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Brandon wasn’t having a good day. He hadn’t had a good week, either, or even a good six months.  Thinking back on it, nothing had really gone according to plan for the young man in a long while.  When he’d graduated from high school and entered straight into the service, Brandon hoped for action.  He wanted excitement and adrenaline and the thrill of combat.  What he got instead was a four-year deployment to a quiet base in the Pacific.  It wasn’t bad in any way, and a lot of the guys he worked with acted like they’d won the lottery, but it wasn’t what he’d thought it would be.  Instead of the battlefield, Brandon spent his days in a warehouse.  There was neither glory nor excitement, just a mundane routine where one day in paradise bled into the next.  With nothing else to do, the former football star spent his free time working out, competing with his brothers at the base to see who could build the best body.  His youthful metabolism had given him an edge over the older guys, and while Brandon had always been fit and athletic, the teenage jock who’d arrived at the base was nothing like the tanned, chiseled sculpture who’d left.

Yet, despite having more reason to be than most, Brandon wasn’t vain.  He knew he looked good, and that his time in the service had only refined his naturally impressive features, but he didn’t dwell on it. He didn’t let his strong jaw, broad shoulders, plump pecs, or powerful arms go to his head.  He was proud of his tapering washboard, and of the carefully-crafted thighs that offset his meaty bubble, but he didn’t think it made him better than anyone.  The same went for the ruddy brown hair that had thickened into a short, stylish crop since he’d been home.  He was handsome, sure, maybe even gorgeous, but Brandon attributed that more to having ample free time than any inherent superiority on his part.  He didn’t think being bored enough to get ripped was really anything to be proud of.

But even that hadn’t worked out the way the young hunk hoped.  He’d viewed his enhanced physique as a silver lining, something that he could bring home for his girlfriend to enjoy.  The only problem was that Brandon quickly discovered he no longer had a girlfriend.  He’d had his suspicions for the last few months of his tour, and they’d been confirmed when he arrived home to find that she’d actually moved out of state entirely without telling him.

He couldn’t blame her for not wanting to stick around.  They were in their prime, and it wasn’t as if he had much to offer at the moment.  He was basically starting fresh whereas she’d already gone off to school and was about to graduate with a degree.  She had a plan and a trajectory, and Brandon was still trying to figure out how to afford any of it, or if he wanted to at all.  College had a daunting price tag, even with military assistance, and it wasn’t like he had a plan or a trust-fund to fall back on.  Brandon didn’t know what he’d want to study in the first place, and he didn’t feel like flushing thousands of dollars until he found out.

Which left him as an unemployed twenty-two year old living in the converted garage behind his parents’ house.  The space was set up with everything he needed; plumbing, HVAC, a small kitchen, and a combined living and bedroom.  Brandon had gone a step further and set up a dedicated workout area in the lawn, attaching a pull-up bar to the side and putting down some pavers for a level lifting surface.   It was basically a detached studio apartment, and he came and went as he pleased, but the frustrated young hunk still couldn’t help feeling a little ashamed at the thought of “living at home” with his parents while so many of his former peers were moving on with their adult lives.  It was just one more of the many things that hadn’t panned out the way he’d planned. One more ball that had been dropped along the way.

It helped a little that at least Dane still lived with his folks next door.  Like his absent girlfriend, the other man was wrapping up an advanced degree in Computer Science, and Brandon felt a surge of fraternal pride at his friend’s accomplishments.  They’d grown up together, and Brandon had spent most of their youth protecting the scrawny little nerd from school bullies.  On the surface, the brawny jock didn’t appear to have anything in common with the bookish waif, but he’d always viewed Dane like a little brother.  His friend had always been there for him on the many occasions when Brandon needed help with school work, and the fit jock had always enjoyed indulging Dane’s nerdy exploits through comic books and role playing games.  There was an ease to their relationship, where Branon didn’t feel like he had to act a certain way or put up a front.  Around Dane, he could just be himself.

