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“Too bad we didn’t get THAT on camera!”

Gary blushed at the sound of Tony’s gravelly voice and looked over to see the older pair approaching, grinning from ear-to-ear.  The bald, stocky bull was clad in nothing but a pair of small, thin jogging shorts while his more-refined partner wore a lime tank-top and stuffed orange speedo.  Gary had been so focused on Jeff that he’d even forgotten about the fact that Arthur was still standing off to the side, watching everything unfold.  “Uh, hey guys,” he said with an awkward laugh, acutely aware of the dried cum that still clung to his face and chest.  He was also acutely aware of the way his eyes eagerly panned up and down the older men, the sight of them sending yet another confusing pulse of lust through his overloaded system.  In just a few days they’d gone from a friendly duo who didn’t register at all on Gary’s arousal radar, to making his stomach flutter.

“If we’d known you were putting him through his paces out here we would’ve set something up,” Frank winked, giving one of Arthur’s granite cheeks a light slap.  “How’d he do?”

“Safe to say he likes it,” the bigger man grinned, pointing out the patches of dried liquid on the blonde jock’s face.  “Sucks and gives dick like a pro already.”

“Kinda hard to do a bad job when I’m in the driver’s seat,” Jeff said as he reluctantly slipped off Gary’s lap.  He nestled in next to his friend on the lounger and threw an arm around the other man’s broad shoulders, pulling him in for a quick peck on the cheek.  “If he hadn’t just sucked me dry he would’ve gotten a big load outta me.”

Gary didn’t know how to feel about his exploits being discussed in such a manner, and he certainly didn’t expect to like it the way he did.  He reminded himself that Frank, Tony and Arthur were friends and they were all just having a good time.  There was nothing to be embarrassed about.  Laying naked, spent and sticky in Jeff’s arms, even in front of a crowd, especially in front of a crowd, all he felt was content.  “A guy could get spoiled like this,” he finally joked.

“Who you tellin’,” Tony said, giving an approving nod as he looked at the three naked studs.  He motioned at the spacious pool and opulent surroundings before throwing a burly arm around Frank’s waist.  “What more could a guy even want?”

“You could always join us,” Gary said, surprising himself.  The more he looked at the older men, the more he desired them the way he did his youthful peers.  He wanted to strip Tony out of the pointless shorts so he could get his lips around the stocky bulldog’s fat cock, and he knew in that moment that if Frank wanted him to, he’d be happy to let the lean daddy have the first crack at his muscled, virgin rear.

“You really ARE settling right in,” Frank laughed.  “I can’t tell you how happy that makes us.  We mean it when we say that we want our boys to feel like this is their home too.  And about your offer…” he paused and looked over at Tony with a raised eyebrow, waiting for the beefy man to nod.  “How would you feel about doing a more…elaborate…scene with the two of us?”

“Sure,” Gary said, before he even heard any of the details.  “What do you want me to do?”

Tony laughed at the younger man’s rapid answer.  “It actually wouldn’t be much more involved than what you’ve already done, but sometimes we like to switch up the scenery.  Instead of just a bland bedroom or one of the basic studios, we have a more elaborate set down in the basement.  You know how hot all those role-playing games are right now? We’d be doing a whole fantasy thing…we’re talkin’ a dungeon, chains, props…the works.”

Gary’s eager expression faltered slightly. “I’m not much of an actor…”

“You don’t need to be,” Frank added, jumping in where Tony left off. “You’d be the ‘captured sacrifice and we’d be the ‘evil wizards’ using you for our ceremony.  We’ll be doing some goofy chanting, but all you’ll need to do is what you’re already so good at.  I’m thinking we’ll have you with your arms chained above you while one of us gets you off with our ‘ritual’ fleshlight, so all you’ll need to do is some thrusting and flexing against the chains.  We’ll all be naked, and there’ll be a bit more contact than usual, but if you’re into it…”

“Sign me up!  That actually sounds super fun,” Gary said, sitting forward on the lounger.  He gave Jeff’s hairy thigh a squeeze and nodded at his prone friend.  “Are these guys going to be in it?”

