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“Started itching yet?  Things should be getting under way pretty soon.”

Justin stared at the text, his hand shaking while the other scratched at his toned pecs.  His whole torso had been hit with an insatiable prickling sensation just minutes before the message came through.  He rubbed at his abs and chest through his t-shirt, the most concentrated area of the sudden tingling.  He’d been wondering at the cause when his phone buzzed in his pocket, switching his fear that he’d picked up a rash in the locker room to something else entirely as he read the ominous text.  The number was blocked, and Justin didn’t think any of his friends were smart enough to pull off what seemed like a rather esoteric prank.  They were mostly meathead jocks, the kind of guys who’d teabag him while he slept, or give him an unexpected ball-tap when he wasn’t paying attention.  They didn’t have the attention span for something that required planning and timing.

“Who is this?  What are you talking about,” he replied.

“The new you.  It’s going to itch like a motherfucker when all that hair comes in, but you’re going to look GREAT.  Just think how impressive all that definition and those abs will be with a nice carpet on top.  That tight little ass all fuzzy?  And a beard?  With your cheekbones?  You were cute smooth, but I can’t wait to see the new look.”

Justin’s heart started beating faster.  If this was a prank, it was the strangest one he’d ever experienced.  Whoever this was apparently knew him well enough to at least be familiar with his lean frame, but given the shirtless pictures of himself on social media and the time he spent at the gym, that didn’t narrow the possibilities much.  It wasn’t difficult to know that Justin actually was shredded like the message suggested.  He had a solid, whipcord body that did sport an impressive set of abs like the person said.  He was long and lean, built like a swimmer or a rock climber, with broad shoulders, deceptively strong arms, and firm, toned legs.  Justin wasn’t the kind of guy who gave much thought to his appearance or liked to show his body off, but the mysterious stranger was right about his sharp, handsome features.

He tried to ignore the growing itching as he responded.  “Are you high right now? Or is this just how you get off?  Hair doesn’t grow like that, and even if it did, you’d never get to see it.”

“You say that now, but once that new otter brain kicks in you’ll want aaaalllllll the boys to see it.”

Justin looked up from the sinister message, his eyes landing on the small stuffed otter sitting on his desk.  He’d found it waiting for him outside his dorm a few days earlier.  There’d been a note attached to it with his name on it, but no clues as to the sender’s identity.  “So you’re the one who left that for me?  What’d you do, lace it with itching powder or something?  And what the fuck’s an otter brain?”

“You really are painfully straight, aren’t you?  Don’t worry, we’ll free you from that soon enough.  You’re already on your way!”

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?  Look, this isn’t funny you freak. Get your kicks with someone else.”  Justin waited several minutes, but when no reply came he angrily tossed his phone onto his bed.

He didn’t know what frustrated him more, that someone had sent him a stuffed animal covered in itching powder, or that some random guy was getting off over him.  The suggestion that he’d somehow start growing hair out of nowhere had been strange enough, but the idea that the straight jock would ever be into guys struck Justin as even more implausible.  He’d spent countless hours in locker rooms growing up, surrounded by attractive, naked young men, and he’d never had a single gay urge in all that time.

He didn’t even like to be around guys like that.  His first roommate freshman year had been an out, flamboyant guy named Thom, and Justin only made it a few months before insisting that one of them be moved.  Thom never did anything overt, and he never made any passes at him or anything that would obviously cross a line.  But Justin was still uncomfortable with the idea that the other man could be checking him out, and with Thom’s carefree attitude when it came to hookups, and the way he lounged around the dorm in as little as possible.  It was bad enough with Andy, his current roommate, but at least Justin knew the blonde meathead was straight.  The beefy wall of muscle could never keep a shirt on, or his pants most of the time, and while Justin wasn’t thrilled about the amount of naked Andy flesh he was constantly exposed to, he could at least write that off as “boys being boys.”  If he had to see another guy’s dick, at least he wasn’t worried about whether or not that guy wanted to see his own thick hose in return.

“Painfully straight,” Justin grunted, scratching furiously at his abs when a fresh wave of itching washed over him.  “I’m gonna find whoever did this and show them what pain is…all…about…” He trailed off, his jaw going slack when his hand slipped beneath his t-shirt.  Instead of the smooth skin he’d always felt, his fingers encountered a silky patch.  He lifted his shirt, unable to do anything other than blink as he stared at the chocolate triangle creeping up from the elastic waist of his boxer briefs.  Justin had always had a thin trickle of hair that dripped down from his navel, but it had been so thin and wispy that it could never be called a “trail.”  It was more of a suggestion than anything else, and it was one of the few swaths of hair that lingered outside of his pits, pubes, forearms and calves.

