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“Oh, come on.  You don’t actually believe that shit about the Hollow?”  Rhett paused just on the other side of the clearing, his three friends remaining safely behind the wall of pines.  The charred ruins of the old church stood at the smug blonde’s back, looming like a crouching giant in the dim light. Well outside the city limits and away from the ever-present light pollution, the sky above the clearing was increasingly peppered with stars winking to life as the final remains of the sun faded.  The cool, forest air added a slight chill to the otherwise muggy summer evening, and with the growing chorus of insects and nocturnal woodland creatures, the scene would have been picturesque if not for the burnt corpse of the church marring the otherwise pleasant surroundings.  The athletic young man shook his head, waving a sculpted arm around the empty clearing.  “It’s just a building, you pussies.  Now quit hiding and help me start setting up.  We’re sure as fuck not hiking all the way back in the dark.”  

Hayden was the first to step forward.  The short brunette looked over at Kyle and Zack, shrugged, and then joined Rhett in the clearing.  “Just remember, this was your idea,” he said, a shiver running through his compact frame when he looked at the church’s crumbling skeleton.  

“I will.  And in a couple days you’ll be thanking me for it,” Rhett said, tousling the shorter man’s hair.  Hayden winced and pulled away, hating the condescending gesture.  He was every bit as handsome and built as the taller blonde, but at 5’6” the only thing that seemed to matter to the group and everyone else was his lack of height.  It didn’t matter that he was the most hung, or that his smooth frame sported the best abs and the least fat.  As long as he was chin-level with the others, he was constantly having to prove himself.  “It’s just spooky now because we got here after dark.  When we wake up tomorrow and all you see is some dumb building, you’re all going to feel like idiots,” Rhett continued.  

“You sound like you’ve been out here before,” Zack said, pushing Kyle back as the other man went to step forward so that he could be the first to cross the threshold.  Though always together, the pair of pretty boys were constantly competing with each other, and if it weren’t for their reputation amongst the ladies on campus, most people would have pegged them for a couple.  With their tight, chiseled frames, matching haircuts, and stylish presentation it was easy to make assumptions.  The only real difference was Zack’s golden tan and sandy hair versus Kyle’s olive hue and raven scalp.  

“I have.  A bunch’a times,” Rhett said, shrugging.  “It’s just a campsite.  Never seen a single ghost or cultist in all the times I’ve been here.”  He was referencing the many, many legends surrounding the burned out building.  How the fire started and what the church was really up to depended on who you asked.  Some people said they were devil worshippers, other people said it was a cult devoted to something far worse, and some people claimed it was aliens.  But regardless of the start, the ending was always the same - ghostly, cursed church bells ringing out through the darkened forest.  People said they could still be heard, and that they were a bad omen if you did, but Rhett didn’t believe any of that.  He hadn’t actually been to the sight before as he claimed, but he didn’t see any reason to tell his friends that. They were jumpy enough as is, and unless he wanted to deal with it all weekend he needed everyone to relax.  “Why don’t you two go snag us some firewood and Hayden and I can get things set up here?”  

Zack and Kyle nodded.  Zack seemed eager to get away from the husk of a building, and the rapidly darkening woods were a better choice in his mind.  His sandy-haired friend followed, the pair quickly disappearing into the shadows.  Rhett and Hayden started clearing out a space for the tents as soon as they were gone, the shorter man gradually starting to notice the complete lack of forest sounds.  There should have been scurrying rodents and buzzing insects, but all he heard was their feet on the rough forest floor and the occasional creaking of wood from the remains of the old church.  As more time passed he started to worry that their friends hadn’t come back yet, but he told himself they were probably just goofing off as always.  

“So you’ve really been out here before,” Hayden finally asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked at his friend.  

Rhett grinned.  “Sure!  I mean, I’ve thought about it a bunch.”  

“I knew it,” Hayden said, shaking his head.  “So you really don’t know if it’s safe.”  

