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Dylan’s lungs burned, his slim chest heaving as he rounded the final corner.  His smooth torso was coated in a thin layer of sweat that made his skin breakout with goosebumps in the cool morning air.  It was one of his favorite sensations, a perfect complement to the endorphins flowing through his system.  Later it would be hot and humid, but the pre-dawn hours, the sky just starting to ignite with bright, crimson-orange clouds as the sun inched above the horizon, were tailor made for a run.  He did at least five miles every morning, usually considerably more, and he wasn’t going to stop just because he and Mark were on vacation.  If anything, the allure of a tropical jog, with the glistening, crystal clear surf on one side, and the lush, fog-shrouded rainforest on the other, only increased the appeal.  If he’d been alone he would have kept going, but he knew Mark would be waking up soon, and they were both eager to see what the small island had to offer.

The lean brunette slowed to a trot when their secluded bungalow came into view.  The small, circular structure sat amidst a dense cluster of palm trees, a thick layer of bright, equatorial fauna forming a natural wall to keep prying eyes at bay.  Not that there were many eyes to pry in the first place.  Dylan had chosen the small island specifically for its isolation.  A small town sat on the northern side, but to the south there were only a handful of beachfront bungalows like the one they’d rented, spaced far enough apart that none of the luxurious little huts and their accompanying plots of sand were within eye- or earshot of each other.  The whole island was little more than a speck of sand in the vast Pacific, only stretching for fifteen miles in any direction.  A dormant volcano jutted up in the center, looming over the lush rainforest that surrounded it and adding to the island’s mystique.  Dylan had stumbled across the listing almost by accident, and he now understood why the reviews all described it as such a “magical” place.

As soon as he’d set eyes on it during the short helicopter ride from the larger island next door, he’d felt like he was looking at something out of a movie.  He’d half expected to see a pterodactyl fly by, or for Kong to stick his massive head up out of the trees.  The island felt ageless, at once ancient and vibrant, like it belonged to another world entirely.  Dylan could tell that Mark had been just as awestruck, but his buff, blonde lover had been more focused on not giving away their status as a couple to the pilot.  The other man had jerked his hand away when Dylan reached for it, despite it being obvious that the pilot had more important things to focus on.

Fortunately, his feelings had long since ceased to be hurt by Mark’s insistence on hiding.  They’d been together for over a year and he knew it wasn’t a rejection, but a defense mechanism.  Mark came from a conservative family in the midwest, and he had a high paying job in a cutthroat, corporate law firm.  Being open was something the bigger man wanted, but he didn’t know how to get there.

It was part of the reason Dylan insisted on the vacation.  He suffered from no such inhibitions, and now that they were both about to hit thirty, he had no desire to keep hiding.  He’d been steadily trying to chip away at Mark’s reluctance over the course of the last year, determined to wear him down.  He had to.  Dylan loved the handsome hunk for more than his sculpted build, but he loved his freedom even more, and there was no future for the two of them if they couldn’t at least get close to the same page on the issue.

Dylan sighed and hooked towards the water line instead of the bungalow.  He kicked off his running shoes and peeled out of his tiny shorts, throwing his toned, naked frame into the gentle waves.  He may not have been built and sculpted like Mark, but he wasn’t shy about his tight, whipcord body, nor did he have any reason to be.  His smooth skin was stretched tight over lean, defined muscle, sporting a perky little bubble and a package that, while not huge, was at least average.  Topping it all off was a sharply featured face and a full head of thick brown hair that complemented the deep tan he was already starting to develop.

He bobbed in the warm surf, feeling the tension flow from his tired legs.  Dylan hadn’t been able to talk Mark into skinny dipping yet, but they’d only been there for a day, so there was still time.  Despite his near-perfect physique, the blonde hunk was surprisingly modest and reserved.  Even when they were alone at one of their homes, Mark hardly ever went unclothed, and on the rare occasions that he did, it was only after a monumental amount of coaxing and a closing of every curtain in the house.  As soon as they’d settled in their bungalow Dylan had stripped down and darted into the waves, but no amount of teasing or pressuring could get Mark to follow suit.  Still, the thing man considered it a partial win that the strapping stud hadn’t insisted on him putting his trunks back on.

