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“Holy shit…that’s really him, isn’t it?”  Mason slapped Ray on the arm and nodded over at the lean, well-dressed man in a corner booth. With his sharp features, impeccable hair, and the pair of fit young men boxing him in on either side, the handsome figure looked out of place with the rest of the casual pub crowd.

“Well fuck me,” Ray spat, tightening his grip on his beer bottle.  He swiveled on his stool, his face going red with a mix of rage and embarrassment.  For the first time in years he felt his cock stir, a reaction he both dreaded and longed for.

“I…I thought someone said he was back in town for the holidays,” Nathan stammered.  The burly giant’s voice caught in his throat, his broad shoulders hunching in on himself.  “I didn’t want to believe it, though.”

Mason couldn’t stop staring.  The heavyset man chewed on his lower lip, his voice sounding distant.  “Who the fuck are those two with him?  Do you think he did it to them, too?”  He looked down at his sagging chest and prominent belly, his stomach fluttering at the memories of the time he’d spent as a chiseled hunk.  He’d hated it at first, they all had, but by the end it was more than they ever could have hoped for.  It was hard enough to imagine a scenario where they’d be obsessed with Kevin, the scrawny nerd they’d picked on all through high school, in the first place.  Yet, somehow, that’s exactly what happened.

They still didn’t understand how any of it worked.  When the trio unexpectedly ran across the thin little geek their first year of college, they thought they’d get to pick up where they left off in high school.  Instead, their worlds turned upside down.  They’d always been athletic, but something caused their bodies to swell with muscle, taking them from fit jocks to sculpted gods.  They weren’t just handsome; they were gorgeous.  Thick heads of blonde, brown, and auburn hair, wide jaws, pouty lips, asses like granite globes, and dick for days.

It would have been a dream come true, if not for the internal changes.  While their bodies became perfect specimens of solid masculinity, their heads became light and airy.  Where once they’d been a trio of straight frat-boys in training, they'd ended up as a squad of dizzy himbos, hopelessly devoted to the man they used to torment.  The smaller man's tight little body was like a drug, and they were hopelessly addicted.  They’d let him do whatever he wanted to them, a situation Kevin took full advantage of.  The next four years passed in a giddy haze of lustful exhibitionism, constant hours at the gym, and every type of sex conceivable.  They were forced to parade around campus in as little as possible, showing off the goods to anyone who was interested.  He called it marketing because If Kevin wasn’t fucking them to the point of exhaustion, someone who paid the wiry little man was.

They resisted at first.  They all remembered who they’d been, and what they’d become, but as the days turned into weeks and months, the struggle faded in the face of their growing ecstasy.  Whatever had been done to them, it felt fantastic.  Yes, it was embarrassing, and no, they wouldn’t have chosen it themselves, but once they were in the role they grew to love it.  Kevin did all the thinking, which meant all they had to do was workout and get off.  And while cumming with another man’s dick inside them was jarring at first, the muscle-melting orgasms were more intense than anything they’d ever experienced.  By the end they didn’t view it as punishment, but as a gift from someone who knew better than they did.

And then, just as quickly as it started, it was over.  Just after graduation, Kevin told them he couldn’t keep doing it.  He didn’t know what forces were at work either, only that he didn’t want them to keep the three prisoner.  He said he’d been too young to know better at first, but now that they were entering the “real world” he didn’t want to force them to come along.  They all needed to live their own lives, they way they should have.

At first, when the fog lifted and their original personalities returned, the three had been elated.  Their days as flamboyant, submissive boy-toys were over.  They were three straight studs who had the world at their fingertips and time to make up for.  But it wasn’t that easy.

With the magic gone, Mason quickly found his perfect body fading.  His blonde hair began to thin, and he piled on the weight at a rapid pace.  Under the influence, he had men lining up to take a crack at his ass, but on his own, he could barely get a girl to look at him.  Where before he’d spent his days in a lustful frenzy, now he spent them in a dead-end security guard job, longing for some kind of excitement in his life.

