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“I’m…I’m gonna…nnngghhh…” Mark grunted, a wave of euphoria washing over him.  It wasn’t the usual endorphin rush that accompanied his sticky eruption, but something deeper.  With Tyler’s eyes glued to his naked, shuddering frame the whole time, Mark felt an unaccustomed sense of vulnerability.  Normally when he came it was either by himself or into one of the many girls he hooked up with on a regular basis.  It wasn’t that he’d never been witnessed in such a state, there were plenty of women on campus who’d seen his girthy rod explode, but with them it was different.  The dark-haired jock viewed them as conquests, the spraying, salty rain a sign of his victory over them, not the other way around.  It was never something he’d shared with another guy before.   Now, Mark had nothing to conquer and no one to compete with, leaving only Tyler’s amused grin as he tensed and whimpered, spraying all over his plump pecs.

“Big shooter,” the wiry man whistled, watching Mark’s churning balls unload like a firehose.  “How have you not drowned any of these sorority girls?”

The spasming stud blushed, equally surprised at the intensity of his release.  He’d never cum so forcefully, or so much, in his life.  He chalked it up to the novelty of the situation, his stomach fluttering a little when he thought about Tyler’s impressed tone.  He dropped his head back against the wall, trying to be subtle as he watched his friend continue to slowly stroke himself.  “It’s not usually so…messy,” he said with a bashful grin, suddenly aware of the liquid running down his heaving slab of a chest.  “I should, uh, go clean up.”

“Not so fast,” Tyler chided when Mark started to stand.  “I’m not done yet.  I thought we were doing this together?”

“Oh!  Uh, right,” Mark stammered, his boyish face flushing a deeper shade of red.  He’d actually wanted to stay and watch, he just couldn’t bring himself to say the words.  Though his meticulously scrubbed search history would never show it, the embarrassed jock had looked up plenty of gay porn over the years.  It was his secret shame, something he didn’t even like to admit to himself, but while he’d watched countless men cum on screen he’d yet to actually witness it in person.

“You’re allowed to like it,” Tyler sighed, his eyes drooping.  “I’m not Captain Varsity like some people in the room, but you could do worse for your first time, right?”  After an awkward silence he opened one eye and laughed at the flustered look on the other man’s face.  “That was me fishing for a compliment, by the way.”

“Dude, of course I could do…I mean, obviously you’re…uh, in great shape.  Fuckin’ killer abs, man,” Mark said, failing to sound as casual as he’d hoped.  He’d dropped his voice a few octaves and tried to sound like he did when he was in the locker room, not the bedroom.

“Is that all I am to you? A set of abs?”  Tyler’s eyes never left Mark’s while he mock-pouted.  The smaller man loved the way his roommate squirmed, and the way the other man was so obviously checking him out.  “Seems like you’re staring at my dick pretty hard.”

“What?! No! I mean I’m not, like, staring, I just…” Mark trailed off, realizing the trap he’d walked into when he saw the obvious glee on Tyler’s face.  “I’m just wondering if it still works since you haven’t blown yet.  Doesn’t matter how nice it looks if it can’t get the job done,” he finished.

“So you think it looks…nice…” Eyes still locked, Tyler tensed and sprayed, his modest release paling in comparison to the sticky jock’s.

Mark forced his eyes away from the softening organ, his own thick log starting to twitch again.  “Can I go clean up now?”

Tyler raised an eyebrow, stretching like a cat on the bed.  “Want any help with that?”

“I think I’m good, thanks,” Mark said, hoping the other man didn’t notice the way his cock surged at the offer.  He was out the door and halfway to the bathroom before he even realized he was still naked.  Since Tyler had moved in he’d kept his exposure to a minimum when they were both home.  He’d go around for brief periods without a shirt but the lazy weekends of lounging in his boxer briefs, or sharing a bathroom while one of his straight friends showered, was a thing of the past.  It wasn’t that the idea of Tyler checking him out made Mark uncomfortable, but more that he didn’t want to make the other man feel weird.  He’d never shared a space with a gay guy like this before, so his default behavior was to act as if he was sharing the space with a woman.  Now, scrubbing his ample muscle in the shower, Mark felt foolish for never just asking Tyler in the first place.