Tony shook his head. “Not this time.  We have an idea for another installment, but this first one would just be the three of us.”

Gary realized this must have been the “big project” Arthur mentioned, but he didn’t want to let on that the taller stud had given him a heads up.  “Got it.  I’m still on board!  When were you thinking?”

“If you’re in the mood, why not now,” Frank shrugged.  “I’m sure these two can keep themselves occupied out here for a while.  You’ll be back before you know it.”

Gary was on his feet and trotting behind without giving a second thought to his discarded speedo. He was well aware that he sauntered naked across the patio, and that the other men watched while he gave himself a quick rinse at one of the outdoor showers, but the earlier hesitation he’d felt at traversing the new surroundings fully exposed was nowhere to be found.  Instead he felt a smug pride at being chosen for such a unique project while his two stunning friends were left out by the pool.  He followed Frank and Tony across the open, spacious first floor, through the massive kitchen, and down a set of stairs that kept descending even when they reached what looked like the basement.  Gary had no idea how far down they’d gone, but he guessed it to be at least three or four stories, well into the rocky hillside itself.  “This really is down here,” he said, breaking out in goosebumps when the air began to chill.

“Old wine cellar,” Tony shrugged.  “The walls are already stone, so we thought it’d be perfect.”

“Seems like a good choice.” Gary gave an impressed whistle as they stepped under a brick archway and into the circular chamber.  The rough stone floor was cold against his feet, and the flickering brass sconces set into the rock walls cast dancing shadows that made it seem as if the room was spinning.  There was what looked like a crude stone altar on one side, while a pair of tarnished brass manacles hung at the other, lending to an air of authenticity.  It was hard to see in the dim light, but it looked like the chains and altar were covered in some kind of geometric pattern, the same shapes which he saw engraved on the brass cylinder that Frank plucked from the stone slab.

“Looks fancy, right,” the salt-and-pepper stud asked with a proud grin as he held up the brass tube and motioned to the surroundings.

“You guys went all out,” Gary nodded, his cock already twitching at the thought of what awaited.

“You know we don’t do anything halfway.  This isn’t some ‘filmed on a smart phone in a garage’ operation,” Frank said.  He grabbed Gary’s hand and guided it towards the tube, letting him feel the cold metallic exterior before slipping his fingers into the soft, warm interior.  “Just like you’re used to inside.  It’ll feel great.”

“Can’t wait,” Gary grinned.  “So I’ll be in the chains, and then you two…”

“One of us will man the cylinder, the other will make sure we keep you goin’,” Tony said, giving the young jock’s abs a light pat.  “We’ll both be ‘chanting,’ but feel free to ignore us.  Just pretend you’re chained up for real and go with it.  Which, speaking of…” the burly man rattled the brass chains and pulled a key from his pocket.  “Ever been restrained like this before?”  He gave a sympathetic nod when Gary shook his head.  “You’ll be locked in for real, but you know what a ‘safe word’ is, right?   If things get to be too much, just say the word ‘cardigan’ and we’ll stop whatever’s happening.  Sound good?”

“I’m ready when you are,” the young hunk said, his stomach fluttering.

“I can see that,” Frank laughed, giving Gary’s rigid cock a bounce.  “We’ll get you locked in while we set up…that way you can get used to it for a minute before we start filming.”

Gary’s heart raced as he raised his muscled arms and felt the cold metal cuffs close around his wrists.  He felt a moment of genuine, reflexive panic when he strained against the chains and realized he really was locked in place until someone opened the manacles, but he reminded himself he was in good hands.  The small stab of fear also made it more exciting, adding an extra thrill to the arousal pumping through his veins.  His cock was already rigid and throbbing as he watched Frank and Tony set up the camera before slipping out into the stairwell.  When the pair returned a moment later they’d stripped bare, save for the featureless metal masks that covered their faces, the same as the one he’d worn in his earlier video.

