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“I don’t know how you do it,” Beth sighed, marveling at the level of detail on the small sculpture.  The clay figure was roughly a foot tall, its warped proportions looking incredibly lifelike despite their odd size.  “The sculpting, I mean.  Of course I don’t know you do the next part,” she said with a nervous laugh.

“Lots of practice.  With both,” Lynn shrugged.  Her tone was casual, as if they were talking about any of the more traditional ceramic pieces lining the front of her store.  Deep Brook Pottery was one of the most popular tourist attractions in town, and all of the locals owned at least a few of Lynn’s creations.  She was an institution, but while most people knew her for the beautiful bowls, cups, and art pieces, there were those in town, like Beth, who knew of her other talents.

Part of what made Deep Brook Pottery so popular was the unique choice of material used in the creation of their wares.  The clay was supposedly sourced locally, though the exact location was a carefully guarded secret going back generations in Lynn’s family.  Beyond its beautiful appearance, the clay had other properties which made guarding its source so important.  When combined with the right glyphs and incantations, it could work miracles.  Or nightmares, depending on your perspective.

How Lynn’s family had come to find the clay, and how they’d learned to use it, no one knew.  The older, dark-skinned woman, with her distinguished features and bohemian appearance, was the current figurehead of a line that extended all the way back to the town’s founding, and possibly even before that if some of the rumors were to be believed.  She was universally loved around town, always willing to help out a neighbor and always ready with a good story for the folks who came to visit.  She volunteered at the school, cooked and delivered meals to the town’s oldest residents, and made her shop available as a gallery for Fir Hollow’s artists.  When people came to the store, inevitably drawn in by the striking, hypnotically glazed pieces, they were greeted with a warm smile that gave no hint as to what else went on in the workshop behind the counter.  “I need to ask one more time…you’re sure about this?  Mark’s been a pain in this town’s ass since he was born, but if we do this there’s no going back.  And,” she paused, her many bracelets clacking together when she motioned at Beth, “there’s always the potential cost involved.  If your petition is found lacking, they could turn their attention to you instead.”

The lithe brunette nodded, her expression hardening as she glared at the disproportionate idol.  “That bastard has it coming.  Way he treats the women in this town?  Like we’re all his personal property?  Enough’s enough.  He thinks he’s so special, well, now he can be that way for real.  Let all the guys deal with him for a change.”

Lynn laughed and let out a slow breath.  “Oh, they’ll certainly do that,” she said, looking a little disappointed.  “I always hoped he’d grow out of it, but if I’m being real, I’m surprised he made it to twenty seven before this conversation came up.  Did you see his new license plate?”

Beth winced and rolled her eyes.  “Ugh.  T-A-P.  Tits, ass, pussy.  What did any of us see in him?”

“Pretty face and big arms’ll make anyone lose their head.  Not to mention his other…notable…attribute I’ve heard all about.  I don’t think there’s a woman left in this town he hasn’t used, or at least tried to.”  Lynn’s expression went flat and she shook her head when Beth raised an eyebrow.  “Girl, please.  I’d eat that boy alive.”

“Maybe you should.  It’d save us the trouble of all this.”  The younger woman grinned and leaned down to inspect the strange designs carved into the figure.  “And these do the…inside stuff?  I don’t know what you’d call it.”

Lynn nodded.  “The physical changes are pretty straightforward.  Those handle the more subtle aspects.  Don’t look at ‘em too long or they’ll make you dizzy.  See?”  As she said it, Beth stepped back and shook her head, her already pale skin going a shade lighter.  “Alright…if we’re sure, we can get to cookin’.  Once this goes into the kiln it’s out of our hands, so be ready.”

Beth nodded, her eyes reflecting the flickering glow as Lynn fed the statue to the flames.