“Of course it’s safe!  Why the fuck wouldn’t it be?  Listen to me…it’s just an old building.  Say it with me: It’s. Just. An. Old. Building.  Ghosts and shit aren’t real, bro.” Rhett reached out and tousled Hayden’s hair again, motioning back at the darkened husk.  “What do you think is going to happen?  It’s just…”

The smug blonde was interrupted by a deafening gong.  The metallic din was so loud it rattled their bones, and they both clutched at their ears in a vain attempt at blocking out the sound.  There was no mistaking it as a church bell, but when he looked up to search for the source, Hayden froze.  Instead of looking at a bell, he watched Rhett wither.  There was no other word for it.  The sculpted jock’s body lost its hard-earned muscle like a deflating balloon.  Broad shoulders pulled inwards, bulging pecs flattened, piston arms dwindled, and the impressive tank tread abs vanished as if someone took an eraser to his abdomen.  His body rapidly losing bulk, the blonde’s powerful thighs were exposed as they pulled away from each other when his baggy shorts and boxers lost their grip and landed in a heap at his feet.  Rhett’s eyes went wide as the changes continued, a crawling sensation creeping across his rugged face as he felt his features beginning to soften and change.  His lantern jaw lost its edge, his lips became soft and pouty beneath a button nose, and his constant stubble vanished, leaving soft, smooth cheeks in its wake.  The one thing that didn’t change was Rhett’s thick cock, which looked larger than ever hanging off his diminished frame.  The dangling beast started to twitch as the former stud’s body softened, its rigid, throbbing state a stark contrast to the little twink’s look of stunned terror.  

Hayden wished he could help, but he had his own changes to deal with.  As soon as Rhett started shrinking, he’d started growing.  It happened so fast that the short brunette barely had time to register the growing sensation of pressure around his waist before his shorts and briefs exploded off him.  He seemed to be expanding in every direction.  Hayden stumbled as his legs grew longer and wider, his torso stretching upwards and outwards as he packed on pound after pound.  His toned, athletic arms became beefy logs, hanging off massively broad shoulders that swallowed the majority of his neck, and he could feel his meaty new thighs pressing together.  He wasn’t growing with cut, sculpted muscle, but with pure bulk, inflating him to beefy, powerlifter proportions.  His abs ballooned into a prominent muscle gut, and his chiseled pecs became plump and round as they rested on top of it.  Along with the burly flesh came a carpet of hair, the wiry forest sprouting out of his inflated frame and up to coat his rounded face in a dark, trim beard.  But as jarring as what he gained, Hayden was far more concerned with what he’d lost.  At first he thought his view had just been obscured by his expanding frame, but as he stumbled and staggered he felt an unfamiliar absence between his legs, his fingers encountering a terrifyingly familiar opening where his cock should have been.  

And then it was over.  Their ears ringing and their heads spinning, all they could do was stand and gawk at each other as they struggled to get their bearings.  

“Hay…Hayden…” Rhett stammered, his once-deep voice now high and soft.  “What…what just happened…”

“I don’t…I don’t know,” the formerly short man said, his voice taking on the deep rumble that his friend’s had lost.  “Dude, I think…I think my dick’s gone…” the furry brute said, afraid to look down and confirm for himself.  His solid gut sank when he watched Rhett swallow hard and nod, his eyes locked on the spot where his hefty package should have been.  

“You…you’ve got a…” the shrunken blonde trailed off, wincing as he ran his hands over his slender arms.  “Did I get smaller?  Or did you get bigger?”  

“Both, I think,” Hayden said.  Despite his fear, he felt a rush of satisfaction at the way Rhett now had to look up at him.  “Was it…did the sound do this?”  

The tiny blonde shook his head and shrugged his bony new shoulders.  “How could a sound do this?  How could anything?!  Fuck, man…you’ve got a fuckin’ pussy!  And look at me!  I got nothin’ left!”  

Hayden nodded down at his friend’s still-rigid cock.  “I wouldn’t say nothing.”  