Which is what made it so surprising when Brandon learned that the opposite apparently hadn’t been true.  One of the first things his parents told him about upon his return was the neighborhood scandal when Dane came out the summer before.  They’d told him expecting a negative reaction, but Brandon couldn’t care in the least.  He’d served with several gay guys and lesbian ladies overseas, but even before that he’d never been a homophobe.  Brandon didn’t understand why some guys got so upset over the thought of another man finding them attractive.  As far as he was concerned it was no different than if a woman flirted with him.  He took it as a compliment, enjoying the attention regardless of the source.  The only thing he’d felt upon hearing the news about Dane was guilt since he hadn’t been around to protect his scrawny friend during the process.

Not that Dane was as scrawny as he used to be.  It was yet another change for Brandon to adapt to, a reminder that the world he knew had continued on without him while he’d been gone.  When he’d left, Dane had been a soft little runt, but by the time he’d returned his friend had hardened.  The sandy-haired young man was still thin, but he’d finally shed his remaining baby fat, swapping it out for a lean, wiry build.  And instead of awkward, his sharply featured face now bordered on handsome.  The only real sign of his formerly doughy self was the plump rear that Dane sported, the one spot where his body seemed determined to cling to a fatty padding.

Brandon had taken it upon himself to break the ice immediately.  The first time they’d hung out after he moved back in, he’d immediately swallowed Dane in a meaty embrace and told him that if anyone gave him shit all he had to do was say the word.  They’d continued to hang out a few times a week since then, for the most part picking up their easy friendship where they’d left off, though Brandon would frequently catch Dane checking him out.  It didn’t bother the easygoing hunk at all, and the fit stud actually leaned into it.  He didn’t go so far as to cross the line into taunting, but Brandon had no problem with some touchy-feely “horseplay,” or, like now, with pretending that he didn’t notice Dane watching him through the window while he worked out shirtless in the yard.

Brandon grinned, the thought of his friend improving his sour mood.  He pushed through the last set of chest flys and sat up on the bench, purposely flexing his arm and glistening pecs while wiping the sweat from his hair.  He casually looked up in the process, giving a friendly wave and acting as if he just noticed Dane watching him.  Brandon could practically hear his friend’s yelp and his smile grew as he watched the obvious crimson sheen creep up the other man’s face even from his distant spot by the garage.  He hopped up from the bench and trotted barefoot across the backyard, staying clad in nothing but his small green shorts when he banged on his friend’s back door.

“Yo!  Dude!  Come out and join me,” he called, smiling and waving again when a flustered face appeared from around a corner inside.  He watched Dane scamper towards the door, giving an approving nod when it opened.  “You’re already dressed for it.  Let’s go,” he said, looking at his friend’s tank-top and gym shorts.

“Oh, uh, hey man,” Dane stammered, clearly caught off guard by the close proximity of the handsome hunk’s exposed, sweaty bulk.  “I was actually just about to…”

“Come get swole?  That’s what I thought,” Brandon laughed, grabbing Dane by the arm and pulling him along.

“Hey!  This is kidnapping,” the smaller man yelped, though he didn’t really try to resist.

Brandon shrugged.  “I could toss you over my shoulder and we could make it official,” he winked.  “You’ve been saying you’ll work out with me for like a month, man.  I played that very exciting and totally not boring board game with you last week…time to make good on your end.”

“Fiiiiiine,” Dane sighed, rolling his eyes.  “And you said you liked that game!  It had space marines and aliens in it.  What more do you want?”

“I’m just fuckin’ with you,” Brandon said, giving Dane’s plump rear a swat.  “I’m always down to destroy some aliens the way you’re about to destroy these weights,” he cheered in his best imitation of a personal trainer, holding up his hand for a high-five.  He locked expectant eyes with his friend until their palms collided, then reached down to tug on the bottom of Dane’s shirt.  “Pop that top and let’s get to it, bro.”

The smaller man blushed and hesitated.  “Uh, is that really a…hey!”  Dane yelped again when Brandon started lifting his shirt, but finally relented and raised his arms.  He shifted his weight awkwardly under his friend’s inspecting eyes, feeling small and insecure by comparison.