The same went for their plush shower.  It was outside, open to the bright blue sky overhead but obscured from view by a thick rainbow of sultry plants.  Mark had seemed awkward and embarrassed when he’d used it, refusing to share it with Dylan the night before, but the frustrated brunette was happy that the other man had used it at all.  He hadn’t told Mark yet that they weren’t leaving the island until he’d gotten a crack at the blonde’s muscled cheeks in it.

Now, as he sauntered up from the ocean and stepped under the broad, waterfall shower head, Dylan didn’t know how he’d ever go back to bathing inside.  It was hard enough to even get dressed.  With the light, floral-scented breeze to dry him in place of a towel,  Dylan went around the bungalow, sliding the walls open until everything but a small section of the back was exposed to the paradise around them.

“You’re not going to take a morning off, even down here?”  The lean man turned at the sound of Mark’s sleepy voice, looking away from the postcard-perfect view of the beach to catch his groggy lover staring at his perky bubble.

“Some of us actually enjoy cardio,” Dylan grinned.

“Yeah, but it means I wake up to an empty bed,” Mark pouted, running a meaty hand over the spot next to him.

“Can’t complain about the view, though.”  Dylan flexed his cheeks before spinning on his heel and darting over to grab the thin sheet, tearing it from the bed.

“Hey!” Mark laughed, failing to catch the sheet as it slipped away.  Unlike Dylan, he had on a pair of small boxer briefs, the closest thing to actual briefs the brunette could get him to wear, but his face still went bright red when he finally noticed the open walls around them.  “Come on, man.  What if someone…” he was cut off when Dylan pounced on him, straddling his waist and pinning him to the bed.  The smaller man felt him tense, and he knew Mark could have easily tossed him aside, but the blushing stud was playing along.  For now.

Dylan considered it another small victory.  His hands kneading Mark’s prominent pecs, he leaned down and gave him a quick kiss, breaking it off before the flustered man could protest.  “Honey, there’s no one here.  We’re the farthest bungalow, meaning there’s nothing but ten miles of jungle that way,” he said, pointing off to the left, “and the closest neighbor is a fifteen minute jog up the beach,” he added, pointing to the right.  “I ran by it this morning just to be safe and there’s no one even staying at it right now.  The people who checked us in said they wouldn’t come by unless we called them, or without them calling us first, so would you PLEASE relax?  I don’t want to spend the whole trip arguing about this.”

Mark sighed, and Dylan could feel the other man relax as the blonde’s strong hands slid up to grab his rear.  “Sorry…it’s a reflex.”

“One we’re going to break you of,” Dylan purred, his stomach fluttering at the bashful look on Mark’s lantern-jawed, All-American face.

He only wished he could get Mark to be the carefree queen that he knew was just waiting to break out.  The uptight Adonis was doing what he’d been programmed to, but every now and then Dylan caught a glimpse of someone bright and flamboyant.  It didn’t happen often, and only in situations where Mark’s guard was completely down, as when his muscled globes had been pounded senseless, but the shift in his personality was unmistakable.  Dylan wasn’t one of those guys obsessed with faux masculinity, and thought of Mark as a flamboyant, femme stud turned him on just as much as the cornfed quarterback routine did.  He knew it was what the other man really wanted, they'd even talked about it the night before, but Mark buttoned back up shortly after.

“Good luck with tha…” the muscled blonde was cut off again, this time by a proper kiss.  When Dylan finally broke it off, there wasn’t anything left to say.  The lean man’s soft, chocolate hair brushed against Mark’s jaw as he kissed along the prone hunk’s neck, working his way over  the sparse, golden hairs covering his slab of a chest and down the slight trail on his tapering washboard.  Mark felt himself blush again when Dylan pulled his underwear down and his thick log sprang free, but he forced his beefy arms behind his head.  His heart raced as he felt the warm air on his naked frame and as he looked around at their open surroundings, every instinct telling him to cover himself up.  He ignored the impulse, focusing instead on how good Dylan’s soft lips felt wrapping around his pulsing organ.  An exhibitionist thrill added to his usual pleasure, making him feel like a horny teenager and leaving him with just as much stamina.  He gasped and erupted much faster than usual into Dylan’s surprised mouth, an apologetic look on his face.  “Sorry…that one took me by surprise,” he panted, stroking a hand through the other man’s hair.

