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“I thought these things were just for trucks?”  Kent pressed his face close to the window as Lee caught his breath.  The parking lot was empty, the broken pavement looking old and abandoned, with patches of copious weeds shooting up through the cracks.  The scrubby growth popped a vibrant, neon green under the sole, sputtering light pole that revealed flashing glimpses of their desolate surroundings.  There was only one other vehicle present, or at least that’s what they thought the dim outline looked like huddled off in a far corner of the lot, while the squat, cinderblock weigh station itself was barely visible through the mountain fog.  There was a full moon somewhere overhead, but none of the lunar rays penetrated deep enough to reach the dismal hut.  A diffuse glow of fluorescent lights bled out through the glass doors, the surreal haze stripping the brightness of any comfort.  The two young men were sure the building would be bland and unremarkable during the day, but in the middle of a silent, shrouded night there was an uncomfortable quality to their surroundings.  They’d been driving for hours through the seemingly endless cloud, denied the picturesque mountain landscape as visibility was next to zero.  All around them were steep valleys and towering peaks, but the two young men felt more like they were on a boat lost at sea than in a car cruising down an empty, autumnal highway.

Kent had just fallen asleep when he’d been jarred awake by Lee slamming on the brakes.  The flashing “road closed” sign apparated out of nowhere, causing his friend to swerve wildly in the direction of the blinking arrow that pointed towards the parking lot.  Tires screeching and gravel flying, they’d managed to come to a stop without flipping, leaving a white-knuckled Lee clutching the wheel, his heart racing.

“What the fuck was that?!” The panting jock finally spat, letting out a long, slow breath.  He sat back in his seat, his bare, muscled arms flexing as he ran his hands through his thick, chestnut hair.  “Someone’s gonna get killed!  How can they just leave that shit out there with no warning?”

Kent laughed and reached over to pat Lee’s thigh.  “Any landing you can walk away from…”  The groggy blonde yawned and shook his head, blinking the sleep from his eyes.  “Where the fuck are we?”

Lee shrugged.  “No clue.  According to the GPS we’re still on 64, but I don’t have enough of a signal to actually see where.”

“So glad we took the long way,” Kent said, rolling his eyes.  “Such a pretty drive through the mountains.”

“Since I’m the one who always ends up driving while you fall asleep and fart up the car, I’m gonna go however I want.”  Lee lifted Kent’s hand from his thigh, looking around the empty lot to see if any other cars were pulling in.  “Careful dude, I don’t think folks around here take too kindly to stuff like that.”

The blonde hunk looked back and forth between them, shrugging his broad shoulders.  “What?  You think they’re going to mistake us for a couple queers?  Yeah, right.”

Lee grinned as Kent puffed his prominent pecs out.  “Your boyfriend at the beach certainly thought so.”

“Fuck you.”  The muscled blonde blushed, still embarrassed at the way the man had openly hit on him.  He and Lee had been at the oceanside bar after a long day on the beach, their strapping, swim-trunk clad bodies tanned and pumped from hours of swimming and horsing around.  They’d been trying to find a pair of interested ladies to hook up with, but instead Kent found himself being the one picked up.  With their chiseled, athletic frames and All-American, lantern jaws they couldn’t blame the man for his tastes, only his actions.  The fact that Kent himself had openly ogled and grabbed countless women’s asses without asking over the years didn’t register when the young blonde felt the man squeeze his muscled globes.  In the moment, he was just embarrassed.  It always irked him when guys hit on him.  Kent would never say it out loud, but the experience inevitably left him insecure and defensive as to what he could have done that made them think he was like them.  It didn’t help that Lee never let him hear the end of it whenever it happened, despite the handsome brunette having the exact same reaction whenever he was on the receiving end.  “He doesn’t think that now.”

“Yeah, you sure made that clear,” Lee whistled.  “Can’t go back to that bar next spring break.”

“All I’m saying is the dude shouldn’t just walk up and put hands on people who don’t want it,” Kent said, without a shred of irony.

Lee nodded, equally oblivious to all the women who would happily point out his own troublesome behavior.  “Look but don’t touch.”

“Don’t even look,” Kent sighed, turning his attention back to the darkened building.  “So what do we do?  Do we go in?  I mean, there’s no one here…we could just keep driving.”

