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Tommy awoke to a sci-fi nightmare.  He hoped he was simply dreaming when he opened his eyes on the strange lab surrounding him, but it quickly became apparent that he was horribly awake.  The glass cube he found himself in was smooth and cool to the touch against his embarrassingly naked flesh, while a sterile, synthetic stench filled his nostrils.  A quick inspection of his exposed frame revealed no injuries, though the hopefully mundane thought that he may have been in a hospital withered as soon as the groggy disorientation began to clear.  The bizarre environment did have a medical motif, but not one that was comforting or even familiar.  Tommy’s heart raced as he looked out at the sea of sinister contraptions, the white floors, white walls, and white ceiling making it impossible to tell how big the room actually was.  Monoliths of blinking monitors peppered the space, standing vigil next to what looked like operating tables and ominously large cylinders.  Above and around both were clusters of wires and tubes, along with tangles of needles and blades, all connected to spindly metallic arms that erupted from a central hub and whose purpose Tommy never wanted to discover for himself.

“Oh good.  Little fuck’s awake.”

Tommy jumped at the unexpected voice and spun on his heel, his whole, exposed body going beet red when he saw a familiar pair on equal display.  He’d been so busy staring out at the terrifying surgical slabs that he had yet to take in the rest of the room, including a similarly transparent cube next to his own.  Each of the clear boxes were roughly eight-by-eight, and Tommy briefly forgot his startled embarrassment when he realized each cell appeared to be floating a few feet above the ground.  However, the humiliation quickly flooded back when he returned his attention to the other two, his hands instinctively dropping to cover his exposed endowment.  “Bryan? Dave?  Where…where are we?”

Bryan, the one who’d initially spoken, shrugged his broad shoulders.  “Search me.  Kinda hoping you’d know.”  The golden-haired god of a man slapped the sculpted pecs of the brunette Adonis next to him, his plump, full lips curling into a smirk.  “Fuck, bro.  Look at him.  Even now the little bitch is drooling over us.”

“You don’t need to cover your piece, bud.  It’s hard enough to see from here anyway,” Dave grinned, pressing his own thick, lengthy hose against the glass.

Tommy hated the way his eyes reflexively dropped to look, his stomach fluttering at the sight of the naked studs.  Dave and Bryan were fixtures at their smalltown gym, continuing the harassment they’d leveled at Tommy all through high school well into their mid-twenties. If anything, as the athletic pair had aged and continued to refine their pretty-boy builds, the taunting had only increased, creating a lopsided muscle-to-maturity ratio.  Tommy, on the other hand, had avoided the pair’s fate of perpetual adolescence, though his unremarkable build had remained as average as ever.  Unlike their wide jaws, chiseled cheekbones and wavy hair, Tommy’s features were flat and somewhat soft.  He could never get his tan mop to style the way he wanted, and, even if he could, he doubted that it would do much to make up for his thin shoulders, shapeless arms, doughy midsection, and below-average endowment.  It wasn’t that he was ugly; he was just painfully average.  He topped out at 5’8” while Dave and Bryan cleared the six-foot mark by a few inches.  He was a solid “C” student while his handsome antagonists somehow managed straight-A’s.  He could barely get the few other gay guys in town to look at him while literally everyone lusted after the hunky duo.

But Tommy didn’t resent them for it.  He understood that the genetic lottery handed out different prizes to different people, and the most anyone could do was get by with the hand they’d been dealt.  The problem was that Dave and Bryan were incapable of letting anyone ignore their elevated status.  If someone didn’t pay them enough attention, they became a target.  At the same time, if someone paid them too much attention they also became a target.  The pair existed in a constantly shifting social equilibrium, drinking in praise and doling out punishment in an entirely arbitrary manner.  Being openly gay since the ninth grade, Tommy never had a chance as far as the menacing meatheads were concerned.  They constantly teased, taunted, and lorded their looks over the smaller man, a status quo that everyone just seemed to accept.  Now at twenty-five, Tommy had long since reached the point where he knew the pair was never going to change, so if they wanted to “tease” him by strutting around naked in the locker room, or by flexing and posing whenever he ran into them around town, he was happy to let them.

“What’s the last thing you guys remember,” the smaller man asked, forcing his eyes from the pair’s shredded, tapering torsos.  Bryan’s muscle was naturally smooth, but Dave’s had a light dusting of chocolate hair that only served to accentuate his elevated masculinity.  “Didn’t we…weren’t we just at the gym?”

The blonde stud nodded.  “You were pervin’ on us in the showers, and then…nothin’.”

Tommy sighed, lifting one hand from his package to rub his exasperated features.  “I wasn’t ‘perving’ on anyone.  You assholes called me over to watch while YOU,” he said, nodding at Dave, “scrubbed HIS back,” he finished, shifting his attention to Bryan.  “I didn’t even know you two were back there.”