Rhett blushed, hating the way his softened bottom bounced when he kicked free of his oversized clothes.  “For all the good it’ll do me lookin’ like this,” he grumbled, rubbing his throat.  “And sounding the way I do.  Shit, man, I’ve fucked girls that looked like this before,” he whined, a dainty hand prodding at his smooth torso.  “And you just became a goddamn giant except for…” He trailed off again, but Rhett was right.  As impossible as it was, they’d somehow been inverted.  The blonde’s supple new frame was lithely androgynous, bordering on feminine save for his huge, rigid cock, while Hayden was a hairy, masculine beast with an eager pussy between his powerful thighs.  

“We…we have to get out of here,” Hayden said, unsure why his eyes were glued to the other man’s bobbing pole.  He didn’t like the way it sent a growing, pulsing heat to his new opening.  

“The fuck we do!  We’re not leaving until we fix this,” Rhett barked, sounding more pitiful than intimidating with his softened voice.  

Hayden lumbered forward, gasping at the way his powerful new body moved and shifted against itself.  Instead of light and agile like he was used to, his new steps were heavy and plodding.  “How?  We don’t even know what happened!”  

Rhett shrugged, his thin arms showing almost no definition as he clutched the sides of his head.  “I don’t…I don’t know, but I can’t be stuck like…like this…”

“Like a cute little blonde?” Hayden said, finally letting a hand drift to his hungry opening.  “How do you think I feel?!  I just turned into a grizzly bear with no dick,” the brunette beast roared.  “And you’re complaining about being hung like a horse just ‘cause you lost some size?”  

“Lose some size?  Fuck you!  Your arms are the size of my waist, asshole.  Look at this!”  Rhett broke into a pointless double bicep pose, the motion drawing attention to the soft, shapeless belly where his abs should have been.  “I should be jacked, not…hey…what…what’re you doing…” he stammered when Hayden reached out and ran a meaty hand along his soft arm before tousling his hair the way he used to do his friend.  He shivered, both at the contact and at the way his friend now stood a whole head taller than himself.  

“Sorry, I just realized I could do that to you for a change,” Hayden laughed.  He swallowed both of his friend’s lithe shoulders and roughly turned him around, taking a long look at the ample, yielding cheeks where Rhett’s solid bubble should have been.  

“Hey!  What do you think you’re dooOH!” Rhett hated his chirping yelp when Hayden gave his ass a rough swat and squeeze, the sensation of being manhandled making his oversized cock ache confusingly.  

“Gotta be honest, dude.  I think I like this version of you better,” Hayden said, his voice dripping with arrogance.  

“That’s not…not funny…” Rhett said, squirming in his friend’s grip without pulling away.  He’d never say it out loud, but just as Hayden was clearly enjoying the fact that he was now the bigger one, the former jock was more turned on than he thought he’d be at being the small one.  

“Who’s joking?” Hayden spun his friend back around, the burning need growing ever stronger from his hungry slit.  The panic he’d first felt hadn’t so much faded as much as it had been pushed aside by a stronger priority.  He was still terrified at the thought of what happened to them, and he knew they’d have to deal with it at some point, but for the moment he was more interested in using Rhett’s fat log to replace the one he’d lost.  He reached down and grabbed the rigid pole, grinning at the way his friend spasmed in his grasp.  “So it still works.”  

“Fuuuuck…dude…we can’t…we have to figure out how to…” Rhett whimpered, his small hands gripping handfuls of the new hair on Hayden’s expanded torso.  His protests were a token effort for the sake of his straight pride more than any real hesitation.  Hayden’s eager hole was like a beacon for his throbbing member, and though he may have lost much of his body, Rhett still had all of his skill.  

“Whoooaaaaa,” Hadyen gasped, his eyes going wide when the smaller man’s dextrous fingers slipped into his altered opening.  “That’s…that’s new…” he grunted, his meaty legs going weak.  He held Rhett close, kneading his friend’s plump cheeks while trying not to think too hard about how he was being fingered.  

“You’re tellin’ me…never been with such a hairy chick before,” Rhett laughed.  

“Fuuunnhh…fuck you…” Hayden groaned, lifting Rhett off the ground with one powerful arm.  