“Don’t apologize.  Just means you’re finally letting loose and having some fun,” Dylan grinned.  “Not so bad, is…” It was his turn to be cut off when Mark shifted without warning, easily flipping them over and picking up where he’d just left off.  Dylan clutched at his lover’s broad back, shivering at the way the other man’s stubble pricked against his skin.  Unlike Mark he stopped his eyes from drifting shut, wanting to enjoy the sight of the strapping hunk so eagerly and openly going to town on his aching cock.  He wanted nothing more than for the other man to slide up and impale himself on his spit-slick cock instead, but he knew that would be too much, too fast.  Still, watching Mark’s short blonde hair bob up and down in the open air, against the expanse of pristine beach behind him, was nearly a dream come true.  Dylan didn’t want it to end, but when he finally let loose his own shuddering explosion, the view of Mark bashfully wiping a cum-drenched mouth was equally enjoyable.  “See,” he asked, gesturing to their still-isolated surroundings.  “Not so bad, is it?  And to think you could have that much fun whenever you wanted…”

“Yeah, yeah,” Mark groaned, rolling his eyes.  He climbed up next to Dylan and slipped an arm under the other man, pulling him close.  “So what do you want to do?  Still want to check out the hiking trails?”

Dylan traced a hand along Mark’s torso, his fingers stopping at the other man’s trimmed bush.  “I mean…since I’ve got you like this, we could always go for a quick swim.”

“Ooorrrrrr, we could go for a hike before it gets too hot, and swim when we get back,” Mark said, giving Dylan a quick peck on the forehead before hopping out of bed.

The smaller man sighed, watching the brief spell fade as the strapping stud slipped on a pair of baggy swim trunks and a loose muscle shirt.  “Don’t think you’re getting out of it that easy,” he warned, pulling on a fresh pair of small, nylon running shorts.  He didn’t bother with a shirt, but he knew better than to try and convince Mark to do the same.

They headed out after a quick breakfast, following the trail map they’d been given when they checked in.  One of the paths near their bungalow supposedly led to a grotto at the base of the volcano, complete with a waterfall and perfect swimming hole.  From what they’d seen of the sparse population Dylan guessed they’d have the place to themselves, a theory that proved to be accurate as they made their way through the lush forest.  They didn’t pass any other hikers, nor did they see any signs that other people had recently been there, leaving the two of them alone to enjoy the sounds of jungle birds and the approaching waterfall.  Dylan reached for Mark’s hand once they were well into the trees, but even here the other man tensed and pulled away. It was the last push the lean brunette needed.  If Mark wouldn’t come out of his shell on his own, he’d have to force the issue.

Once they reached the luscious grotto, Dylan waited for the right opportunity.  He considered putting his plan into action while they explored the waterfall, shivering at the considerably colder water raining down from overheard, but he waited until they were back at the level edge of the deep basin.  He didn’t want Mark to slip and hurt himself on a wet rock, just the slipping part.  As soon as the blonde stud started to peel out of his muscle shirt, Dylan lunged forward and tugged his trunks down, giving him a rough shove into the water before the surprised man could react.  He followed right behind, snatching the trunks as they surfaced and hurling them into the dense growth as far from the edge of the pool as he could.  He sent his own shorts behind, putting on his most innocent grin as the sputtering Mark wiped his eyes.

“That’s not funny!” The blushing blonde growled, frantically looking around to make sure they were still alone.  He instinctively reached down to cover his thick, bobbing cock, and Dylan seized the moment to swim forward, wrapping his toned arms around Mark and leaning in for a kiss before the flustered hunk could stop him.

“Would you just relax,” Dylan said, reaching up to stroke his fingers through the other man’s damp hair.  “When are you going to have another opportunity like this?  It’d be a crime to waste it.”

Mark was unconvinced, but his resistance at least showed signs of cracking.  “What if someone…you know…sees us?”

