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“Honey…don’t tell me you really believe her?”  Liam looked down at the ring on his finger, the gold band popping against his dark skin.  For something so old the shining metal was nearly flawless, practically glowing whenever the slightest bit of illumination touched it.  There was a faint inscription carved on the inside, though Liam didn’t believe for one second Ruth’s tale about the symbols being magic.

It was nothing more than a pleasant coincidence that the matching rings just happened to be a perfect fit for his and Eric’s fingers, and he had no doubt that the charming old woman would have been able to spin a fitting tale for each and every piece in her shop.  Meadow Hill Antiques prided itself on unique and obscure items, she’d said, all of them steeped in local legends.  The matching bands were no mere pieces of jewelry, Ruth had told them in a very animated fashion, but a pair of shooting stars.  They were supposedly forged from a metal that had fallen out of the sky over two hundred years ago, shining like gold but with strange, alien properties.  The young blacksmith who’d made them, a member of the town’s founding Morse family, stumbled on these unique attributes when he gave one of the rings to his bride-to-be.  Like many at the time their relationship was one of utility, more about building a bridge between his and the Thurlow clans than it was about romance.  But from that day on the two were madly in love, living happily ever after as the man and woman of each other’s dreams.  It was said they were both strikingly beautiful in their own ways and perfectly made for one another, a sign that their union was fated by the very stars that had sent them the wedding bands.  But that wasn’t the full story.  It was the rings that made them each other’s perfect match, Ruth had said.  It let each of them turn the other into their heart’s desire, reshaping both until they were the living embodiment of their wildest dreams.  And no one liked to talk about the less-than-conventional features the young lovers possessed, at least not in polite company.   It was an interesting story, and the gregarious grandmother told it well, but Liam didn’t think it was anything other than a sales pitch for a pair of city boys.

As soon as he’d looked over at Eric, though, he knew it was a moot point.  The wiry blonde’s blue eyes were wide with wonder, hanging on her every word.  Liam had to give credit where it was due.  Eric was the hopeless romantic of the two of them, and whether Ruth had spotted the heart on his husband’s sleeve from a mile away or had heard them talking about their anniversary, she’d set the hooks fast and deep.  Unable to say no whenever Eric flashed such an excited smile, Liam had paid and slipped the perfectly fitted rings on their fingers while Ruth beamed from behind the counter.  Her excitement at finding the rings a good home seemed as genuine as Eric’s, though Liam guessed the sizable chunk now missing from his checking account was the real source of the older woman’s joy.  She’d quickly shifted her attention, and as they were leaving Liam heard her begin to tell the uptight man who couldn’t stop looking at his reflection a story about the mirror in front of him being “cursed.”

Neither he nor Eric had been able to keep from noticing the admittedly handsome hunk while browsing, though they’d both rolled their eyes as they’d watched him check himself out in every reflective surface.  Guys like that were precisely why they’d wanted to spend their anniversary in an out of the way spot like Fir Hollow in the first place.  They both loved the city, but they needed some quality outdoor time that a sea of concrete and towering skyscrapers couldn’t provide.  The thought of spending their fifth anniversary at a posh restaurant or crowded bar full of smug, preening men like the one at the antique store wasn’t nearly as appealing as the thought of climbing up a mountain or rafting down a river.  Now about to exit their twenties, they were both extra aware of the increasing effort it took to keep their fit, trim builds in the kind of shape they’d always taken for granted.  Neither of them had an abundance of muscle to maintain, but they weren’t in a hurry to lose their lean, athletic frames either.

“Of course I don’t believe her,” Eric said, examining his matching band under the bedside lamp.  The ring was dazzling, like a beam of golden light wrapping around his finger.  “But it’s still a fun question.”

“MMmmhhhmmm…you say that now,” Liam laughed.   “But fast forward twenty minutes and we’re arguing.”

Eric looked away from the ring and settled back against the headboard, his eyes lingering on Liam’s damp, bare frame.  After a morning spent hiking in the mountains and an evening in the historic downtown, once they’d made it back to their room at the Fir Hollow Inn they’d capped the day with a vigorous romp in the shower.  Eric had slipped back into a pair of briefs, but Liam was lingering with the towel riding low on his trim waist.  It showed off the taper to the other man’s torso while simultaneously accentuating both Liam's perky bubble and the thick hose that Eric had just blissfully ridden.  Even after all their years together, it was a sight the wiry blonde couldn’t get enough of.  The white cotton stood out against Liam’s smooth, dark skin, and even now it was all he could do not to leap off the bed and tear towel away.  “Come on…I promise I won’t get offended.”