Now, the furry line still couldn’t be called a “trail”, but that was only because the term didn’t do it justice.  Instead of a thin line, the growing pyramid was wide and tall, sprouting thick and dense below Justin’s navel, with a ghostly trail shooting up his abs from the apex.  The stunned brunette tore out of his shirt, his eyes going wide when he followed the silky specters up to his chiseled, heaving pecs.  The column seemed to pool between the toned mounds before spreading out in a soft haze towards his shoulders.  Justin knew the freshly-sprouted follicles wouldn’t be noticeable to most people, at least as long as they retained their peach-fuzz status, but already he felt like he was wearing a sweater.

“This…this can’t be real,” he gasped, a shiver running through him when he traced his shaking fingers up and down the fuzzy path.  The motion caused him to notice the fresh growth on his arms, the wiry coating on the back of his wrists now spreading in a thin, light carpet towards his elbows.  Panicking, he stripped out of his shorts and boxer briefs and staggered over to the mirror, his fears confirmed when he saw a familiar coating slipping up from his calves to encircle his sturdy thighs.  It hadn’t yet reached his tight, perky bubble, but Justin had no illusions about where it would stop.

He gawked at his reflection, feeling a confusing mix of nausea and excitement as he pictured the faint layer settling in, growing thick and dark like the short, chocolate hair on his head.  It was a completely foreign concept as none of the men in his family were hairy, and the lean young jock had never had a reason to contemplate it before now.  He tried to focus on the dread, but the more he imagined his shredded definition accentuated by a silky carpet, the more he felt his cock twitch.

He was pumping before he even realized it.  Justin was mortified at the realization that he was jerking off while picturing himself covered in hair, but that did nothing to dull the overwhelming pleasure.  Even when he watched the peach fuzz begin to grow coarse and darken with each stroke, as if he was pumping the pigment into it, he couldn’t stop.  If anything, watching the hair sprout and blossom in time-lapse fashion only turned him on even more.  He watched it ripple like a pond, the chocolate color spreading out from the patch between his pecs to slowly darken his thickening pelt.  The color spilled down to his stomach, flowing around at his shredded obliques to coat his solid cheeks and create an uninterrupted network from the tops of his feet up to the stubble sprouting on his face.  Only the area between his shoulder blades and lower back was spared on the once-smooth jock, leaving the rest of his whipcord frame covered in a soft carpet.  Justin whimpered helplessly as he gripped a handful on his chest and tugged, the sensation causing his overloaded cock to explode.  He grunted and spasmed, each new hair feeling like a live wire.

By the time he was done, Justin didn’t know if he should be horrified or grateful.  He’d never cum so hard in his life, and as he stared at the impossible hair, he had to remind himself it shouldn’t have been there.  He wiped up his mess in a daze, his horror quickly returning when he heard the door click open.

“Hey man, how’s it…whoa!  Sorry dude,” Andy laughed as he sauntered in and found a naked Justin waiting for him.  The strapping blonde was clad only in a low-riding towel himself, a gym bag slung over a broad shoulder.

A voice in Justin’s head kept yelling at him to at least put his underwear back on, but all the addled young man could do was stare at his friend’s glistening, freshly-showered body.  “‘Sup?  Just coming back from the gym,” Justin asked, his tone perfectly casual.

“Yeah, the showers were packed, so I hit the ones here,” Andy said, a confused look on his face as he stared at his friend’s naked body.  “Dude, don’t take this the wrong way, but when did you get so hairy?  That’s some expert manscaping you’ve been up to.”

Justin looked down at his fuzzy frame, the sight of his twitching cock finally spurring him back into his underwear.  “Uh, yeah.  Just got tired of it, I guess,” he lied, not knowing how he’d even begin to explain what was happening.