He was also excited.  Amidst the whirlwind of new emotions making his head spin, Mark felt a rush of freedom that he’d never experienced.  Beyond the fact that he’d finally dipped his toes into the well of shameful curiosity that plagued him his whole life, his relationship with Tyler had reached a point that was less inhibited than any of his other friends.  His stuffy, limiting perceptions of how he thought he was supposed to act around the other man had been turned on their head.  Mark thought he’d had more options when he roomed with one of his straight buddies, but with them the supposed “freedom” came with so many rules.  He had to be careful how he looked at them.  When he was lounging in his underwear he had to be careful not to get hard.  All they could talk about was sports or girls.  If they ever touched at all it was only in a “horsing around” or competitive way, unless they were drunk, in which case there was an excuse for the lingering hands.

With Tyler, there were none of those stipulations.  Mark could be whoever or however he wanted, and the lean, handsome hunk could do the same.  It was overwhelming.  He’d always thought Tyler was attractive, but he’d bit down on it just like all the other times over the years.  He wouldn’t let himself acknowledge it or think about it beyond a surface level, the same way he did with all his other male friends who turned him on.  But with them, there was an out.  With them, since he knew they were straight, he could force the thought away.  With Tyler, the option was always there.  Tyler actually might return his affection.  Tyler might also be turned on by him.  The door was always open, and the more he tried to push the other man from his thoughts, the more time Mark spent thinking about how attractive the wiry brunette’s sharp face was, and how he was equally jealous of, and turned on by, his roommates bright little briefs.  After their recent fun, Mark could now add Tyler’s perky little bubble and long, thick cock to the list.

The brawny jock swooned in the shower, leaning against the wall for support as a weight he never realized he was carrying began to lessen.  With a single, shared jerk off session his entire perspective had seemingly shifted.  Before he even realized it was happening, Mark’s rigid, untouched cock began spraying again, this time blasting the shower wall with enough force that the stunned stud felt the splash back.  He blinked down at the spurting club, glad that he wasn’t coating himself again, but a little concerned at the unanticipated release.  Mark dried off while he softened, hesitating when he started to wrap the towel around his waist.  He hung it back up to dry instead, telling himself that he no longer had anything to hide from Tyler after what they’d done together.

The other man appeared to feel the same way as Mark sauntered out to find his friend rummaging through the kitchen in nothing but a pair of tiny, hot pink briefs.  The thin underwear perfectly accentuated his solid bubble, and when Tyler turned around, Mark couldn’t help but drop his eyes to the hefty bulge.  “Ohhhh, someone’s feelin’ herself,” Tyler laughed, making a show of checking out the naked jock.

Mark both beamed and blushed, his massive arm flexing as he reached up to run a bashful hand through his damp, dark hair.  “Is this cool?  We never really talked about it.  I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything, but I usually don’t wear so much when I’m just chillin’.”

“By all means, wear as little as you like,” Tyler said, looking down at himself.  “I’m assuming this is a two-way street?”

“Bro, absolutely,” Mark nodded.  “Whatever feels good.”

“That sounds like a challenge,” Tyler purred.

Mark only grinned, well aware that the other man’s eyes were glued to his muscled globes as they shifted with each heavy step toward his bedroom.  He could already tell he was going to like this new dynamic. The problem came when he stepped into his room and pulled open his dresser drawer.  Looking down at his drab boxer briefs, the naked jock suddenly realized how much he hated them.  Compared to Tyler’s bright briefs, the unremarkable underwear seemed comically oversized, like he’d be wearing pants under his pants.

His thoughts snowballed from there.  Looking around the room and thinking about the rest of his wardrobe, Mark felt sick to his stomach at the thought of putting any of it on.  Against his newfound sense of freedom, it seemed like a step backwards.  His underwear was meant to minimize his hefty package, not accentuate it, just like his shorts and jeans diminished his muscled bubble and meaty thighs.  And while he had t-shirts that showed off his prominent pecs and powerful arms they still left his abs covered.  For the most part, everything was loose and baggy and meant to hide his body, not show it off.  But he was done hiding.

