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After making the celebratory rounds with the other Brothers, he and Noah grudgingly cleaned up, ready to go out and test their newfound purpose in the world.  Gabe was proud of the way his friend immediately slipped into his role, speaking only when spoken to and addressing everyone with the appropriate title. It wasn’t that Acolytes like Noah and Matt were treated as less than or excluded, just that the ways they were included differed from the Brothers.  And when they were left on their own, the Acolytes were free to converse with each other as casually as they wanted.

Matt and Noah quickly started chatting each other up while Gabe and Caleb were off talking to the Brothers, with the bald beefcake giving his stocky new friend as many pointers as he could.  He explained how he’d once been slender and smooth, and how embarrassed he’d been at first by his shiny scalp and full-body pelt, but how much he’d come to relish it now.  There was nothing he wouldn’t do for Caleb, and he’d be thrilled in the process, no matter how mortifying his old self would have found it.  Noah could attest to that, as evidenced by the casual way he already regarded his exposed state.  Standing naked and hard with Matt felt as natural as if he’d been fully clothed, and the beefy blonde had no doubt he’d have felt just at home if Gabe picked him up and started fucking him on a table in front of everyone.  He actually wanted him to do that last part, and he was slightly disappointed when the bigger man instead said it was time for them to go.  Noah had come to regard his exposure as so natural that he even started to leave without getting dressed at all, with Gabe letting him make it to the front door before reminding him.  He pulled the thin shorts back on even though it felt wrong to cover his new brand, but Noah left the shirt off, feeling an increased need to let himself be seen.

And seen they were. More heads than ever seemed to turn in their direction as they made their way back to Gabe’s apartment, a fact that the hairy hulk relished.  He had his hand down the back of Noah’s shorts as they walked, had the blonde’s cock half-hard and bouncing noticeably, but no one said anything.  All anyone did was look on; the women with disinterest, and the men with barely concealed lust in their eyes.  At the same time, Gabe looked back, seeing the now-familiar aura that surrounded everyone and everything, an aura that he and Noah could bend and shape.

When they reached the apartment and saw Tom trotting towards them from the opposite direction with a pair of men in tow, Gabe wasn’t surprised.  Caleb had said people would seek him out, and after their previous encounter it made sense that Tom would be the first to bring pilgrims.

“Oh!  Dudes!  Good timing,” the chocolate-haired hunk waved.  It was already clear by the long, swaying snake bouncing against the front of his joggers that Tom didn’t have any underwear on, nor did he seem to care.  The handsome swimmer appeared nothing but casual in a small, cropped t-shirt, putting more of himself on display than he usually did outside of the pool.  “We were actually coming to see you,” he said, motioning to the wide-eyed duo behind him.  “Do you know Ryan and Mike?”  Tom pointed to a stocky, dark-haired jock with an olive complexion and a build like a more athletic version of Noah’s, and then to a taller, pretty-boy blonde, respectively.

“I think I’ve seen you guys around,” Gabe said, purposely eyeing the pair.  He nodded at the shorter one with dark hair and prominent stubble, cocking his head as he drank in the confused desire wafting off the addled jock.  He could almost feel it on a physical level, like the subtle pull of a magnet.  He knew it had been there ever since his own dramatic transformation, but now that he was learning how to single out the sensation he couldn’t stop feeling it.  “You’re on the wrestling team, right?”

Ryan blushed when he realized he was silently staring and quickly nodded.  “Uh, yeah.  Mike and I live together…he knows Tom from the pool,” he said, trying to shift the attention over to his taller friends.

Gabe instead kept his eyes focused on the stocky jock, noticing the twitching in the front of the other man’s shorts when he leaned into the magnetic pull.  He grinned as Ryan’s face went a deeper shade, letting the handsome little stud squirm before slowly looking over at his friends.  “You said you were coming to see us?”

Tom nodded, seeming nowhere near as anxious as his companions.  “We all had some fun last night, and these guys were hoping you could do for them what you did for me.”

