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“This must be rough for you,” Derek said, running his hands around the edges of the young stud’s ample pecs.  He gave the sculpted mounds a squeeze, working his thumbs over the firm little nipples before letting go and stepping back to survey the naked man on the table.  He rubbed his chin and grinned as he looked at the prone jock’s rigid, leaking cock.  The less-than-average organ was nowhere near as impressive as the rest of the budding bodybuilder’s chiseled frame, but that was all about to change.  “I know how much you hate it when other guys check you out.  What was that you were saying in the locker room the other day?  You wished gay guys like me weren’t allowed in?  I think you used harsher language if I remember correctly, but there’s no need for that now,” Derek cooed, tracing a finger down the line of hair bisecting Alex’s shredded abs.  “I’m Derek, by the way.  We’ve passed each other on the floor, but I don’t think we’ve ever officially met.”  He stopped just at the base of the other man’s twitching cock, reversing course and stroking his palm back up through the trimmed bush, following the carefully shaved trail through the valley of Alex’s chest as the prickly follicles spread up towards the young man’s broad shoulders.  “It must be a pain to keep this shaved all the time.  Way you’re headed…keeping all that trimmed would be like a second job,” Derek laughed.  The dark-haired man lifted the bottom of his shirt, exposing his own fur-covered muscle gut.  “Trust me, your life will be so much easier once you give that up.  And the boys just love it,” he winked, tousling the frozen man’s sandy-blonde hair.  

Alex could only stare, his groggy mind racing as he struggled to understand where he was or what was happening.  The last thing he remembered was leaving the gym after his nightly workout, and then nothing until he came to in the sparse room.  He squinted at the harsh fluorescent lights, searching for any identifying details he could find in his peripheral vision, but all he could see were bare, beige walls.  It had a sterile, antiseptic smell, and it would have felt like a doctor’s office if it weren’t for the menacing man looming over him.  The young bodybuilder was both terrified and humiliated to find himself stretched out naked and exposed on an examining table.  He was unable to move, though he could still feel everything as his tormentor groped and prodded him.  Alex was further mortified at his aching cock, but there was nothing he could do except let the betraying organ leak and throb.  

The other man’s ominous statement about the gym at least answered one of the naked jock’s questions.  He’d been trying to place where he recognized the burly stranger from.  Now, Alex was further embarrassed as his cock throbbed when he thought back to the last time he remembered seeing Derek in the locker room.  The other man was thick and broad, built like a brawny power lifter instead of having the shredded physique Alex strived for, and covering all that bulk was a dense, proud coating of jet black hair.  

It reminded him of his dad and uncles.  Though he’d stolen a few inconspicuous glances, Alex hadn’t been checking Derek out; he’d been trying to tell himself he wasn’t going to end up like that.  The ripped young man liked his smooth physique, and the thought of turning into a hairy brute like the older men in his family terrified him.  So far the hair hadn’t become excessive, but as he progressed from his teens into his early twenties he knew it was only a matter of time.  He’d gone from having the standard peach fuzz on his stomach, arms, and legs, to a steadily thickening, coarse patch that rested square in the middle of his chest.  It wasn’t huge, and the chestnut line that dripped down his abs to connect with his bush wasn’t overly prominent, but even those Alex kept constantly shaved.  It was like living with a ticking time bomb, and the young hunk dreaded the day that he’d wake up looking like his gorilla of a father.  He didn’t know if it would be a subtle transition, or if it would come on all at once like a second puberty, and he was in no hurry to find out.  

Alex especially didn’t like the way Derek mentioned giving up his shaving routine, or anything having to do with “the boys” liking his body more than they already did.  The other man was right; he had been complaining about guys ogling him.  He just wanted to be able to relax at the gym, to take his shirt off or drop his shorts and flex in the mirror to check his progress without having to worry about whether or not he was putting on a free show.  Alex was as straight as they came, and he wasn’t shy about letting others know.