It was the same for Ray, who did a better job at holding on to his athletic physique over the following years, but who hadn’t had a gratifying sexual encounter since.  After all the exotic romps the handsome brunette had been through, his thick hose couldn’t be bothered with the tame sex the girls in his life were interested in.  With his still-impressive features he had no problem catching interested partners, but they always left disappointed.

Nathan was the only one who’d actually managed to land an ongoing relationship, but the brawny hulk quickly grew to hate every second of it.  He’d held onto his muscle, but it had lost its edge, going from chiseled and sculpted to thick and bulky.  His personality had followed suit, and where he’d been confident and boisterous before Kevin, then outgoing and uninhibited with him, now he was quiet and meek.  He couldn’t stand his new wife or her kid, and the long, thick hose he’d grown to love had steadily shrunk in the years since the magic left them.

At one desperate point during the last ten years, the three had actually tried to pick up where they’d left off.  Kevin or no Kevin, they told themselves there was no reason they couldn’t do what they’d done with their friend.  They’d met up at Nathan’s, stripped down, and went at each other in a frenzy, but no amount of liquor or imagination could get over the heterosexual hurdle.  They were truly back to being a trio of fully straight friends, and there was nothing they could do about it.  Until now.

“I can’t believe how good he looks,” Ray said, his back still turned and his face still glued to the table in front of him.  “Do you think he did that to himself?”

Nathan shook his head, licking his lips as he looked past his friend at the booth in the corner.  “Doubt it.  I mean, he never really changed before.  It was just us.”

“This is some bullshit,” Mason barked.  “He magics us into these perfect bodies, then takes ‘em away, just like that.  So I get stuck as some bald fat ass while he gets all jacked and pretty?  With some new boy toys to play with?  Fuck that.  Think it’s time to go back to the days of just kicking his ass.”  The thick, former stud started to get up, but Ray grabbed his arm.

There was a distant look in the brunette’s eyes when he spoke a familiar phrase that stopped Mason in his tracks.  “No…I heard there’s a way we can get it back.”

“What the fuck did you just say,” Nathan gasped, his eyes wide.  The last time someone had said the words “I heard” in such a manner his world turned upside down.

Ray grinned, his expression growing excited.  He kneaded his aching cock beneath the table, relishing the sensation he hadn’t experienced in years.  “Tomorrow night.  It’s Christmas, and I heard Kevin’s gonna get a hell of a present.”


The following evening found the trio huddled in Ray’s contractor van outside of Kevin’s airbnb.  They’d watched their former lover from a distance for the rest of the previous evening, mustering all of their willpower to not give themselves away.  They hated the pretty boys he was with, but they were consoled by the knowledge that everything would soon be going back to the way it should have been.  They didn’t need to worry about what was obviously a hook up when Kevin’s true loves were about to reemerge.  It had taken some digging to find the now-suave stud’s phone number, but a few hours on social media gave them everything they needed to get their lives back on track.

Mason’s hands shook as he looked at his two friends and held up his phone.  “Ready?”

“Fuck yes,” Ray grunted, swiveling his chair to face the back of the van.  He blushed at the rigid cock sticking up from between his naked thighs, but it wasn’t anything the others hadn’t seen plenty of times before, or something they wouldn’t see again.  They’d taken his van for the room, and they’d stripped down just in case.  If things happened the way they did before, they’d need the space to grow.

Nathan nodded on his missing neck, running a hand nervously through his thinning, auburn hair.  “Yeah, let’s just do this already.”

Mason took a deep breath, narrating as he typed the message.  “It was good to see you last night,” he wrote.

There was a pause before Kevin responded.  “Is this Billy?  Or Jason?  Sorry man, I’m really bad with names.  Last night was fun, but how’d you get this number?  You guys were nice and all, I’m just not looking for anything outside of what we already did.”