“Then they’re in for a treat,” Dylan purred, pulling Mark’s hands away and grinding their twitching rods together as he locked eyes.  “Listen to what I’m saying - you’re not in the office…you’re not in the city…it’s just the two of us in paradise.  It’s fine.”  He knew he’d won when Mark’s meaty hands slipped down and grabbed his firm little cheeks.  He could feel the other man’s broad frame relax in his arms, his expression going from deer-in-headlights to a bashful grin.

“I mean…we ARE on vacation, right?” Mark asked, punctuating the question with another quick kiss before dunking them both underwater.

As much as he wanted to, Dylan didn’t push for a more intimate encounter.  He was content watching Mark’s brawny, naked frame splash and float in the sparkling water, and he was proud when his modest lover actually climbed out to stand under the waterfall, putting his exposed muscle entirely on display.  The cracks he’d been hoping for were already starting to show as the uptight man began to let loose: his posture was less forced, he became more expressive when he spoke, and he started to give a little giggle when he laughed that drove Dylan wild.  It was a short-lived glimpse of the real Mark, and it was over all too soon.

After a few hours of splashing and lounging in the secluded Eden they reluctantly decided to head back, but they immediately hit a snag when Mark climbed out in search of their discarded shorts.  He found Dylan’s, but his trunks and muscle shirt were nowhere in sight.

“They have to be right here,” Mark cried, the relaxed version of himself rapidly vanishing as his embarrassment started to creep back in.  “I watched yours land right by mine.  Do you think an animal grabbed them?  Where could they have…” he trailed off when his eyes caught a scrap of unfamiliar fabric, his already crimson face going a shade deeper as he held up a small speedo bearing a bright, tropical print.

“Looks like someone else had the same idea,” Dylan laughed, slipping back into his shorts.

“It’s not funny!  What am I supposed to do?”

“They look brand new.  Just wear those,” Dylan said as he walked over and inspected the surprisingly pristine swimwear.  “Or you could just go as you are…I wouldn’t complain about that.”

“You wish,” Mark sighed, a pained look on his face as he slid the speedo into place.  He adjusted the clinging material, surprised to find the tiny garment a perfect fit.  “Huh.  That’s lucky, at least.  They’re kinda cute, too,” he said, looking over a shoulder at his accentuated globes as he flexed his meaty rear.  He froze when he caught himself posing, a shell shocked look on his face when he realized what he was doing.  He looked up and caught Dylan watching with an equally surprised, though significantly more hungry, expression.  “Girl, don’t get used to it,” he said, his eyes going wide.  He cleared his throat and started stomping off, forcing his mouth to stay shut.

“Put a speedo on her and suddenly she’s sassy,” Dylan laughed, taking a moment to appreciate the view of Mark’s ample, shifting cheeks as the other man walked away before trotting to catch up.  “It’s a good look.”

“I feel ridiculous,” Mark grumbled, his regular gait thrown off as he kept constantly tugging on the revealing swimwear.

“Something wrong?” Dylan asked, purposely slowing his pace so he could prolong the other man’s squirming.  He knew Mark would change as soon as they were back at their bungalow, so he wanted to take advantage of the situation while he could.

“Maybe these aren’t such a good fit after all.  They’re starting to feel tighter than I…thought…” Mark trailed off, his voice catching in his throat.  He gave the exposed portion of his cheek a squeeze, feeling the muscled globe yield in an unfamiliar manner while also filling more of his hand than it should.

“You’re probably just not used to wearing them,” Dylan said, his casual tone choking off in a gasp when he looked behind to see the source of Mark’s concern.  The tropical speedo that had just recently been a perfect fit was now wedged deep between a pair of significantly larger cheeks.  It shouldn’t have been possible, but even without the skimpy swimwear suddenly riding low on the cresting mounds, Dylan had spent enough time with his face buried between them to be intimately familiar with their shape and size.

“What?  What is it?” Mark asked, his other hand frantically grabbing the remaining cheek.

“Your ass…it’s…bigger,” Dylan stammered, his cock twitching at the sight of Mark’s inflated cakes.  They hadn’t reached freakish proportions, but there was no getting around the fact that the already-ample globes officially looked out of proportion with the rest of him.  The firm muscle had somehow sprouted a thick, soft layer, adding a previously absent jiggle to the blonde’s meaty bubble.