“It’s a good look,” Andy said as he dropped his towel.  Unlike his friend, the meaty blonde was still perfectly smooth, a fact that etched itself into Justin’s brain as he stared at Andy’s solid, shifting globes.  His friend made small talk about his day and the gym, but Justin wasn’t paying attention.  He didn’t know, or even care, if he was being discreet while he stared at the other man’s fat, girthy cock, the stranger’s words bouncing around in his mind.  He tried to deny it, but the longer he stared at Andy’s bare frame, the more he wanted to be wrapped in his friend’s powerful arms.  Justin managed to look away just as Andy slipped into a pair of boxers and looked in his direction.  “Just ignore me.  I’ve got a huuuuuuge exam to study for,” he said, pulling out his laptop.

Justin nodded, wondering how he ever could have been annoyed at someone as gorgeous as Andy hanging out with so little on.  “Whatever you’ve gotta do,” he said, dropping onto his own bed, also without putting anything else on.  “I’m just gonna be fuckin’ around on my phone.”

As if the person could hear their conversation, the phone buzzed in Justin’s hand as the now-furry jock was trying to find a discreet way to take a picture of his friend.  “I guarantee Andy will let you get him off.  From what I hear, dude doesn’t care where he puts that fat dick of his,” the message read.

Justin was too flustered to respond.  Though he’d just recently been lamenting how often he saw it, the mere thought of Andy’s dick now filled Justin with an irresistible lust.  The embarrassed brunette tried to keep his attention focused on the phone in his hand, but he kept catching himself looking up and stealing glances at Andy while he studied.  His eyes pored over the other man’s broad shoulders, and the way his chest and arms flexed as he leaned forward against his desk.  He licked his lips at the way Andy’s boxers were pushed high and tight around his muscled thighs, with nothing but a thin layer of cotton between him and the stout package he was confusingly hungry for.

“Yo!  Justin!  You in there, bud?”

Justin blinked and shook his head, his whole body going crimson as he realized he’d been staring at his smirking friend for an unknown length of time.  He understood the burly blonde’s raised eyebrow and confused expression when he looked down at his tented boxer briefs and the hand that was kneading them, his stomach dropping and fluttering at the same time.  “Whoa, uh, sorry,” he said, grinning awkwardly despite wanting to crawl under his bed and hide.  “Totally spaced out there.”

“Is that for me,” Andy asked, nodding at Justin’s rigid bulge.  “I looked up from my laptop and you were staring right at me.  Thought you were gonna whip it out for a second there.”  The boxer-clad jock shifted in his seat, looking uncomfortable at his exposed state for the first time that Justin could remember.

The lean hunk shrugged.  He could feel the words clawing their way up his throat and he tried in vain to keep them in their unspoken state, more because he didn’t want to give his tormentor the satisfaction of being right than any real reluctance on his part.  The unexpected realization that he actually wanted to do what the person suggested hit him like a punch in his increasingly hairy abs, chipping away at his resistance.  “I don’t know what it is…I’m just fuckin’ horny today, man,” Justin whined.

“I can see that,” Andy laughed.

Justin felt like he was falling as the words left his mouth.  “I mean…I don’t want to make anything weird, but do you want to…”

It was Andy’s turn to blush.  The beefy blonde’s eyes went wide, and he gave a short, stunned laugh.  “What?!  Dude, are you asking me to…” he stammered, caught off guard.  “I’m flattered, and you totally flew under my radar, bro, but I’m not…”

Justin wanted to be mortified, but all he could think about was how cute Andy looked when he was embarrassed.  Instead of pulling back, it drove him on more.  “So?  You don’t have to do anything to me if you don’t want to…you can just sit there and let me do the heavy lifting,” Justin purred, nodding at the front of Andy’s boxers.

“Dude, you’re serious, aren’t you?  Where is this even coming from?” Andy asked, his massive arms flexing as he ran his hands through his hair.  He watched Justin’s hungry eyes follow the motion, his smirk returning.  “Okay…okay…this is a surprise, but I’m cool,” he said, shrugging his broad shoulders.  “You know I don’t get weird about gay guys, right?  Like, it’s cool.  Do your thing.  And I mean, fuck, who wouldn’t want some of this,” he grinned, breaking into a double bicep pose.  Justin wanted to protest that he wasn’t what Andy thought, but then he felt his cock pulse at the sight of his posing friend.  “So, uh, what’d you have in mind?  You know I’ll never turn down a blowjob.”

