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This next chapter might be delayed a week or so.  I'm hoping to go down and visit the real Fir Hollow next week, so that's going to throw off the schedule a bit.  Since there's more time, I'll leave the voting options up a bit longer than usual.  

Option 1: A rock slide at the edge of town reveals the statue of a gorgeous man, inspiring the men who see it to give in to their new, taboo desires.

Option 2: After going on a panty raid, a group of young men find themselves wearing nothing but their own underwear, and are delighted when all the men in town constantly try to steal it, whether they’re still wearing it or not.

Option 3: Whenever a local gardener tends his flowers, men around town change depending on whether they were pruned, fertilized, or re-potted.

Option 4: Two men get lost in a fog bank while tubing on a nearby river, and when they come out the other side they find themselves floating down the canals in the version of Fir Hollow that Johnny created in “Write of Passage.”


Hugh Michelsen

Look, here’s the thing: you have to do both 3 AND 4. Right away, and 3 first. (Kidding, of course :)


Regardless of the final vote, option 1 carries a lot of psychological potential. The device of a statue/idol that triggers transgressive and honest/unfiltered expression of unspoken/hidden desire is quite powerful. 🤫💥🗿


Haha, I’ve been curious about how Johnny’s book turned out, so that one’s bound to happen no matter what at some point.


Have we talked about Clark Ashton Smith? If not, you’d probably dig his stuff. I’m taking his idea from “The Disinterment of Venus” for that one and putting a more overtly gay twist on it. (If you’re interested, HorrorBabble on YouTube has a reading of it.)