“WHAT?!” Mark shrieked, letting go of one cheek to give a desperate wave of his hand.  The unusually high pitch and unaccustomed movement struck both men as odd, but they had bigger concerns.

“Did you get bit or stung by something while we were swimming,” Dylan asked, his lust momentarily overshadowed by concern.  “Does it hurt?”

Mark shook his head.  “If I didn’t feel the speedo getting tighter I wouldn’t even have noticed,” he said, blushing when Dylan gave one of the cheeks a heavy bounce.

“I think you’d have felt that,” he laughed, unable to take his eyes off the rippling pillows.

“This soooooooo isn’t funny,” Mark whined, his eyes going wide as he watched his hand wave around again, matching the foreign speech pattern.  “O…omigod…what am I even doing…” he stammered, emphasizing the last two words as he grabbed the obstinate hand and clutched it against his chest.  His whole body turned crimson, and he gave Dylan a pleading look.  “Babe, do I sound…funny…” he broke off in a dramatic gasp, answering his own question.  Not only was the way he spoke changing, the tone of his voice was different as well.  It was still deep and bassy, but there were more peaks and valleys, a variation of inflection and emphasis that hadn’t been there previously.

Dylan didn’t know what to say.  “I think you sound just fine,” he offered, his hand still clutching a jiggling melon.

“Ugh, you would,” Mark sighed, rolling his eyes.  He froze when he caught himself in the act, afraid to even breathe lest his body continue to betray him.  “Can…can we just go back to the house, please.”

Dylan nodded, staying quiet when Mark reached over and held his hand.  He knew something strange was happening, but for whatever reason, he couldn’t bring himself to be worried.  Mark’s metamorphosis just felt right, like a butterfly leaving its cocoon or a flower blossoming for the first time.  And despite the fear the other man must be feeling, he knew, on some level, that Mark felt the same way.  The altered stud should have been a wreck, blind with panic or at the very least demanding medical attention.

They walked in silence for almost a mile before Mark spoke again.  He cleared his throat first in a futile attempt at regaining his normal voice, but was immediately disappointed as soon as he opened his mouth.  “So, like,” he chirped, pausing a moment before continuing, “what are the odds we, I don’t know, got poisoned by some tropical flower and are just, like, imagining all this?”  He shook his head, squeezing Dylan’s hand for support.  “Omigod, I sound tooootally ridiculous,” he groaned.

“Why?  Because you’ve got a little flair in your voice?  There’s nothing wrong with the way you sound,” Dylan said, squeezing back.

“What are people going to think when they hear me?  Or when they see me?!  Look at this thing!”  Mark bounced his massive bottom, nearly causing the back of the speedo to slip free entirely.

“If they’re cool, they’ll be jealous,” Dylan whistled.  “Muscle AND a booty?  Who wouldn’t want that?”

“Until I open my mouth and everyone hears how relentlessly gay I am,” the bottom-heavy hunk pouted.

“Hon, you know how I feel about that already…”

“Yeah, I…know…” Mark stopped abruptly and spun to glare at Dylan, a balled fist resting on his trim hip.  “Come to think of it, this is, like, EXACTLY what you’ve always told me to be, isn’t it?  Did you have something to do with this!?”

“What?!  No!  Seriously, Mark, I mean it.  First of all…how?  Second, it’s not ME that’s been telling you to be anything…I’ve just tried to get you to be yourself.”  Dylan pulled the other man close, pressing his forehead against Mark’s as he held him.  “I’m not going to lie and say I’m unhappy with the new you, but that doesn’t mean I had anything to do with it.”

“I know.  I’m sorry, I’m just super freaking out right now and I…I…” Mark paused when he instinctively ground his bulge against Dylan, his jaw dropping when he looked down.  “Umm…ooookaaaayyy,” he purred.

Dylan stepped back, his toned legs nearly giving out at what he saw.  Instead of housing an average package, it looked like someone had wedged a grapefruit in his shorts, the straining pouch now so full that it pulled the elastic waist away from his lean frame.  “Where did THAT come from?!” Dylan cried, his face going beet red at the way the stuffed basket shifted when he moved.

