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Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd share some pictures from the actual area that inspired Fir Hollow.  The town in the stories isn't a direct translation, but this should give you a rough idea.  

(For the sake of attribution, the bulk of these photos are pulled from various tourism sites, though I took a few of the ones in the woods.  I lost most of mine from down there when I ditched my social media a few years ago.  Remember to back up your photos before deleting that instagram!)


Former asylum turned condos.
View of the valley.
More valley.
Up in the mountains (doesn't usually look this processed)
Exterior of the old rail tunnel.
Old rail tunnel.
Out in the surrounding woods.
Hard to tell, but this is all on the side of a mountain.
My friend wouldn't let me go in there.
Former asylum turned condos.
Interior of the hospital before renovation. Lots of architecture like this down here.
Downtown at night.
More downtown.
Looking down on downtown.



It's fantastic that you have a physical place in mind while writing Fir Hollow. This adds so much to the story and really gives it character! Thank you for sharing these photos of inspiration and context!

