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Tobias stared up at the ceiling, his wiry torso covered in a sticky coating.  He could already hear the clanging of Jason’s weights echoing throughout the spacious penthouse, a sound he listened to for several minutes before remembering that it was all wrong.  The large, disheveled bed, the luxurious apartment, the excessive cash in his bank account, and, most importantly, his burly new lover; none of it should have been real.  Up until his brother’s wedding to Jason’s sister a few weeks earlier, Tobias had been happily single in a modest loft on the other side of town.  He hadn’t been hurting for cash, though he didn’t have anywhere near enough money to support a lifestyle like the one he currently found himself in.  Neither he nor Jason knew exactly what happened, not that his larger lover much cared anymore, just that it had something to do with the photo booth.  He’d been shoved into it at the reception with Jason, both of them wearing fitted button-downs and chinos, but the picture that came out reflected an entirely different reality.

Tobias still looked the same.  He had his short, auburn hair, tight, lean build, formal attire, and sharp, handsome features, but the same couldn’t be said for Jason.  Though he had a full head of wavy, chocolate hair, a devastatingly charming smile, and a trim, athletic build, the man in the photo showed none of those traits.  He was broad and burly, with a thick, powerful body straining against an orange jumpsuit, and what looked like a shock collar around his short, wide neck.  The wavy, immaculate hair was gone, replaced by a short buzz cut, and the face that should have been disarmingly handsome was rough and blunted.  A small scar ran down the left cheek, and the top of a tattoo on the stranger’s shelf of a chest could be seen peeking out through the opening in the jumpsuit.  The stranger in the photo wasn’t suave and smooth like the man he should have been; he was rugged and intimidating.

Jason was furious, as he actually had just been released from prison a few months earlier after serving a sentence for fraud and identity theft.  The handsome hunk knew how to use his looks to get what he wanted, and he’d been caught trying to con an older woman out of her retirement money.  His good looks aside, Tobias wasn’t overly fond of Jason, but even he thought pulling a joke like that with the photo booth was in poor taste.  When he confronted them, both his brother and Jason’s sister swore that it was just a regular photo booth like they’d find at any wedding reception.  No one else had any issues, they insisted, so Tobias chalked it up to a glitch with the booth’s internal memory.  He tried to find Jason to explain, but the other man had already stormed out, and he quickly forgot about the whole thing.

Until he woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar apartment with a very confused, and very different, Jason in his bed.  Somehow, the trim, handsome stud had become the bloated, beefy version from the photo.  The orange jumpsuit was gone, as were all of his clothes, but the shock collar remained around his neck.

Even with his thoughts steadily slipping into their new reality with each passing day, Tobias didn’t think he’d ever forget what that first morning felt like.  Waking up to the sight of Jason’s expansive sea of muscle, and the other man’s fat, rigid log of a cock pointing at him, with its churning, grapefruit balls underneath, took his breath away.  This wasn’t the precision sculpted pretty boy he’d seen the night before, but a thick, brawny meathead.  He’d seen enough shirtless photos on social media to know that Jason’s skin shouldn’t have been so rough and weathered, nor should it have had the barbed wire tattoo running across the top of his mammoth pecs, or any of the other crudely tattooed designs now peppering his bulky muscle.  And while he’d never seen him fully naked, Tobias knew Jason’s package should have been closer to average than the long, wine-bottle beast that wedged itself between his powerful new thighs.

It became readily apparent that the changes went deeper than the surface.  As Jason raged and blustered about his warped body, his formerly smooth-talking ways seemed to be gone for good.  His well-spoken charm had been replaced by a crass grunting that took even him by surprise as he roared about his “fat fuckin’ meat” and the changes to his “ugly fuckin’ mug.”  Tobias did his best to keep up, but even though he hadn’t changed physically, his head had spun just as fast with memories of his newly-altered existence.  He wasn’t a mid-level manager anymore but an upper tier executive, and he wasn’t just Jason’s lover, he was his keeper.  The other man was still recently released from prison, but now it was for knocking over a liquor store, and he’d been released into Tobias’s custody as part of his parole.  The now-smaller man knew that didn’t make sense, that it wasn’t how the laws worked, but somehow the world itself had changed.  As impossible as it should have been, Jason really was serving out the tail end of his sentence in their opulent new penthouse instead of a jail cell.

