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**** I was going through an old hard drive the other day and found this story from like a decade or so ago that I'd done in a screenplay style.  Thought it would be fun to share! ****

Overhead shot of Adam laying sprawled out in bed under a sheet.  His chest is exposed and his arms and one leg are sticking out.  He tosses and turns before groaning awake.  Lays in bed for a minute before kicking the sheets off.  Totally naked underneath.  Average height, skinny with some lean muscle tone.  Slightly below average package.  Surprisingly round ass.  Hair on his arms, legs, crotch and spotty patch on his chest and stomach.  Cute face.  Shaggy brown hair.  Trimmed beard.  He stands and stretches, taking a few steps before he realizes something’s wrong.

Adam: Didn’t I…?

Looks down at naked self, convinced he went to bed with boxers on the night before.  Digs through the sheets to see if he kicked them off, finds nothing.  Scratches head, walks over to the dresser and opens the top drawer.  Full of tiny, brightly colored briefs.

Adam: (surprised) What the hell?!

Montage of Adam throughout the years in boxers.  He rummages through the drawer, holding up several pairs with a grimace.  Opens the rest of his drawers but his boxers are nowhere in sight.

Adam: (laughing to himself) Goddamnit Steve…you must’ve spent a lot on this one.

Adam pulls out a bright green pair and slides them on.  Looks at himself in the mirror, blushing.  Briefs look surprisingly good.  Accentuate his ass and make his bulge look bigger.

Adam: (to his reflection) Alright Steve, if that’s the way you want it.

Adam leaves the room in nothing but the underwear.  Goes to the kitchen and finds his roommate, Steve, standing at the stove in nothing but a pair of tiny red boxer briefs.  Steve is the same height and build, but more definition.  Darker complexion with buzzed black hair on his head.

Adam: Mornin’

Steve: Hey.

Steve turns away from the stove and looks at Adam but doesn’t react.

Steve: Want eggs?

Adam: Uh, yeah, thanks.

Adam stands expectantly, determined not to be the first to say anything.  Not normal for him to be so undressed.  He sits at the table and watches Steve at the stove.

Adam: (thinking) Huh…impressive.  I didn’t think he was this good an actor.  (Out loud) Those new shorts?

Steve: These?  Nah, I’ve had ‘em for a while.  Why?  Like ‘em?

Adam: Not bad but they’re not really my style.

Steve: (laughing) No, you like those little ones.

Adam: (thinking) Man, you’re really pushing this.  Still…  Adam shifts in his seat, relaxing back against the chair and stretching.  (Thinking) They don’t feel all that bad.  I’m starting to see why he likes this so much.

Splash montage of Adam and Steve over time.  Adam is always fully dressed but Steve is in a variety of tiny shorts, pants, and underwear.  No matter what he never has a shirt on.  Cut back to the kitchen.  Steve sits at the table as they chat.

Adam: (thinking while they’re talking) Okay.  Now this is weird.  Steve’s never been able to pull something like this off.  But if he didn’t…no, it had to be him.

Steve: Dude?

Adam:  Huh?

Steve: You kinda spaced out on me there.

Adam: Oh, sorry man, not awake yet.

Steve gets up and sets the plates in the sink.

Steve: Alright man, I gotta jet.

Adam: You might wanna get dressed first.

Steve: (laughing as he leaves) Funny thing comin’ from you.

Cut to later in the morning.  Adam is sitting at the desk in his room working on his computer.  He’s wearing baggy chinos and a t-shirt.  Types for a few minutes then pushes away in frustration.

Adam: Gah..!  (Itches legs.)  This shit is ridiculous!  All morning!  I can’t get a fuckin’ thing done.

Adam stands and hesitates with his hands over the fly of his pants.

Adam: Fuck it…I’m not skyping anyone today.

Adam undoes his pants and lets them drop before kicking them off.  He’s still wearing the green briefs.  His t-shirt stops at his waist, leaving the underwear totally exposed.

Adam: Much better!  Must be this underwear…

Adam adjusts his package then sits back down to keep working.  Unknown amount of time passes with him working steadily.  Eventually stands and stretches and heads into the kitchen.  He starts rummaging through the refrigerator when he hears a noise.

Steve: Hey dude.

Adam spins around, blushing at being caught in just a tshirt and his underwear.

Adam: (startled) Shit!  What’re you doing home so early?

Steve (laughing): I told you I’d be home around lunch today, remember?

Adam: (laughing awkwardly) Oviously not.  (Looks down at lack of pants.)  Sorry, I didn’t think anyone’d be home.

Steve: Seriously?  (Looks Adam up and down.)  You okay man?  You’re acting weird.  Since when do you apologize for NOT wearing pants?  That’s like me apologizing for not wearing a shirt.