Though relatively simple, the surroundings created an occult atmosphere.  As the older duo slowly approached, their voices droning out in an unfamiliar fashion, Gary began legitimately straining against the chains.  His arms, pecs and shoulders all flexed as he fought against the metal, giving in to the desperate desire to get his hands on the other men.  Tony’s fat, stout cock was every bit as thick and stocky as the rest of the brawny bruiser, and Frank’s long, swaying hose perfectly matched his tight frame.  Gary whimpered when they reached him, instinctively batting his cock against Tony’s while the men chanted and pawed at his bound muscle.  He had no idea what language they spoke, or if it was real at all, but there was a rhythmic cadence that made it feel rehearsed.

Not that Gary cared about the words.   All he cared about were the hands gliding along his restrained frame, and how good it felt when Tony tweaked his nipples or when Frank tugged on his oozing member. The thinner man eventually took up a spot behind the younger man while his stocky companion grabbed the tube from the altar, and Gary’s howl of pleasure was entirely authentic when the cylinder made its way onto his cock.  The sensations were overwhelming, far more intense than any of the toys he’d used before, like every pleasure receptor he had fired off at once.  He thrashed in the chains when Tony began slowly working it back and forth, needing several frazzled moments to compose himself before he could roll his hips in time with the motion.  He felt Frank’s imposing log wedge itself between his muscled cheeks, but while he began rooting back with his plump bubble, the other man wouldn’t actually take him, no matter how much Gary may have wanted him to.

As worked up as he was, and as good as it all felt, the chained jock was afraid he’d blow almost instantly.  To his surprise, though, the minutes stretched on in blissful agony.  He writhed and whimpered and moaned, feeling himself teetering on the edge but never falling over.  The pressure continued to build within him as Frank groped and pawed at him from behind, and it eventually occurred to Gary that the chanting seemed to be picking up speed in time with that pressure, but he didn’t think anything of it.  Tony and Frank had been doing this for a long time, so it made sense to the young hunk that they could read his body language like a book.  Still, he was impressed at how they broke off in a last, simultaneous cry the millisecond before he finally exploded.  Gary’s cracking wail took up the space formerly occupied by their droning, only there was nothing rhythmic about the ecstatic wailing.  The blonde stud felt like he was being turned inside out, the blissful release dragging on as much as the process that caused it.  Gary’s knees actually gave out, and he was grateful for the chains as they were the only thing keeping him upright.  His head spun as he watched Tony walk over and empty the contents of the cylinder onto the altar, the sheer amount of liquid trickling out taking him by surprise.  When that was done Frank trotted over and turned the camera off, a massive smile on his distinguished face when he removed the mask.

“You did great!  That was fantastic,” he cheered, grabbing the key from the tripod and quickly undoing Gary’s manacles.  He laughed when the younger man sagged against him, his deceptively thin body inflating with lean muscle while he held the dazed jock upright.  “Just take it easy for a second…”

“No, no, I’m good,” Gary finally panted, the room no longer spinning around him.  He found his footing but stayed in Frank’s arms, his body humming with energy.  He felt like he’d just finished a marathon while having his best gym session ever, the flood of endorphins leaving him close to drunk.  “Holy shit that was intense.”

“And you nailed it like always,” Tony said, looking proud.  “Can’t wait to see the finished product.  You’re gonna put us on the map as the studio who does things no one else can.  We…”  Tony broke off in a surprised chuckle when Gary’s hand wrapped around his pudgy organ.

The younger man didn’t fully understand how a simple fantasy scene would be enough to entirely set the studio apart, but at the moment he didn’t really care.  Now that his arms were free, all he wanted to do was get them around the older men.  He grabbed Frank with his other hand and started tugging on both, his stomach fluttering at the sensation.  “What?  You can’t just tease me with these things,” he grinned, his trip to his knees interrupted by Tony’s hand on his shoulder.

“Let’s at least go somewhere more comfortable,” the bald bulldog said, guiding the group towards the stairs.  “Jeff and Arthur might start to feel left out.”