Not that it was so obvious in his current circumstances.  Hard and leaking, to an outside observer the sandy-haired man knew he probably looked like he was enjoying every second of Derek’s hungry groping.  Alex kept trying to think of anything else, but, as much as he hated to admit it, the sensation of the other man’s strong hands gently caressing his frozen muscle wasn’t as terrible as he wished.  Until now, the young jock had only ever felt the touch of another man in an aggressive manner, never once stopping to wonder what it would feel like to be on the receiving end of a more intimate connection.  He knew there were guys at the gym who identified as straight, but who’d still let an admiring man blow them, and while the practice had always struck him as odd, now he started to wonder if there wasn’t something to it after all.  

“This should be a win-win for both of us,” Derek continued.  “I needed a test subject for my formula, and you clearly need an attitude adjustment.  If this all goes the way it should, we’ll both be much happier in a few days when it’s all over.  Just think about it…more muscle, a bigger cock, a coating of some luxurious fur, and not a care in the world.  I don’t know how much of this you’ll remember, but, if you want my advice?  Things will go much smoother if you don’t fight the changes.”  He smiled and leaned in close, his breath hot on Alex’s face.  “Have fun with it.”

Alex’s eyes went wide, a shudder running through him when Derek’s meaty paw closed around his pulsing cock.  His world narrowed to the up-and-down sensation of a pumping fist, the bright lights dimming overhead as his lids fluttered and he started to squirm.  

“MMmmm…” he groaned, his voice returning with the ability to move.  Instead of bolting upright he writhed, gradually realizing the hand on his dick and the one groping his chest were his own, and that he wasn’t on a table at all, but on his bed.  “Wha…wait…was it all just a dreeenngg…!”  He spasmed and shuddered before he could get the question out, and by the time he was done spraying he couldn’t remember what he’d wanted to ask in the first place.  “The fuck was that all about?” Alex blushed as he looked down at his naked body, his cum-slick pecs heaving as he caught his breath.  His head was fuzzy, and he wondered why he was naked instead of in his boxer briefs like usual, but he seemed more focused on inspecting his body.  He ran his hands all over his torso, blushing at the sticky patches, but feeling reassured by the prickly sensation of hair that was still mostly shaven.  Satisfied without fully understanding why, he rolled off the bed and stretched, scratching absently at his abs as he lumbered towards the door.  “Gotta switch up the protein…that shit’s starting to give me weird dreams,” he laughed to himself.  “Just wish I could remember what it was…”

Alex opened the door without thinking, freezing at the sight of his roommate.  Bill was standing in the kitchen on the other side of their small living room, still looking groggy as he stood at the counter in nothing but his grey briefs and bed-head.  Alex didn’t know why his eyes dropped straight to his friend’s perky rear, or why the sight made his cock jump, but the sensation of his exposed hose twitching served to remind him that he hadn’t put anything on.  He slammed the door, grateful that the brunette’s back had at least been turned.  They’d seen each other naked plenty of times, but Alex still couldn’t believe he’d almost stumbled out of his room half-hard and covered in his own cum.  He wiped himself down as best he could and threw on some underwear and a pair of loose gym shorts, hoping his addled brain would finally wake up.  

“Mornin,’” Bill said, nodding at Alex as he wolfed down the remains of his toast.  

The confused hunk’s hope for a clear head faded as he stared at his friend’s lean, exposed body.  Bill wasn’t on the same quest for size that he was, but the other man still had an athletic build that was solid and defined, though other than to compare himself to his friend’s smaller size, Alex had never thought much about it.  He was jealous of Bill’s larger package and stuffed bulge, but the sight of his roommate in nothing but his briefs had never made his stomach flutter before.  “Hey man,” Alex said, clearing his throat and trying to sound casual.  He was painfully aware of how close he was to his scantily clad friend as he pulled a protein shake from the fridge, telling himself he didn’t really have an urge to reach out and grab Bill’s girthy pouch.  

“Rough night,” Bill asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at his friend.  