“Not so easy to just wrap your head around, is it,” Mark teased, reaching down to tug the other man’s shorts open.  He licked his lips at the beast that spilled out, at least four inches longer than Dylan’s original hose and triple the thickness.  “I’ve got something I’d like to wrap around it…” he muttered to himself, his original reservations seemingly forgotten as he reached down and fondled his lover’s altered package.

“Mark…wa…wait…” Dylan gasped, his eyes going wide when his colossal new cock started twitching to life.  The equally heavy balls were already churning in earnest, the steady stream of pre-cum making his new equipment self-lubricating.  “Don’t you get it?  We just talked last night about how you feel like you have to pretend, and now look at you.  The changes…I think they’re…what we wanted…” he groaned, reaching for the blonde’s broad shoulders to steady himself.

“Well THAT hardly seems fair,” Mark said, a hungry look in his eyes as he absently tugged on Dylan’s leaking new monster.  “I get a fat ass and you get this?”

“And what would you do with it, exactly,” the blushing brunette laughed, recovering a bit of his composure.  The jolts of pleasure that shot through him at Mark’s tugging were more intense than what he was used to, but at least his legs didn’t feel like they were going to give out anymore.  Looking at the two of them, Dylan still didn’t know what was more shocking: the changes to their bodies, or the fact that the man who wouldn’t even hold his hand in public was now openly jerking him off.

“You never told me you wanted to be bigger,” Mark said, raising an eyebrow as he finally forced his eyes away from the throbbing girder in his hand.

Dylan shrugged.  “Didn’t think there was anything I could actually do about it.  I just know how much you like…”

“That deep dick,” Mark finished, blushing when he heard the words leave his mouth.  What followed was worse, but he couldn’t stop himself.  “Bitch, I know,” he sighed, his expression going from wistful to stricken when he thought about the shift in his vocabulary.

“Oh my god, you are fucking adorable right now,” Dylan laughed, giving his humiliated partner a kiss on the forehead.

Mark flashed a bashful smile despite his embarrassment.  “Any other secret fantasies I should know about?  How come I’m suddenly thick and fabulous and you’re just hung?”

“That’s what happens when you’re uptight all the time,” Dylan winked.  He pumped his hips, his fingers digging into Mark’s inflated bottom.  “Do you think this is permanent?”

“God I hope so,” Mark sighed before he could stop himself.  “I mean, I…” he started, immediately trying to backtrack.

“Ohhhh, she likes it already,” Dylan cooed.

Mark’s face was purple, but the handsome hunk couldn’t stop grinning.  “No!  I don’t!  I just mean…okay…yeah…this could be fun.  Temporarily!”

Dylan loved watching the other man give in.  Without a doubt, he knew there was a part of Mark that absolutely relished the situation.  He could already hear the old Mark’s argument, that since this was done TO them, not something they chose, there was no shame in enjoying it.  “Speaking of fun…” Dylan said, giving another buck of his hips.

They were both surprised when Mark leaned in for a long, passionate kiss.  He kept tugging away, his previous inhibitions nowhere in sight as he wrapped his free arm around Dylan’s tight waist and guided them off the trail.  The two stumbled into a small clearing, a patch of sunlight punching through the dense canopy overhead and illuminating the bright flowers around them.  The spot seemed tailor made with a thick carpet of fallen leaves and petals, though Dylan hadn’t anticipated that he’d be the grateful one.

The jungle detritus was soft against his back as Mark pushed him down, but the lean man stopped on his knees, grabbing his lover’s recently acquired speedo and tugging it free.  He sucked the other man’s plump, though comparatively smaller, cock into his mouth and bobbed his head for several minutes before spitting it out and spinning Mark around.  This was his real destination, and as his face was enveloped by the blonde’s colossal new cheeks, he couldn’t remember a time when he’d been happier.  Not only was he thrilled at Mark’s transformation into a power bottom muscle queen, he was thrilled at the obvious weight that had been lifted from the other man’s broad shoulders.  Just a few hours earlier Dylan had been trying to figure out how to get the chiseled stud to relax in the shower, and now the thick hunk was whimpering and moaning while being eaten out in the middle of the tropical forest.  As with his inflated cock, Dylan got the impression that Mark’s pillowy cheeks were equally sensitive based on the way the other man kept whining and spasming, but it also could have been due to his lover’s flamboyant new attitude.