Cut to the same splash montage as before where Adam was clothed.  Steve appears the same as he previously had, but now Adam only has the briefs on from the waist down.

Adam (thinking): Wait…that’s not… (Out loud, nervous) Yeah, I’m just out of it today.  Must’ve slept funny last night or something.  Anyway…uh…back to work!

Adam hurries from the room and shuts himself in his bedroom, looking terrified.  He stares at his pants-less reflection, shaking his head.

Adam (to himself): I ALWAYS wear pants.  Pause.  Don’t I?  (He pulls open the drawer and looks at the underwear again before shakily making his way back to his desk.)  What the fuck’s going on?  Am I going crazy?  (Adam starts typing and the scene fades to black.)

Steve (voice only, scene black): Adam?  Hey…you alive?

Adam opens his eyes to see Steve’s shirtless torso leaning over him, a concerned expression on his friend’s face. No longer at his desk, now laying on his bed on top of the covers.

Adam (groggy, confused): Wha…?  What’s wrong?

Steve: (looking relieved) You tell me man.  I got back from my run, but you didn’t answer when I knocked.  Sorry to barge in…with you acting weird earlier I wanted to check on you.  Found you sprawled out like you passed out.

Adam slowly sits up on his elbows, stretching his stiff neck.  He sees Steve is wearing only a pair of small mesh jogging shorts.

Adam: Ugh…it’s cool, I…(thinking) What was I worried about?  I was freaked out about something but… (out loud) I felt really weird earlier, but I think I’m okay now.  I sat down on my bed for a minute and…must’ve fallen asleep.

Steve: (putting a hand on Adam’s forehead) You don’t feel like you have a fever.  And you’re not pale or anything.  Everything else seems to be feeling okay too.

Steve smirs and points down to Adam’s solid cock tenting out the green briefs.

Adam: Oh! (blushing) Fuck!  Uh…sorry.

Adam clearly looks embarrassed but makes no move to cover himself.

Steve: Okay, still worried.  First you apologize for not wearing pants, now you’re blushing over a boner?  Dude, how long have we lived together?  I see your dick more than you do.  A slight breeze gets that thing hard.

Adam: What?  No I…(Pauses)…guess I’m still out of it.

Steve eyes Adam warily.  He grabs an arm and pulls his friend to his feet, giving no indication that Adam’s tented underwear is anything but normal.

Steve: Gonna make it?

Adam: (swaying) I just feel light headed.  I don’t feel sick or anything, just kinda foggy.

Steve throws an arm around Adam’s shoulders and leads him from the room and down the hall.  Adam’s eyes go wide as he leans into his sweaty, shirtless friend.

Adam: (thinking) Okay…weird.  This feeling and Steve definitely shouldn’t go together.

Steve: Maybe a shower’ll help?

Adam looks down at his cock that seems to be throbbing even harder at the thought of showering with Steve as they enter the bathroom.  Wetroom-style bathroom where the whole space is the shower.  There’s a tub, a toilet and a sink.  A showerhead hangs from the ceiling above a drain in the floor.

Adam: Uh, I think I got it from here.

Steve: Uh-uh, sorry.

Before Adam can react, Steve tugs the tented briefs down.  Adam blushes as his solid cock suddenly bounces free.

Steve: You may or may not have passed out already today.  Don’t want that happening in here.  You go first.

Steve motions and Adam reluctantly raises his arm so his friend could pull the shirt off, leaving him naked.  Adam just stands awkwardly with his solid cock on display.  He blushes beet red, staring down.

Steve: (craning his neck to meet Adam’s gaze) Dude…not 24 hours ago you were taking a shower right there (points to shower) while I was shaving right there (points to sink).  Both of us were naked.  What’s the deal?

Adam: I dunno man, something just feels…off.  You don’t feel weird?

Steve: Nope. (He slaps one of Adam’s bare cheeks) I’m a little worried about you, but I feel fine.  Does this help?  (Steve steps out of the tiny shorts and his underwear so that he’s naked as well.)  There, just like before.  Now come on.

Steve cranks the shower on and sits on the edge of the tub while Adam steps under the stream.  Adam closes his eyes, visibly relaxing after a few moments under the water as he goes about scrubbing himself.

Steve: Doin’ alright?

Adam: Yeah… (Adam laughs that his friend was willing to get naked to make him feel better.  I think the water’s… (Adam trails off when his eyes immediately fall to his friend’s average endowment.)  (Stammering) …helping…

Steve looks concerned and jumps up to grab Adam, who’s suddenly unsteady on his feet.

Steve: (flatly) Yeah, it seems to be doing a bang up job.  Steve feels Adam tense as their bodies touch.  Easy dude, it’s just me…

Adam: (thinking) Oh god…what is this?  Something’s happening…none of this is…I don’t…

Adam wants to pull away as he feels Steve’s naked body press against him.  Steve’s soft cock brushes against his hip and he moans.