“You’re actually pretty cut, dude,” Brandon said, sounding proud.  “We just need to put some more meat on those bones.  Here…warm up with this for a few minutes and we’ll get started.”

Dane looked dubious as he caught the jump rope tossed his way, but he obediently started hopping up and down when Brandon’s expression went stern.  “How…long…do I…have to…do this…for…” he panted after a few moments.

“Keep going.  I’ll tell you when,” Brandon grunted, his eyes surprisingly intent on remaining glued to his friend’s backside.  The ample cheeks bounced heavily up and down with each little jump, accentuating just how large they were compared to the rest of Dane’s tight frame.

“Gonna…pass out…over here…”

The wiry man’s breathless whimper pulled Brandon’s attention back to the task at hand.  He’d lost track of how long he’d been staring.  “Okay, okay…good enough for now,” he said, his eyes lingering on the beads of sweat trickling their way through the sparse dusting of hair on his friend’s toned little pecs.  “Let’s start with some basic bench presses.”  He motioned for Dane to stretch out on the bench, his eyes once again moving of their own accord to the outline of the surprisingly prominent cock that lurked inside his friend’s shorts.  He’d never actually seen the other man naked, and while they’d gone swimming together plenty of times over the years he’d never paid attention.  Now, Brandon felt a confusing pulse of lust as he looked at the hefty bulge, having to quickly tear his eyes away before Dane noticed.

He instructed his friend through several sets, taking whatever chances he could to actually get his hands on the other man’s bare flesh.  He guided toned arms up and down, he poked and prodded Dane’s straining chest to point out which muscles should be activating, and he rubbed his friend’s bony shoulders between exercises.  It was all supposed to culminate in a set of pull-ups, but like so much else in Brandon’s young life, things didn’t go according to plan.

“I’m telling you now…there’s no way I can do even one of these,” Dane whined, reluctantly taking his place under the bar.

“That’s why I’m going to help you, dummy,” Brandon said, tousling his friend’s sweat-damp hair.  “Just jump up and hang, and I’ll help you up and down.”  The bigger man waited for Dane to jump, his hands clamping on his friend’s trim waist once he was airborne.  “Good job…now pull as much as you can and I’ll do the rest.”  The confusing pulse of lust he’d felt before throbbed with renewed intensity.  As he guided Dane through the first lift, it occurred to Brandon just how easily he was manhandling his friend. The sensation filled him with a strange rush of protective power, a competing impulse to both dominate and submit to the lean little man.  It didn’t help that the bouncing bubble he’d been staring at earlier now rose toward his face, and Brandon actually had to bite back a groan when he was able to inspect the fat cheeks up close.  He could see the elastic of Dane’s boxers just poking above the waist of his friend’s shorts, and his hands tingled from their proximity to the perky globes.  Out of nowhere, Brandon was hit with a sudden urge to strip his friend bare while he hung, to wrap his arms around the other man’s legs and hold him aloft while he buried his face between Dane’s supple cakes.  The confusing fantasy, along with the accompanying ache from his loins, jarred Brandon back to his senses.  “O…okay…that’s good for today,” he said, practically dropping his friend and stepping back.  He cleared his throat and tried to will his twitching cock back to sleep long enough to get inside. With nothing on but the little shorts, there’d be no hiding his confusing arousal.  He flashed a forced smile and gave Dane another high-five.  “Good job today, stud.  You’re going to be sore as hell tomorrow…but not nearly as bad as the day after.  Just an FYI.”

“Wait, what?  You’re just now telling me this,” Dane laughed, catching his shirt when Brandon threw it to him.

Losing the battle with his eager member, the addled jock quickly turned away and pointed back over his shoulder with a thumb.  “Go hit the showers, champ.  We’ll hook back up later, okay?”

Brandon didn’t wait for a response.  He scampered inside just as his cock reached full mast, letting out a shocked gasp when he pulled his shorts and briefs down.  The cock that sprung free was larger than it should have been, but not nearly as enlarged as the balls underneath.  Brandon had always had an average endowment that topped out around six inches, with appropriately-sized knockers to match.  But at the moment there was nothing appropriate about the inflated, churning orbs that had at least doubled in size below a cock that had lengthened by a pair of inches.

