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“Wait…say that again?  You were doing what?”  Tony stopped stroking Matt’s plump pecs, sure that he’d misheard his friend.

The dark-haired jock shrugged and folded his muscled arms behind his head.  “I don’t know, man.  It was weird.  You were there…a bunch of people were…and we were climbing up these stairs?  It looked like a pyramid or something, but the sky was a weird color and it smelled funky.”  A grin spread across his sleepy face as he looked down at the large tent his fat cock was pitching under the sheet.  “Oh, yeah, you were naked, too.  So was I, but I was too busy staring at your cute little ass to pay much attention to anything else.”

Tony was hit with a wave of stomach fluttering embarrassment at the compliment, both sensations creating a feedback loop that made him blush a deep shade of purple.  He still wasn’t used to waking up with a naked man in his bed, let alone one as handsome as Matt, nor was he used to finding other men handsome in the first place.  The fact that he had to fight to keep himself from leaning in and kissing his friend was an experience he was still trying to process, and the discovery of their shared dream wasn’t helping.  He’d never mentioned his own to Matt or anyone else, so there was no way his friend should have seen the same thing in his sleep.

“Sounds weird,” Tony said, deciding not to say anything about his own nocturnal trips to the strange temple.  He still wasn’t sure what was going on, and he wanted to see if it was just a fluke or something that continued to happen.  “So you think my ass is cute, huh?”  He leaned in and gave Matt a quick peck on the lips as he resumed his stroking, letting his hand drift down the other man’s firm abs.

It was Matt’s turn to blush.  He cleared his throat and tried to sound casual, but there was no hiding the crimson layer beneath his scrubby stubble.  “I think your everything is cute,” he said, kicking the sheet aside and rolling on top of Tony with surprising speed.  “Your nose…your lips…your neck…” The straddling jock worked his lips over each part, his gym-calloused hands sliding down Tony’s trim sides as he slid lower.  “Your chest…your abs…this little guy,” he said, running his tongue around the head of his friend’s rigid cock.

Tony shivered and twisted his hips, batting his lengthy pole against Matt’s face.  “Little?  It’s big enough for your fat ass,” he laughed, watching the other man root against it.

“Hey!  I call yours cute, and you call mine fat?  That’s rude,” Matt said, sitting back on his thighs and glaring down at Tony with a look of mock offense.

“Dude, you’ve got a booty,” the lean brunette said, sitting up and wrapping his arms around his friend.  He reached down and gave Matt’s sizable globes a squeeze, his fingers slipping into the athletic hunk’s deep valley as he kissed the other man’s neck.  “Some thick, juicy, perfect cakes,” he purred, relishing the way his friend’s muscled backside filled his hands.  He’d become intimately familiar with it during the course of the preceding days, surprising both of them with his eagerness to explore.  He’d done things with Matt that he’d never even considered with any of his previous girlfriends, including a growing fondness for burying his face between his fit friend’s round cheeks and licking Matt’s hole clean.  He’d been disgusted with himself the first time he did it, but even through the burning shame he was already thinking about how long it would be until he could do it again.

Matt certainly didn’t mind.  The hairy jock was all too happy to bend and spread whenever Tony wanted, spending the majority of the week bouncing on his friend’s cock.  They’d taken turns a few times, and while Tony thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of Matt’s stout cock splitting him open, it was nothing compared to the olive-hued hunk’s ecstasy.  For someone who’d only been doing it for a few days, Matt was a natural.  He worked his ass with the skill of a seasoned power bottom, all the while developing an insatiable hunger.  Tony’s phone was already filled with pictures of his friend’s exposed rear as Matt had taken to sending him the teasing images while he was at work, and he’d even started getting videos of his friend fingering himself.  What started with Tony’s curiosity had become an open floodgate for the other man, and it showed no signs of stopping.  Already, the first thing Matt did when he came over was strip out of his clothes, and when Tony had gone to his friend’s apartment he’d found Matt naked, hard and waiting for him.

Tony knew something strange was going on, but he was too caught up in his own budding desires to stop and think about it for long.  Matt’s behavior may have been uncharacteristic, but his handsome friend seemed happier than the lean brunette had ever seen him, and Tony was more than enjoying himself.  He couldn’t get enough of the sight of Matt’s ripped, naked body, or the unfettered access he had to the other man’s ample bottom.  And though his friend may have been defensive about its size, Tony would have loved to see the bouncing cakes get even bigger.

He squeezed harder at the thought and closed his eyes, images of the strange ziggurat flashing through his memory.  The floral scent filled his nostrils, and Tony could feel the heat of the purple sun baking his exposed frame as Matt writhed in his arms.  The other man squirmed and gasped, but Tony was like a statue, his arms locking them both in place as the monolithic doors at the top of the ziggurat began to open in his mind.

“OOoouuUUuuhhnn…!”  Matt’s sudden, cracking whimper pulled Tony’s attention away from the alien landscape.  He opened his eyes on the other man’s ecstatic, slack-jawed face just as several warm spurts splashed against his torso.  “Gnngghh…guh…goddamn…” Matt grunted, shuddering and looking pained as several more ropey strands shot from his spasming pole.  “I don’t…know what you just…did…but holy fuck that felt good,” he panted, leaning in for a long, rough kiss before Tony could get his bearings.