Whatever the cause, Mark was ready for more.  He turned around and pushed Dylan onto his back, dropping to his knees to pin the smaller man to the ground.  He pulled the other man’s small shorts completely free, then slid up in one rapid motion, his thick cheeks bouncing against the brunette’s midsection.  “Let’s see what these babies can do,” he purred, reaching back to grab Dylan’s thick log and guide it into place.  “HHOOUUUOOOHHHHH YYYYeeesssssssss,” Mark howled as he impaled himself on the slick monster.  Dylan spasmed and arched his back at the same time, the two of them completing a circuit of ecstasy that kept growing stronger as the blissful current bounced back and forth between them.

It wasn’t the only thing that bounced.  Mark seemed overjoyed as he worked his expanded cheeks with expert precision.  Far from being horrified, the now-exuberant adonis beamed as he folded his arms behind his head, flexing his powerful biceps and shredded abs in equal measure as he rolled and wriggled his hips.  He was like a machine, taking full control and working Dylan’s inflated club like he had a second set of hands.

All the pinned man could do was lay there and let it happen.  He hadn’t wanted to say anything earlier, but there was a part of him that was just as embarrassed as Mark at the idea of walking around with a fat package on display.  Given his lean build, all of his clothes were tight and fitted.  There’d be no way to hide the mammoth equipment anymore than Mark would be able to hide his thick rear, but that only seemed fair.  If that meant completing his morning runs with a bouncing grapefruit in his shorts, it was a price he’d gladly pay for the kind of ecstasy he was currently experiencing.  He may have been the one inside, but it was Mark who was taking him, not the other way around.  Their sex was usually fairly vanilla, with him being the one calling the shots, thought it looked like those days were a thing of the past.

“Fuuuuuuuuuck…babe…this is…this is incredible…” Mark groaned, his untouched cock slapping against Dylan’s abs as he bounced up and down.  “I thought it’d hurt, but damn…fits this pussy like a glove.”

“Tell…me about it…” Dylan grunted, trying in vain to hold back.  He could feel himself slipping, but he didn’t want it to end.  “Gonna…nnnngggg…”

Mark’s eyes became saucers at the eruption unleashed inside him.  He tossed his head back and gave a triumphant howl as his own cock spasmed and sprayed all over Dylan’s chest and face, but the few spurting strands didn’t even begin to compare to the torrent that was already spilling out around the invading cock.  “Oh…oh my…” he panted, a dazed smile on his face.

“Yeah…that was…something else,” Dylan nodded, kneading Mark’s thighs as the other man slowed his squirming.

The straddling stud stuck out his lower lip in an exaggerated pout as he ran his fingers through the sticky trails on Dylan’s toned chest.  “I’m sad, though.  Have I been missing out on that amazing face you make this whole time?”

The pinned man blushed as Mark dropped his jaw and rolled his wide eyes back in a pained mockery of his recent expression.  “We’ll just have to make up for lost time,” Dylan laughed, still marveling at the new size of his equipment when the blonde shifted off his lap.  The hefty organ slapped against his thigh, looming large and imposing even in its softened state.  He looked over at Mark’s smiling face, searching for any sign of the other man's earlier fear.  “How’re you feeling?  You seem like you’re adjusting pretty quick.”

“It’s, like, whatever.”  Mark waved a hand and shrugged.  “Maybe the island knows something I don’t?  If I’m supposed to be like this, who am I to argue with perfection,” he asked, flexing his sculpted pecs and arms as he struck a dramatic pose.

It was Dylan’s turn to roll his eyes as he climbed to his feet and pulled Mark up behind him.  “Ooookay…don’t get ahead of yourself, sis,” he laughed.  He bent to pick up his shorts, but they were kicked out of reach before he could grab them.

“Uh-uh,” Mark said, wagging a finger.  “Why so eager to cover up?  You’ve spent this whole trip trying to get me naked, so let’s be naked.”