“Dude!”  It was Mike’s turn to blush.  “I thought we weren’t going to tell people about that,” he sputtered.

“What’s the big deal,” Tom shrugged.  “YOU were putting your dick in ME, not the other way around.  So you blew Ryan?  Who gives a shit?”

Noah chuckled at the mortified jocks’ stricken expressions.  He wasn’t surprised to see Tom so uninhibited, and like Gabe he could feel the pulsing, lustful energy wafting off the duo, but he could empathize with their confusion.  “Maybe we should go talk about this inside,” he offered.

Gabe just grunted and headed for the door, leaving it up to the others as to whether or not they’d follow, though there was never really any doubt.  A few minutes later they were all standing in awkward silence in his musky apartment, the flustered jocks looking like deer in headlights.  Their eyes went even wider when Noah began disrobing without warning, but Gabe wasn’t going to make it easy for them.  With his two friends there’d already been a connection, he’d already been close to Noah and Tom, and he needed to see if that had any effect on how he impacted others.  He could feel the jocks’ arousal, he knew they were eager participants, so he needed to see how far he could take it with people who were basically strangers.  “Strip,” he said, his tone flat.

“Uh…” Ryan hesitated, but Tom quickly stepped in.

“Guys, I told you…it’s cool,” the handsome brunette said as he peeled out of his t-shirt.  “What did you think was going to happen?”  Before shucking his own pants, he reached out and quickly tugged Ryan’s shorts down, along with the other man’s underwear, letting the dark-haired hunk’s imposingly thick cock spring free.  “There.  Now we’ve all seen it.”

“You’re such a dick,” the stocky jock grumbled, reluctantly stepping out of his pants and slipping free of his shirt.  His furry, prominent pecs heaved as he stood naked and hard, waiting for Mike and Tom to join him, but he made no move to try and cover himself.  On Tom’s other side, the lean, sandy-haired man’s sculpted frame looked every bit as impressive as his teammate’s, with the only real difference between them being his achingly hard cock compared to the brunette’s limp hose.

Gabe nodded in approval as he looked at the naked group.  It all just felt right.  For the first time in his young life the bearded hulk knew his purpose unquestioningly.  He knew he hadn’t been chosen just to change himself; he’d been chosen so he could help change the world.  Gabe didn’t know what made him so special as to be one of Its prophets, but that wasn’t how faith worked.  Why he was chosen didn’t matter, only that he was.  And that he fulfilled his calling.  “So you want to be like Tom?”

“No!” Ryan said, shaking his head as he looked over at Mike, who did the same.  “At least, not exactly.  Tom’s…I mean, I’ve never felt anything like last night.  Dude’s incredible with that ass…” he trailed off, his whole body going pink as his cock spasmed at the memory.

“I think what Ryan’s trying to say is…last night we…the three of us…” Mike added, though he seemed just as tongue-tied.  “Look…guy or girl, I’ve never been with anyone who made me feel that good.  I’ve…we’ve…never been with anyone who turned us on so much.  Fuck…it’s weird, right?  Getting that hard over a dude?  But…I mean…holy shit.  Tom said you made it happen, and that you could make it happen for us too if we wanted.”

Ryan nodded, jumping back in.  “Yeah, but, no offense bro,” he said, looking bashfully back at Tom as he grabbed his log of a cock, “I’m not looking to give this up.”

“Fuck, dude, I certainly don’t want you to,” the chocolate-haired hunk laughed.  He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Ryan from behind, running his fingers along the other man’s burly torso before gripping the aching organ.  “Not after what you did with it last night.”  Ryan gasped and pumped his hips on instinct to thrust his throbbing club through the other man’s hand.  Instead of pulling away from the embrace he leaned into it, a shiver running through him as he was stroked in front of everyone.