Liam ran a hand through his short, wet hair as he shook his head and sighed.  He flicked the towel free with his other hand, sauntering over to the bed and sitting on the edge.  He positioned himself so that his arm straddled Eric’s prone frame as he leaned in close.  “But you’re already the man of my dreams,” he purred.

“Nice try,” Eric laughed, returning the quick kiss before gently shoving his husband away.  “You’re not changing the subject that easy.”

“Fiiiiiiine,” Liam groaned, rolling his eyes.  He stood and spread his arms, turning in a slow circle to give Eric an unobstructed view of his naked frame. He grabbed a coin from the small pile of change on the dresser and flipped it into the air with his thumb.  “I call heads,” he said, not waiting for Eric to chime in.  He winced and grumbled when the coin landed in his palm.  “Goddamnit…looks like I go first,” he muttered, hesitating.  “So what would you want me to change?”

Eric shook his head and folded his arms across his stomach.  “Uh-uh.  This isn’t about what I want to have.  It’s about what you want me to have.  If I told you it’d be cheating.”

“You are not going to make this easy for me, are you,” Liam asked, his eyes fixed on his husband’s lean, whipcord frame.  “Okay.  If I could change something to make you even better, I’d put some meat on those bones.  I don’t mean like some bodybuilder or anything…I just think you’d look cute a little thicker.”

“See?  That wasn’t so hard, was it?  You want a little something to hold on to, is that it,” Eric grinned.  “That’s good, ‘cause if I could change something, I’d want you a little shorter.”

“What?!”  Liam let out a surprised laugh as he looked down at his average, six-foot frame, the same height as his blushing husband.

“Hold on…hear me out.  I’m not talking, like, excessively short or anything.  Just a handful of inches.  Six, tops.”  He squirmed under Liam’s expectant look, his cock twitching as he pictured his husband’s smaller stature.  “I know it’s a little weird…but the thought of a shorter version of you fucking my brains out is so, so hot.  You’re saying plowing into a taller, chunkier me wouldn’t be a turn on?”

“I mean…I never really thought about it,” Liam said, letting out a slow breath.  His exposed cock started twitching like Eric’s, answering the question for him.  “But I guess if my mouth is going to be closer to them, I’d want some serious nips on those titties of yours.”  The twitching turned into a surge, causing Liam’s wide seven inches to go rigid as he pictured Eric’s modest chest, with its tiny nipples, growing thick and beefy and sporting a matched set of prominent nubs.

“Mmmm…okay…since you’ve brought it to my attention,” Eric said, reaching out to give Liam’s aching cock a light stroke, “I wouldn’t mind if this guy was a few inches bigger.  Don’t get me wrong, babe, you’re a surgeon with this thing, but if it was a little bit longer and wider?  Especially on a shorter version of you?  Damn…” Eric sighed and began kneading his own tented bulge, his eyes flashing with hunger.

Liam jumped in, not missing a beat.  “Maybe I could take them from you?  I actually love the idea of your stuff being a little smaller.  Being able to get it all in my mouth at once and go to town?  And on your thicc ass?  It’d be adorable.”

Eric pushed his briefs down, letting his average, six-inch pole spring free.  He raised an eyebrow as he pictured it at half its size, his stomach fluttering when he added Liam’s skilled mouth to the equation.  “So you’d want me beefy, with big nipples and a tiny dick?  A chunky, pillowy bottom for you to ride?  That could be interesting,” Eric said, tweaking a pert nipple while stroking his leaking rod.  “In that case, I’d want you to take it, you know?  Domineering little daddy with a dick of death…fuck that’s hot…” he groaned.

Liam licked his lips, inching towards the bed while he watched Eric pump and grope away.  He repositioned himself where he’d sat before, his face inches away from the other man’s.  “And I’d want my big bouncing boy to be a screamer,” he said, smiling as Eric blushed.  His husband rarely let loose when they fucked, but when he did the blonde’s wailing moans drove Liam wild.  He leaned in for another kiss, feeling like he’d pressed his lips against a live wire on contact.