The lean man returned the gesture, still kneading and gripping Matt’s plump cheeks while his friend’s tongue probed the inside of his mouth.  He was so focused on the taste of the other man that it was several moments before he began to notice just how large and supple the cheeks in his hands were.  As he slid his palms over the seemingly endless mounds, Tony’s heart started to race, his stomach dropping from a growing sense of dread.  “I don’t know what I did either, but if it gets a reaction like that,” he said, forcing himself to smile as he broke off the kiss.

“Looks like I made a mess.”  Matt flashed a bashful smile and ran his hand through the sticky coating on Tony’s stomach before sliding off the bed.  He stumbled and froze as he stood, blinking at his friend with a confused expression.  It didn’t last long before his grin returned and he reached down to slap one of his mammoth cheeks, sending a ripple through the meaty globe.  “That really IS a fat ass, isn’t it?”

Tony swallowed hard, unable to do anything other than stare at the jiggling mounds that were significantly larger than they had been just minutes before.  The plump pillows had grown by at least a third, taking an ass that already looked big on the other man’s compact, athletic frame and inflating it to freakish proportions.  The cresting spheres exploded out from Matt’s tapering waist, giving him a curvy, almost hourglass figure as they hung like muscled pumpkins at the jock’s lower back.  Tony didn’t understand why Matt wasn’t panicking, a confusion that only grew when he opened his mouth to ask if his friend was okay, but instead just smiled.  “I told you…it’s perfect,” he said, a hand slipping down to his still-aching cock.  Instead of jumping up and asking the frantic questions he wanted to, Tony settled back on the bed and raised an expectant eyebrow.  “How about you work it for me while I finish up over here?”

Matt’s smile faltered for a moment, a crimson veneer creeping up his neck before the grin returned and he nodded.  The bottom-heavy stud turned his back and began swaying his hips, the awkward cadence quickly falling into a bouncing rhythm.  Just like he’d taken to bottoming, the altered jock was already a pro, popping and twerking with the kind of ease that only came from countless hours of practice.  He sent rippling capillary waves from one cheek to the other and back again.  He bent, and dropped, and flexed with nimble ease.  He clapped the heaping melons with precision, tensing each one independently as if he’d been rewired with two extra sets of hands.

Tony couldn’t look away, nor could he stop stroking.  Even with everything they’d done together, there was still a part of him that was embarrassed to be openly jerking off while Matt used his warped frame to put on a show, but his body was on autopilot.  Just like his mouth.  Tony heard the words as he spoke them, wondering who really spoke them as they bubbled up his throat and out through his lips with no conscious effort on his part.  “You…you gotta do this all the time,” he said, his fist pumping and his mouth moving of their own accord.  “You’re so fuckin’ good at it, dude.  It’s a crime to keep that thing from people.  You clearly love it…you have to spread that love.”  Tony’s eyes drooped as a familiar, purple light filled the room.  Sourceless, the maroon hue was warm on his skin, bringing with it a familiar scent and the sensation of smooth, weathered stone against his feet.  He didn’t know if Matt could see it, but he doubted it.  It felt like a private vision, a gift for his eyes alone from a power on high.  “Fat assed, cock hungry little muscle bottom just gotta shake it…” Tony’s voice took on a distant, drunken slur, the pressure building between his legs matched by a pressure growing at the base of his skull.  The light grew brighter, the scent more intoxicating as his words became increasingly depraved. “…giddy go-go jock slut…gotta shake it for all the boys…love it when they watch…let ‘em ride to that cum dump…bring ‘em here…door to the temple through your fuck hole…need more…” Tony grunted, his voice growing louder, his pumping frantic.  “…it needs more…MORE,” he roared, his voice impossibly deep as it echoed off the walls and rattled the windows.  “MOOOORE!”

The lavender glow flashed a blinding, blazing purple as Tony came.  The pressure that had been building in his skull shot like a bullet towards Matt, causing the dancing stud to stumble as if he’d been hit by a physical object.  Tony blinked and shook his head, clutching at the sheets with his free hand as the overwhelming intensity rattled him to his core.  “Wh…whoa…” he panted, his throat raw.  It felt like he’d been screaming for hours at a concert.  “Did I…was I just saying something?”

“Only how much you liked my moves,” Matt purred, turning back to face his friend.  He toyed with one of his prominent pecs while he spoke, his other arm flexing as he reached up and ran a hand seductively through his hair.  The chiseled hunk looked dazed, constantly shifting his weight and squirming as if he was having a hard time standing still.

“That goes without saying,” Tony laughed.  He hopped off the bed, wiping a hand through the sticky puddles on his chest and slapping the residue onto Matt’s oversized rear.  The shorter stud gave a dull laugh, looking momentarily surprised by his reaction, before scooping a strand onto his fingers and licking them clean.

“Bro, warn me next time so we don’t let this go to waste,” Matt pouted, sucking on another finger.

Tony leaned over and gave his friend a kiss on the forehead.  “Any time you want a drink straight from the source, you just let me know.”

Matt smiled and paused to consider it, but then shook his head.  “Later.  I’ve got an urge to go out all of a sudden.  Do I…do I need new clothes?  I think I need new clothes.  Is that weird?”

Tony shivered, a sense of deja vu running through him as he looked at his grinning, naked friend.  He shook his head as it passed and shrugged.  “With you?  Who can tell?”



Damn, that was hot! Hopefully there will be more chapters of this start as Tony changes his other friends.