The little twink just grinned and licked at one of Hayden’s enlarged nipples.  “No, I think I get to do that to you,” he said, a bit of his old confidence returning.  Far from the horror he’d originally felt, Rhett was loving the size difference more and more.  When Hayden dropped to the ground and took him along for the ride, he was thrilled by how it felt to drape himself on top of the other man’s furry belly.   He hated how he had to struggle to hold himself up on his weakened arms, but when Hayden’s powerful hands clamped onto his supple torso to make up the difference he never wanted the other man to let go.  “Ready?”  

Rhett didn’t wait for an answer.  He rolled his trim hips and plunged inside, eliciting a long, low groan from Hayden.  “Oh…oh shit…that’s inc…incredible…” the expanded hulk grunted, meaning every word.  His friend had only just slipped inside and already the ecstasy was so overwhelming that he didn’t know if he’d take his cock back even if he could.  He knew their unusual attraction for each other was part of whatever had been done to them, but ultimately the cause didn’t matter as much as the outcome.  He kept telling himself they’d figure it out later, once their bodies weren’t on overdrive and they could think clearly.  All he wanted to focus on now was the adorable little blonde lighting up his body from the inside.  

“You’re lucky it’s…me and…not those other…two…” Rhett grunted, holding on as his friend bucked and squirmed from his thrusting.  As he said it, the supple new twink had a brief vision of the two pretty boys on all fours, presenting their tight asses to use as he pleased.  It was jarring.  He thought of himself as entirely straight, blaming their current actions solely on whatever had been done to them, but he couldn’t shake the image.  Soon Kyle and Zack turned into other guys he knew, and before he knew it, Rhett was pumping into Hayden, imagining that his tiny frame was topping jocks all over campus.  

“Guuuhh…goddamn…” Hayden whimpered.  He didn’t know the source of his friend’s sudden vigor, but like Rhett, he was busy imagining a shifting menagerie of men in his little friend’s place, fucking his huge, hairy frame senseless.  It should have been a crushing blow to realize the full extent of their changes, and that even after they were done with each other there really wasn’t any going back to what they knew before.  But the now-beefy brunette couldn’t bring himself to care.  When Rhett tensed and his insides went warm from his friend’s spurting, Hayden’s only concern was how long it would be until they could do it again.  

As it turned out, the answer was not long.  Rhett sprawled on top of his friend, his cock still inside as they both caught their breath.  “That was…wow…” he panted, swirling a finger through Hayden’s ample chest hair.  

“Wow’s a good word for it,” the bigger man laughed, giving a slight gasp when he shifted his weight and felt his friend’s rigid pole hit a sensitive spot.  “Uh…you ready to go again already?”  

Rhett looked concerned as he pulled out and rolled off Hayden’s gut, his solid cock pointing up as he sat on the rough dirt.  “I don’t get it…it shouldn’t be like…” he trailed off, going pale.  “Fuck!  What…what if it’s just always like this now?!” Hayden couldn’t help but grin at the thought of Rhett’s slender new body walking around with his massive cock hard all the time.  At his current size, there’d be no way to hide the prominent beast.  “It’s not funny!” Rhett cried, trying in vain to will himself soft.  

“I’m not laughing at you, I promise,” Hayden said, pulling his friend to his feet.  “I’m smiling at the thought of you being able to do that to me all the time.”  He tousled Rhett’s hair again and looked at the remains of his clothes on the ground.  “Look…we need to get dressed and then go find Kyle and Zack.  Who knows what might have happened to those two.  Why don’t we swap?  My stuff should fit you, and I should at least be able to squeeze into a pair of your gym shorts.”  

“Fine,” Rhett grumbled, his cock throbbing despite his embarrassment as he went to Hayden’s bag and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs and shorts.  As he’d feared, there was no hiding the eleven-inch girder as it tented the baggy shorts and underwear that rode low on his slender hips.  “Can’t fuckin’ believe this…bad enough Hayden’s shit is too big for me, but I’ve gotta walk around with my dick on display too?”  

