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“Bruce…Clark…would you two please put something on?”

Bruce glanced down at his stuffed bikini briefs, grinning at the way the heaping black bulge popped against the hot pink elastic of the waistband.  The bright strip accentuated his tapering waist and shredded abs, just as the cropped, matching muscle shirt showed off his chiseled pecs.  The pretty, dark-haired hunk was genuinely confused by Peter’s request.  As far as he was concerned, the short, baggy top, with its hot pink Batman logo in the center, coupled with the skimpy briefs left him over dressed, not under.  The same went for Clark, who’s blonde, hulking frame spilled out of his red jockstrap and straining blue Superman t-shirt.  The top was at least two sizes too small, coming to a stop just above the towering bruiser’s navel while it plastered to him like a second skin, but it was the big man’s favorite.

“Um, hello,” Bruce said, spreading his muscled arms wide as he smiled at Peter and his friend.  “We ARE wearing something.  Why don’t YOU take something off?”

“Guys, no, I mean it,” the lean, chestnut-haired man stammered.  He nodded over at the person with him, an unremarkable brunette in a button-down shirt and jeans, giving the pair a stern look as he spoke.  “This is John.  We have to study for our physics midterm tomorrow…we don’t have time for…”

Peter was cut off when Bruce stepped forward, ignoring him entirely as he grabbed the front of his pants and nimbly popped the fly before the other man could pull away.  “Don’t need clothes for that,” the shorter stud purred, exposing Peter’s equally stuffed Spider-Man briefs as he sent the blushing man’s jeans to the floor.

“Damnit, Bruce!” Peter yelped.  He started to bend forward to pull his pants back up, but he was stopped by Clark, who wrapped his wrought-iron arms around his chest from behind.  Not wanting to waste an opportunity, Bruce hooked his thumbs in Peter’s briefs and tugged them down to join the pants at his ankles.  “Fuck!  Guys, we’ve talked about this,” the exposed man cried.  His face was beet red as he looked at the stunned newcomer, his fat cock flopping while he struggled in the pair’s arms.  Despite his protests, or perhaps because of them, the long, thick snake was quickly throbbing to life while Peter’s surprised classmate watched.  “John, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think these guys would be so…insistent,” he pleaded.

“You, uh, you did tell me they were a handful,” John croaked, awkwardly adjusting his glasses.  The equally red-faced man swallowed hard and nodded, averting his eyes from Peter’s hardening cock as he inched towards the door.  “This is kind of a lot, though.  I think I’m good on that studying help…I’ll just go…” he said, not taking his eyes off the trio as he backed up to the front door, cracked it open, and slipped out as fast as possible.

“What is wrong with you two?!” Peter shrieked, mortified that he’d just been forced to expose his now-hard cock to a classmate.  It wasn’t the first time the modest man had found himself in a compromising situation since the morning he’d woken up with the altered pair a few months ago, but they hadn’t gotten any easier to handle.

“You’ve been gone all morning,” Bruce pouted, slipping a hand up under Peter’s shirt while the other started tugging on the lean man’s surprisingly thick log.  “You don’t let us come to campus with you anymore since our classes went away.  What are supposed to do?”

Bruce still didn’t understand why the other man was so uptight.  He and Clark still remembered their time before the change happened, but Peter didn’t see them being all stuffy about it.  Just because the two of them used to be a pair of straight guys doesn’t mean they have to be upset about the fact that they aren’t anymore, especially considering what they’d been given in return.  Bruce used to be skinny and greasy, but now he was gorgeous, hung and shredded.

The same went for Clark, who’d not only lost every ounce of fat on his brawny frame, he’d shot up several inches in the process.  True, the two of them couldn’t think as well or as fast as they used to.  Bruce still remembered that they’d once been college students just like Peter, but that apparently wasn’t the case anymore.  Now when he thought about it, he could remember that he was supposed to have been enrolled at the university, but neither he nor Clark could actually remember ever having sat through a class.  For the most part they couldn’t remember much of anything after a few days.

And it wasn’t just their mental capacity.  The pair acted totally different.  Clark used to be much more of a talker, and Bruce knew he used to talk a lot less, and not nearly as dramatically as he currently did, but they couldn’t bring themselves to worry about it.  It was just like their ravenous new sexual appetites, and the way they took every possible opportunity they could to show their new bodies off.  Bruce kept hearing the word “himbo” tossed around, and it was written on a lot of their new clothes, but he still didn’t fully understand what it meant.