“That’s where you’re goin’ wrong, bud,'' Mark said, spreading his muscled arms wide in the doorway.  The motion tightened his already-straining t-shirt, further accentuating his broad shoulders and prominent pecs.  The strawberry blonde stud reached down and grabbed his bulge through his shorts, a smug grin on his boyish face.  “I mean, look at me…I’m not tryin’ to be friends with these chicks, I’m tryin’ to get my dick wet and bounce.  I got better things to do.”

Gabe snorted and looked down at the worn, trash-picked sofa he sat on before his eyes traveled around the rest of his friend’s small, ratty apartment.  “Like what?  Sure as hell ain’t keeping this place clean.  You suddenly getting more hours at the donut shop?”

“Hey, I can pay my bills, dick,” Mark grumbled, defensively flexing his chest as he folded his arms underneath.  “And I like the donut shop.  It’s easy.  I’m talkin’ about other stuff…you know…video games, the gym…”

“…trolling for pussy to pay your bills,” Gabe continued.

Mark’s arrogant grin returned.  “I work for that, too.  Fuck, man, you should see some’a these chicks.  They better pay me for a piece’a this,” he said, lifting the bottom of his shirt to expose his firm abs.  A trail of reddish-blonde hair circled his navel before disappearing beneath the elastic band that showed above the waist of his shorts, a hint at the light dusting that coated the rest of him.

“Man, whatever.”  Gabe rolled his eyes and followed suit.  The olive-skinned stud revealed his equally firm stomach and flexed a thick arm, showing off a build that wasn’t as cut or defined as Mark's, but that sported more muscle.  Where the blonde was tanned and glowing with his charming face and brighter hair, Gabe had darker, brooding features.  His short hair was jet black, and his brawny frame sported a wiry coating of a similar hue that left him looking rugged and masculine.  He couldn’t think of any reason why the women in town threw themselves at the vapid pretty boy other than the thick hose that lurked in Mark’s mesh shorts.  As much as he hated to admit it, his friend was hung, and, if the other man's bragging was accurate, he knew how to use every excessive inch.  “You’re no better than that dude who works the lot out at the Starlight.”

“Oh, you know him, huh?  Does he give you the frequent customer discount?  Like a punch card or something,” Mark asked with a laugh.

“You jealous I’m not paying you instead?” Gabe countered.  “Maybe he’s on to something.  You’re going to run out of women sooner or later around here…whole other market for you to tap into.  Or would they be tapping into you?”

“Very fu…” Mark started before trailing off.  The room suddenly seemed to spin around him, and he stumbled against the doorframe for support as his world exploded.  “…UUUNNNHH!”  He grunted above the loud tearing sound, and as he felt the sudden rush of air, he realized it wasn’t his entire world that had exploded, just his shirt.  There was a sudden heaviness to his chest that initially made him fear he was having some sort of heart attack, but when he looked down at his bare torso he realized it was much worse.  His pecs had somehow ballooned off his chest.  They were still firm and solid, but instead of hanging just a bit more than they should have off his otherwise proportional torso, they now jutted out like a shelf of muscle.  “What…what just happened…” he gasped, his eyes wide as he gawked at the cresting mountains.  “My chest is fuckin’ huggggOOOOOHHHH!”  Mark spasmed and howled when his trembling fingers finally connected with the inflated muscle tits.  A jolt of pure, lustful pleasure shot through him, his moan not of horror but of ecstasy as he instinctively gripped and kneaded the warped mounds with both hands.  “HHUUHhh…ohhhh…uunnnhhhh….” Mark whimpered, his mouth hanging open as he gave his friend a pleading, desperate look.  Instead of shocked or terrified, Gabe just stared at him with a wry grin, his legs spread a wide as he openly massaged the growing tent in his track pants.  “Duuuhh…dude…why are you juuhh…just…sitting there…” Mark begged, the whole time flexing his arms and rolling his abs as he groped at his chest.  “Something’s wroooohhhhh!”