“What the fuck…what the fuck…” Brandon whimpered even as he started stroking.  He couldn’t help it.  He’d never felt so horny in his life.  He couldn’t shake the feeling of Dane’s exposed flesh against his hands, nor could he stop thinking about the other man’s oversized rear slamming up and down while he’d jumped-rope earlier.  Brandon dropped onto his bed, one hand kneading his inflated balls while the other slid along the lengthened shaft, his knees going weak when he thought back to where he’d wanted to plant his face.  “When did…how did that dude get so hot,” he moaned to himself, his head spinning.  “That ass is fucking incredible!  Holy shit…gonna make those cheeks clap…jump on it like a fuckin’ birthday party bounce-house…” Brandon groaned, the pressure growing.  He knew he should be more concerned about his swollen package, but it felt too good for him to worry.  For the first time in months, HE felt too good to worry.

The only things on his mind were Dane’s plump cheeks and what he wanted to do to them.  “Dumper like that on that tight little body…way those cute little arms flexed…can’t fuckin stand it,” Brandon roared, shoving a fist in his mouth when the volume registered.  He rolled over and bit his pillow, pretending that the padded cushion he probed with his tongue was the other man’s hole, and that the soft fabric swallowing his face was his friend’s bouncing cheeks.  He started rolling his hips, dragging his enlarged balls against the sheet as he ground his lengthened cock into it, pretending that Dane writhed beneath him.

Brandon came shortly after, but the potent release did nothing to quench his burning desires or lessen the aching throbs from his demanding equipment.  A floodgate he hadn’t even been aware of had somehow been opened, unleashing a deluge of equally unfamiliar fantasies.  Brandon couldn’t stop thinking about his friend, their years of friendship taking on a new edge as he pictured Dane bouncing on his lap, or kneeling on the floor, or pinned up against a wall.  The sculpted hunk started to feel foolish for letting himself get upset about his girlfriend leaving when he already had someone who loved him and took care of him right next door.  It was a dizzying experience, and one that the dazed hunk didn’t try to fight.  He gave into the lustful longing, feeling like his fluttering stomach lifted his weightless frame off the ground.  He was out of control, he knew that, but he didn’t mind.  He didn’t need to worry about his changing body and strange behavior as long as Dane was around.

When Brandon heard his friend’s voice, he thought he was still fantasizing.  The addled stud had completely lost track of himself, and he’d apparently drifted off to sleep at some point based on the early morning light filtering in through the windows.

“Fuck!  Brandon?  Why am I in your bed,” Dane stammered, bolting upright with wide eyes.  “The last thing I remember was going to sleep in my room, but…wait…is that right?”

Brandon watched his friend shake his head and try to rub the confusion from his face.  He was just as clueless as the other man as to what was happening, but more than anything he was just happy to see his wiry neighbor.  “Search me, dude.  The last thing I remember was us working out together, then I came back in here and started going to own on myself ‘cause I can’t handle how fuckin’ cute you are.”  Brandon blushed when he heard the words leave his mouth, but his attention quickly shifted to his altered equipment when they jogged his memory of the previous day.  “Holy shit,” he cried when he hopped up out of the bed, finding the impossibly enlarged equipment from the day before.  His formerly proportional balls still hung heavy and full, now like small grapefruits, and his fat cock immediately surged to its new, ten inch length.  The rest of his chiseled frame appeared unchanged, but Brandon noticed an increasing difficulty in his ability to focus. A part of him knew that he should have been embarrassed by his admission, and that he shouldn’t be so readily groping his hard cock in front of Dane, but none of it actually sunk in.  He couldn’t even bring himself to be worried about the obscene equipment and how difficult it would be to conceal.  All that mattered was the lean, naked man gawking at him on the bed.  When he’d tossed the sheet aside it had revealed his friend’s exposed, erect state, but the stunned blonde was too busy staring at Brandon to notice.  “It’s so big,” he grunted with a grin, absently fondling his inflated orbs.