“Everything okay in here?”

Mark shook his head and looked up to see Tyler staring at him from the doorway.  “Oh, uh, yeah, what’s up?”

The wiry brunette nodded down at the open dresser.  “You tell me.  You’re the one who’s been standing there staring at a drawer full of underwear muttering under his breath for the last ten minutes.”

Mark blushed again.  He could feel the embarrassment coming, but that didn’t stop him from saying what was on his mind.  “I think I…I think I hate all of this stuff,” he said, pulling out a wad of black and grey.

Tyler took a pair of black boxer briefs and held them up in front of his waist, shaking his head as the legs reached nearly to his knees.  “I mean, isn’t this what you dudes wear so you can look all butch in the locker room?”

“Who the fuck wants to do that,” Mark groaned, rolling his eyes.  He blinked afterwards, seeming genuinely surprised by what he’d just said, and what he was about to.  “This might sound weird, but do you have an extra pair?  I don’t even know if they’d fit, but I’d only be borrowing them!  Just until I can order some of my own,” he said quickly.

Tyler smiled and cocked his head, tapping a finger against his lips.  “With your olive skin tone you seem like a lavender…be right back,” he said, hurrying away.

Mark was giddy with excitement.  Once again his cock rocketed to life, but he didn’t even think about trying to cover himself before Tyler came back.  Instead all he did was grin like an excited puppy at the sight of the pale, purple underwear in his friend’s hand, seemingly oblivious to his rigid girder.

“They’re definitely not going to fit with that thing like that,” Tyler said as Mark snatched the underwear from his hand.  He watched the fabric stretch near to bursting as it slid up the sculpted stud’s meaty thighs, eventually settling into place as little more than a strip of fabric around the broad jock’s midsection.  Hard as it was, Mark’s cock jutted out the top and wedged up against his abs, his churning balls still filling the pouch, while the back did almost nothing to conceal his ample cheeks.

To Mark, they were perfect.  His face lit up as he inspected his reflection, unbothered by the fact that he was prancing around in his roommates ill-fitting underwear with his fat, hard cock hanging out.  “They’re a little snug, but so much better,” he sighed, turning and looking over a shoulder at the way his muscled globes spilled out the back.

“Hate to interrupt, but you’re leaking,” Tyler said, dropping his eyes to the copious pre-cum spilling down from the other man’s oozing head.

Mark gasped when he looked down, lowering his face just in time to get blasted by another spontaneous eruption.  As in the shower he swayed on his feet, but without a wall to lean against he found himself falling into Tyler’s arms, taking them both to the ground when his knees gave out.  “Wh…whoa…” Mark panted, loving the sensation of the other man’s wiry body pressed against his back.  Tyler’s arms were wrapped around his waist, both of them kneeling, but instead of trying to pull away, the heavy jock settled into the embrace.  “Sorry…I don’t know why that keeps happening.  It happened in the shower, too.  Ever since we jerked off earlier I’ve been spraying left and right.  If I ruined these I’ll get you a new pair.”

“It’s fine.  You can keep ‘em as part of your Coming Out present,” Tyler said, giving the straining elastic a snap.

“My…what?  What’re you talking about,” Mark asked, not sure why his heart started racing.

“You really don’t remember, do you?”

Mark shivered as Tyler’s hands began sliding up his once-again sticky abs.  “What do you mean?  Remember what?”  He gasped when the other man made it to his pecs and tweaked his tiny nipples, feeling his cock throbbing already.

“I wondered if this would happen.  Think back…think hard…to the other night.  You don’t remember getting super drunk and breaking down about how you wish you could come out like me?  You told me all about it.”

“I did?  No I…didn’t…” Mark froze, a hazy memory punching through the fog of his growing freedom.  Tyler was telling him the truth.  He didn’t know he possibly could have forgotten.  He hadn’t even been that drunk, not really.  He’d just used it as a pretext to unload on the other man and still have some level of deniability.  He could always just blame it on being drunk afterwards if things went south.

