t stop thinking about…” he stopped himself just before the embarrassing admission, but his throbbing cock betrayed him when Austin pulled his shorts and briefs down without warning.  “He...hey!  What the fuck, man?!”

“We need to see what’s happening, right?  Or do you wanna just stand here and cry all night?”

Cody felt like he should shoot back at his friend, but as with Scott, something about the other man was suddenly intimidating.  He was so overwhelmed just being near Austin’s expanded, furry bulk that the idea of arguing or protesting was out of the question.  He wasn’t even sure if he wanted to.  Confusingly, his exposed rod throbbed at the sound of the other man’s deepened, commanding voice as he trudged naked and hard behind him.

“Fuck!” Cody yelped when they rounded a corner and he came face to face with his reflection, not even recognizing the hairy powerlifter as himself at first.  Instead of chiseled and tapering his body was beefy and round, thick with excess flesh where before had been expertly honed muscle, and over all of it was the dense covering of hair that seemed to be drawing from the wavy locks on his scalp.  He paled as he noticed his full head of chocolate brown hair looking thinner than it should.  “That...that can’t be me…” he stammered, hoping it was just the widened thighs and curvy stomach that made his thick cock look shorter.

“I hate to break it to you,” Austin said, manhandling Cody against the wall and running a tape measure to the floor.  “But it looks like it is.  Hmm...5’9”.  Oh, hey, that’s how tall I used to be,” the big man laughed.  “What were you before?  6’2”?  6’3”?”

“Be...between the two…” Cody said, his voice hoarse as he tried to process the impossible loss of six inches.  His mind reeled from the way Austin towered over him, unable to accept the fact that he was so much shorter than the man he used to lord his size over.  “Wai...wait...why are  you so calm about this?  This isn’t how this was supposed to go!”

Austin grinned and ran a hand through Cody’s thinning hair before reaching down to pinch the extra flesh forming around his friend’s midsection.  “Isn’t it?”

“You...you did this to me?”  Cody’s stomach dropped even as it fluttered from his friend’s touch.  “You knew this was going to happen?!”

Austin shrugged his massive new shoulders.  “Not exactly...but I can’t argue with the results!  Goddamn are you cute like this,” he sighed.  “By the time you’re done you’ll be positively adorable with that little belly and those chubby thighs.”  He laughed at Cody’s wide-eyed look of panic and reached down to tug on his friend’s shortened, widened member.  What it was losing in length it was gaining in width, just like the rest of him.  “Don’t look so freaked out.  You’ll probably only lose another four or five inches...and just think about how good this feels.”

Cody gasped, his changing body lighting up with pleasure.  Part of him wanted to turn and run, but a growing part wanted to stay and let Austin finish, regardless of what was happening to his formerly ripped frame.  He’d reached out before he even realized, fishing Austin’s inflated cock free to tug on it in return.

The big man laughed as Cody gazed up at him in confused wonder and put a hand on his friend’s furry shoulder to guide him over to the bed.  “Come on, big guy.  Let’s see how the new you works.”


“Oh fuck….oh fuck….oh fuuuuuuuuckkkkk….” Cody’s high pitched howls echoed around the bedroom, his furry stomach and softened chest shaking as he bounced up and down on Austin’s lap.  The bigger man’s hands bit into Cody’s meaty thighs while the smaller man’s fingers laced into the dense carpet across his massive pecs.

“I...fuckin’ love...that...face you...make…” Austin grunted with a smug grin as Cody’s round, bearded cheeks turned a deep shade of bashful red.

The former stud still melted under Austin’s arrogant gaze, the sensation almost making his transformation from a tall, shredded jock to a short, pudgy cub worth it.  Just over a month ago he’d been nearly as big as the other man with a body that was a work of art.  Now he was barely 5’4” and balding, with an ample layer of extra flesh coating what muscle remained on his diminished frame.  He was still strong for his size, but that strength was buried beneath a furry, yielding layer that left him looking thick and beefy, with a face that had gone from sharp and handsome to round and cute.

Signs of the former jock were still visible in the softened, altered features, but as jarring as the physical changes had been, Cody was still struggling to adapt to the internal shift.  His swaggering confidence had fled with his old body, leaving him bashful and insecure.  He wasn’t a burly little wrecking ball, he was a tiny teddy bear just waiting for one of the many, towering men around him to tell him what to do.  Where he used to get off on lording his impressive body over others, he now got off by having that done to himself, never being more turned on than when he felt inferior.  It’s why he showed off his new body in small, revealing shorts and cut off tank-tops that left his furry belly and thick thighs on display.

He’d been mortified the first time Austin made him show back up at the gym with a story about hormones and a medical condition causing the drastic change.  The look of pity on the sculpted adonises that used to be his peers was humiliating, but it left his fat four inches painfully hard.  He’d ridden Austin for hours that night, the images of his friends towering over him with their perfect muscle making him bellow until his throat was raw.  Never in his wildest imaginings could he have pictured himself eagerly bouncing up and down on another man’s cock, loving the sensation of his bouncing, softened flesh, but now the thought of doing anything else seemed ridiculous.  Despite the lingering embarrassment over his new look, there was something freeing about his new role.  He didn’t have to be the big, tough guy working out all the time.  He could let the other guys do that while he took full advantage of their efforts.  It meant giving up a little control, but from what he’d experienced so far the benefits far outweighed the loss.

“How...how ya...doin’...big guy…” Austin groaned, reaching up and squeezing the plump pecs that used to be granite mounds.  “I’m..about to...

“Awwww...are you….done...alreammphh..” Cody’s pout was cut off when Austin sat up and mashed their mouths together, giving one last thrust that lifted the beefy little man up into the air as his insides were pumped full of warm, sticky liquid.  The experience of being swallowed in the bigger man’s iron grip, pressed against the solid, furry muscle while Austin’s tongue probed the inside of his mouth and the big man’s cock sprayed like a hose was overwhelming.  Cody let out a stuttering grunt, spasming in his friend’s arms as his stout little rod spurted like an anemic geyser.  “That’s cheating,” Cody sighed, leaning his forehead against Austin’s and loving how it felt to be so encompassed by the broad stud.

The bigger man ran a hand through Cody’s thinning scalp while the other stroked slowly up and down the smaller man’s furry back.  “You didn’t seem to mind,” he laughed, his deep voice rumbling against his shrunken friend as he looked down at the ropey strands glistening on their hairy stomachs.

“Sure didn’t,” Cody grinned and hopped off his friend’s lap, giving his stout new frame a shake.  His stomach fluttered at the way Austin’s smug gaze lingered on his altered body, and the way his friend’s thick hose draped across a solid thigh as it softened.

Austin lurched upright, loving how much he towered over his formerly taller friend just as much as Cody loved looking up at him.  “Come on...let’s go put some food in that belly,” he said, giving Cody’s softened stomach a squeeze.

The former Jock still felt a brief stab of embarrassment at the way Austin’s fingers bit into the paunchy gut that used a shredded washboard, but it was quickly outweighed by the throbbing pulse it sent to his diminished organ.  He smiled bashfully up at his giant of a friend and took him by the hand, his stubby new legs hurrying to keep up with Austin’s long stride as they headed towards the kitchen.



Now that I'm thinking about it, because there are so many stories at this point, would a regular, random archive pull be fun for folks? I try not to clutter up the main feed, but it could be fun to just pull something out of the hat once a week.