Alex fought to keep the tide of crimson from creeping up his face, wondering if he’d made more noise than he realized while waking himself up.  “Yeah…didn’t really sleep well,” he said, downing the shake as an excuse to look away from Bill’s suddenly charming smile.  

“I could hear you tossing and turning,” his friend said, nodding.  “You gotta lay off that pre-workout so late, dude.”  

Alex laughed, his impressive triceps inflating as he leaned back against the counter.  “If that’s the price I’ve gotta pay,” he said, flexing his abs for emphasis.  

“I can do that too,” Bill said, his expression smug as he showed off his own washboard in response.  “And get a good night’s sleep.”  

Alex gripped the counter behind him, his fingers biting painfully into the cheap linoleum to distract himself from the sight of Bill’s perfect abs pointing the way to his perfect bulge.  Unlike himself, his friend was naturally smooth, with only the barest hint of a trail poking up from the front of his briefs, and nothing but a light dusting on his forearms and legs.  It made him jealous, knowing that Bill didn’t have to worry about shaving or grooming or doing any of the other things a hairy guy like himself had to.  The thought stopped Alex cold.  He’d never actually thought of himself as “hairy” before.  It was always a label he rejected, yet he’d just applied it to himself without hesitation.  “Yeah, but you can’t do this,” he said, flexing a sizable bicep before his silent staring became awkward.  

“Ohhh, such a stud,” Bill whined, pursing his lips in Alex’s direction.  “That why you decided to let yourself grow out a little?”  

“What do you…” Alex trailed off when he turned his attention back to himself and saw the scrubby patch of chestnut resting in the deep valley between his pecs.  A thin, dark line snaked down from the bottom, surrounding his navel before disappearing into his shorts, and nearly invisible sprouts were spreading across the rest of his stomach as a sign of things to come.  Alex just blinked, unsure how to respond.  He was certain he’d been smooth when he’d climbed out of bed, but looking at himself now he knew that wasn’t possible.  He was covered in at least two day’s worth of growth.  “Uh, nah, just gotten lazy, I guess,” he said, shrugging his shoulders as if he could lift them away from the phantom follicles spreading up his chest.  

“Not a bad look, man,” Bill said.  He was oblivious to Alex’s shiver when he threw his plate in the sink, brushing against his friend in the process.  

Alex retreated to his room after watching Bill’s solid little bubble shift its way over to the bathroom.  He tried not to think about how the thought of his friend’s naked body in the shower made him feel, focusing instead on his own reflection.  The small patch of hair in the middle of his chest was no larger than usual, but something about the sight filled him with dread.  It wasn’t just his conviction that he should have been smoother; the fear went deeper.  As he turned in the mirror and traced his fingers through the translucent fuzz cresting his shoulders, Alex couldn’t shake the feeling that he was forgetting something important.  

He stayed in his room until he heard Bill leave for class.  Far from the reaction he expected while picturing himself covered in hair, Alex’s cock had gone rigid during his inspection and the persistent organ stubbornly refused to soften.  Now that his friend was gone he didn’t need to worry about being caught in his confusingly aroused state, and he could take his time shaving himself smooth again.  

That plan only lasted long as long as it took for Alex to strip down in the bathroom.  As he was stepping out of his shorts and underwear, the horny jock saw Bill’s discarded briefs laying forgotten on the tile.  His cock had already sprung free so hard it slapped up against his abs, and the sight of his friend’s underwear only added to his embarrassing desperation.  Alex reached down and picked up the small grey wad before he could think to stop himself, his hands shaking as they held the soft grey fabric.  

The young hunk was crimson from head to toe as he stared at his reflection, not wanting to believe it was really himself he gawked at.  The man in the mirror was some hairy pervert.  That wasn’t his cock leaking while he clutched another man’s underwear.  That wasn’t him flexing and pawing at his bulging pecs, rubbing Bill’s briefs over the hairy mounds.  The patch of hair between them couldn’t have grown thicker and darker already, and that darkness couldn’t be creeping up to his shoulders.  The same went for the widening line that bisected his abs, and the increasingly dense coating on his thighs and forearms, as well as the layer of scrubby stubble that obscured his strong jaw and high cheekbones.