Adam: (thinking) Wait…I’m not going to…oh shit…oh shit…no!  I can’t…!

Adam is suddenly very aware of Steve’s hand on his abdomen and the other hand resting on one of his pecs.  He can feel each individual hair on Steve’s chest prickling against his back, and his thigh is still hot from where Steve’s package was pressed against it.

Adam: I think I’m gonna…gonna…uuuhhhhh!

Adam tenses and cums, spraying strand after ropey strand.

Steve: Whoa!  There she blows!  (Steve feels Adam noticeably relax.)  Feel better?

Adam: (catching his breath) I…ya know?  (blinking, surprised that he’s not mortified) I do, actually.

Steve: (laughing, unfazed by what happened) Well that was an easy fix.  I’ll have to remember that.

Adam smiles while Steve pats his stomach and finishes rinsing off.  He steps aside and sits on the edge of the tub, watching while his friend scrubs himself.  He can’t take his eyes off Steve.

Adam: (thinking) What the hell is up with me today?  I just came in front of Steve but he doesn’t care?  I don’t care?  What?

Adam looks up to see Steve turn off the shower and grab a towel.  He’s dry by this point so he stays naked.

Steve: Huh.  You actually do look better, dude.  Your eyes don’t look so out of it.

Adam: It’s weird, man.  I feel totally fine now.

Adam smiles bashfully, his stomach fluttering while he stands naked in front of Steve.  His eyes are glued to Steve’s perky ass while the other man hangs his towel back up.

Steve: I still wanna keep an eye on you.  The game’s almost on…you hungry?  I ordered a pizza while you were asleep…there’re leftovers.

Adam: The game? Shit, man, I was out that long?

Steve: Now you see why I was worried.

Adam: Damn.

Adam walks back into his bedroom and pulls on a pair of small red briefs without even thinking about it.  He slips on a t-shirt and heads back out without any pants.

Adam: (stopping in the hallway, looking down at his lack of pants) Wait…

Adam hesitates a few steps away from his door until Steve comes out.  Steve is dressed in a pair of thin pajama pants but no shirt.  The cock bouncing around underneath makes it obvious he’s not wearing underwear either.

Steve: Everything alright?

Adam: Yeah, I just felt like I was forgetting something.

Steve: Since you were unconscious all afternoon you probably forgot a lot of stuff.

Adam: (shrugging) I’ll deal with it tomorrow.

Adam gets some pizza and the scene shifts to the two of them sitting on the couch.  Adam is perfectly comfortable sitting in his underwear and Steve acts like it’s totally normal.  Splash scene of several days passing.  Next morning Adam and Steve are in the kitchen, Adam in his briefs with morning wood.  Scenes of Adam in various states of undress, either totally naked or wearing the briefs going through his day.  Scene finally shifts to Adam sleeping in his bed until he’s startled awake.

Adam: (bolting upright) Gah!

Adam looks around, startled and confused.  He’s panting and covered in sweat.  He kicks the sheets off and we see, as has been the pattern for the past several nights, he was sleeping naked.  He steps out of bed and flips on the light, freezing as the room is illuminated.  The room is clearly his, but none of his stuff is in it anymore.

Adam: (Thinking) What…?  Where’s all my stuff?

Adam looks around and freezes when he sees his reflection in the mirror above his now-bare dresser.  His body is visibly different.  When he’d gone to bed his body had some extra meat to it.  Now he looks ripped.  His modest pecs are now well defined, as are his shoulders and arms.  He has a solid six pack and his thighs are toned.  It isn’t until he takes a step towards the mirror that he realizes where all that extra meat went.

Adam: Shit!

Adam turns and sees his already perky ass has nearly tripled in size.  He reaches down and grabs it, squishing the extra mass to feel the firm muscles underneath.  The slightest movement causes his enlarged cheeks to jiggle and bounce.  His already thin build makes his inflated cheeks look huge, and the reshifting of weight makes his package look bigger.

Steve: Dude…?  What’re you doin’ in the guest room?

Steve is standing in the doorway, sleepy and also very naked.

Adam: (very confused) I…don’t know?

Adam looks around the room and then at Steve.  His heart skips at the sight of his naked friend.

Steve: (laughing) You’re so goofy when you’re half asleep.

Steve wraps his arms around Adam’s waist, grabbing his ass, and plants a long kiss on him.

Adam: (thinking) What the hell!?  This isn’t…is…

Adam returns the kiss before breaking off.

Adam: Wait…something’s not right.  This room…my ass…

Steve: (concerned) Your ass?  I didn’t hurt you earlier did I?

Adam: (thinking) Hurt me?

Cut scene of Adam on his back with his legs hoisted onto Steve’s shoulders while Steve plows into him.  Switch to another scene of Adam on all fours with Steve buried deep from behind.  Cut back to present.  Adam looks confused as his cock shoots to life.