There was another wave of vertigo, and this time the tearing sound came from his lower half as his body swelled from the waist down, shredding his shorts and boxer briefs.  With a palpable thud, Mark felt his perky bubble shoot outward and sag before the expanded cheeks inflated like his chest, leaving him with a set of bouncing, muscled pillows that had tripled in size.  The growth spread around to his thighs, pushing the formerly toned quads together and jutting forward a package that had grown to mammoth proportions.  It was hard to see over his chest, but as Mark leaned forward, his stomach turned when he looked down at the soft, foot-long snake that hung as thick as his wrist above a set of dangling grapefruits.  He’d always been hung, with a thick, nine-inch pole that helped to cement his reputation around town, but the monster hanging off his lower abs was far too large to be useful.

Though he quickly began to wonder if that was even a concern.  His warped body was on fire as he stood and pawed at himself, but his new behemoth didn’t so much as twitch.  “Guuhh…Gabe…don’t just look at me like that, man…what are…why are you…” Mark panted, finding it harder and harder to look away from his friend.  Gabe was still grinning at him, but now he occasionally pursed his lips, a muscled arm up on the back of the couch while he continued to work his cock through his pants with the other hand.  It was an expression Mark was used to seeing on his friend’s face at the strip club, not while looking at him.  “I…I gotta get…” before he could finish, Mark was nearly knocked off his feet by a third wave of dizziness.  His balance was already thrown by his altered proportions, and it took him an extra moment to realize when the lightheadedness passed.

He was so confused because his perspective seemed slightly off.  Standing in the doorway next to his TV, the flatscreen looked bigger than it should, a pattern that repeated as he frantically looked around the rest of the room.  Somehow, he’d shrunk.  It wasn’t a huge amount, but Mark guessed himself to be closer to five and a half feet than his standard six.  It didn’t make him abnormally short, but it was just enough to put him below most of the men in town, and to further accentuate his wild new shape.  “Oh…oh god…” he moaned, a low, seductive purr instead of a horrified cry.  He shivered as his plumped thighs rubbed together and his pillowy cheeks shifted at the slightest movement, still hoping that his hulking cock would finally spring to life.

He didn’t understand what was happening, only that, in a matter of seconds, he’d gone from tall and athletic to something else entirely.  His bottom half was meaty and heavy, with his freakishly large, lifeless cock, before his waist pinched impossibly inward at his ripped abs, only to balloon outward again at his juicy pecs.  He was a short, thick little ball of overly hung, limp-dicked, misshapen muscle.  And he’d never been more turned on in his life.

Gawking at Gabe, his head spun from all of the things he wanted the other man to do to him, things he’d never once imagined doing with another man.  He wanted to bury his face in Gabe’s lap, to choke on his friend’s stout cock until it sprayed all over him.  He wanted to bounce on that same pole while Gabe played with his oversized pecs, the whole time loving the slight new size difference between them.  Instead of dreading it, Mark squirmed at the idea of the brawny stud towering over him.  He wanted to be manhandled, fingered and fucked until he was hoarse from his ecstatic moaning.

“Oh!”  Mark gasped, his attention shifting back to the present when he felt a warm trickle down the inside of an expanded thigh.  He felt an aching throb though his mammoth cock was still as lifeless as ever, and he blushed when he reached down and scooped a fingerful of pre-cum that somehow leaked from his eager hole instead.

“I loooove how wet that pussy gets,” Gabe sighed.  “You finally get it warmed up for me?  It’s been fun watching, but I’m ready to play.”  Mark couldn’t believe his actions when all he did was smile and give a coy nod, toying at his pouting lip with the cum-slick finger.  “Well?  I’m not coming to you,” Gabe said, patting the couch next to him.