It couldn’t be him, Alex pleaded with himself.  The pecs he fondled through Bill’s briefs looked slightly bigger than they should, as did the arms he flexed and licked.  It was hard to tell with the sprouting fur, but Alex thought he looked bigger overall, his muscle seeming to keep pace with the frantic hair.  Even the cock he tugged on filled his hand more than it should, sticking out farther from his closed fist than he remembered from even just that morning.  

Alex thought he might be getting himself under control when he pulled Bill’s underwear away from his chest, but instead the briefs found their way to his face.  He whimpered, loving how the thin material caught in his rough stubble as he breathed deep of the musky aroma, the whole time trying in vain to convince himself he wasn’t really getting off while huffing his friend’s underwear.  It all felt so terrifying right, even though Alex knew it was all horrifyingly wrong.  

His body suffered from no such conflict.  Alex came so hard his knees nearly buckled and he had to stifle his bellow by shoving the briefs into his mouth.  He felt nauseous when he’d finally stopped spraying and saw himself, his furry chest heaving while Bill’s briefs hung from his slack-jawed, stubbled mouth.  Alex wanted to question the sudden hair growth, and the apparent swelling of his muscles, but there wasn’t time.  He’d taken so long with Bill’s briefs that he barely had time for a quick shower, let alone a full body shave.  Alex did his best to ignore the foreign sensation of the water streaming through the thickening, forested valley of his too-plump pecs as he scrubbed himself down.  The same went as he toweled himself off and slipped into a fresh set of clothes, his stomach dropping when he saw the barest hint of a curl sticking up through the neck of his t-shirt.  

By the end of his day, Alex wished he would’ve stayed home.  He was so distracted that sitting through class pointless.  His thoughts kept drifting to the men in the room, either the professor or his fellow students.  He couldn’t keep his eyes off them.  He’d always check out the girls in class and on campus, but they’d never commanded his attention the way his male peers were that morning.  He’d spent his entire first class imagining what his beefy history professor would look like delivering his lecture in nothing but a jockstrap, and instead of macroeconomics, Alex spent the entirety of his second class focused on the lean ginger in a tank-top in the seat in front of him.  For a man who’d always thought of himself as straight, it was humiliating, even more so when the guys caught him staring.  Just the other day Alex had lamented about being ogled, yet there he was doing that exact thing.  And unlike whenever a girl caught him staring, he didn’t flash an arrogant grin and keep looking, he blushed and awkwardly looked away.  

His body wasn’t helping things, either.  Alex itched from head to toe, and he dreaded the thought of passing a reflective surface.  As impossible as he told himself it was, he knew exactly what the itching meant.  What started that morning as the hint of a curl was now a dark tuft, clearly visible sticking up through the neck of his ill-fitting t-shirt.  But even without it, the hair on his arms and on the legs sticking out of his tightening shorts had grown noticeably thicker over the course of the day.  He no longer looked like a smooth jock who just happened to have some body hair.  He looked hairy.  There was no other word for it.  It spilled through the sleeves that threatened to split around biceps that were now clearly larger than they should have been, and whenever his small shirt lifted it exposed a set of abs that were buried beneath a dark, soft carpet.  

And his shirt lifted all the time.  The thin top had always been small to show off Alex’s build, but now it looked comically undersized as it stretched across his protruding pecs and struggled to contain his broadened shoulders.  The same went for his shorts which, while still loose at the young jock’s trim waist, clung to his strong thighs and increasingly ample ass like leggings.  The tightness didn’t help obscure his eager cock at all, especially considering the growing, obvious lump that formed throughout the day.  Alex could feel his boxer briefs becoming as tight as everything else, but instead of swelling pride at the thought of his prominent bulge, all he felt was humiliated.  He kept picturing his ripped, furry body and rigid cock on display for everyone, hating how he had to remind himself that it wasn’t a normal thought.  