“Good news for both of us, then,” Justin said, lunging across the small room in a flash.  Without the slightest hesitation, he dropped to his knees in front of Andy and tugged his friend’s boxers down his meaty thighs.  The lean jock couldn’t believe what he was doing as he hefted the other man’s heavy balls and wide, fat cock, but he didn’t want to think about it.  As much as he screamed at himself to stop, an equally loud voice urged him on, and it had the extra weight of his overwhelming new lust behind it.

He slurped Andy’s twitching cock into his mouth, nearly cumming at the musky scent by itself.  The sensation of his newly-stubbled chin scratching against the insides of his friend’s muscled thighs and against the other man’s churning balls filled him with a kind of glee he’d never felt before.  As he bobbed his head, loving the feeling of Andy’s strong fingers stroking through his hair and the sound of his friend’s deep moans, Justin felt a chunk of his former self break off and float away.  There was no longer any question about whether or not he was becoming what his mysterious tormentor claimed.  He wasn’t straight and smooth; he was on his knees with a dick in his mouth, running one hand through the increasingly dense hair on his torso while the other jerked him off.  And he loved it.

He knew he shouldn’t.  He knew it should be revolting and that he should be horrified at the unwanted carpet coating his tight frame, but he couldn’t actually feel any of that.  All he could think about was how much fun he was having, and how much more he could have from now on, especially sharing a room with a hot wall of muscle like Andy.

When the strapping blonde whimpered and came, Justin sucked down the salty explosion like a seasoned pro.  “Ho…holy shit, dude,” Andy laughed, his slab of a chest heaving.  He tousled his kneeling friend’s hair while Justin wiped his own sticky puddle off the floor and put himself away.  “That was one hell of a coming out, bro.”

Justin didn’t know how to feel at that.  The stab of humiliation wasn’t nearly as deep as he wished it would have been.  He smiled and climbed to his feet, reaching out to tweak Andy’s nipples before turning away and tugging the back of his boxer briefs down.  “Just getting started,” Justin said, giving his fuzzy bubble a slap.  “That’s an open invitation.”  Before he could pull the back of his underwear up, his attention was drawn to the waiting text on his phone.

“Once you finish up with Andy, go to the gym and put on what’s waiting for you in locker 86, then come find me at Vibe.  See you soon!”

Justin’s heart started racing at the prospect of meeting his mysterious new friend.  He paused at that last word, but he had to struggle to think of the person as a “tormentor” anymore.  After the fun he’d just had with Andy, and how good it felt to pet his thickening fur, Justin wasn’t so sure that the person was torturing him at all.  He felt relaxed and weightless, like he didn’t have a care in the world.  He grinned when he pulled his boxer briefs back up and turned to see Andy, boxers still around his ankles, staring at his furry bubble.  “Hate to suck and run, but I need to bounce for a bit.  You can think about all the things you want to do to it while I’m gone,” he said, winking at his dazed friend.  He slipped back into his shorts and t-shirt, tousling his naked friend’s hair on his way out the door.

He practically sprinted across campus to the gym.  His gut told him that more of what he’d just experienced with Andy waited for him at Vibe.  He’d never been to the gay bar before, but he’d heard stories that he now desperately hoped were true.  The old Justin tried to punch through the giddy haze, but the formerly straight jock’s hangups were more of a reflex than an actual emotion.  There was a disorienting moment of whiplash when he finally darted into the locker room and all of his ingrained rules were immediately turned upside down.  Instead of averting his eyes and trying to be modest, Justin felt like a kid in a candy store.  His stomach fluttered at the musky aroma lurking just beneath the fog of bleach, and he’d peeled out of his t-shirt without even noticing.

Justin expected to be embarrassed at exposing his now-furry torso in public, but he was perfectly content as he searched for the locker in question.  The hair had continued to settle, coating his pecs in a dark, furry carpet that stopped just at the base of his shoulders.  There was no hinting at anything anymore as the chocolate forest condensed between his nipples and shot like an arrow down his shredded washboard, with silky ripples spreading out to cover the rest of his stomach.  It was like the hair wanted to be seen, and before Justin even realized he was doing it, he was stepping out of his shorts and underwear to continue his search naked.  He smiled at the people he passed, seeming perfectly at ease while his long hose and hairy balls swung between his now-forested thighs.  The hair thinned to a wiry dusting across his solid little globes, matching the pattern on his upper arms that slowly thickened from just above his elbows to the back of his hands.  Justin knew he was doing the very thing he should have hated.  It always bugged him when guys strutted around the locker room naked for no reason, but it never occurred to him to either put his clothes back on or grab a towel.