“So THAT’S what you want,” Gabe said, a statement, not a question.  He could feel Ryan’s desire on a primitive level, how much the other man enjoyed the body-to-body contact of wrestling.  Ryan loved the writhing and the manhandling and the exertion, the satisfaction of the sweaty stink.  The stocky jock loved the way his imposing bulge looked in his singlet, loved checking out the other guys, too, and the solidarity that came with their awkward exposure.  Now that the wrestler had fooled around with Tom and MIke and had that door opened, he wanted to experience all of it from that new perspective.  He didn’t want to have to pretend or hide what he was after while rolling around on the mat; he wanted it to be seen by all.  “And what about you,” Gabe asked, turning his attention to the shredded blonde.

“Oh, uh, I don’t know.  I mean, Tom sure seemed like he was having a blast, but I kinda like the big guy,” he said, giving his long, thin pole a tug.

“But that’s not all you like,” Gabe grunted, egging him on.

Mike opened and closed his mouth a few times, an increasingly pained expression on his face as he glanced over at Tom and Ryan.  “I…fuck this is weird to say…I really liked blowing these guys,” he finally admitted.  “I don’t know why!  It was just…it was just fun.  The way it felt…the taste of it…I mean, I love getting head, but I never thought giving it would be like that.  Even sucking on Tom’s limp dick was…”  The broad-shouldered blonde’s eyes were glued to the floor by the time he trailed off, but his cock was harder than ever.  “I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”

“If it makes you feel any better, you were reeeeeaaaaally good at it,” Ryan offered, still leaning into Tom’s embrace.

“I think we can make this happen,” Gabe nodded, his head filling with images of the pair’s desire.  Unlike with Tom, the furry giant knew he didn’t need to try and force anything.  All he had to do was connect with Noah, to tap into Its power, and It would do the rest.  Gabe heard the beefy blonde gasp behind him, just before a surge of power nearly knocked him off his feet.  It was nothing like before, nothing like he’d ever felt, and nothing he could even hope to hold back.  Once the door was opened, the most he could do was let the energy flow and trust that It would do the right thing.  It hadn’t led him or Noah or Tom astray, and Gabe had no reason to think that it would start now.

He watched Ryan and Mike go tense as their worlds were reshaped.  The olive-hued wrestler’s cock started twitching and oozing as it swelled, pushing past its wide seven inches to a hefty ten, with his churning balls swelling to match.  The girthy monster would be more noticeable than ever in a singlet, especially considering how quick it would be to go hard.  As soon as Ryan made contact with another man, which would happen almost constantly as his mere presence would now compel them to touch and manhandle the stocky jock, his hefty club would spring to life, signaling to the many guys who would find themselves interested that he was ready to put it to use.  At the same time, the raven dusting he’d already sported thickened into a pettable pelt, a silky carpet dense enough for fingers to lace through.  In a matter of moments he’d become a hung, hairy hunk, a teddy-bear top who could now writhe, wrestle or cuddle his way into as many eager partners as possible.

Mike’s transformation was just as obvious, though in an entirely different way.  While Ryan’s cock expanded, the blonde’s chiseled jaw did the same, widening to almost comical proportions as his soft lips swelled and his hair fell away.  At least from his scalp.  While his head went smooth and shiny, the rest of his lean frame began to sprout, a silky golden layer spreading across his pecs and down the center of his abs in a thick trail, only to reappear at the tops of his toned thighs.  The end result was a face that went from “cute boy-next-door” to “lantern-jawed fleshlight,” his striking new features and supple mouth making every man who looked at him immediately think the same thing.  And if his features alone weren’t enough, the fact that Mike would now bring the subject up whenever he could, all while flashing an excessive amount of silky skin, would make the outcome all but inevitable.  He was a dick-sucking, speedo-clad stud, an eager, hairy exhibitionist ready to drop to his knees at a moment’s notice.

Gabe was stunned at how easily everything changed.  Even though the alterations were far more detailed and contextually complex than with Tom, the end result was nearly effortless.  Whether the changes to their body hair had been sought after or simply a side effect of Its power he wasn’t sure, but neither man seemed to mind.  He looked over at Noah as the energies ebbed, pulling the blonde into his arms and giving his buzzed scalp a rough rub.  “Good boy,” he rumbled.