“Suuuuure, bro,” Bryan said, his tone smug as he folded his brawny arms across his chest.  The pose emphasized the heft of his heavy package as it swung slightly between his muscled thighs, a trap in which Tommy was determined not to fall.

“Can we just cool it for a second, guys?  We’re in trouble here,” the smaller man said, dropping to a whisper.

“Now, now…no one’s in trouble.”  The shrill, soft voice seemed to come from everywhere all at once, though the speaker wasn’t immediately visible.  When one of the mechanical clusters of spindly limbs detached itself from the ceiling above them and descended like a spider towards the glass cages, the trio wished it had stayed that way.  Attached to the metallic limbs was a slight, slender figure, wrapped from the neck down like a bleached mummy in stark white strips of an unknown material.  The skin of the man’s bald scalp and face were unnaturally pale and sallow, nearly as colorless as the rest of the room, his eyes obscured by opaque golden goggles that bulged insect-like.  His lips, nose and chin were all as thin and pointy as the whirring appendages erupting from his back, and without the mechanical exo-skeleton that left his skeletal frame hanging in mid-air while the mechanical limbs clacked against the clear cages, he would have been nearly invisible.

Tommy’s stomach dropped as he gawked up though the clear ceiling at the horrible figure, but Dave and Bryan were as aggressive as ever.  “Who the fuck are you,” the sculpted brunette spat.

“And where the fuck are we,” Bryan added.  “What kinda freaky shit is this?”

The intimidating man’s features were set in stone, but the voice that emanated from the unmoving lips sounded disappointed.  “Just once it would be nice for my subjects to have heard of me.  I’ve returned so many glorious creations to the world, yet no one knows the lab of the Mengineer when they see it.”

“The who,” Dave asked with a short laugh.  His smooth tenor was still smug, and Tommy couldn’t tell if it was just a front to hide his fear, or if the handsome hunk really was that arrogant.

“Sounds like that shit you picked up from whats-her-name last month,” Bryan chuckled, clapping his friend on a sturdy shoulder.  “Antibiotics cleared it right up, didn’t they?”

“What pleasant company,” the man said, his face lowering close to the duo’s clear ceiling.  “It’s so rare that a sense of humor makes it this far.”

“Gonna be even more rare for you to live through this if you don’t let us the fuck out of this box right the fuck now,” Bryan growled, the amusement dropping from his voice.  Tommy instinctively scooted away from the wall closest to the others, the slight movement catching their attention.  “You can keep ‘lil Tommy over there if you want.  He’s probably into whatever gay-ass shit this is.”

“Ah, I see,” the Mengineer said, his head cocking slightly.  “Would you perhaps be more interested if you two were also into whatever gay-ass shit this is?”  The last part came out in Bryan’s intimidating rumble, the unexpected recording catching the duo off guard.  Before they could respond, the Mengineer’s goggles flashed, the golden light seeming to spread to the cage around them.  In an instant, the walls of the cube were revealed to not be entirely transparent after all, but covered in etchings so faint as to be invisible until illuminated.  The intricate, circuitry pattern covered the floor, walls and ceiling in equal measure, the golden light swelling to a bright flash and then slowly dissipating.

“What…what just happened…” Dave asked, shaking his head.

“Yeah, what the fuck was that,” Bryan followed, blinking rapidly.  Both men looked confused at the way their eyes increasingly lingered on each other, and the way their impressive cocks began to twitch.  “Dude…quit…quit lookin’ at me like that,” the blonde eventually stammered.

“Me?!  You’re the one throwin’ some serious wood in my direction,” Dave said, his face going crimson beneath his manicured stubble.

“What do you call this, bro,” Bryan countered, reaching down to wrap a hand around the brunette’s fat seven inches.

“Oh!”  Dave seemed surprised both by his sudden gasp, and at the way he popped his hips to work his cock through the other man’s fist.  He gawked back and forth in silence for a moment, his furry pecs beginning to heave.  “Are…are you…are we…”

Bryan hesitated before letting go of his friend’s cock and shoving the other man against the wall.  “Abso-fucking-lutely not!  Don’t even say it, man,” he barked, his own six-and-a-half inches looking hard enough to shoot off his body.  “There’s no way we’re…we’re…” he trailed off, his eyes going wide as he lunged for his friend.  Tommy couldn’t believe what he was seeing as he watched Dave’s meaty, muscled rear squish against the glass while Bryan mashed their faces together in a passionate kiss, their athletic limbs a flurry of groping motion.  Despite his fear, Tommy’s thin five inches sprang to life at the sight of the writhing pair’s erotic display, a sight he’d guiltily fantasized about for years but one he’d never actually expected to see.

“Oh fuck…oh fuck…” Dave sputtered, staggering free from the other man’s grip when Bryan finally pulled his lips away.  He glared up at the ghoulish figure perched like a gargoyle between the cells, his aching rod visibly oozing.  “Did you just make us queer?!”