“It, uh, it sure is,” Dane croaked, his eyes fixed on the massive log.  “Should that be a surprise?  Fuck…everything feels so weird right now.  Like, why are you naked in bed with me?”

Brandon shrugged.  “I don’t know.  Why are you?”

“Shit!”  Dane went crimson and tried to cover his thinner, average rod when he finally noticed his own equally exposed condition.

“Dude, what are you doing? Don’t do that,” Brandon said, dropping back down onto the bed and pulling the other man’s hands away from his ill-concealed equipment.  “I like it,” he grinned, giving the rigid poker a few tugs.

Dane gasped and tensed, unsure how to respond.  “Are you…are you okay,” he finally asked, his friend’s dazed state sinking in.  “You seem kind of out of it.”

Brandon nodded.  “I mean, yeah.  But that’s what you’re here for, right?”  He leaned in and ran his nose along Dane’s slender neck, taking a deep breath of the other man before nibbling on an earlobe.  “I take care of this,” he said, tugging on his friend’s cock before tapping the side of his own head, “and you take care of this.”

“I…we do?”  Dane’s toned pecs were heaving, his own head spinning as his memories adjusted to match an altered reality.  Like Brandon, he suddenly viewed their existing dynamic through a new lens, one where they were much more than friends.  “But…it just doesn’t make seeeooOOHH!”  The wiry man was cut off when Brandon roughly manhandled him over onto his stomach.  He started to lift his head and ask what his friend was doing, but it became obvious when the brunette hunk’s face found its way between his fat cheeks.  “Oh…oh fuck…what’re you…”

Brandon let his tongue answer, but not with words.  Unlike his friend, it all made perfect sense to his limited faculties.  He’d been miserable, the universe heard him, and now he wasn’t.  He didn’t know what caused his cock to swell or reality to rewrite itself, but he didn’t need to.  All he needed to do was make sure Dane was safe and happy.  He didn’t even stop to question why he was eating another man out.  It just made sense.  “Does that feel good,” he finally asked after several minutes of vigorous tongue bathing.

Dane swallowed hard and nodded, too overcome to try and process any of it.  All he could do was go along for the ride.  Literally.  He knew what was coming when Brandon slipped up and draped himself against his thin back, but while he braced himself for pain based on the size of his friend’s altered cock, all he felt was bliss.  The other man’s imposing club slipped inside like it was tailor made, the churning bull balls acting as a self-supplied lubricant.  After a few rough impacts, the cum-slick rod jamming in deep, he no longer wanted to process or question any of it.  Whatever miraculous twist of fate had occurred, he knew he belonged to his friend and vice versa.  The way his eager, rippling cheeks easily accepted the other man was proof enough.

For Brandon, all that mattered were his friend’s ecstatic whimpers.  He could read the little man like a book, and he alternated his pace and force to keep Dane just on the edge.  He loved the sensation of the blonde’s soft cheeks slamming against his firm abs, and it occurred to Brandon that he’d never seen anything more beautiful than his friend’s tight, toned body spasming before him.  He dimly recalled feeling upset about something recently, but now he couldn’t fathom what he’d possibly have to worry about.

The sculpted stud’s inflated equipment outlasted his friend’s, and when Brandon finally came it was a multistep process.  His roiling balls blasted into Dane until a waterfall spilled out of the smaller man’s battered hole, and it kept spurting all over his torso and face when he slid off and rolled over.  For his part, all Brandon could do was grunt and groan while he helplessly launched load after load for what felt like minutes, not feeling embarrassed or ashamed by the mess, but proud that he was so thoroughly marking his territory.

The overly-hung hunk collapsed on the sticky man and swallowed him in a hug when he finally stopped spraying, a dull grin on his face.  “That was fun,” he said, squeezing tight.

Dane leaned into the embrace, loving how it felt to be pressed up against Brandon’s solid frame.  “That’s an understatement,” he panted, before nodding around at the small space.  “I just can’t wait until I’m done in a few months and we can afford our own place.  Don’t get me wrong, I love your folks, but I’m pretty sure the entire neighborhood just heard us.”



I love these romantic ones!