Mark had heard the rumors about what Tyler could do.  It was the real reason he’d been so quick to offer up his place when the other man needed a new apartment.  The practical-minded jock didn’t know if he really believed in magic, but he was desperate.  Mark was so sick of hiding who he really was.  After all the years of pretending to be something he wasn’t, he’d reached his breaking point.  He was only twenty three, and he didn’t want to spend another second living a lie.  He’d already wasted enough time.

The problem was that he didn’t know how to stop.  Mark didn’t believe he had the courage to speak his truth on his own, and he hoped that Tyler, with his supposed magic, might be able to help.  The other man had listened with a sympathetic ear, and he’d offered several mundane solutions like therapy or support groups that Mark could explore, but the impatient jock didn’t want to wait that long.  Tyler’s warnings about what could happen if they rushed things via a supernatural option didn’t matter either.  Mark wanted to be rid of his burden once and for all, and he’d take whatever risks were necessary.  Tyler had agreed, saying that he needed a day to get ready, and then the ritual would culminate with their jerking off together, a fact that Mark couldn’t believe he’d forgotten.

“Oh…oh god…” the addled jock groaned.  “It’s…it’s really happening.  Wait!  Can we wait?  I think I changed my mind about this…”

“Sorry stud,” Tyler purred.  “We actually talked about this.  No going back now.”

“But…but why can’t I stop cumming?” Mark panted, his sticky pecs heaving.  His cock was already leaking again and he could feel himself nearing the edge.  “What’s happening to me?”

Tyler’s tone was gentle as he rested his head on the other man’s broad shoulder.  “That’s what we’re in the middle of finding out,” he said, slipping a hand lower to stroke the underside of Mark’s pulsing organ.  “As for the spraying, I think that’s your body releasing all the pent up stuff you wanted to be rid of.  You seem a bit more…relaxed…after each one.  The real question is whether or not there are going to be any physical changes.”

“Physical?  What do you meeeEEEEE…!”  Mark broke off in a howl, his back arching as another explosion tore through him.  This time it was accompanied by a sense of pressure at his chest, but instead of the heart attack he feared, Mark watched the already-prominent mounds expand outward.  As soon as they’d settled into a pair of matched, muscled balloons the tingling flowed south, and Mark watched in terrified wonder as his waist pinched inward, pushing the flesh down to inflate his body below the waist.  Meaty thighs grew thicker and rounder while his ass packed on layer after supple layer, his solid, seven inches extending another four in the process.  It happened so fast Mark’s stunned mind couldn’t keep up, leaving him blinking at a stranger’s reflection before he even knew what was going on.  Whoever he was looking at, the man wasn’t chiseled and tapering the way he had been, but thick and curvy.  He had solid, juicy muscle tits hanging over a Barbie-doll waist, counterbalanced by the squished melons and skull-crushing thighs he currently knelt on.  Capping it all off was what looked like a fleshy wine bottle and a pair of hairy oranges that churned incessantly, leaving a steady stream dripping from the oversized tip.  “What just…is that…is this…really me?”  Mark’s hands shook as he prodded at himself, his eyes going wide when he reached behind to palm his massive globes.

The round cheeks seemed to go on forever.  Their growth had pushed the uselessly small underwear down, but it took Mark a moment to realize he wasn’t searching for it as he clutched and kneaded his altered bottom.  He didn’t fully understand what he was doing as he spread the inviting mountains anymore than he knew why he was rooting around in Tyler’s briefs at the same time.  It wasn’t until he felt the other man’s solid cock brush against his ravenous hole that he put it all together, but by then it was too late.

“FFFFFUUUUUUCCCCKKK,” he roared, slamming back to fully impale himself on Tyler’s perfect cock.  His inflated pecs rippled almost as much as his ass, but all he could focus on was how wonderful the other man felt inside him.  “Ohhhhhh shit this is good…” he grunted as he leaned forward and began swiveling his hips in earnest.

The lean man grabbed on as Mark took control, seeming just as surprised as his friend.  “Guess that means…you’re…feeling okay…” he gasped.