Lee shook his head.  “Yeah, and have some redneck cop come after us?  I’m sure they’d love to throw a couple college city boys like us in jail.  Let’s just go in and see what’s up and get the fuck outta here.”  He climbed out of the car, his chiseled torso breaking out in goosebumps around his loose tank-top.  The night air was heavy and humid, swallowing even the sound of Lee’s flip-flops clopping across the desolate lot.  He adjusted the prominent bulge in his baggy gym shorts while Kent fixed his clinging t-shirt and form-fitting joggers, his blonde hair still smashed on one side from where he’d been leaning against the window.  “Hope this is quick,” Lee muttered just before opening the door.

They were greeted with a worn, dingy lobby that looked as abandoned as the parking lot.  The tile was a dirty grey, though it was impossible to tell if it was intentionally that color or if it just hadn’t been cleaned in the last decade.  The same went for the bare walls that, at one point had been white, but now existed in a dull shade of brown, while discolored squares and rectangles dotted the room where posters and signs once hung.  There was a closed door immediately opposite the foggy glass behind them, and to the left was a receptionist’s window.  The small office on the other side looked just as empty as the lobby, with nothing but a single, rickety desk at which sat a short, heavyset man.  He was pale and balding, with oversized glasses resting on his sharp nose and what looked like a stained mechanic’s jumpsuit.  The large, circular rims only added to the man's overall spherical appearance as he hopped up from his chair.

“Evenin’ fellas,” he said, smiling and nodding at the young pair.

“Uh, hey,” Lee said, looking around at their sparse surroundings.  “That’s some set up you’ve got out there with the sign.  Nearly ran right into it.”

The man just nodded, his head bobbing on the neck that was buried somewhere between his chin and shoulders.  “The fog’ll do that.  Looks like you made it okay.  Most folks usually do.”  Lee wanted to comment on “most”, but the man continued, nodding towards the closed door to their right.  “Just head through there and we’ll get you back on the road in no time.”

“What exactly do we need to…” Lee trailed off when the man disappeared through a door on his side of the glass.  “Great.”

“I’m tellin’ you, man, let’s just split,” Kent said, nodding back at the door behind them.  “Something’s weird about all this.”

“Probably just have to fill out a form or something,” Lee grumbled.  “You saw the dude…if anything funny happens we can clearly take him.  What?  You wish your boyfriend was here to protect you?”

“Fuck off.”  Kent gave the grinning brunette a rough shove as they opened the door and walked through.  “If anyone needs protecting it’s y…you…” the sculpted blonde froze as soon as they were through, blinking against the harsh light that greeted them.  Save for a similar receptionist’s window that seemed to hover in the air in front of them, the floor, walls and ceiling were a sea of uninterrupted white that could have stretched for ten feet or ten miles.  There was a sense of space that made the room around them seem massive, far larger than the small shack of a building should have been able to contain.  “What the fuck?” The blonde jock said, his eyes going wide when he turned his attention from their bizarre surroundings to his sudden lack of clothing.  “WHAT THE FUCK?!”

“SHIT!” Lee yelped, his hands dropping to cover his own exposed package as he gawked at his naked friend.  He turned to run back through the door but found it missing, replaced instead by the infinite space.  Though they’d only made it a few steps over the threshold, Lee darted several yards before realizing the door was gone.  When he stopped and turned back around, he found himself standing next to Kent as if he hadn’t moved at all.

“What the hell is this, man?!” the blonde jock roared, waddling towards the window with his hands in front of his dangling hose.  Lee watched his friend’s solid globes shift and move with each step, the muscles of his sturdy thighs flexing with the impact of his feet on the floor, but the other man never seemed to get closer to the hovering window as both receded into the distance in front of him.  When Lee blinked and shook his head at the sudden rush of vertigo, Kent was once again next to him, the window only a few feet away.

“What…what’s happening…” Lee stammered, his anger swallowed by a rapidly growing sense of dread.  “Where’d our clothes go?  What is this place?”

“Just a weigh station,” the man said, his nasally voice distracted as he looked at something on his side of the window that neither of the naked jocks could see.  “You boys are running heavy, but this shouldn’t take too long.”

“What do you mean we’re running heavuuuhhhh!”  Kent gasped at the same time as Lee, a sudden shudder running through both of them when the man tapped at the unseen object.  “The fuck was that…” he said to Lee, fighting back another gasp when he turned to look at his friend.  They’d known each other for years, sharing dorms and locker rooms and growing very familiar with the sight of other’s naked body, yet Kent had to remind himself who he was looking at.  With his broad shoulders, perfectly proportioned pecs, ripped abs, and powerful arms, Lee’s appearance hadn’t changed, but Kent’s reaction to it had.  The blonde’s cock throbbed, shooting to attention in his hands.  His stomach suddenly fluttered when he looked at the wiry dusting of chestnut hair coating his friend’s torso, and at the wide-eyed expression on Lee’s confusingly cute face.  He could see the other man trying in vain to conceal his equally rigid cock as he blushed a deep shade of red.