“I don’t let you…come to campus anymore…because you…almost got us…arrested last time…” Peter muttered, struggling in vain against Clark’s unmoving arms while the blonde brute’s twitching cock pressed against his perky bubble.  “You can’t do stuff like this in public,” he sighed, exasperated.

“We do at the bar,” Clark grunted, shifting his grip to grab the bottom of Peter’s shirt and begin lifting it free.

The wiry man meekly raised his arms, knowing that if he resisted the big man would just tear it off.  “We’ve been over this,” he sighed, a note of sympathy mitigating his frustration.  “I know you two went through a pretty dramatic…change…and it’s not entirely your fault, but I neeeeeeed you to at least try and remember some basic rules.  Getting naked at the Firehouse is one thing, but not everywhere, alright?”  Peter paused when Clark squeezed and lifted him off the ground, letting Bruce pull the pants and underwear from his dangling feet.  “And while we’re talking about that…just because you two like to get naked on stage doesn’t mean I do!  That was humiliating last time!”

“But you’re fuckin’ hot,” Bruce said, sounding confused as he wrapped Peter’s legs around his waist, leaving the thinner man wedged between him and Clark.  “Everyone loved you!  Didn’t you hear them cheering?  I almost went deaf when you blasted all over yourself.”

“You guys fucked me on stage!  In front of a crowded bar!”  Peter protested, even as he wrapped his arms around Bruce’s broadened shoulders.

“You loved it,” Clark said, as if it should have been obvious.

“Big guy’s got a point,” Bruce whispered, leaning down to kiss Peter’s slender neck as he gripped the naked man’s cheeks.  “Admit it…you had just as much fun as we did.  Swinging that big cock around for everyone…spraying all over the place while you screamed like a little girl.”  Bruce could feel the beads of liquid already forming on Peter’s cock as it pressed into his abs.  “Why do you think they keep asking you to do it again?”

“That’s…that’s not the point…” Peter stammered unconvincingly.  “The point is you two can’t just go around flaunting me in puuuuUUHHHHH….!”  He broke off in a wide-eyed grunt when Clark plunged inside.  With his legs wrapped around Bruce’s trim waist and the other man spreading his cheeks, the big blonde had perfect access.

“We just like to show you off,” Bruce cooed, pressing Peter’s head into his shoulder as Clark rolled his hips.  He loved the sensation of the lean man’s spasming, and how Peter instinctively began grinding his cock into him.  Despite what the handsome, penetrated nerd might say, Bruce knew that, deep down, he was loving every second of it.  Whenever they manhandled him, as they were doing now, he never tried to stop them.  He might put up a meager show at resisting, but Bruce knew that was only because Peter hadn’t been lucky enough to be changed like himself and Clark.  The man they used to bully was still stuck in his shell, and just like when they used to torment and harass him, Bruce saw it as their job to pull him out whether he wanted it or not.

They also felt guilty for how they used to treat him.  Though Peter might say otherwise, Bruce didn’t see what he and Clark did as continuing their bullying, but making up for it.  Especially now that they relied on the smaller man to take care of them, they had to keep up their end of things as well.  It was their shared responsibility to take care of Peter, and sometimes that meant doing what they knew was best, even if the smaller man didn’t see it yet.

“I…I know you…guys do…” Peter gasped, his fingers digging into Bruce’s back as Clark picked up the pace of his thrusting.  “But th…there’s a…time and a…place…”

“Yeah, all the time and everywhere,” Bruce giggled.  “Okay Clark…let’s switch it up.”  The shorter stud gave Peter’s ass a swat as the big man pulled out and shifted his grip.

“I’m serious,” Peter panted, obediently wrapping his legs around the blonde’s wider midsection as the two swapped roles.  “It’s one thing when you don’t let me put anything on around the house, or when you only let me wear those kid’s clothes you ordered,” he said, shaking his head as he looked up at Clark’s adoring, lantern-jawed face.  “Which, the briefs, by the way, are NOT comfortable.  I know you think they make my butt look cute, but guys, my junk is TOO BIG,” he insisted.

“No such thing,” Bruce laughed, reaching around from behind to give Peter’s thick club a few strokes as he kissed the back of his neck.

“Yes such thing!  My balls hang out, and my dick nearly pokes out the side!  And just because Clark likes to wear shirts that are way too small doesn’t mean I do!  I don’t actually like flashing my belly button to everyone when I’m out of the house.”