“I don’t know…I think it’s cute,” Hayden said, nodding down at the flat front of the tight, borrowed shorts he’d squeezed into.  “It’s not like this is much better, either.  Everyone can see my…” he trailed off at the sudden hissing sound, a tingling sensation breaking out across his lower half.  By the time he looked down, the dissolved remains of the shorts were falling away, leaving nothing but the elastic band and a small strip of material in front of his new opening.  He could feel another strip resting on his plump, hairy cheeks, but not enough to provide any real coverage.  “What the…no no no…” he gasped, grabbing a shirt from Rhett’s bag.  It was far too small, threatening to tear as it stretched across his beefy new frame, but it didn’t have time.  As soon as Hayden let go there was another loud hissing, dissolving the shirt entirely.  “Fuck!  What’s happening?!  I can’t wear clothes anymore?!  What the fuck?!”  

Rhett looked down at his tented shorts, no longer feeling as bad about his own predicament.  Based on what remained, if that was the only area he’d be able to cover, Hayden wouldn’t be able to wear much more than a thong or tiny panties, meaning his altered body really would be on display for everyone.  “Let’s…let’s just find the others,” he said, his cock throbbing at the sight of Hayden’s gym-shorts-turned-loincloth.  


“Dude, this is great,” Kyle sighed, his eyes closed as he stretched his naked body out on the cool bank.  He wasn’t worried about anyone catching them, and even if they did, the thought of someone seeing his ripped body without any clothes on didn’t really bother him.  “Fuck firewood…Rhett didn’t tell us there’d be a river.”  

“Do you believe any of the stuff about the old church,” Zack asked, his bare, muscled body bobbing in the gentle current a few feet away.  

Kyle shook his head.  “Fuck no.  Just a bunch of urban legends to scare kids.  I mean, come on.  Cults and demons?  I was just playing it up to fuck with Hayden.  You know howwWWWW….!  Hey!  Get off me!”  His eyes shot open when a dripping Zack landed on top of him.  His friend’s girthy package rested heavily on his stomach while he lay straddled between the other man’s thighs, his arms pinned behind his head.  

“It’s…it’s too late…the…the sex cult got me,” Zack said, his voice wavering and forced.  “You’ll…you’ll have to blow me if you want to get uufffff!”  

Kyle rolled, shoving Zack off and reversing their positions as he pinned his friend.  To an outside observer, the sight of the chiseled jocks wrestling naked might have raised a question, but there was nothing sexual in it for the duo.  They were like a pair of puppies, enjoying their unfettered freedom and the warm evening air.  “You’ve got the better mouth for it,” Kyle grinned, laughing at the way Zack winced when he dragged his package up the other man’s chest.  “Open wide for the…”

The sound hit them like a wave, cutting Kyle off.  Though they were nowhere near the rotting steeple, the crushing din redlined their hearing.  The way their bodies shook and vibrated, the two young pretty boys might as well have been standing directly under a massive church bell.  For what felt like an eternity, the blasting sound was all they knew.  They could feel themselves yelling and trying to move, but they weren’t successful at either.  Zack tried to extricate himself from Kyle, but the more he pushed the harder the sound pushed back.  The reverberant roar glued them together, rendering Kyle’s frantic struggles as futile as his friend’s.  What had started as the two of them horsing around in the river ended with them in a blasted, battered heap on the shore.  

“Jesus fuck, man!  What the hell was that?”  Kyle finally groaned.  He blinked and shook his head, pulling it out from under Zack’s as his friend draped across him.  

“I knew this was a bad idea.  ‘Nothing to worry about’…yeah, right.  I’m going to kick Rhett’s…ass…” The light-haired jock trailed off as he sat up and went to stand, his eyes going wide and his face pale.  “Ky…Kyle…are you…look…look down…”

“What do youuaaAHHHHH!  WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!  WHAT THE FUCK?!”  The olive-hued jock screamed and tried to leap to his feet, falling flat on his back instead.  Zack landed with him, their newly shared leg thrashing wildly.  From the navel up, their sculpted frames were unchanged, but from the waist down, two had become one.  Their bodies had somehow melded together, and instead of each of them having two legs, their connected frame now had three as each man retained one of their original limbs while the others merged into a single appendage.  They each still sported their thick, meaty packages, and beneath them on the rough forest floor they could feel their solid cheeks flexing and shifting, but no matter how much they struggled there was no coming apart.  