Adam: No, I’m fine.  I…uuuhhh!

Adam breaks off in a groan when Steve gives his cock a few strokes.  He knows it’s wrong, but he loves it.  Steve strokes for a few minutes when Adam’s eyes open in surprise.  He sees that he’s reached out and grabbed Steve’s equally hard cock.  Without warning, he drops to his knees and swallows it.

Steve: (moaning) Goddamn I love that mouth of yours…

Adam: (thinking) What the fuck am I doing?!  I don’t…don’t…(Scene shifts to montage of Adam in various locations with Steve’s cock in his mouth: their house, the car, a public restroom.)  Why do I like this?  I don’t like this!  Do I? (Adam’s hands are squeezing and kneading Steve’s ass while Steve pumps his hips.  Adam starts squirming.)  (Out loud) Mmmm…mmmmpphhh! (Adam’s eyes go wide again and he looks down to see himself cumming without even touching his cock.  Having Steve’s dick in his mouth was enough to get him off.)

Steve: (laughing) I’d feel proud if I didn’t know how easy you were to get off.  Hold on…I’m gonna…Uhhhhhh!

Adam closes his eyes as cum seeps out the sides of his mouth around Steve’s rod.  He pulls his mouth away and begins licking his friend’s balls.

Steve: Looove how thorough you are.

Adam pulls away.  He wants to feel horrified but his expression only shows pleasure.  Steve throws an arm around him when he stands, with Steve’s hand immediately dropping to his ass.  Adam squirms at the unfamiliar sensation of his squishy new behind.

Steve: (yawning) You ready to go back to bed?  You still feel tense.

Adam: Yeah…sorry, must’ve been a bad dream.  (Thinking as he walks down the hall pressed against Steve) What is this?  This isn’t right!  I just had Steve’s dick in my mouth!  Why do I remember him fucking me?!

The two crawl into bed and Steve wraps his arm around Adam.  Scene goes black.

Scene opens on Adam and Steve in bed.  Steve is flat on his back and Adam is draped across him.

Steve: (stirs awake, kisses Adam’s forehead) Any more bad dreams?

Adam: (yawning and stretching sleepily) Nope! (He rests his head back on Steve’s chest.)  (thinking) Wait…what?  Oh shit…that was real?  THIS is real?  Why am I so calm?  Why do I like this?  What is even happening? (Out loud, climbing out of bed) I’ve, uh, I’ve gotta take a leak…

Adam hurries from the room, still naked.  His bouncing ass causes him to look down and see his still-altered body as he opens the bathroom door.  He looks up when a burst of steam hits him and sees a naked blonde man showering.  He’s broad-shouldered, with powerful arms and a stocky torso.  Plump rear, thick thighs, huge cock.  It’s his friend Tony.

Tony: (showering) ‘mornin’ dude.

Before Adam can respond, Tony reaches over and wraps his much larger arms around him, pulling him under the water.  He kisses Adam’s neck while running his hands all over the now-ripped man’s defined frame.

Tony: You and Steve have fun without me last night?

Adam’s confused expression turns into a montage of him, Tony and Steve in various states of sexual activity.  The empty bedroom from the night before now clearly belongs to the burly blonde, who shares the apartment with him and Steve.  In one scene Adam is on all fours between the two men, with Tony plowing him from behind while he has Steve’s dick in his mouth.  Another scene has Adam sitting between the two men on the couch while jerking them off.  In yet another, Adam’s on his knees with both men’s cocks in his face.  Final scene has Adam on his back with his legs in the air while Tony and Steve take turns plowing into him.  In every scene it’s Adam who’s on the receiving end.

Adam: (thinking) Now Tony?  What the fuck is this?!  This is all wrong! (Adam squirms.  He and Tony have been friends for years, but they’ve never had contact like this.  Adam tries to process why it feels so right and so wrong at the same time.  He doesn’t pull away.)  (Out loud) Last night was…interesting…

Tony: I bet it was.

Adam: I… (he stops when he looks down and sees that he’s been stroking his friend’s cock without even realizing it.  It feels so natural that he didn’t even register it.  Tony kisses him roughly and before he can respond the other man is spinning him around and pushing him forward.)  Ohhhhh! (Adam squeals as Tony forces his way in without warning.  His eyes go wide at how different, but good, Tony’s huge cock feels compared to Steve.)

Steve: (Walks in and watches for a moment.) Taking a leak, eh?  I knew it.  (He goes over and presses himself against Adam’s front, leaning in for a kiss.  He steps back and grins while the penetrated man spasms, his huge ass clapping.)

Adam: (eyes wide, his expression desperate) Oh fuck…oh fuck…I’m gonna…gonna…oooohhhh!

Adam sprays a huge load.