“Not Jason.  Mason.  I’m here with Ray and Nathan, too.  They say hi.”  The three of them smiled at the pulsing dots that lingered on the screen for several minutes.  They could feel Kevin’s nervousness radiating through the phone already.

“Oh!  I thought that might have been you guys at the Loft last night.  Sorry I didn’t come over, I was busy entertaining.  Wasn’t sure if you guys wanted to see me, either.  Been a minute since we talked.”

Mason’s anger swelled at Kevin’s dismissive tone, but he bit it back.  “Sure has.  Won’t be a problem now, though.  I heard your boys are coming back home this Christmas, and this time they’re here to stay.”

They could practically picture Kevin’s frantic typing when the response came through seconds later.  “Whoa, hold on.  We talked about this.  What we had was fun, but I didn’t know how it worked any more than you guys did.  It’s over now.  I gave you guys a cut of the money we made.  I thought we all agreed to go our separate ways.”

“That was then.  Things are different now.  I heard your boys are all grown up.  It’s a rough world out here, and I heard they turned into some real men.”  It was the moment they’d all been waiting for.  Mason gasped as soon as he hit send and a shudder ran through him.  Like a deflating balloon, the extra weight he’d acquired over the previous decade melted away, revealing a rugged, brawny body underneath.  It wasn’t the sculpted perfection they’d had in college, but a broad, strapping frame that quickly sprouted a layer of scrubby hair that spread across his newly-prominent pecs and down his arms and legs, even coating the tops of his feet and the backs of his hands.  When he looked up, he saw a similar transformation had occurred for Ray and Nathan.  The already-fit brunette hadn’t changed much, other than to sprout a matching layer of hair, while Nathan’s burly body had become more refined beneath his new carpet.  Long, thick hoses hung off all three of them, along with the heavy, churning balls they hadn’t felt in years.

Mason didn’t stop to revel.  “You should see us.  Your boys might’ve grown up, but I heard you still look like a scrawny little punk compared to us.”

“Mason!  Stop it!  What did you just do to me?  I’m small again!  I haven’t been this size in years!  I worked hard for that body!  I know you guys put on some weight, but that’s not my fault.  You could’ve just gone to the gym like I did!”  Kevin’s message was riddled with typos, no doubt from the unfamiliar size of his tiny, trembling hands.

“Gone to the gym?  We never left.  Didn’t you hear that’s how I ended up built like a powerlifter, while Ray’s an underwear model and Nathan’s a bodybuilder?”  Mason let out a grunt when his body began to swell.  He didn’t like the flab, but he’d grown to like the sense of power his bulk gave him, and now he was getting it back in the form of thick, muscled slabs.  His shoulders inflated to bowling balls, while his plump pecs rested on a cresting muscle gut, all of which was framed in by arms so thick he could barely bend them.  His neck was gone, as was the rest of his hair, leaving his square-jawed face to rest directly on a torso that was supported by legs that swelled to furry tree trunks and jutted his massive package forward.  Meanwhile, Ray’s body moved in the other direction.  He’d filled out with age, but now his body seemed to be pulling in on itself, pinching tight at the waist and causing the areas above and below to expand.  His pecs and shoulders inflated, as did his ass and thighs, while his firm stomach sprouted a ripped eight-pack.  The carpet of hair he’d acquired readjusted, settling as a light dusting across his shredded pecs and a tantalizing trail snaking up from his trimmed bush.  The same went for Nathan, who’s massive frame erupted in a roadmap of definition.  He didn’t grow any larger or smaller overall, but instead shed whatever bulk wasn’t muscle.  In a flash he’d gone from thick and brawny to a lean, striated hulk with pecs so big he could barely see over them, and a mountainous, solid ass that stuck out like a shelf.

“Guys, come on, just tell me what you want,” Kevin sent back.  “You can’t do this!”