“What…did you just do to us,” Lee said, swallowing hard and forcing his eyes off Kent.  Like his friend, he was hit with an overwhelming lust at the mere thought of the athletic blonde’s perfect, tapering body.

The man shrugged.  “Nothing major…just got rid of that repressive heterosexuality.  So many rules and restrictions!  All that baggage that comes with being “straight” gets real heavy, real quick,” he said, smiling.  “Now you two don’t have to worry about that.  Lightened the load significantly by itself, really.”

“WHAT?!” Kent shrieked, forgetting his futile attempt at covering himself when his hands shot to the sides of his head in shock.  He saw Lee’s hungry eyes zero in on his bobbing hose and heavy balls, wanting his friend to move his hands more than he really wanted to cover himself again.  “You…you’re saying we’re…”

“Hey, I just work here.  I don’t label anything,” the man said, raising his hands and shaking his head.  He smiled and nodded towards Kent’s rigid pole, raising an eyebrow behind his massive glasses.  “But it looks like you two are figuring it out.”

“You…you can’t do this!” Lee cried, finally letting go of his own throbbing member.  He was still mortified, but he’d caught himself starting to knead and tug while staring at Kent, and he figured exposure was better than public masturbation.

“I understand that you’re frustrated.  Believe me, I don’t like dealing with bureaucracy anymore than you do, but I don’t make the rules.  Shouldn’t take much longer though.  A few tweaks to those bodies and we’ll have you on your way,” he said, nodding at Kent as he pushed his glasses back up his nose.  “We’ll start with you, blondie.  Once we shed some of that size and bring that impressive organ down a bit you should be good to go.”

“NO!  No…please!” Kent stammered, his heart racing as he looked down at his hard-earned muscle and his eight-inch pride and joy.  His entire identity was wrapped up in being a jock and a ladies man.  One of those things had already been taken from him, and the thought of losing the other was more than he could bear.  “Look, can’t you just let us go?  What?  Do you want money?  There’s gotta be something we can do to…”

“Okay, okay!” the man said, cutting off Kent’s desperate pleas.  “You’re lucky I’m on shift tonight…my supervisor would have my ass if he knew I wasn’t following protocol, but I think we can still make this work…” Kent watched the man bite at his lip, tapping away at whatever they couldn’t see for several breathless moments before nodding.  “Okay.  This should work.”

Before the terrified blonde could respond, another wave of tingling washed over him.  From Kent’s perspective, all he could do was stare as his body appeared to swell.  His perfect pecs began to inflate, the ripped abs beneath them pushing outwards into a swollen muscle gut.  The stunned jock could feel his arms thickening, hanging at an angle as they rested against his expanding torso while his lower half grew in time.  Toned, muscled thighs suddenly pushed together, forcing the package that now looked massive to jut even more prominently forward.  Kent didn’t understand any of it.  Instead of losing size, he appeared to be packing it on.

From Lee’s perspective, the growth made more sense.  As soon as the man spoke, Kent immediately began to grow shorter.  In an instant, instead of looking the other man in the eye, Lee now looked down at a blonde scalp that just topped out above his waist.  But though his friend lost a huge chunk of his height, he didn’t seem to lose any of the muscle that now left his shorter frame looking bloated and swollen.  Kent wasn’t built like a tapering jock anymore, but like a burly, heavyweight powerlifter, his unchanged package now looking huge against his diminished legs.

The horrified brunette didn’t know what to say when Kent finally noticed.  He watched his friend’s unaltered face go pale as he gazed up at him, hating whatever the stranger did that made his cock throb harder than ever at the sight of his now-stout friend.

“Whoa…” was all Kent said, his voice taking on a higher squeak at his new size.  The shrunken blonde didn’t scream or panic, but merely prodded his brawny new body before reaching down to grab his fat log, his stubby new fingers unable to close around it.  “Fuck, dude.  I’m so…so little.  But…big?  Big little?  Bittle?” Kent squeaked with a drunken laugh as he gave his pole a few tugs.

“What did you just do to him,” Lee asked, his voice quiet as he watched the brawny little stud’s ample new cheeks flex as Kent pumped his widened hips absently into his hand.