“This can’t be happening…this can’t be happening…” Zack repeated, trying to keep his arm from tangling with Kyle’s as he desperately tried to pull himself free.  “Get the fuck off me, man!”  

“You get off me!” Kyle barked.  “Fuck!  We’re a fucking freak!”  

The pair broke off into wordless grunts as they writhed on the ground in a vain attempt at separating from their newly acquired partner.  Their still-chiseled muscle flexed and strained, glistening with sweat while they struggled and pushed at one another before finally collapsing against the ground in defeat.  

“I told you this place was cursed!  Fuck!”  Zack cried, slamming his fist into the ground.  His other hand was pinned under Kyle’s half, and he did his best not to think about how close their cocks were as they each rested against their shared limb.  “There has to be a way to fix this.  There has to be.”  

“What are we going to do, man?”  Kyle’s voice was soft as he blinked up at the darkened canopy overhead.  “How do we even live like this?  Going to the bathroom’s going to be real awkward.  Hell, EVERYTHING is going to be real awkward.”  

“No it won’t, ‘cause we’re not stuck like this,” Zack insisted.  “This isn’t even possible.  This has to be some kind of hallucination or bad trip or something.  Maybe there was something in the water?  We can’t really be like…this…” he said, his stomach dropping when he forced himself to look at their warped body.  They were both still strikingly handsome and impressively built, only now they came as a package deal.  The stunned jock thought about what Kyle said, and how drastically different their lives would be.  Eating, pissing, fucking, sleeping; they’d be forced to share it all.  As much as he loved his friend, and as much time as they already spent together, it wasn’t a future he relished.  

“But…what if we are?” Kyle’s chiseled pecs heaved as he fought to keep from hyperventilating.  As someone who put so much stock in his appearance, the thought of spending the rest of his life like something from a sideshow was horrifying.  

“We’re not, so quit saying it, alright?  We’re…dude!  Get your hand off…my dick…” Zack trailed off as he looked down and saw his untouched package.  A few inches away, on the other side of their new, shared leg, Kyle scratched absently at his heavy balls, the sensation registering in Zack’s brain as if it were his own.  “Oh god…” he muttered, realization slowly setting in.  Now that the initial rush of panic was fading, he gradually started to notice the flood of new sensations.  He felt the rough ground rubbing against Kyle’s hairier thigh, and he could feel the dark, wiry hair against the other man’s palm as he wiped the dirt from his pecs.  As impossible as it was, he knew he had to stop thinking of the limbs as belonging to the other man, and instead as something they now shared.  

Kyle was slower on the uptake.  “Wait…you feel that?”  He reached down and squeezed his meaty equipment, shivering in response to the gasp that tore out of Zack.  

“Yes I feel that,” the sandy-haired man spat.  “See?”  

“WHHHOOOOAAAA,” Kyle’s eyes went wide, his half of their shared body tensing as he felt the phantom sensation of the other man’s hand kneading his balls.  “That’s…that’s weird…” he laughed awkwardly, his thick cock starting to twitch.  

“It’s not weird, it’s a nightmare!  We have to…” Zack paused, a familiar pulse throbbing through him, though emanating from an unfamiliar source.  “Dude…are you…is this making you hard?!”  

Kyle blushed, nodding sheepishly at his hardening organ.  “I can’t help it!  You’re the one doing it!”  

“The fuck I am!” Zack yelped, his face turning a similar shade when his own cock sprang to life in response to Kyle’s arousal.  “Goddamnit!  This is the last thing we need right now,” he muttered, looking at their equally hard cocks.  

“At least they still work,” Kyle said, giving his thick tool a tentative prod.  

Zack gasped and shivered, the sensation of his attached friend’s equipment hitting him harder than his own.  “That’s not funny, dude.”  

“Hey man, I’m not joking.” The dark-haired half of the conjoined hunk shrugged, eliciting a mirrored response from Zack’s side.  “I don’t know about you, but, if we’re actually stuck like this, figuring out how my dick works is a priority.”  