They both went rigid, the changes washing over them in rapid succession.  Eric was suddenly filled with a growing pressure that made him feel like a balloon about to pop.  It built until it was just below the threshold of being painful, at which point it faded as quickly as it came in a rapid, all-encompassing release.  Eric felt the unaccustomed heaviness immediately as his body expanded.  His toned pecs became plump and round, resting like a shelf on top of the prominent gut that had sprouted beneath them.  His arms and legs followed suit, both growing thick and beefy as the lingering remains of his formerly-ample definition were erased for good.  Even the sharp features of his face softened as his cheeks puffed and he developed a small double chin, a sight he was only able to see reflected back at him when Liam’s head suddenly stopped blocking the mirror across the room.  While Eric’s body had grown, Liam’s had shrunk.  In a flash, the dark-skinned stud found himself staring at the blonde’s meaty new chest instead of looking his lover in the eye.  For an instant, Liam reeled at how huge the now-beefy man seemed, but his attention was quickly pulled to the inflating nipples pointed in his direction.  The nubs were like small fingertips poking off Eric’s chest, a perfect complement to the equally nubby little cock that was now nestled between the blonde’s chunky thighs.  It looked even smaller when Liam gawked down at it, having to look past his own expanded club in the process.

And then, as quickly as it began it was over.  The paralyzing tension faded, leaving both men gasping for breath as they collapsed against each other.  There was a moment of stunned silence as they stared back and forth between themselves, realization slowly dawning.

“Oh…oh shit…it was real after all…” Eric finally stammered.

“Fuck!”  Liam hopped off the bed, stumbling on his shortened legs.  He was wild eyed as he looked around the room from his altered perspective, his thick, nearly foot-long club swinging wildly.  “What the fuck?!”

Eric followed suit, his face going red as he hefted himself off the bed and felt his extra new weight settle.  His formerly firm body now shifted and rubbed against itself in unfamiliar ways, sending odd ripples of pleasure up his spine.  While Liam still looked more or less the same, only shorter, his beefy new body was unrecognizable.  He’d gone from tight and twinkish to a burly bear, minus the hair.  “Look…look at us…” he stammered, his rounded face going crimson when he finally noticed the tiny nub beneath his new gut.  It couldn’t have been more than three inches, but all of them throbbed when he saw the look of pure lust in Liam’s wide eyes.

“I guess this is what we asked for,” Liam said with a dazed laugh.  The shrunken man was clearly in shock as he looked down at his diminished frame, and the massive monster hanging off it.

Eric poked his belly with one hand and shivered when he gave one of his thickened nipples a tentative touch.  “You were right…this was a terrible idea.”

“I wouldn’t say that,” Liam grinned, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around his husband’s widened midsection.  “You’re every bit as sexy as I thought you’d be,” he said, giving Eric’s meaty new ass a squeeze.

Despite his shock, the inflated blonde’s stomach fluttered at the compliment.  Looking down at the compact lover in his arms, the sight nearly made him cum by itself.  “Li…likewise babe,” he stammered.  “This is just a lot, right?  Shouldn’t we be finding a way to fix thiiiiIIIIEEEE!”  Eric let out a wailing howl when Liam leaned forward and wrapped his lips around one of the rigid nipples.  He bucked and spasmed, blushing at both the sound and the way his new bulk shook from the movement.  “Oh…oh fuck that’s gggGOOOHHUUHHH!”  He let out another when Liam switched sides and reached down to easily swallow his diminished equipment with one hand.

“Music to my ears,” Liam sighed, the words drowned out by Eric’s grunting bellows as he continued to work the now-taller man’s chest.  “Little guy’s about to pop already,” he said, wiping his cum-slick palm against his husband’s protruding stomach.  Liam’s smug tone and usage of “little guy” made Eric groan even harder.  The expanded blonde loved it whenever his husband took charge in bed, a sensation that had just been magnified for both of them.  He gave Eric’s fattened cakes a loud slap and stepped back, looking the bigger man slowly up and down.  “Well?  You wanted to be fucked silly by a little guy.  Get that ass in bed and let’s do this.”

Eric felt another quick stab of humiliation when the other man stepped away and he saw his beefy new frame, but the embarrassment was quickly mitigated by the look of pure desire in Liam’s eyes.  After all, they’d done this for each other, and even now Eric was starting to think that he could deal with a few extra pounds if it meant making Liam this happy.  He knew the other man couldn’t be having any easier of at time adjusting to suddenly being 5’6”, though it didn’t show in the way he was taking charge.  Eric flopped onto his back, loving the way Liam’s massive cock felt slapping against his side when his husband climbed up after him.