“I feel fuckin’ great, bro,” Mark barked, a dazed grin on his face.  “Look at me!  Fat fuckin’ ass, dick for days, tits so big they practically need a bra…goddamn!  Might as well get ‘Cum Dump’ tattooed on my forehead,” he cheered, sounding like he was about to hit the field with the rest of the team.  And he meant it.  Mark knew he should be mortified by his appearance, but all he felt was pride.  Thinking about strutting around with his warped proportions and showpiece cock on display didn’t bring a rush of embarrassment or humiliation, only joy.  As he heard himself whimper and groan and scream, and felt himself shake and jiggle in unfamiliar ways, he didn’t think embarrassment or shame were emotions he could even feel anymore.  Tyler could have been pounding him at the front of a crowded lecture hall and he wouldn’t have batted an eye.  It only would have made things more fun.  “Wait…wait wait wait…I wanna see you…” Mark panted.  Without warning, he popped off the end of Tyler’s cock, rolled over, and forcefully pulled the other man forward so that he was being straddled.  As soon as he was in position, Mark grabbed Tyler’s cock and began working it between his inflated pecs, his mouth falling open in ecstasy.  Squeezing the plump mounds together around his friend’s cock was like having a pussy in the middle of his chest.  He bucked and writhed, whimpering and moaning uncontrollably, his face twisting in glorious contortions of ecstasy.  He was slack-jawed, wide-eyed and entirely ready for what was to come.

The shreds of the old Mark had given up.  The hesitant, closeted jock didn’t want to fight anymore.  If there truly was no going back, his only option was to embrace the change.  It wasn’t at all what he’d imagined, but that didn’t mean it was worse.  Based on the electric bliss rocketing through his disproportionate frame, it was a dream come true.  And the only thing it cost him was his shame.

Mark let out a cracking wail when he came.  He started and spasmed the way a person sometimes does when they’re just on the edge of sleep, feeling like he was awake for the first time.  The incessant churning in his oversized balls slowed, though it didn’t fully stop, and he beamed up at Tyler as the other man gave a final thrust and fell over the edge himself.

“Mmmmmm…” Mark sighed, Tyler’s release blasting him in the face.  He began lapping at it immediately, his hands gently stroking his friend’s thighs.  “You taste good, bro,” he grinned, his heavy new chest bouncing as he darted upright and wrapped his arms around Tyler, pressing their lips together.

The wiry brunette returned the kiss just as eagerly before breaking it off and searching Mark’s wide, bright eyes.  “You still in there, big guy?”

The dark-haired jock nodded.  “Of course, dude!  Am I talking funny, bro?  I feel like I sound weird?”

Tyler smiled and shrugged.  “You sound…enthusiastic.  Like you’re excited.”

“I am excited, bud!  I can’t wait to try this thing out!”  Mark shifted Tyler off his lap and climbed to his feet.  He wobbled at his new center of gravity but quickly found his balance, grinning from ear to ear as he shook his massive new globes.  “This is, like, the best fuckin’ day ever!”

“I’m glad you like it.  You seemed a little…hesitant…at first.”  Tyler searched Mark’s giddy expression, trying to determine if his friend just had a positive new attitude, or if something deeper had been rewired, or removed from the other man’s brain.  “How’s your head feel?”

“I’m not dumb, bro, if that’s what you’re asking,” Mark said, reaching over to tousle Tyler’s short brown hair.  “At least not any dumber than I always was.”  He paused, his smile fading for a moment before returning in full.  “Guess I just don’t feel like I need to impress anyone?  Whoa…this is real trippy,” he laughed, his eyes going wide.  “It’s like I’m not worried about anything.  At all.”

“As long as you’re happy,” Tyler said as he stepped forward and ran a finger down the deep valley of Mark’s new chest.  He gave his friend’s new body a slow look up and down, raising an eyebrow.  “You’re definitely going to need some new clothes.  I think borrowing stuff from me is officially out the window.”

Mark flexed his inflated shelf against the other man’s hand, his enlarged cock already twitching again.  “No rush.”


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