“Of course it is,” Zack relented.  He shook his head, trying not to think about Kyle’s head so close to his own as he reached down and wrapped a hand around his aching cock.  

“This…this is going to take some getting used to,” Kyle laughed, letting go and folding his free arm behind his head as Zack worked them both.  

“Hey, I’m not going to do all the work here,” the sandy-haired man said, watching his friend’s cock twitch and ooze in response to the stroking he gave his half.  

“Dude, don’t get uptight,” Kyle said, his eyes going wide when he slid the arm pinned under his other half down to give Zack’s ass a squeeze.  Like their eager organs, he felt the kneading as if he’d grabbed his own cheek.  “Fuck, man, is this how everything’s gonna be?”  He reached over and tweaked one of Zack’s nipples, shuddering when he felt the phantom pinching at his own chest.  

“Cu…cut it out…” the other man stammered, batting Kyle’s hand away.  

Kyle grinned and slipped his other arm out from under Zack, his hands sliding up to his chiseled pecs.  “Fine, I’ll just do it over here then.”  

“GGGNNHH…!”  Zack grunted and spasmed when a pair of unseen hands began tweaking his nipples.  He’d never been into that sort of thing, but now the rigid little nubs were like lightning rods.  

“Holy…shhhhiiiiittt…” Kyle groaned, overwhelmed by the sensations ripping through their joined frame.  He not only felt Zack working their lower half while he worked their upper; the sensations were magnified.  He didn’t just feel Zack’s hand stroking his cock, he felt the other man feeling it as well, heightening the impact as his brain rapidly tried to adjust to the new sensory input.  “What happens if….we both…do…it…” he gasped, letting go of a nipple to reach down and start stroking himself.  

The pair howled in unison, their jaws going slack as they groaned and writhed on the ground.  They quickly fell into rhythm, their dual stroking complementing each other’s technique and propelling their agonizing lust onward.  Before either of them fully realized they were doing it, their free hands were clutching their shared leg and roaming over the other’s body.  The sensations were so all encompassing that the two weren’t even aware when they switched and began stroking their friend’s cock instead of their own.  

“Oh…oh fuck dude…this is…this is incredible…” Zack whimpered, his eyes wide as he gawked at Kyle’s equally stunned face inches from his own.  

“I…I know…holy shit…how is this evmmphh…!”  The stuttering jock was cut off when his friend leaned over and pressed their lips together, the melded sensation making it feel as if their wrestling tongues were one.  As much as neither wanted to admit it given their horrifying circumstances, they’d never felt anything better.  “What…what the hell was that…” Zack stammered when Kyle finally pulled away.  

“What?  It’s not like it’s gay.  Look at us, man.  And who knew you were such a good kisser,” the dark-haired stud laughed, drunk on lust.  “Wait…does that mean ‘we’re’ a good kisser now?  I can’t tell who’s doing what to who,” he groaned, ending in a sharp, sudden gasp.  “Oh…oh fuck…dude I think we’re gonna cu…cuuuuhhhnnn…!”    

Zack leaned in for another kiss as the joined duo bucked and spasmed on the ground, nearly blacking out from the shattering intensity of their heightened release.  When the blissful haze cleared, the two found themselves with one of their hands around the other’s cock, pawing softly at their newly connected form.  “O…okay,” the sandy-haired man panted, his heart racing as the lust faded and the horror started creeping back in.  “Now we really need to get the fuck out of here.”  

“Agreed,” Kyle nodded, surprised at the ease with which they righted their awkward frame.  He’d expected to fumble and flail, but even as they staggered upright onto their three legs there was only a moment of imbalance before they began to compensate.  “Whoa…this is going to take…”

“…some serious getting used to,” Zack finished.  He blinked and shook his head.  Kyle’s phantom thoughts were brushing against his own, and he blushed when he realized his must be doing the same.  He watched his friend flush a similar shade, a tingle running through them.  

“I had fun too, stud,” Kyle grinned, feeling the full weight of Zack’s embarrassed longings.  “Look on the bright side…if we can’t find a way to fix this, we’ll have plenty of opportunities.”  