Dylan gave the other man’s rotund bottom a slap as they headed back to the trail.  “You’re going to be trouble once we get back home, aren’t you?”

“If you’re lucky,” Mark purred, taking Dylan by the hand.

They were a matched pair as they waddled awkwardly towards the beach, Dylan with his pendulous package swaying heavily in front, and Mark with his bouncing bubble bringing up the rear.  But by the time they broke through the trees and saw the lazy surf, the altered proportions already felt normal.  Their gait fell back into a natural rhythm, and the odd sensations stopped registering altogether.

Instead of heading back to their hut, Mark tossed their clothes onto the sand and bounded towards the water, pulling Dylan along behind him.  As he giggled and pawed at the wiry brunette, the glistening hunk was like a muscled phoenix rising from the ashes of his previously stilted existence.  The things that made him who he was at his core were still present, but none of the self-imposed restrictions remained.  It left Dylan with a sense of whiplash as it occurred to him that he was now the more inhibited of the two, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it as Mark took him over and over again.

They fucked their way up and down the beach, in every conceivable position, before finally making it back to their bungalow and doing the same.  Dylan got his wish about having a crack at Mark’s ass in the shower, only it was him that was pressed up against the wall while the blonde stud slammed his cheeks back like a pile driver.  Their altered bodies seemed to possess endless stamina, and while the overly-hung man knew that having his mammoth cock spring to life and start leaking at the drop of a hat might be a problem back home, for the moment he was content to enjoy it.

“Oh!  Well, I guess that answers the question about whether or not this is permanent.  And where that speedo came from,” Dylan laughed when he rummaged through a suitcase after their romp in the shower.  Instead of the boxer briefs they’d packed, he tossed Mark a pair of hot pink bikinis.

The bottom-heavy hunk blushed momentarily, but grinned as he slipped them on.  “These are cuuuuute,” he said, adjusting his impressive bulge while looking over a shoulder at the real stars of the show.  The bright fabric popped against his golden tan, but he was suddenly more interested in the crimson jockstrap Dylan held.  “Ohhhh…how butch,” he laughed, placing a hand on his shelf of a chest while the lean man turned a shade of red to match the fabric.  The straps lifted Dylan’s perky bubble and accentuated his trim waist, but even the extra large pouch struggled to contain his girthy new monster.

“That’s going to take some getting used to,” Dylan laughed, trying and failing to find a way to minimize the size of his bulge.  He could feel a slight breeze on the sides of his balls as they threatened to spill free, but he reminded himself it was no different than what Mark was going through with his mostly-exposed cakes.  The changes appeared to have spread to everything they brought with them, and while Dylan’s clothes were mostly the same, Mark’s formerly drab, modest wardrobe was now bright and revealing.

“Okay…this might be a little embarrassing,” he said, pulling on a sleeveless, neon-yellow crop-top that had “QUEEN” written in pink cursive across the straining chest.

“Not the word I’d use,” Dylan said, his stuffed pouch bouncing.

Mark looked up from his new clothes, a puzzled look on his face.  “Do you think our stuff at home changed too,” he asked, seeing a crystal clear image in his head of his new booty straining out of a pair of tight chinos back at the office.  He knew what it meant, but instead of dreading it, he felt a slight thrill at the thought of his business attire accentuating his body.  He worked hard for it, and he suddenly felt foolish for ever thinking that he shouldn’t show it off.

“Let’s not worry about that right now.”  Dylan walked over and slipped his hands up under Mark’s shirt, brushing his fingers through the wiry hairs around the other man’s tiny nipples.  “We’re on vacation, remember?”


Hugh Michelsen

Wow. Hot and sweet. Nice change of pace for sure! I especially loved the clothing changes at the end. Dylan abs the jock strap and how he fit in it were particularly hot.


I'll have to make sure to add some more of these into the rotation! I always assume people are only into the darker stuff, so it's nice to know the reverse is also true.


I love the plot line of a couple coming closer, particularly through the agency of magic or unseen forces. The character development of the two guys was great, particularly as they interacted while their physical and mental changes slowly take place.