“If he was going to keep that muscle and that equipment, we had to make a few other adjustments.  The height was an easy one, but I had to get a little, uh, creative with the rest.  Little fella’s not going to worry about much from now on, but I don’t think he’ll mind.  Right, big guy?”

“Uh…no?” Kent said, his focus shifting from himself to the solid cock that bobbed at his new eye level.  He went to reach for it, but the man stopped him just as he wrapped his shrunken hand around Lee.

“Hold on, we’re not done yet.  You two’ll have plenty of time for that in just a minute.  We gotta get your friend situated first.”  Kent looked disappointed as he let go and grabbed himself instead, his stubby arms flexing as he stared at Lee and pumped away.  “Since I bent the rules for your friend, do you want the same thing?  Or the original plan,” the man asked, turning his attention back to Lee.

The terrified jock didn’t want anything of the kind.  He didn’t know what the original plan entailed, but the thought of ending up as a dazed little ball of muscle like Kent was horrifying.  “N..no…the original is fine, I guess?”

Lee took a deep breath, resigning himself when the tingling started.  As the man promised, he watched his long, thick cock begin to pull inward.  The impressive rod shrank rapidly, dwindling from a girthy seven inches to a meager three while his low, heavy balls shed an equal volume.  The diminutive equipment looked ridiculous at first, and Lee wished it stayed that way as things began to look more proportional.  As quickly as Kent inflated, he seemed to whither.  His prominent pecs flattened, his abs vanished, and his arms and legs thinned until the ripped jock was left as a slender Twink.  Lee wasn’t skin and bones as he’d feared, he still had hints of definition, but where he’d been solid with muscle, now he was soft and supple.  Even the wiry dusting of hair on his torso was gone, along with the stubble on his cheeks, leaving him with nothing but small patches at the base of his shrunken cock and under his thin, toned arms.

“Oh…oh god…” Lee stammered, his hands shaking as he poked at his smooth, soft little belly.  Even that slight movement felt entirely foreign at his new size when his body no longer rubbed against itself in familiar ways.  He winced as he easily cupped his rigid cock, uncontainable just moments before but now nestled into his dainty palm.  His mind raced as he stared down at Kent, who still gazed up at him with the same hunger.  Lee ran everything he could think of through his mind, trying to reassure himself that he hadn’t lost anything more in the process like Kent had.  Other than his strange, undeniable new lust Lee found his interior workings more or less unchanged, with the exception of his missing plan.  He’d thought of it just before agreeing to the man, when it occurred to him that if he was stripped of his size he could always just build it back.  He was still in his early twenties and he’d done it before, so he told himself he could easily do it again.  Now, prodding at his slight new frame, Lee realized it was the last thing he wanted to do.  The thought of pumping iron in a gym was repellent.  The only thing he wanted to do there was run on a treadmill and stare at the boys in the locker room.  He groaned at the knowledge, breaking off in a gasp when a squat hand slapped his softened backside.

“Holy fuck you’ve got a cute little ass,” Kent laughed, kneading the soft, perky cheeks together.

“Du…dude…not…not right now…” Lee grunted, his tiny cock starting to ooze in his palm.  “We…we need to…”

“That should do it,” the man interrupted, wiping his hands together.  “You two clearly have things you want to do, so let’s get you back on the road.  Just step through the door you entered and you’ll be on your way.”

Lee hesitated, torn between wanting to scream and rage and demand that the man turn them back to normal, and his desire to run as far as possible from the surreal nightmare they wandered into.  It became a moot point when he looked up to find the window gone.   The only other object in the room was the same, unremarkable door they’d walked through just minutes before, right behind them where it should have been.  Not knowing what else to do, but hoping there would at least be clothes on the other side, Lee reached down and stroked the back of Kent’s head as they opened it and stepped through.

Instead of blinding light there was nothing, only an encompassing darkness that swallowed all sensation.  Lee didn’t know how long they lingered in the void before feeling started to return.  Touch came first, bringing with it a surge of warmth.  Lee could feel himself laying on something firm, with a heavy object nestled against him.  Sound was next, filling his ears with a squeaky, atonal snoring that was quickly accompanied by a musky scent and a salty taste in his mouth.  Sight came last, the darkness vanishing when Lee realized his eyes were simply closed.  He opened them cautiously without knowing why, blinking up at the roof of his hatchback.  He and Kent were stretched out in the back, the seats folded down, having apparently stopped to sleep for the night.  The sight of his slender body clad in nothing but a pair of small pink briefs, with a barely present bulge in the pouch, made Lee pause as he sat up and wiped a clear patch in the steamy windows.  They’d pulled off at the secluded rest area to sleep for the night, with no one else around save for a few semi trucks at the far end of the lot who’d stopped to do the same thing.  Around them, the autumn mountains looked exactly as they should, the blazing foliage starting to glow against the early morning sun.  It was the two men in the car that struck Lee as odd.