“Like you did to us?  Then took it away?  Don’t worry.  We just want to come home for Christmas.  I heard you were still just a stuttering little geek who misses his big, strong boy toys.  Didn’t you hear we’re still your horny himbos?  And we’ve got three big, hard presents for you, daddy.”  Mason laughed when he sent the last message, the anxieties of the last decade melting away in an instant.  When he looked up, Ray had one arm thrown over Nathan’s massive shoulders, his other hand wrapped around the shredded man’s cock.

“Bruh!  It’s, like, working!” Ray cheered, a familiar, dull grin on his face.

“Dude!  I know,” Mason said, giving a deep, dim laugh.  He toyed with his own fat log while he stared at his friends, wanting to get up and join them.

“Bro, hurry up and finish before we can’t…can’t…uh…think good,” Nathan grunted.  He pumped his hips to work his cock through Ray’s fist, while his own hand had slipped down to toy with the pretty brunette’s eager hole.

“Okay, okay!”  Mason turned his attention back to his phone, finding it much harder to focus than it had been just moments before.  “I heard you better get that little dweeb dick ready daddy, ‘cause we’ll be home in just a minute to pick up like things never stopped.”  There was a ripple in the air when Mason sent the message, and the three dazed studs gasped in unison at the sudden change around them.  Instead of a rugged contractor’s van, the interior was suddenly plush, with padded carpet, bench seats along the sides, and what looked like a small bar.  It was a bachelor pad on wheels, perfect for when they needed to see clients on the road.  They were also no longer naked, but clad in skimpy clothing like Kevin used to make them wear.  Mason had on only a pair of small lycra trunks and sneakers, while Ray’s adonis physique spilled out of a pair of tissue-thin running shorts and Nathan’s cherry poser did little to contain his massive log and heavy balls.

Ray put the van in gear and pulled into the driveway, his body on autopilot as he reached up and pressed the garage door opener that now hung on the visor.  They weren’t pulling into an airbnb, they were pulling into Kevin’s, and now their, home.  Without waiting for the door to shut, the nearly naked trio hopped out and darted inside, somehow knowing exactly where to go.  Though they’d never set foot in the house, they wove through the laundry room and kitchen to find a stunned Kevin waiting for them in front of the Christmas tree in the living room.

Instead of the suave, fit stud they’d seen the night before, Kevin was at least five inches shorter than his usual six-foot stature, and whatever muscle he’d acquired was gone entirely, as were his stylish clothes.  Now, his once-again-wiry frame was clad only in an ill-fitting Star Wars t-shirt that stopped above the navel on his flat stomach, accentuating his bony shoulders and shapeless arms.  The matching Star Wars briefs were tented by a tiny, solid little cock, while his formerly immaculate hair was now a messy mop with a prominent cowlick.  It perfectly complemented his sharpened features, and the large, black-rimmed glasses that rested on his high cheekbones.

“Gu-gu-guys…is..is th-th-that really yo-yo-you?” Kevin said, his formerly confident voice now a stuttering stammer.   “Wh-wh-what did you d-d-do to m-m-me?!”

“Like, nothing compared to what we’re about to,” Ray purred, lunging forward.  The brunette beauty had ten years of frustration to make up for, and he wasted no time.  He had Kevin’s bony body stripped bare in a flash, manhandling the increasingly eager little man onto all fours.  By the time he plunged inside, with Mason filling Kevin’s stuttering mouth and Nathan filling Ray’s perky bubble, it was as if they’d never stopped.  The group still moved with the same easy rhythm, and the sound of Kevin’s desperate stammering was music to their ears.

Things weren’t exactly as they had been before, but as they went at each other in a frenzy, none of them could complain.  Not even Kevin, who’d just been brought back down to size.  The irony of the situation, that this time he’d been changed by the very men he’d somehow altered before, wasn’t lost on him.  He just didn’t care.  He knew it was because of what the trio had just done, but at the moment all he felt was content.  His boys were back home, and they’d brought him the three best presents he could ever ask for.



Was there a looser here ?


I loved the version Adult Junk Drawer did. (I tried to link, but apparently you can't link in the comments. Anyone who's reading this and interested should definitely go look him up.)