Perhaps because of the dramatic internal changes he underwent, Jason was adjusting much faster.  He’d been stunned the first few days, then frustrated and angry, but now he’d more or less settled into a routine.  The horror he’d initially felt over his warped, thickened body had been overtaken by a growing joy at the power his new size brought him.  And as he became accustomed to his fattened cock and geyser-spouting balls, he was less worried about the loss of his handsome features.

It helped that he had Tobias.  Though he used to be straight, Jason leaned into his new attraction for the thinner man, eagerly putting his inflated body to work.  Not wanting to be responsible for forcing Jason into something, Tobias had initially tried to extricate himself from the situation they found themselves in, but to no avail.  Deep down he didn’t really want Jason to leave, and the other man became irate at the mere suggestion as it would mean a return to jail if Tobias kicked him out.

Which left them stuck together.  It also left Tobias in a state of constant flux between overwhelming lust and intimidation.  As rough as he could be, he didn’t think Jason would ever actually hurt him, but the thought of how easily the other man could was a surprising turn on.  The inflated meathead was like a force of nature, to the point where even the shock collar that was supposed to keep him in line only turned the brute on, making it unclear who was actually in charge.  Tobias spent his days catering to Jason’s needs to keep him in line, the whole time secretly loving how the grunting hulk manhandled him and ordered him around.  It was a sharp distinction given how the rest of his life had changed.  At work and in the world at large he had more power and authority than ever, but at home he was a slave to the man who was supposed to be listening to him.

“Toby!  Fuck are ya?  Get yer scrawny ass up here!”

Tobias sighed, his cock throbbing at the sound of Jason’s bellowing “Toby.”  He hated the name from anyone else, but his stomach fluttered whenever his thick lover used it.  He rolled out of bed and started for his dresser as a reflex, stopping halfway when his new memories kicked in.  Not one to hangout naked, even at home, the old Tobias would have at least put on a pair of briefs.  But although he was still every bit as modest, he knew that Jason didn’t like it if he dressed unless he had to.  There was a swell of pride beneath his embarrassment at the thought that he turned the brawny man on, which only made Tobias blush even harder.  He never imagined that he’d enjoy being so thoroughly objectified and controlled.

He left the bedroom, crossing the wide, open first floor to the spiral staircase that led up to their gym and pool.  They sat on the roof of the building, the glass walls providing a panoramic view of the city below.  Though he knew no one could see them, Tobias still felt an exhibitionist thrill every time he climbed the stairs and looked out over the sprawling metropolis.  “Morning,” he said, watching the coiled muscles on Jason’s broad back flex and inflate as the other man strained at the pulldown machine.  Unlike himself, the brawny bruiser was clad in a pair of stuffed grey briefs, further blurring the line of authority.

“‘Bout time,” Jason barked.  “Thought I was gonna have to come lookin’ for ya,” he said, the menace implied.

Tobias motioned to the copious splatter of cum drying on his torso.  “Just catching my breath…you wore me out already.”

Jason gave a short laugh and finished his set, a large grin on his full, weathered face when he turned around to face Tobias.  He lumbered over to the smaller man, wrapping his beefy arms around him and planting a deep, rough kiss while aggressively kneading Tobias’s perky bubble.  It was less romantic and more a sign of ownership, a reminder that the smaller man was his for the taking whenever he wanted.  Tobias hated himself for loving it so much.  The feeling of Jason’s sweat-slick muscle pressing into him, the musky scent of the other man’s body odor, and the way his average cock seemed pitiful compared to the other man’s stuffed bulge; it was all an aphrodisiac.   “If yer winded that easy, yer doin’ double on the stairs today,” Jason said, letting go and giving Tobias’s ass a ringing swat.  “After ya juice me.”

Tobias yelped and scampered over to the refrigerator to get Jason’s HGH cocktail.  The last thing the beefy bull needed was more muscle, but he wanted it, so Tobias couldn’t say no.  And it wasn’t as if he couldn’t afford it.  He grabbed the needle while Jason flexed in the mirror, hurrying back before the impatient beast decided to punish him further as he had with the extra time on the stair machine.