Mark scampered over, gasping when he felt the way his warped proportions moved for the first time.  His gait was thrown off, everything bounced, and his soft, swaying cock was like a pendulum swinging against his meaty thighs.  The former ladies man felt a stab of disgust at the increasing liquid streaming down his legs, until Gabe gave his cheeks a swat and shoved him down onto the couch.  Mark propped himself up on all fours instinctively, his arms giving out when his friend slipped a trio of fingers inside.  “HHoooUUUOOHHhh,” Mark’s howl was swallowed by the dirty couch when he landed face-first on a cushion, his oversized cheeks still in the air.  He struggled to get his arms under him once more, but it became a moot point when Gabe reached down, grabbed his sensitive muscle tits, and hefted him upright.  In one smooth motion the dark-haired man righted him and pulled him back onto his waiting rod, eliciting a wordless grunt.  “FFFUUUhh….fuck…oh fuck…this is…oh gooouuunnhh…” Mark whimpered, his pecs and ass bouncing with Gabe’s thrusts.  His friend’s head now stood several inches above his own as he leaned back against the other man’s solid torso.  The penetrated little stud was dimly aware of Gabe’s shirt rubbing against his back, and he felt another stab of embarrassment at the thought that the other man hadn’t even undressed.  Here he was, naked and writhing, his massive cock slapping wildly, but all Gabe had done was whip his dick out and slip it inside.  It was a tactic he’d frequently used with women, but he’d never imagined a time when he’d be on the receiving end.

Mark did his best to hold on to what had happened to him, clinging to the scraps of his former life as they tried to flee against Gabe’s incessant pounding.  He desperately tried to convince himself he was still as he should be, not locked in a short, curvy shell with a leaking hole and a constant craving for cock.  It would have been easier if he didn’t love it so much, but his helpless, whimpering howls weren’t just for show.  With Gabe inside him, his friend’s strong hands playing with his lightning rod nipples, Mark had never been more content.  When he came, the warped hunk gave a hiccuping yelp at the foreign sensation of the release erupting from somewhere other than his useless showpiece, but the muscle-melting ecstasy that followed was better than ever.

When Gabe finally erupted, adding his own torrent to Mark’s sticky waterfall, he let his friend fall forward on the couch as he stuffed his softening rod away.  He leaned back, his head falling against the top of the sofa with his friend’s feet in his lap.  “Whoooooo,” he whistled, reaching over to give Mark’s fattened cakes a rough shake.  “That is absolutely worth a second phone bill,” he laughed.

Mark just blinked, his jaw still slack from the potent release.  He wanted to argue, but even as he had the thought, he remembered that Gabe was the one who footed the bill for his cell in exchange for what they’d just done.  Just like how Taylor and Garrett paid his rent, Vince covered his car payment, and the rest of the guys in town kept him fed and clothed, though that last part didn’t usually last long.  He still had his job at the donut shop, and what little remained of the old Mark blushed at the image of his oversized pecs straining against his polo while his plump cheeks bounced around behind the counter.  “Still like that punk out at the Starlight better,” Mark asked, a spark of his old arrogance returning.

Gabe grinned and traced a finger absently around the edges of a massive cheek.  “You two should open up shop together.  Hell, you’d bankrupt the guys in town.”

The misshapen stud smiled and sat up, fighting the urge to lean in and kiss his friend.  As much as he wanted to, he knew that was a line not to cross.  When the other man stood to leave, Mark felt ridiculous for thinking that he should be sticking around to hang out.  Like the kiss, Gabe wasn't trying to catch feelings for anyone, he just wanted to get his dick wet and get out.  He had things to do.  “When are we doin’ this again,” Mark asked, batting his eyes.

“Depends if I get lucky at Tuckers later,” Gabe winked before heading out the door.

Mark sighed, blinking down at the colossal package nestled against his wide thighs once he was alone.  He gave it a few strokes, shivering as the motion caused a fresh round of throbbing from his still-damp hole.  He reluctantly stopped, heading to the bathroom to clean himself up instead.

He wasn’t just going to wait around for Gabe, not when there were so many other guys in town he could visit.


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