“But they show off your muscles,” Bruce said, giving Peter’s toned little pecs a squeeze.

“Flex for us,” Clark barked, his longing gaze going stern.

“Guys…come on…” Peter whined.

“Flex!”  Clark’s booming voice echoed off the walls, making even Bruce wince.  It was only a momentary lapse, though, as his dull grin returned the second Peter broke into a reluctant double-bicep pose.  The smaller man’s lean arms inflated to a surprising degree as his entire frame went an embarrassed crimson.

“There they are,” Bruce groaned, plunging into the flexing man’s stretched hole while he held the pose.  He reached around and worked both Clark and Peter’s thick cocks as best he could while he pumped.

“They’re so small,” Clark laughed, leaning down to run a tongue along one of Peter’s straining arms.  He let go, holding the spasming man with one hand while he flexed a meaty arm of his own.  The inflated piston was larger than Peter’s thigh, a comparison that made the gasping little nerd groan.

“Um, they’re perfect, you mean,” Bruce corrected, kissing Peter’s other arm.

“Well yeah,” Clark shrugged.  “Don’t want him big.  I like him small…he’s easier to carry.”

“That’s…that’s another thing…” Peter whimpered, his tight frame rocking with Bruce’s thrusts.  “I ca…can actually…walk.  You guys carrying me…around here…is one thing…but…when we’re in…public…I can…make it…on my own…”

“I like carrying you.”  Clark’s tone made it clear there was no room for debate.

“But you don’t…just…carry me,” Peter gasped.  “You always try t…to…finggguuuhhhh!”  The naked man howled and spasmed when Clark added a trio of fingers in along with Bruce’s fat cock.

The blonde’s deep laugh rumbled around the room, passing through Peter and into Bruce on the back end.  The sculpted, shorter stud was nearing the edge.  Clark’s fingers only made the hole tighter, and Peter’s wailing always drove him wild.  “Of course he’s going to…he’s also fuckin’ great at it,” Bruce said, his tone encouraging.  “The big guy can work your pussy over like no one else…other than me,” he winked, turning his attention to the hulking Adonis.  “While Peter ‘studies’ or whatever, feel like giving me a turn when we’re done?”  There was still a part of Bruce that knew he shouldn’t be asking Clark to finger him, but considering their current actions the addled, former-skater didn’t see any reason to stop and question things.

“Okay,” Clark nodded, a proud grin on his face.  “Can I eat it first?”

“Baby, you can do whatever you want back there,” Bruce said, his voice a seductive moan.  He remembered a time when Clark talking about eating pussy only would have applied to women, but the burly blonde was equally skilled when it came to men.  It was one of his favorite hobbies.  He’d spend hours with his face buried against Peter’s hole, or Bruce’s, or with any guy who’d let him whenever they were out.  Peter was complaining about it now, but Bruce remembered enough of the night in question at the Firehouse to remember that it was Clark’s tongue that pushed Peter over the edge first.  The bashful brunette hadn’t just cum once for the crowd, but multiple times, and Clark hadn’t stopped at Peter.  He’d probably eaten out half the club by the time it closed, and If Peter's classmate hadn’t just split when he did, Clark likely would have tried to get his tongue into the man’s musky crevice before too long. “But first…”

“HHHOOUUUHHH!”  Peter screamed when Bruce picked up the pace, burying his face into Clark’s shelf of a chest.  He came all over it a few moments later, leaving a sticky coating on the blonde’s chiseled midsection while, at the same time, Bruce’s copious release dripped out of Peter’s gaping hole.  The dark-haired pretty-boy stepped back, relishing the sight of their gasping, cum-drenched friend.  Though he knew this was all different, he couldn’t imagine ever having lived through a time where he didn’t want to see such a sight.  “O…okay…” Peter said, his legs shaking as Clark finally lowered him to the ground.  He wiped the cum from his blushing face, trying to shake his dazed expression.  “Can I please go study now?  I won’t put anything on, I promise.”  Despite his shell-shocked look, Peter had a contented grin on his face, his hands lingering against Clark’s massive torso.

“Oooookay,” Bruce pouted, turning his attention to Clark’s still-rigid club.  He reached down and grabbed it, pulling the lumbering hulk along behind him to the couch, his muscled bubble already tingling with anticipation.  “Me and Clark can keep ourselves busy for a bit.  We’ll come get you when we’re done.”


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