Gary reluctantly let go and bounded up the stairs, his muscled rear bouncing as he took them two at a time.  Back on the main floor he could see the sun setting through the wall of windows, casting the sky in an ombre of blue and orange.  Jeff and Arthur both lazed on a pair of inflatable pads, floating naked as the warm, gentle breeze moved them around the surface of the pool.  They both looked perfectly content, so when Frank and Tony emerged into the spacious room Gary picked up where they’d left off downstairs, dropping to his knees before either of the men could protest.  This time all they did was chuckle and rub his hair as he went to work, and the kneeling jock was hit with a brief moment of lucidity when it occurred to him that his technique was already improving.  Gary wasn’t sure how to feel about the implications, and he wondered at how quickly his opinion had changed.  Less than a week had passed, and already he’d gone from ardently insisting that the line was at being jerked off, to actually wanting a dick in his mouth.  He wanted much more than that, too, but he didn’t know how to ask.

Instead, he worked the older men as easily and expertly as he had his friends outside, letting his body direct itself the way he had with his stripteases and earlier displays.  That natural ease was one of the things that kept him from questioning events too deeply, a sense that if his body clearly knew what to do, it meant he was only doing what came naturally.  Gary told himself there’d obviously been something lurking inside this whole time just waiting to get out, and now he could finally set it free.  It was an awakening, a revelation, not a point of concern.

The buzzing blonde spent the rest of the evening in a giddy haze.  He horsed around in the pool with his friends while Frank and Tony made cocktails and grilled for the group, never once feeling a shred of hesitation.  He could have put his discarded swimwear back on at any time, but he legitimately didn’t want to.  He loved the sensation of his naked body soaking up the celestial light from the twinkling stars overhead.  Gary was unencumbered in a way he’d never experienced, and as far as he was concerned he would have been perfectly content never putting anything on ever again.  Clothes were nothing more than a barrier separating him from the blissful ecstasy he so desperately wanted to give and receive, the addictive pleasures that were quickly becoming the primary focus of his young life.

That suffocating sense of restriction was an unfortunate necessity when they eventually and reluctantly left the sprawling estate and headed back to campus.  Gary hated the way he hesitated to wrap an arm around Jeff’s waist as they made their way from the parking lot to his friend’s apartment.  He hated the way he wore shorts and a muscle-shirt, despite the revealing nature of both, instead of just the speedo.  Or, better yet, nothing at all.  He hated the way he stopped himself from shoving Jeff up against the wall and going in for a deep kiss until after they were in the other man’s living room, as opposed to the building’s entryway like he’d wanted.

“Someone’s still feelin’ himself,” Jeff laughed when Gary finally pulled away from the lengthy kiss.  The dark-haired man reached out and squeezed the front of his friend’s shorts, but the eager blonde quickly stripped them free.

“Fuck me,” Gary said, his voice low and trembling as he leaned in to lick at the other man’s wide neck.

Jeff raised an eyebrow, his hands reaching around to squeeze his friend’s exposed cheeks.  “Excuse me?”

Gary gave a short laugh, his face going pink.  “I…I gotta know what it’s like,” he sputtered, a pained expression on his face.  “I was hoping someone at the house would’ve…I mean…I didn’t know how to ask, but you clearly know what you’re…”

Jeff cut his stammering friend off with a quick peck.  “Let’s start slow and see how you do, alright?  I don’t like to brag, but jumping straight to the deep end might be a bit much for you,” he said, grinding his twitching bulge against Gary’s exposed rod.  “Who knows, though.  Way you’ve taken to everything else…wouldn’t surprise me if you’re a pro at this, too.”  The blushing blonde just grinned and peeled out of his shirt, his heart racing as he followed Jeff to his bedroom.  He hopped up on the bed on all fours while his friend undressed, until the other man gave his cheeks a quick swat and told him to roll over.  Gary did as he was instructed, his face going a deeper shade of red when Jeff hoisted his legs into the air.  “We’ll take this nice and easy…just tell me if you want me to stop,” the hairy hunk said as he began lubing his stubby digits.