For just a moment, Zack wondered if that would be such a bad thing.  “Come on…let’s head back to the others.  I hope they’re not…like this.”  He pushed the confusingly lustful thoughts from their shared consciousness, his attention quickly focused on how different their joined frame felt as they took their first steps.  After a few stumbles they found that, as with their stroking, they naturally fell into rhythm.  Instead of constantly battling each other, their shared consciousness allowed them to anticipate and correct on the fly.  It wasn’t long before they were trekking through the woods, feeling no more awkward than they ever would have at stumbling naked through a strange, dark forest.  The shared sense of self brought up questions about their individual identities, and whether they were really one person or two, but neither of the young jocks were equipped to wrestle with something so huge in the moment.  All they wanted was to find their friends and get as far from the ruined church as possible.  


“Well, here we are.”  Mike tossed his bag on the ground and waved at the ruined building behind him, smiling at his friends’ uncomfortable expression.  The burly pair were terrors on the football field, but they looked like they were ready to pass out at the sight of a burnt out building.  

“I still can’t believe you talked us into coming out here,” Brad said, rubbing his beefy arms as he shivered reflexively.  

Adam pointed a thumb over his shoulder in the direction they’d hiked.  “Yeah, I'm good.  We saw it.  Let’s go.”

“You guys are ridiculous,” Mike laughed.  “It’s just a building.  What?  You really believe in ghosts?”  

Adam looked around the dim clearing, counting down the remaining minutes of daylight in his head.  The dark-skinned giant lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being overheard.  “You’ve heard what they said about the last group’a dudes who came out here.”  

“What?!  Are you serious?” Mike scoffed, his voice like a gunshot compared to the other man’s quiet tone.  “Don’t tell me you actually buy that bullshit about those freak show guys?”  

“Hey man, I’ve seen ‘em,” Brad said, the ginger’s freckled skin going pale.  “The little blonde dude’s not so bad, but just try picturing Adam here with a pussy.  And don’t get me started on the ones that are stuck together…”

Adam nodded.  “I saw ‘em too, bro.  That shit’s…”

“…all photoshopped,” Mike sighed, interrupting.  “You didn’t actually see anyone.  You saw the same pictures we all have.  And so what if they’re real?  Maybe those are actual conjoined twins?  And thirty seconds of googling can bring up a dude that looks like either of you with a pussy.  What’s your point?”  

Brad shook his head.  “That’s not the story, though.  I heard they weren’t doing anything all that different from what we’re doing now.  Then those church bells went off, and boom.  Freak show forever.  I didn’t just look at pictures, I saw the videos, dude.  Clothes just melt off the hairy one.”  

Mike shook his head and punched Brad in a beefy arm.  “Special effects are a thing, even in shitty internet videos.  It’s not hard.  I mean, if anything, I’m impressed that they didn’t just go the ghost route, but it’s still not real.”  To prove his point, he walked up to the decaying doorway and stuck his head through.  “See?  Nothing.  If it was really dangerous, do you think they’d let people just walk out here?”  

Adam nodded excitedly.  “That’s the thing!  They can’t block it off ‘cause then people would know it’s real.  It's all a cover up!”  

“I heard the feds took those dude’s medical files and threatened the doctors to keep ‘em quiet,” Brad added.  

“You two are something else.”  Mike kicked a rotted board free from the side of the building, laughing at the pair for buying into such crazy conspiracy theories.  “I think you’ve taken one too many hits, ‘cause something got knocked loose in those heads of yours.  It’s just a…”

Mike was cut off, his voice drowned out by the sudden din of a clanging church bell. 



Wow, that was an awesome story and just crying out for a sequel. I'm picturing Adam transformed into Brad's twin, both of them inflated into hulking muscle daddies while Mike shrinks down into a little ape man eager to take his daddies' loads.


Thanks! I might revisit this one down the road at some point. I wanted to dive way more into the old church's background and set the mood better, but things are still a little hectic around here. I originally went with the other three guys showing up instead of diving into the aftermath of the original four just to save time, but now I actually kind of like it that way.