“Make?  Oh please,” the Mengineer scoffed.  “I always observe my subjects to ensure their experimental viability, and I think we all know this was inevitable.  The way you two always ‘horse around’ when your clothes come off…your relentless obsession with the one gay man you actually know…all I did was nudge things along.”

“But…but that’s not…I mean we don’t…” Bryan trailed off as he looked over at Tommy’s doughy, blushing frame.  “Fuck, bro…even the runt gets me goin’,” he yelped, a hand absently drifting to his cock as his wild eyes darted back and forth between the other two.

“What…what do you want with us,” Tommy asked, immediately regretting the decision when a sallow face turned in his direction.

“Your bodies,” the Mengineer said, his tone flat.  “I’d think the name would make it obvious.”

“What?!” Dave shrieked, his flushed frame going pale as he instinctively scooted towards Bryan.

A grating, mechanical laugh filled the room.  “Sorry…I can’t resist the drama.  You should see your faces right now.  Allow me to specify: you get to keep them, I just need to borrow the raw material to see if my new collection cubes work.  I’ve been trying to make things more efficient around here.”  One of the Mengineer’s mechanical limbs motioned around the lab as he spoke, pointing to the various tables and cylinders.  “My craft tends to get…messy.  Hopefully these cubes will make the process more quick and comfortable for all involved.”

“And just what the fuck are you collecting,” Bryan asked, his imposing log still rigid as it dug into Dave’s hairy thigh.

“Again, I thought it would be obvious,” The Mengineer said, a metallic pincer tapping against the duo’s cell.  “I’m encouraged by the initial transference results.  These lovely cubes aren’t just receptacles; they can also transmit the collected material.  That overwhelming arousal for men the two of you are feeling?  I’ve had it laying around for a while now.  But while I’m happy to see that I can patch the cubes into my network, I need to see if they’re as effective at gathering the material themselves.”

“What…what does that mean for us,” Dave asked, his head spinning as he tried to process what he’d just heard.

The Mengineer’s tone was proud.  “Simple: we’re going to collect from the two of you, and transmit the data to your friend over here.”

“What?!  No!  I don’t want it,” Tommy shrieked, giving the naked duo a pleading look.  “Can’t you find someone else?  Or just use the two of them for this?”

“Deadlines are deadlines, unfortunately,” the menacing figure cooed.  “And I need subjects with vast enough differences to help establish the process.  Don’t worry, the procedure is…well, should be…entirely painless.  The most any of you will feel is a little tingle.”

“No!  Wait!  There has to be a way we can…” Tommy’s frantic voice was cut off when both cubes began to glow.  His heart beat so fast he thought he’d pass out when a similar, circuit-like lattice spread all around him, but he didn’t have time to study the intricate design before a sudden tingling at his throat and thighs caught his attention.  It all happened so fast that his thin cock had already begun to expand by the time he realized anything was happening at all, the unimpressive organ swelling to an obscene degree.  Tommy could only gawk and grab at the increasingly-hefty appendage as it extended beyond seven inches, then past nine, before settling at a distance that had to be over a foot in length.  His now-pendulous balls had swelled to match, hanging full, heavy and impossibly oversized between his average thighs.


Tommy looked up at the squeaky, unfamiliar voice, the golden illumination fading to reveal its source.  He gasped when he saw what had become of the handsome duo, their once-imposing cocks now reduced to pitiful nubs that looked as ridiculous against their strapping frames as his new monster did against his own.  He saw Dave clutching at his throat, his stomach dropping further when Bryan finally opened his mouth.

“Why does Dave sound…shit!  What did you do to…FUCK!  Look at Tommy’s dick, dude,” Bryan cried in his soft, slight squeak.  “He stole our shit!”

“No, guys, I didn’t…” Tommy’s eyes went wide at the deep tone thundering out of his throat.  He swallowed hard and rubbed his neck before continuing, the bassy rumble still present.  “Is this…do I really sound like this?”

“Fantastic!  Truly fantastic,” the Mengineer cheered, his head seeming to spasm slightly as his goggles sparked with internal illumination.  “Vocal tone aside, Tommy, this puts you at 13.4 inches.  Dave, you’re at 2.28, while Bryan’s at an impressive 3.1.  That’s eight inches between you, which is almost a one-to-one transfer.”

The stunned brunette went pale as he looked down, his large, gym-calloused hand easily swallowing the stubby mushroom and barely-present balls.  “But…but…that’s five inches!  How come he only lost three?!”

“ONLY three,” Bryan barked, sounding far less intimidating with his lightened tone.  “You’re just mad ‘cause my dick’s bigger for a change!”

“Gentlemen, please,” the Mengineer interrupted.  “This is exactly why we’re conducting this experiment in the first place.  I’m still dialing in the ratios, but don’t worry, I’ll make sure this next transfer is more equitable.”



Man, that was hot as hell! Please tell us there's more coming soon? I have so many ideas and possibilities swirling around my head for what might happen next!


Well that flipped all my switches! I can’t wait for part two!