“That was…that felt incredible…” was all Noah could say, his head spinning as he looked at the altered pair.  “Did we really do that?”

“It did,” Gabe corrected.  “We just helped things along.”

“Oh…oh my god…” Ryan groaned, suddenly squirming in Tom’s grip.  “Holy shit!  I’m fuckin’ hairy as hell!  Did my dick get bigger?”

“Looks like it,” Mike laughed, licking his altered lips.  His eyes went wide when he reached up and ran his fingers along his widened jaw, with one of the digits slipping into the eager opening while his free hand slid around his smooth scalp.  “Is my…did my face get weird?  Am I bald?!”

“I wouldn’t call it weird,” Tom purred.  “ And that head is gonna look real nice when it’s wet and dripping.  Fuck…if I still got hard I know exactly what I’d be doing with it.”

“Still can,” Mike said without hesitation.  “Same for this big guy,” he added, dropping to his knees and easily swallowing the entirety of Ryan’s inflated organ.  The stocky jock moaned and arched his back, clinging to Tom’s arms as they wrapped around him.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck dude…” he panted, his enlarged cock more sensitive than ever.

“Maybe I was….too quick…to rule shit…out…” Mike slurred between mouthfuls of his friend’s club.  “Tom could be…onto…something here…”

“I told you,” the brunette sighed, tweaking Ryan’s nubby nipples.  “But I got next.”

“Might…need a…a minuuuUUNNNGGHH…!”  The stocky stud shuddered and came, with Mike easily gulping down every ounce of the ample eruption.

The former blonde gave a satisfied sigh and sat back on his legs as he let the softening organ drop from his precision mouth, feeling more content than ever as he stroked on his own aching log and gazed up at his friends, running a hand through his newly-acquired fur.  Given his relatively tall height he was more used to looking down, and he absolutely relished his new view.  “Goddamn that tastes good,” he chuckled, surprised to find that he wasn’t the least bit embarrassed to be jerking himself off in a stranger’s apartment after just blowing a man.  “Whoa…this…this is wild…” he said after failing to muster even a shred of the emotion.

“I know, right,” Ryan agreed, his spent cock already pulsing back to life.  “Am I…I’m going to be, like, walking around hard all the time,” he said, sounding more amazed than worried.  “Everyone’s going to see it.”

“And feel it,” Gabe said, grinning.  “Your matches just got a lot more fun.”

Mike grinned as he thought about Ryan’s monster cock achingly on display for a gym full of people, even as it occurred to him that he’d be strutting around in skimpy shorts or situationally inappropriate swimwear, offering to blow any guy who so much as looked at him.  “But…won’t people freak out?”

Gabe shook his head.  “Did you freak out with Tom?  You knew it was a little weird, but you went with it, right?  Same thing goes for you guys.  Might be a few awkward conversations at first, but…” he trailed off and gave Noah’s belly a rub.  “People get used to it fast, right?”

“Yes sir,” the blonde nodded.  “Just go with it.”

Gabe watched Mike and Ryan exchange a quick glance before they both shrugged.  He knew the pair would have an easier time than Tom or Noah, he’d been able to feel the inhibitions slip away as their new lives settled into place, and it would only get easier with practice.  He picked up the nearby stub of a cigar and lit it at that last thought, taking in a satisfied mouthful of the tangy tobacco.  His body hummed as if he’d just taken Noah for a ride, which he’d be doing momentarily, and, after that, he knew it was only a matter of time before word spread and he’d have even more people showing up at his door, looking to feel Its touch.  Men who wanted to grow, or shrink, who wanted hair, or muscle, or something else altogether.  Maybe even men who’d join the Order, if that’s what It wanted.  Gabe didn’t know if there was some master plan or great design to all of this, or whether or not It got something in return for Its gifts, but he wasn’t worried.  He had his faith.  He smiled and passed the cigar down to Noah, who beamed as he took a drag.  “I’d call this a good start, wouldn’t you?”

The brawny blonde puffed out a cloud and rested his head against the bigger man’s furry slab of a chest.  “Yes sir.”


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