Instead of blushing when he found the locker, Justin grinned at the skimpy red jockstrap he found inside.  He slipped it on, loving the way the stuffed bulge looked riding low on his trim hips, with tufts of hair sticking out around the sides and above the waist.  He felt the same when he pulled the fitted tank-top on and saw the way his furry chest hung exposed, and the way the tiny chino shorts accentuated his bulge and left his hairy thighs for all to see.  Mere hours ago, Justin would have been horrified to find himself in such a state, but now, looking in the mirror at the trim beard his stubble had blossomed into, all he could think about was how he needed to redo his wardrobe as soon as possible.

When he made it to Vibe, Justin had to remind himself why he was there.  The pulsing music and the sea of shirtless men were an immediate distraction that he very much wanted to lose himself in.  Both his pride and his cock swelled when he saw the heads start to turn in his direction as he made his way to the bar, further cementing how little of his old self remained.  Justin knew he should have been uncomfortable at being ogled by a bunch of horny men, but all he did was smile and wave when he caught someone staring.  A drink was waiting for him as soon as he stood at the bar, and instead of shying away from the older man who’d bought it for him, Justin flirted back.

“I said you’d look good.”

Justin shivered and sighed when an unexpected hand reached over his shoulder and slipped into his tank-top, stroking the thick fur on his chest in the process.  The reflex that should have told him to pull away was entirely absent, and instead he leaned into the stranger’s petting for several moments before bothering to turn and see who it was.  “Thom?”  Justin gave a shocked laugh at the sight of the raven-haired stud.  He hadn’t seen the other man since their brief stint together in the dorm, and Thom had clearly spent his time well since.  He’d been tight and wiry, but now he had a sculpted, athletic torso straining against his fitted t-shirt.  The same went for the thick, muscled legs filling out his jeans, and Justin didn’t know how to feel at the thought that he was smaller than the other man.  Because of his better body and the fact that he was straight, he’d always felt superior to Thom, but none of that arrogance was present as his cock now throbbed.  “Wait…you…you did this to me?”

“Guilty as charged,” Thom said, grabbing Justin by a furry bicep and pulling him towards the busy dance floor.

“But…but why?”  Justin tried to force himself to pull away, but it was the last thing he wanted.

“First, tell me how you feel?”

“Great!” Justin cheered, his broad grin betraying any attempt at denial he would have made.  “Better than ever, actually.”

“Good!  I knew you’d be happier like this.  Ever since you panicked and had me kicked out of my own room, I knew we could do better.”

“Fuck, man, I’m sorry,” Justin said, his hands reaching up to Thom’s granite pecs while the other man’s hands were at his waist.  He couldn’t stop staring at his former friend’s dimpled chin and soft lips, and he knew there was no going back when it suddenly occurred to him how much he wanted to kiss them.

“Water under the bridge,” Thom said, eyeing the lean man in his arms.  “So was I right about Andy?”

Justin grinned and nodded, dimly noting the conspicuous absence of any blushing.  “He let me blow him in a heartbeat.”

Thom reached down and gave Justin’s bubble a squeeze. “See?  And he didn’t freak out or anything.”  The irony that he’d just told the roommate he’d kicked out for being gay a story about blowing his current roommate was lost on Justin.  He was too focused on the other man’s overwhelming presence, and how badly he wanted the hands to be inside his shorts, not on top of them.  “Well, I said I couldn’t wait to get a look at you, so let’s see.”

Justin obediently raised his arms when Thom lifted his tank-top, loving how it felt to have his furry torso free and exposed.  He felt like he should have stopped the other man when he popped the button of his shorts and tugged them down, but the rush of air on his fuzzy cheeks and hairy thighs felt too good to argue with.  Modesty couldn’t compete, and even when Justin felt his stuffed bulge start to twitch and harden, he didn't try to cover himself in the slightest.  He could sense all the eyes on him, but instead of being self conscious, Justin was eager.  Thom had said that otters were playful, and he’d been right.  These weren’t leering, hungry strangers but new friends waiting to play.

Giving into his impulse, Justin slipped a hand down the front of Thom’s jeans and stepped in to press their lips together.  He felt his hairy balls slip free as his cock went rigid and tented the jock, but he didn’t care.  It was just more for everyone to play with.  “You can see it whenever you want,” Justin grinned, leaning in for another kiss.


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