He’d had a dream that they were both pretty-boy jocks, and the vivid memories were slow in fading even now that he was awake.  Lee smiled as he looked down at the stocky ball of muscle in his arms, wondering how Kent would feel to be a six-foot, run-of-the-mill jock.  He loved the way the tiny hunk looked in nothing but the draping t-shirt that fit like a gown.  The oversized shirt had ridden up during the night to leave Kent’s fat, rigid log and his plump, muscled globes hanging exposed.

Lee settled back, wrapping a thin arm around Kent as he remembered how odd it had felt to have a pair of large, chiseled biceps in his dream, not to mention a cock that rivaled his compact friend’s.  The thought of being a boxers-wearing, girl-fucking jock was still fresh in his mind, stubbornly refusing to leave.

“Mmm…wha’ time’s it…” Kent squeaked sleepily, burying his face against Lee’s barely-present pecs.  “Too early,” he grunted.

“Just about sunrise,” Lee said, dancing his fingers through the smaller man’s hair.  “We should probably hit the road soon if we want to beat traffic.”

“We could,” Kent mumbled, his eyes still closed.   “Orrr….”

Lee grinned when the other man’s hand slipped into the front of his briefs and grabbed his tiny cock.  The little organ was a much better fit than Kent’s own hulking beast when it shot to attention as his friend began licking at one of his nipples.  “Dude…people could see us.”

“So?” Kent asked, lifting his head with a confused smile.  “When has that ever mattered?”  As if to prove his point, the stout little hunk stripped out of the ill-fitting shirt, giving Lee an unobstructed view of his powerful, stocky build when he rolled over and sat on the thinner man’s legs.  While Lee had to bend when he sat up, Kent had plenty of head room as he grabbed the prone man’s briefs and tugged them down, licking his lips at the little cock that sprung free.

“Okay, but you have to at least keep your voice down,” Lee relented.  He reached out and grabbed both of their cocks at once, working the mismatched organs together.  It was the one time Kent towered over him, and his shorter friend loved it.  He folded his arms behind his head as best as the overstuffed limbs would allow, a smug grin on his face while his muscle gut flexed with his pumping hips.

“You’re the one who screams all the time,” he said, the same dull smile on his face that Lee had seen in his dream.

“I’m talking about how you start yelling as soon as you’re inside me,” Lee said, wondering why the memories of his friend squeaking out an endless stream of smug boasts felt so strange.  He loved it.  The sound of Kent’s high pitch going on about his muscles and how much of a stallion he was never stopped being adorable.

“Can’t help it if I get excited,” the blonde stud said, reaching down to squeeze Lee’s pinchable thighs with a hungry look in his eyes.

“I know, I know,” the prone Twink laughed, rolling over.  He’d barely had time to settle before Kent’s heavy weight landed against his back, the other man’s cock slipping inside him with graceful ease.  “FFFFffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck,” he moaned, biting his fist to keep the pending wails at bay.  Lee was hit with an unexpected rush when Kent’s bulbous head pushed through his tight hole, as if this was their first time all over again, not something they did multiple times per day.  It was all the blonde ever wanted to do, whether they were at home or in public.  People tended to stare at Kent for his unique size and shape anyway, so the other man leaned into it as an eager, uninhibited exhibitionist.  Lee wasn’t quite as free spirited, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain.

“That’s right…who’s little now?  Fuckin’ ride that dick like a…” Kent stopped himself as his voice started to raise.  “Sorry,” he whispered, opting instead to grunt with each buck of his hips.

Lee knew it was all a moot point.  The car itself was rocking like they were in an earthquake, and anyone who looked would know what they were doing.  But at the moment, all that mattered was Kent’s thick pole and the way it made his own tiny poker ooze.  Each thrust also pushed his strange dream blissfully farther away.  The more Lee thought about it, the more anxious he became, and all he wanted to do was forget the bizarre nightmare life he’d seen.  He was perfectly happy with his slender frame and the things his little muscle daddy did to it.  What did he need muscles and a bigger dick for?  They were fine just the way they were.  The last thing he or Kent would ever want to be is a pair of stuffy straight dudes.


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