Like Bill that morning, his friends noticed the changes.  Several of the guys he normally talked to in class praised him for his apparent progress in the gym, and on the “manly” look he was going for by letting his hair grow.  Alex would just smile and nod, his cock twitching at the compliment while he tried to act casual.  He played it off as “experimenting” with a new look, the word bringing strange flashes of a bright room and a beefy stranger standing over him.  The random flashes of memory felt important, like they held the key to what was happening, but they always fled before the addled stud could grab hold.  

When it came time for his daily trip to the gym, Alex hesitated.  He hadn’t missed a session in months, but the thought of both changing in the locker room and being seen in a tank-top made him pause.  Still, when Aaron, his workout partner, called him out, he agreed as always, telling himself he wasn’t really more excited to sneak a peek at the ebony adonis in the locker room than to actually work out.  

It was worse than Alex imagined.  He wanted to scream as soon as he peeled out of his t-shirt, but in the bustling locker room all he could do was give a stifled gasp.  What had started as a patch of hair between his pecs was now so deep and thick that it obscured the valley between the muscled mounds entirely.  It spread up towards his neck and halfway down his abs in a diamond pattern, with a lighter carpet flowing out from the edges to coat his shoulders and abs before rounding his trim waist and condensing again at his lower back.  Now, like the front of his boxer briefs, Alex was mortified to see a dense patch disappearing into the back to coat his inflated cheeks.  

And there was no longer any doubt that they’d inflated.  Even if he second guessed his own perception, Aaron was fully confident.  

“Damn!  You been sneaking workouts without me?  When the fuck did you get bigger?”  Aaron grabbed Alex by his shoulders, turning the stunned jock so he could get a look at him.  The increasingly-furry man was torn between wanting to crawl under a rock and hide, and relishing the sensation of his friend’s fingers slipping through the hair on his shoulders.  Though they were both the same height, standing just under six feet,  Aaron had always had the better body.  The other man was like a walking sculpture, with expertly chiseled muscle and a cock that was impossible to ignore.  Now, Alex edged out an advantage as his pecs popped and his waist tapered, and neither of them could deny the fat bulge that pulled down the waist of the hairy jock’s underwear.  

“I, uh, guess it all caught up at once,” Alex stammered.  It was taking all of his willpower to keep his cock from growing in a much more rapid manner.  Only the impending humiliation of the entire locker room seeing him kept it at bay, but the longer he thought about it, the less awful the thought started to sound.  He pulled out of Aaron’s grip and quickly slipped his shorts on, the once baggy mesh now pulled tight around his ample rear.  Alex didn’t know what was worse, the fact that it looked like he had a fist shoved down the front, or that the tight shorts only accentuated how hairy his legs had become.  It became a moot point when he pulled on his tank-top and saw how his furry pecs and shoulders tufted around the straps and out from beneath the scooping neck.  His expanded shelf of a chest stretched the shirt so wide his nipples nearly spilled free, and Alex only wished that he could enjoy the sudden appearance of so much muscle.  In another scenario, ballooning with shredded bulk and getting a bigger cock would be a dream come true.  Now, it was a nightmare.  

And he couldn’t wake himself up.  Out on the floor, Alex’s new impulses were in overdrive. Guys he used to check out from a competitive standpoint now made his mouth water, and he had to constantly check himself to keep from being too overt in his staring.  The sweaty, straining lifters were like a glowing oasis to his parched, aching loins, and for the first time in his young life, Alex no longer felt like he was one of them.  Physically, his swelling body was at least on par, if not superior, to his peers, but mentally he was becoming an outsider.  He wasn’t staring at them to watch their technique, he was thinking about what their bodies would feel like against his burning palms.  The sensation of Aaron’s fingers on his furry shoulders still fresh in his mind, Alex wanted that experience with all of them, all over his sprouting body.  There were other hairy guys on the floor, but like his sculpted frame, Alex was quickly overtaking them.  