Gary nodded, letting out a reflexive gasp when Jeff started running a finger around his ravenous hole.  Never in any of his previous encounters had he ever been in such a position, nor had he felt anything like it.  The gentle prodding sparked a quickly building sense of pressure at the base of his spine, a series of bright, blissful sparks erupting around the spasming orifice.  Jeff wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to take his time, and when his friend eventually did slip a finger inside, the prone jock was more than ready.  “Oh!” he grunted, his eyes going wide.  He blushed at the way Jeff grinned down at him, but, instead of being entirely mortified, Gary only felt an exciting level of embarrassment.  It was the kind of bashful awkwardness that came with any exploratory sexual encounter, not the result of purposeful humiliation.  He gasped again when one finger became two, the sound turning into a sharp hiss when the probing digits found their mark.  “Whhhaaaaaaaatt the fuuuuuuuuuck,” Gary whimpered, spasming.

“Feel good?” Jeff asked with a smug grin, knowing full well that the answer was yes.  He gave another prod, and then another, his smile growing at the look of stunned, dawning bliss on his friend’s handsome face.  “Congratulations, stud.  Now you know what it’s like to get fingered.  Can you believe we only ever gave this shit and never once thought about getting it ourselves?”

Gary flushed a deeper shade at the comparison but still nodded.  The sudden thought that he was writhing at the end of his friends fingers, the same way countless women had, filled him with a strange mix of emotions.  “Seems…seems like we’ve been…missing out on…a lot…” he stammered, his cock once again oozing a steady stream against his abs.  He fought the urge to reach out and grab it, wanting to know if the rapidly-growing pressure would be enough to push him over the edge without touching it.

“Don’t have to worry about that any more,” Jeff purred, leaning in for a kiss before working Gary in earnest.  “Pretty soon we’ll get to experience stuff no one else can.”

“HHHOOOUUUOOHHUUUHH!”  The penetrated jock howled, his eyes rolling back at the rush of sensation.  His friend had only been teasing him up until now, and his earlier question about whether or not he’d be able to cum without touching his cock became a matter of inevitability.  The aching organ started to ooze like a leaking faucet as his virgin hole was worked, and Gary had to shove a fist in his mouth to keep from screaming when Jeff’s free hand found its way to his sensitive nipples.  The untouched organ erupted after a few moments, sending the bucking blonde’s head spinning as he realized he’d just gotten off without working his cock for the first time in his life.

“How shocking…you’re great at this, too,” Jeff laughed, finally pulling his fingers free and letting his friend’s legs drop.

Gary’s prominent pecs heaved as he caught his breath.  “I am?  Was that…did that happen too quick?”

Jeff laughed and wiped the cum from his friend’s torso, licking his fingers clean.  “The fact that it happened at all is impressive. A lot of guys have a hard time getting off like that, especially at first.  But you just rolled right over that edge,” he whistled.  “Of course, it helps when you’ve got a skilled set of hands at work.  How’d it feel?”

“What’s it look like?  Fuckin’ great,” Gary sighed, shaking his head.  “I thought it might hurt more, but it was only a little tight.”

“Knew I picked right when I brought you up there.  It’s like you’re built for this, bro,” Jeff said, giving his friend’s pecs a slap.  “If Frank and Tony pull this off, we’ll all be set for life.”

“Pull what off?”  Gary almost missed the statement in his haze, but it stood out as the third time that night someone had mentioned ambiguous ambition.

“Their plan for the studio.  If they can sell it the way they say they can, and if they can do what they promised…” Jeff trailed off.  “Nothin’ else out there like it.”

“What did they promise,” Gary yawned.  He wanted to continue the conversation, but the afternoon’s activities were finally catching up with him.  Spent and content in both Jeff’s bed and Jeff’s arms, his eyes were quickly drooping shut.

“You think you’re having fun now?  You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” he grinned as Gary drifted off to sleep.


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