“Get these big boys in the air,” Liam barked, pinching Eric’s widened thighs.  The beefy blonde had no choice but to look at his alterations when he hefted his heavier legs into the air, staring down past his inflated nipples and squished gut, looking squarely at his pointless nub of a cock as he fought to keep himself in position.  It wasn’t as easy as it used to be at his new size, but Liam was still as strong as ever, and the smaller man seemed to love the access it gave him to Eric’s new girth.  He playfully bit and kissed the jiggling thighs as he shook and squeezed them, his bulbous new head already pressing against the prone man’s eager hole.  “Definitely got some meat now,” Liam sighed. “If I knew it was going to be this hot I’d have wanted you bigger.”

Eric blushed under Liam’s unwavering gaze, arching his back as the other man kneaded his shrunken equipment.  “Gl…glad you like it…” he groaned, his fingers digging into the covers.

“You having regrets on your end,” Liam asked, running his tongue along the inside of Eric’s thigh.

The blonde quickly shook his head.  “Not at all…you’re so hot like this I can’t stand it,” he panted.

“Oh, just wait,” Liam grinned, thrusting his inflated cock inside.

Eric lost himself in a cacophonous roar of cracking whimpers.  He writhed and spasmed, his new bulk shaking and rippling with the slightest movement.  The extra weight caused the bed to slam against the wall, and he knew his howling moans could be heard throughout the entire hotel, but he couldn’t stop himself.  It was so bad that Eric eventually found his discarded briefs stuffed back in his mouth, and even then he grunted and huffed against them.  Liam beamed at him with a smug grin the whole time, clearly loving every second of Eric’s frenzied state.  He kept goading the chunky hunk, alternating between reassuring coos of “daddy’s got you” to pointing out how delighted he was by the size of Eric’s shrunken cock and the way it leaked incessantly.  As before, Liam worked his new club with the same precision as he had when it was smaller, driving Eric to the brink again and again before they both eventually fell over.

“The faces you make are even cuter now,” Liam panted as he let the other man’s legs drop.  He crawled up and pulled the briefs from Eric’s mouth before collapsing against his husband’s expansive, heaving chest.

Eric swallowed hard and shuddered as his sensitive nipples brushed against Liam’s smooth torso.  “That was incredible,” he finally said, loving how his shrunken lover felt nestled against him.  They caught their breath in silence for several minutes, trying their best to process what had happened now that the initial surge of lust was fading.  “So you…you really like me this way,” Eric asked, the embarrassment he’d kept at bay trying its best to creep back in.

“Honey, I love you no matter what you look like,” Liam said, lifting his head and planting a long, slow kiss.  He thumbed one of Eric’s nipples as he broke it off and laughed at the other man’s loud gasp.  “And yes, you’ve never been hotter.  What about me?  This as much fun as you thought it’d be,” Liam asked, letting out a gasp of his own when Eric grabbed him and easily rolled them both over.  He wasn’t used to being manhandled, but he didn’t hate it.

“Even better,” Eric said, gripping Liam’s perky little cheeks as he squirmed his stomach against the massive cock wedged between them.  “Do you think it’s permanent?”

They both looked at their rings, now considerably less vibrant than they had been earlier.  Instead of glowing bands of golden light, they just looked like mundane jewelry.  “I think so,” Liam said, surprising himself by how little the knowledge bothered him.

“How do we…I mean…what are people going to say when they see us?”  Eric blushed when he thought about his bulky, tiny-dicked new body in the locker room, but he couldn’t feel bad for himself when he knew Liam would be walking around a full head shorter than everyone else with a swinging log between his legs.  As with his husband, the thought that they were stuck in their current forms wasn’t nearly as terrible as he thought it would be, though the already-stiffening log wedged against his belly helped ease the transition.

“Who cares,” Liam shrugged.  “People have always had a problem with us for one reason or another.  What’s one more thing to add to the list?  Besides,” he said, slowly sliding his way down Eric’s torso until his face hovered above the other man’s twitching nub.  “We didn’t do this for them.  We did this for each other, remember?”



You couldn’t have picked a better set of physical changes. And I love the concept of the subjects choosing their own fates. Great episode!


I've fantasized about pretty much this exact premise with my boyfriend...so thanks for writing this :)