He paused at the thought again.  For the second time that day he’d thought of himself as “hairy” without hesitation, just as he easily accepted his strange new desires.  Alex could feel himself slipping, losing his grip on what he knew to be real.  One moment he’d look down at his furry shelf and not give it a second thought, only to feel the protruding hair brush against his arm a few moments later and have the sensation punch him in the gut.  He kept hearing a stranger’s deep, taunting voice in his head, bringing with it a rush of horror and embarrassment, but it would slip away before he could remember where it came from.  

It left Alex reeling.  Instead of boasting his way through set after set, either bragging about his latest hookup or spouting his overly-defensive, homophobic nonsense, the addled jock’s head spun from his competing points of view.  Half of him was horrifically aware of the impossible transformation he was undergoing, but the other half just wanted Aaron to grab handfuls of his chest hair, slam him up against the wall and take him right there on the floor.  To Alex’s growing humiliation, the latter half was winning.  

“Uh…dude?  You want me to twerk it for you,” Aaron asked, raising an eyebrow, an awkward grin on his face.  

“Huh?  What do you…” Alex’s stomach dropped when he followed his friend’s eyes down to his tented shorts.  He’d been spotting the other man on the squat rack, watching Aaron’s powerful thighs and ample rear flex with each rep, completely oblivious to his unchecked desire.  The blonde bodybuilder went crimson.  He had no idea how long he’d been standing hard in front of everyone on the floor, lustfully staring at his friend’s ass.  “Shit, sorry man, I, uh, I gotta go…” he stammered, darting back into the locker room.  

The size of his tent was also troubling.  Alex’s cock should have been average at best, not the thick, eight-inch club that sprang free when he ran into a stall and pulled his shorts down.  He gasped at the sight, fighting the urge to grab it and start pumping right there in the locker room.  The hair that had been spreading across his abs connected to his trim bush in an uninterrupted coating, making him simultaneously wince and shiver as he ran a hand along it.  Following the pelt back up towards his chest, Alex wished he could enjoy the shredded abs underneath.  In the course of a day, his body was somehow becoming the perfectly proportional work of art he’d been striving to build for years.  He was chiseled and lean, a spray tan away from being stage-ready, if not for the nauseating hair that covered it all.  

Not wanting to expose himself, but not having any other options, Alex peeled out of his too-small tank-top and hung it from the front of his shorts, hoping to obscure the sizable tent.  His cock was refusing to soften, a battle that became all the more difficult when he felt the cool air of the locker room waft across the sweaty fur on his torso.  The sensation was anything but nauseating, sending a pleasant shiver through him.  

“I’d be happy to help you out with that if you want.”  Alex froze, having made it only a few steps out of the stall before the voice called out behind him.  His still-red cheeks flushed an even deeper shade when he turned and saw a grinning brunette obviously checking him out.  The other man was built like he’d been just the day before, his athletic body lean and smooth.  

“Uh, that’s okay,” Alex said, the tank-top dangling in front of his shorts only drawing more attention to the way his betraying cock bounced as he stared at the shirtless stranger.  He’d seen the other man at the gym before, but this was the first time he’d ever stopped to appreciate how handsome he was.  

“You sure about that,” the brunette asked, his smug grin making Alex’s knees weak.  

The hairy jock swallowed hard, trying desperately to keep back the words he knew were coming.  “I mean, if you’re up for it,” he said, feeling a giddy rush wash over him.  

The other man gave a quick look to make sure they were alone before stepping forward and grabbing Alex’s tented bulge.  “Seems like you’re the one who’s up,” he said, laughing at Alex’s quick gasp when he gave it a squeeze.  He ran his fingers through the trail of hair on the blonde’s washboard, his eyes burning with hunger.  “I’ve seen you around here before…gotta say, this is a much better look.”  