He knew better than to argue about the exercise routine.  Though Jason hefted weights nearly all day, they were off limits to Tobias.  The big beast of a man loved the size difference between them, and he wanted Tobias to stay nice and small.  Cardio was the only exercise Jason allowed, with the exception of squats and lunges.  He was trying to grow Tobias’s perky bubble, and it was working.  The lean brunette had never been overly built, but already his frame was becoming disproportionate as he lost muscle mass everywhere but his increasingly round ass.  Most of his pants had already stopped fitting, and while Tobias was embarrassed at the thought of his tight build sporting a fat, oversized ass, the animalistic lust in Jason’s eyes whenever he looked at him made protesting an impossibility.

“Good job, Toby,” Jason said, his voice dripping with condescension as he ruffled Tobias’s hair.  After the smaller man finished injecting his thigh, he reached down and gripped the exposed package like a vice, giving a rough tug.  “Forgetting something?  What do ya say?”

“Th…thank you…” Tobias hissed, his face burning and his cock surging at the rush of humiliating pain as he stared at Jason’s stern expression.

“Who fuckin’ owns you,” Jason asked, his voice a low rumble as he gave another twist.  Tobias could hear the shock collar buzzing, but the jolting only served to form a growing tent in the big man’s briefs.

Tobias’s cock was leaking like a faucet in Jason’s grip.  “Y…You!  You do!” he cried.

“Hmph,” the big man grunted, letting go and rolling his head on his short neck.  He slid a hand down his bulky muscle gut and into his straining briefs to fish his rigid log free.  “Now ya gone and got me all worked up.”

“Sorry,” Tobias squeaked, his toned chest heaving.  He knew what was coming.  He gave a quiet yelp when Jason lunged forward and scooped him off his feet, slinging him over a shoulder like he weighed nothing.

“Let’s do this outside,” was all Jason said as he lumbered towards the door.  Tobias felt his cock leaking harder against the big man’s chest as he stared at the shifting, muscled globes of Jason’s ample bottom, fighting the urge to slip his hands into the back of the other man’s briefs.

The sudden intrusion of a finger into Tobias’s hole made it clear the big man had no interest in fighting a similar urge.  “Oh!” the lean man gasped, squirming and blushing when they stepped outside and he felt the fresh air waft across his naked frame.  A part of Tobias was mortified at the thought of being hefted around and fingered outside, but another part of him wanted everyone to know how Jason owned him.  He whimpered and moaned while they crossed the patio, one finger turning into a rooting trio before Jason deposited him roughly on a lounger.  The wind knocked out of him, Tobias had just enough time to see the beefy stud peel out of his briefs before the big man hefted his legs into the air, pressing down on his chest to pin him in place.

“I want everyone to hear this,” Jason grunted before jamming his thick log in deep.

“OOOHHHHH!” Tobias howled, trying and failing to arch his back against the vice-like pressure of Jason’s hands on his chest.  His eyes were wide, and he could feel his jaw going slack as he stared at the big man’s bouncing pecs with each thrust.

“Louder,” Jason grunted.  “Let ‘em know.”

“FFFFUUUUUUUCCCKKK,” Tobias roared, his voice echoing across the roof.  “Fuuuck…fuck…ta…take it…ha..harddddd…” He shouted all of it, moaning until his throat was raw as Jason split him in two.  With each pump of the virile bull’s hips, he had a harder and harder time remembering the suave, charming man Jason used to be, and a time when he didn’t belong to the savage brute the other man had become.  But he didn’t mind.  Staring up at the broad, scarred face glaring down at him, Tobias wouldn’t want him any other way.  Instead of dreading it, he hoped the people down on the street could hear him being fucked senseless.

“Atta boy, Toby,” Jason spat, his jackrabbit hammering coming to an abrupt halt.  He pulled out and dropped Tobias’s legs, blasting all over the prone man’s lean torso for the second time that morning.  The warm rain pushed Tobias over the edge, his untouched cock adding to the deluge.  He knew he was being marked, but it only turned him on even more.  He’d even gone to board meetings with his cum-stained torso lurking beneath his expensive shirts, a part of him hoping the musky scent would permeate through his cologne.

“Th…thanks…” Tobias panted, not needing to be told.

“Hnh,” Jason grunted again, giving the sticky man a smug look as he pulled his briefs back on.  He slapped Tobias’s thigh and nodded towards the gym.  “Not gonna tell ya again.  Get that ass to work on those stairs.”

The sticky man shivered when he hopped up, the cum trickling down his lean torso as he scampered into the gym.


Hugh Michelsen

That was fairly simple and straightforward but extremely hot. The two of them enjoying their new situation, and how much Toby loves being subservient to Jason is very well done.