The feeling of the other man’s fingers dancing across his carpeted abs obliterated what remained of Alex’s resistance.  He’d already been teetering on the edge, and the sudden throb pushed him over.  He didn’t care what was happening or how, he just wanted his new friend to keep going.  “M…my apartment’s right around the corner…” he whimpered.  

Alex didn’t even stop to get his things from his locker when the man nodded.  He hurried for a side door, hoping Aaron wouldn’t see him gleefully leading his new friend with him, but not entirely sure that he’d care even if he did.  It all felt exciting and new.  There was still a voice in his head telling him that this wasn’t right, but the fear was fading.  As he hurried down the bustling campus sidewalk, his chiseled, carpeted chest on display for everyone he passed, he felt less embarrassed and more masculine.  He didn’t care about the dense patch that suggested the coating of hair on his now-ample rear, and he didn’t care about the tufts that would forever spill out through his shirt collars and sleeves.  If it caused guys to look at him the way his new friend did, Alex was happy to have it.  “And the boys just love it,” he said to himself, repeating what the phantom memory had been telling him all day.  

His new friend was on him as soon as they were through the door.  Alex didn’t bother to check if Bill was home or not.  He didn’t care.  All that mattered were the brunette’s hands gliding across his furry mountains.  Alex guided them along, loving the combined sensation of his new muscle flexing while the other man tugged on handfuls of the silky forest, their lips pressed together.  Not even the presence of another man’s tongue in his mouth could dull the hairy jock’s growing bliss.  Having his new friend writhing against him felt like scratching an itch he hadn’t been able to reach for years.  He wanted to get the brunette’s clothes off, but the other man was determined to get him naked first, tugging his shorts and boxer briefs down before they’d even made it to his room.  Alex felt none of his previous embarrassment at the thought of his hairy new body being entirely on display, only a swell of pride at the way his new friend looked at him.  

“You are so fuckin’ hot,” the man sighed, shoving Alex onto the bed before peeling out of his own clinging t-shirt.  

“Not so bad yourself,” the prone jock said, licking his lips when the other man pushed his shorts and briefs down, letting his thick hose bounce free.  As he stared, Alex caught their reflection in the mirror, having a final stab of recognition at the sight.  It was like looking at a before and after picture.  The brunette was lean and athletic, with a light smattering of hair across his pecs and a scrubby patch at the base of his abs.  Alex wondered if he carefully kept it manscaped the way he used to, or if he was naturally smooth, and his cock throbbed as he wondered whether the other man would eventually wind up the kind hair he’d sped into, or if he’d stay smooth like that for the rest of his life.  It caught him off guard.  Alex thought he’d feel jealous, but looking at the other man now, he couldn’t understand why.  Compared to his furry frame the brunette looked like a kid who hadn’t hit puberty, not a real man.  His new friend should be the one who was embarrassed, not him.  

Not that either of them actually were.  The smooth, handsome hunk seemed nothing but confident when he draped himself on top of Alex and slid down to suck the other man’s cock into his mouth.  The furry stud groaned, his fingers digging into the sheets as he squirmed under his new friend’s nimble tongue.  He loved how the other man’s hands felt sliding up his tapering torso, tracing the denser lines of hair that spiderwebbed through the fainter patches, and he was surprised by how much he loved the sight of a smooth pretty boy going to town on his fat, furry balls.  Even when Bill walked in, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping when he saw what was happening through his roommate's open door, all Alex did was grin and give him a thumbs up.  

He knew he’d have a lot of explaining to do, both for what Bill just walked in on and what happened at the gym, but ultimately he didn’t really care.  Everything seemed less important than it did even that morning.  Smooth, hairy, straight, gay; none of it mattered, and as he folded his muscled arms behind his head, Alex couldn’t remember what he’d been so worked up about.  He told himself he’d have to make sure to get his new friend’s name and number before he left so they could do this again, and he wondered just how drunk he’d have to get Bill to give it a try. 



You know I love this one!